MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 106

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\"I just talked about my previous mood, I am not coming to comfort you."

\"But, I don't want to give up." "Su Han whispered.

Zheng Peipei smiled. She was so happy when she heard such words, but now she only feels bitter.

\"I am just the embellishment of your busy work, and you, occupying all my life. From being your fan, fan support president, underground girlfriend, every time you cry for you, you are doing your best... ...\"Zheng Pei-pei sighed low and his eyes were exhausted." "Even if you don't want to give up, but I am really tired."

\"Don't you have no happiness?\" Su Han asked.

Zheng Peipei took a copy of his hands and walked slowly, and his eyes were floating in the air, recalling many old pictures.


\"Of course when you are happy.\"

People who are indulging in love are always so easy to satisfy.

At the crowded event scene, as long as his gaze glanced at her and sent a smile, it was enough for her to secretly sneak for a long time.

When he said that he wanted to see her, she began to wait excitedly a week in advance. He recorded her song, her sleepy night...

But as time goes on, those satisfactions and happiness will soon be swallowed up by the huge loneliness.

Zheng Peipei said: "I used to think that you just walked forward, I will definitely be behind you. Later I discovered that I am not so strong, I can't keep it."

Silence for a few seconds, she said sadly, "I'm sorry."

There was a huge sour in her eyes, and she turned her head to look at the building on the side.

\"No. You are not sorry for me.\" Su Han dumb, \"I am sorry for you. I did not do what a boyfriend should do."

\"I always thought it would be better, it would be better...but this road seems to be invisible.\" Su Han smiled a bit, \" Sometimes I feel like being wrapped in a black hole, not Dare to go down, you can only climb hard. Don’t be tired, you can’t admit defeat.\"

With so many people's personal wealth and the fanatical love of so many fans, how can freedom and ease?

\"I understand your difficulties." "Zheng Peipei barely held up a smile," "I have been a fan of your years, I know that you are getting more and more red and stronger, and know how many people want to see you from high. Fall down.\"

\"But you are not the embellishment of my busy work.\" Su Han explained, forcibly grabbing her hand and looking at her eyes and saying, "I never used you as a pastime, I am very serious with You are together. I have been planning to talk to your future. I know that you have worked hard for a few years. Can you give me some more time? Four years have passed, are you going to give up now? I really..." He choked for a moment, and spit out three words, "I can't bear it."

\"Still be friends.\" Zheng Peipei sighs a little, \" Just like in high school, how relaxed and happy, I also appreciate you at that time. I can't be a big star girlfriend, let me Be a big star friend.\"

Her playful eyes toward Su Han, \"Let's turn against hatred, be friends, can you?"

\"...\" Su Han's difficult and slow point.

He knows that this time is different. She has extraordinary calm and extraordinary reason.

It is no longer a catharsis and awkward, she is really letting go.

The last hope in his heart was shattered...

There is no such person, waiting for him where he can see.

The two walked around the street and returned to the hotel to have a good night and return to their rooms.

Zheng Peipei sent a message to Gu Siyi: "Hey, did you deliberately set us in a hotel?"

Gu Siyi: "The main reason is that this hotel has the best environment [smirking]\"

Gu Siyi: \"Secondly, check if you are prepared [poor]\"

Zheng Peipei: "I can be handsome tonight, and finally said what I want to say, comfortable, happy!"

Gu Siyi: "Is it completely over?"

Zheng Peipei: \"Hmm. It’s a friend in the future.\"

Gu Siyi: "Is it sad?"

Zheng Peipei: "Do you think that I have been sad for a few months? I have already bottomed out! I feel very comfortable, especially comfortable, and finally escaped from the mud, and I can do it myself later."

Gu Siyi: \"Congratulations~\"

Zheng Peipei: "The next time I fall in love, I want to show love to the world and tell everyone: This is my boyfriend!"

Gu Siyi: \"[Smirking] [smirking]\"

Gu Siyi is really happy, whether she insists or breaks up, she wants her to be smart and vigorous.

The next day, everyone gathered together and had a meal.

During the dinner, everyone took turns to Xia Zhijun and Gu Siyi to give a blessing to the newcomers.

Zheng Peipei said: "Look at you, I believe in love! I have done this, I wish you good luck!"

Lu Jiayu spits on the channel: "When people get married, what luck do you have? Is this hate to marry?"

Zhou Wei looked at Su Han and smiled. "My girlfriend hates to marry. You are still hanging next to you. Would you like to go back to the washboard?"

These people don't know that they have broken up.

Su Han smiled, smiled a bit awkward, a little decadent, did not say anything.

Zheng Pei-Pei said freely: "Well, I have an informal wedding in a small dimple. I also announced that I broke up with Su Han."

\"...\" Everyone looked at her in a wrong way.

Zheng Peipei picked up the wine glass, \"I wish the small dimples a happy wedding, and wish me a happy breakup. Not every relationship can go to the end, not everyone can walk together, divide and match, life is normal. Whether it is married Still break up, happy just fine.\"

\"Yes, happy." Gu Siyi picked up the glass and clinked her.

\"Happy is good...\"\"Happy just fine...\" Everyone raised their glasses and responded.

Lu Jialu, who originally liked to break the shackles, learned that they broke up, but they were not embarrassed.

This topic was quickly skipped and I talked about Xiazhi’s entrepreneurship.

Lu Jialu said: "My dad gave me hundreds of millions of funds to test the water. The people I know are the smartest of you. I have done a job for me. I want to invest in shareholders."

Su Han followed: "I have a little savings in my hands. I don't know what to invest. If you introduce a shareholder, don't forget me."

Zhou Wei: "I...have, I don't have money, I watch you make a fortune."

To the pear and Zhang Xin tickles: "We have no money..."

Among these people, there are a lot of tickets in the hand to find the project investment, only the super rich second generation Lu Jialu and the big star Su Han.

After eating, everyone goes to the next one to continue playing as usual. Su Han sat in the corner of the private room and was drinking with Zhou Wei.

Zhou Hao was not good at words, and he saw that he was in a bad mood and did not know what to comfort him. He only had to drink with him.

Zheng Peipei took Gu Siyi, Xia Zhizhen took Lu Jialu and played billiards together.

Lu Jialu asked Zheng Peipei: "Isn't it like to die before you want to live? How do you say it is divided?"

Zheng Peipei: \"P! I have been persistent for four years! How to call points and points! You have been abroad for four years, I don't know if I have changed a few girls!"

Lu Jialu laughed and said: "I will find the feeling of falling in love, not the same as the banner of your true love."

\"What is true love? Can you eat?\" Zheng Peipei turned a big eye.

Lu Jiaxiao laughed, \"Look at the opposite two, really love spokesperson, sour?"

Gu Siyi: "Lu Jialu, don't give me hatred."

Zheng Pei Pei Hehe: \"Reassured, I have a head debt, I will remember the silly fork that runs against me."

A group of people were playing around, and they went back to the hotel to rest in the middle of the night.

Lu Jialu lived with Zheng Peipei on the first floor. He opened the door and leaned against the door frame. He looked thoughtfully at the door.

It seems to be hesitating, it seems to be struggling...

Would you like to find her in the past and talk to her? Intimate brothers talked about the night in the middle of the night?

Will it be misunderstood and sneak in? He is not going to do anything that is not good.

Zheng Pei-pei took a shower, was about to sleep, and knocked at the door outside.

She walked to the door and opened it. Su Han stood in front of her eyes, her eyes were dark and heavy, and she was full of alcohol.

\"What's wrong?\" Zheng Pei-pei asked.

Su Han strode in, grabbed her hand, stared at her eyes, dumb voice: \"If I quit the entertainment circle... can I get a chance to be forgiven?"

Zheng Peipei stunned, and he said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

\"I I am an ordinary person...we start over...well...\"

Su Han hugged Zheng Peipei and put his head on her shoulder.

Zheng Peipei looked up and saw Lu Jialu, standing by the door, both eyes wide open.

Lu Jialu said: "When you pass by, see him coming over, it looks like you are drunk?"

Zheng Peipei nodded, "I am drunk." The man who pressed on his body became more and more heavy and his eyes closed.

\"Come and help." Zheng Peipei greeted.

Lu Jialu did not let him go, and immediately pulled through Su Han.

Zheng Peipei found the house card on Su Han and put it in Lu Jiayu’s pocket. "You sent him over."

\" OK, give it to me. You should rest early.\" Lu Jia smashed and pulled people away.

Zheng Pei-pei closed the door and lay back on the bed. His head was full of Su Han’s last words...


In the middle of the night, Gu Siyi followed the summer entanglement and quietly snuggled together.

Gu Siyi said: "Our wedding, don't think about it for a while, okay?"

Xia Zhijun: \"Why?\"

\"When you start a business, you have to spend money, a decent wedding, more money."

\"Do not lack this money.\"

\"There is still time and energy. I really don't think we are going to have a wedding, so let's have a child."

\"Children?\" Summer is sinking, \"We just lived together, the child is not considered for the time being?"

I still haven't enjoyed the world of two people, I have to add a child, and I have to abstain from **** during pregnancy... Xia Zhizhen thinks that he is not looking forward to being a dad.

Gu Siyi heard his meaning and said: "Then it is not necessary to rush to have a wedding. When the conditions are ripe, I want to give birth when I want to have children."


\"You have to do a wedding, I have to prepare for pregnancy.\"

\"...???\" Xia Zhizhen admits defeat.

One of them didn't want to have children affecting their lives too quickly. One didn't want to have a wedding too early to influence the cause, so they compromised. For the time being, these two things were not considered.

The next day, Zheng Peipei and Su Han met in the hotel corridor.

The two men are four eyes, Su Han just wants to say something, the phone ringing. He went to the side to pick up the phone.

According to the faint voice from Zheng Peipei, he heard that his agent called...

Su Han put down the phone and looked at Zheng Peipei. His face was apologetic. He whispered: "I can't play with you today, the trip is too fast, and several announcements are waiting."

\"...\" Zheng Peipei's stiff mouth, slowly raising a curve, \"The big star, definitely busy. Go, I will help you with the small dimple."

Looking at the back of Su Han's big step, Zheng Peipei laughed again, and the smile was full of ridicule.

She twirled on the opposite side of the night last night... actually just for him to drink a joke?

Read The Duke's Passion