MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 116

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Lu Jiaxiao laughed, "I don't care if I rumored about my girlfriend any more. You are an outsider, it doesn't matter. Why care about other people? Just wish Zhu Chenxin think it's not good."

\"...\" Zheng Peipei actually feels speechless? What does he say is very good?

\"Look again..." Zheng Peipei casually said.

Lu Jialu: "It is necessary to brush a sense of existence."

As a result, Lu Jialu then practiced his ideas, appearing from time to time while working at Zheng Pei-pei, looking at her with a particularly embarrassed look. In the eyes of the public, she asked her cold and took her to dinner.

Not long after, the company rumored that the boss is chasing Pei. Zheng Peipei and Zheng Peipei both returned to the side of the attack and Zheng Peipei returned with a polite smile, acknowledging it is not, and denying it is not.

The rumors that the parties did not deny are passed on and become true.

Zheng Peipei originally felt very awkward, but it is undeniable that this method is really useful for Zhu Chen.

He is obviously avoiding her, the contact that he has to face in the workplace, he is very formulaic.

He is constantly converging and withdrawing feelings, she feels it. Although the comrades who have fought side by side are now a bit rusty, this is the best result.

Lu Jialu is in the process of doing his best to fulfill the duties of a boyfriend.

After the rumors turned to the default of everyone, I spread it somehow.

Join the hilarious paparazzi and keep the two of them, and take pictures of the two of them entering the community together...

After the photos were made public, they caused a lot of waves.

\"The new generation Lu girl is the company's gold medal agent Ms. Zheng!\"

\"Lu Dashao has changed his appetite this time, no longer a star of the net red model.\"

\"I inexplicably feel that this time the Lu girl is quite good? It is much better than the previous temperament."

\"They are middle school classmates. I have known for many years. Lu Dashao is going around and eating grass?\"

\"Ms. Zheng's family background is not simple... She is not a simple agent, and she is relying on her to get through the resources."

\" Some people say that she is a think tank of Lu Jialu. Every time she invests in precision, she relies on her."

\" Sure enough, Gao Fushuai is finally welcoming Bai Fumei, strong alliance, and become more powerful together."

Even Gu Siyi, who didn't pay much attention to the gossip news, had eaten this big melon and called Zheng Peipei.

Gu Siyi: "I actually knew through the media that you were with Lu Jialu! I said very much! My company is not accompanied by the past!"

\"My God, remember my brother, spare me. Do you know my current state, one big and two big."

\"When you are together, what time do you want to go?"" When it comes to this, Gu Siyi suddenly remembers another possibility and asks, "Is you afraid that Su Han knows, afraid?"

\"How could it be because of him!\"

\"Yes, you have been breaking up for so long. It is your freedom to be with you. I believe he will also bless you."

\"Blessing a wool, are I acting with the two fools?\"

\"Hmm? Acting? What happened?\"

\"Zhu Chen confessed to me, he is now my ace card, can't be slow and can't be slow, can only use this method to let him know and retreat...\"

\"...this way.\" Gu Siyi said a little disappointment.

\"This is the way! Who knows that the second idiot is too hard, so that the whole company is passing us up and down, and then passed to the paparazzi ears, we were sneak shot!"


\"I'm sick! Fortunately, I am not a circle insider. After a while, Lu Jialu brought a rumored girlfriend to show his face. My heat went on." "She is interested in the entertainment circle, knowing the current attention and topic. A short-lived. As long as Lu Jialu comes to a woman show, she will be forgotten by the public.

\"It’s a pity...\" Gu Siyi sighed.

\"What are you sorry for?!\" Zheng Pei-pei is a little crazy.

\"I thought you were with Lu Jialu.\"

\"How can I be with him? Impossible! We are impossible!"

\"Why not? Lu Jialu is quite good. How good are you together, fat water does not flow outside the field."

\"...What the hell!\" Zheng Pei-pei said that the more embarrassed he was, the more he didn’t know why, there was a feeling of guilty conscience, and there was a shame that he did not realize. She hurriedly opened the subject, "I want to make a hard time for Zhuchen. You said that it is easy to bring artists at this time, and you blame yourself for being too attractive."

\"Yes, Pei Pei's sister is full of charm. So charming Pei Pei, quickly find a good object for myself, my big red bag is ready, you give me a chance to send it out."

\"I am still young and young...\"

Zheng Pei-pei has no choice but to continue to shift the topic, \"Talk about you, when are you going to make people with Xia Shen?"

\"...\" Gu Siyi is silent.

\"What's wrong? Married for a few years, still not born?" "Zheng Peipei took out the momentum of his own education," "I told you, you have to have a baby, I am waiting to be a godmother. I like it." The child, this is the person who did not find a child, your husband is ready-made, do not want children to do it.\"

Gu Siyi listened to her Rory, and couldn’t help it, saying: "I am pregnant."

\"Oh...ah?! You are pregnant?!!\" This is Zheng Pei-Pei excited, \"You don't tell me! I will say it now! I mean very much! My memory is not the previous memory. !!"

\"I just checked out, it is still unstable, my mother said that the first three months should not be heard, and the fetus is stable."

\"噢...\" Zheng Pei-Pei digested quickly and immediately became happy. "Congratulations! My mom has finally hoped for it! I have taken time to see you in these few days!"

\"Okay.\" Gu Siyi smiled.

After the two men hung up the phone, Zheng Peipei was happy. Like some of his successors, he was happy to call Lu Jialu.

Lu Jialu: "What's wrong, baby?"

Nature has become a pseudo-lover relationship, and he is a baby.

Zheng Peipei protested. He said that this is to cultivate the atmosphere of the lover, otherwise it would be very fake. Also advise her, first endure, and it will be better after a while. So she will bear it.

Who knows, now I really endure the habit? Hearing him shouting baby, there was no discomfort.

Zheng Peipei: \"Tell you a good news!\"

Lu Jialu: \"What?\"

Zheng Peipei: \"Remembering her..."

If you want to export, you will think of Gu Siyi’s embarrassment, don’t sing it out, and the latter half will be swallowed by her.

Lu Jialu asked: \"Small dimple? What happened to her?"

\"She... It’s pretty good lately. I’m going to take time to see her and ask the big boss for a vacation.\"

\"Well, go see her together. I haven’t been drinking with Auntie for a long time.\"

Their career and life focus are in two cities. Everyone is busy, although they meet every year and every year. In the end, it is not as much time as the student days. Those who have been laughing and joking from morning to night, only the student era, will pass. As a grown-up, stepping into the society, everyone has their own responsibilities and missions, and they are constantly running on their own path.

The four men had an appointment, and Zheng Peipei and Lu Jiayu used to look at them.

Xia Zhijun and Gu Siyi are entertaining them at home.

Xia Zhiyi personally went to the kitchen, Gu Siyi took the fruit into the kitchen.

Just washing the fruit, Xia Zhizhi grabbed her hand, \"cool water, don't touch.\"

\"It’s okay.\"

\"There is something.\" He insisted.

\"Then I washed it with hot water.\"

\"You put, I am going to wash. Go out and chat with them.\" Xia Zhizhen took her shoulder and could not help but bring her outside the kitchen.

\"...\" Gu Siyi has no way.

Gu Siyi was seated on the sofa, and Zheng Peipei and Lu Jialu were helpless: "I have been taken care of by him as a disability."

Zheng Peipei said: "It should be! Now in a special period, it should be considerate!"

\"What special period?" Lu Jiaxuan asked, and soon reacted, "Do you want to start a man-made plan?"

Zheng Peipei: "You are stupid and stupid? To make people, but also to work hard at night, need to be so careful during the day?"

Gu Siyi only wants to lick his face: ... accompanying your sister, you still have nothing to say.

Lu Jiayu knows, "Is it already successful?"

\"...\" Zheng Peipei quickly looked at Gu Siyi, \"I didn't say it! Not what I told him!\"

Gu Siyi asked, "You two, are you really pretending to be a couple? How do I feel that your temperament is a natural pair?"

\"Who is with him! My fresh and refined woman is not a passer-by with his fool.\"

Lu Jialu is not convinced, "I am such a handsome and arrogant overbearing president, whoever dares to say that I am a fool?"

\"啧...\" Gu Siyi’s smile is very meaningful. Looking at Zheng Peipei, “I feel no, the overbearing president’s exclusive favor for you?”

Zheng Pei-pei’s disregard of Lu Jialu’s white, shaking off a goose bump, “Recalling brother, do you think you are watching a bubble show?”

Lu Jialu sat for a while and got up and said: "You two are resting, I am going to help the aunt."

Lu Jiayu entered the kitchen, and Xia Zhijun directed him to fight.

On the large flat floor, Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi sat on the sofa and could see the two men busy in the open kitchen over there.

Zheng Peipei sighed: "Why is Xia Da Shen, who has been married for many years, has become a prospective father, and is still revealing the temperament of the high cold and expensive? Not only does the value of the body not collapse, but the body is not distorted."

\"What do you want? How can you learn how to become a greasy male with a bald belly!" "Gu Siyi spit."

\"It’s not that men will be blessed after marriage...\" Zheng Peipei blinks innocently.

\"He is still very young! Not at the age of 30!\" Gu Siyi stressed that after saying it was wrong, he said: \" Even after ten years, he will not become a greasy uncle!\"

\"Good, Xia Shen is the most handsome.\" Zheng Peipei smiled.

Gu Siyi looked at Lu Jiayu’s busy figure in the kitchen and said to Zheng Peipei: “It looks like, Lu’s cooking is good?”

Zheng Peipei nodded immediately: "That is! He is very delicious in cooking! Learning God may not match him."

\"That won't, our family is also awesome, and he is much better than the restaurant outside.\"

\"Lu idiot is also ah, comparable to Michelin chef!\" As if I feel that this is not convincing, Zheng Peipei added another sentence, \"Do not believe PK? They are one person to make a dish, planing?"

\" OK.\" Gu Siyi readily responded.

As a result, the two men who were busy in the kitchen suddenly received instructions from two women.

One person completes a hand-made dish independently.

Zheng Peipei said: "Old Lu, you can! Come on! Give your strength out!"

Lu Jialu was inspired and inexplicably became an important task, thinking about what to do according to the ingredients.

Xia Zhizhen was not shocked and continued to cook his dishes.

The kitchen is big enough and the two are not busy.

Gu Siyi leaned into Zheng Pei's ear and smiled lowly: "Lu Jialu is such a good man at home, do you really think about it? During this time, you didn't eat less of his cooking?"

\"...\" Zheng Pei-pei is a bit embarrassed, \"We are the friendship meal of roommates.\"

\"I have eaten people's meals, don't be the wife of others, beware of people collecting debts with you?" "Gu Siyi smirked.

\"You don't talk nonsense, we are good buddies."

\"The future buddy has a girlfriend, no one will accompany you, no one will give you a close roommate, give you hot water hot meals."


\"I see that you get along very well, obviously it is appropriate.\"

\"I really didn't think about it!\"

Lu Jialu, while cooking, cocked his ears and listened to the whispers here.

Although the kitchen is noisy, he can take a chance to pick up the dishes and pick up the dishes, and eavesdrop on one or two sentences.

Vaguely feel that Gu Siyi is helping him to speak, and his heart is beautiful.

Think again, the girlfriend is the rear position, I did not expect it before. In the future, I should do a good job with the small dimples and let her help.

\"There is no such shop after this village. Lu’s classmates are a man who is a good man to his wife. Do you think that there are so many men now? Have you not cherished the encounter? You two characters are still in sync, all the way to fight When it’s up to the present, there’s still a lot of fun, and it’s hard to get it.”

\"No, no... I didn't think about it... It's too embarrassing...\" Zheng Peipei whispered again and again, "This is like saying good buddies, but you want to go to me, the same as oh... oh, let's talk. This is even more embarrassing when they are heard."

In case, I was heard by the two fools, thinking that she pretended to be a couple, pretending to be interesting to him, she really had to make a hole in it.

With the efforts of Xia Zhijun and Lu Jialu, it was not long before the hearty meals were served.

Zheng Pei-Pei opened the treasured red wine that she specially brought.

When she was about to pour the wine to Gu Siyi, she was stopped by Xia Zhijun. "She can't drink."

Zheng Peipei is amazed, "Isn't it a little red wine?"

\"No.\" Summer is crisp and neat.

Gu Siyi looked helpless at Zheng Peipei. She has no autonomy in everything she has now.

So, three people drink red wine, Gu Siyi drinks fresh juice, everyone clinks together.

Zheng Peipei said: "I still get together at home. Very atmosphere."

Gu Siyi laughed: "I often come to play later."

Zheng Peipei: "There must be, I have to be a good mother from the fetus."

\"Then I am dry?\" Lu Jiayu laughed.

Zheng Peipei: "What's the matter with you? Go on the side, don't join in the fun."

\"Baby is not your life, you are not counting!\" Lu Jiasheng, turned to Gu Siyi, \"small dimple, I want to do baby dry, register in advance."

Gu Siyi smiled and said: \"Okay.\"

\"Oh, how do you hate it, how do you like to follow suit, I am a godmother, do you want to do it?"

\"No, you will like children, I can't like it?\" Lu Jialu went back.

Xia Zhibo is not shocked: "Since you all like children, can't you live?"

Gu Siyi smiled: ""Yes, you two have to give birth to one, isn't it right? You can also play with my baby."

Lu Jialu turned to look at Zheng Peipei, \"I actually think this proposal is good?\"

Zheng Peipei; \"...\"

Lu Jialu: \"The daughter is so beautiful and lovely as you are, and the son is as smart and handsome as I am, it can be said to be perfect!"

\"...What do you think about it?\" Zheng Peipei turned his face and pretended to have a drink.

The smile of the sunny face, talking about the child, she actually inexplicably accelerated the heartbeat?

What is this ghost? !

Lu Jiashao sang a few words and quickly switched the topic. "Isn't that just saying that I am competing for cooking? The two judges tasted it. I did better with the aunt."

Gu Siyi said: "Lu students have done a very good job, and the taste is smooth and tender. However, I feel that learning to do this is better and the entrance is very layered."

Lu Jialu: \"Eccentric!\"

Xia Zhijun: \"Wife has taste.\"

After Zheng Pei-Pei tasted it, he said: "I feel that learning God is very good, and it is really clear. But Lu is doing a better job, and people take a bite and can't stop the chopsticks."

Lu Jia opened his eyes and smiled, and gave a thumbs up: "There is finally a person who knows. Pei Pei is my friend!"

Both men are content, and it is enough to get the approval of their own woman.

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