MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 104

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Gu Siyi was crippled by Zheng Pei-pei, and he didn't know what to say... Only holding her, gently patted her back. Zheng Peipei was crying enough, and finally he took a sigh of relief.

The two found a coffee shop with a small family and chose a quiet location to sit down.

Gu Siyi’s concern, "What happened to you, how come suddenly..."

In recent years, Zheng Peipei often asked her to vomit and blame this underground love. It is not surprising to experience some bumps and turns. The last time they broke up in the cold war, but later they reconciled. I thought it would be better to graduate, so I know that I graduated just like this...

This time, the degree of sadness is far greater than in the past.

Zheng Peipei twitched and said: "I have already mentioned a breakup... I don't want to torture myself anymore... This time I will be sad again, I have to go over..."

"You tell me first, what happened? What did he do to be sorry for you?"

"No..." Zheng Peipei took a deep breath and gasped and gasped. He said, "Because he didn't, I was even more flustered. I can't say it, no trouble, no matter how depressed or depressed, then I will go on." Crazy..."

"Do you have an opportunity?"

"I... I saw it with my own eyes... He kissed other women..." Zheng Peipei said this sentence with difficulty, and the scene appeared in his mind, and tears could not help but roll again.

Say good graduation season to accompany her, even if you can not give her a hug in the crowd, as long as you can come, squatting around no one happy. But things are coming to an end, and they can't get out of the crew.

Work is work, she can only understand him...

On the day of Gu Siyi’s school graduation ceremony, Zheng Peipei came over to play with her and saw her and her sister-in-law’s relatives. The whole person was not good. It’s also about falling in love, why is her love so bitter?

The Ming and Xia dynasty looked like a person who was so cold, and Su Han, gentle gentleman had patience. She thought in her heart, how good it is to be with people like Su Han, and enjoy this gentle sweetness every day.


The cold summer Xia Zhi gave his girlfriend a unique favor, while the gentle Su Han gave the fans around the world a gentle.

Zheng Pei-pei is uncomfortable in his heart and can only understand the work of Su Han.

But she still couldn’t help but miss her thoughts and ran to the crew to see him.

Did not say hello in advance, she wanted to give him an unexpected surprise.

Zheng Pei-pei mixed into the infield and saw the studio surrounded by a group of staff...

Under the big tree, Su Han pressed the heroine against the trunk and kissed...

The heroine has been rumored with him for several months, and he explained to her that it was just the need of the employer. She believes in him, she ignores the news gossip that is flying all over the sky.

But this kiss is so real...

The director shouted, they kissed again...

At the request of the director, their eyes and expressions are getting more and more in place...

The feeling of love, the feeling of loving each other, so real...

Zheng Peipei collapsed...

Yes, work, this is all at work. She can understand. But her feelings are unacceptable!

He wants to be a good actor, and every time he picks up a movie, he will be so close to the heroine...

What should she do? Time and time again to comfort yourself like Ah Q, are all work needs?

Inside the camera, Su Han is in love with the heroine.

Outside the camera, in the corner of no one, Zheng Peipei hugged himself and shed tears.

I never felt so humble, I never felt so sad... Is this the love she wants?

Always oppress, always understand, always wait, always a shadow...

"So, the tipping point is that kiss scene?" Gu Siyi whispered.

"Yes..." Zheng Pei-pei smiled. "Is it very emotional? This is obviously his job!"

"I don't know if this is a sentimental... I think about it. If I learn to be like this, I can't stand it." Gu Siyi said truthfully.

No matter what the reason is, he kisses other women, she can't accept it. This is the possessiveness and exclusivity of love.

Zheng Peipei wiped his tears and said: "Later, the scene is over. I want to pretend to say hello if I have nothing to do, at least tell him that I have been there..."

"and then?"

"Then I saw him sitting with the heroine and chatting, maybe talking about the script, maybe talking about it, the gentle smile on his face, the heroine laughing very sweet...they really match Ah. There is another detail. The heroine feels hot. He specially got up and went to find someone else to get a small fan for her."

Gu Siyi silently said, "This...he is such a person, very gentleman, very graceful."

"Yeah, I used to be attracted by his gentleness..." Zheng Peipei smiled and said with a trace of despair. "But if he is like this to women all over the world, what happiness do I have?" Fans are enjoying his favor, but I can’t realize it..."

Gu Siyi sighed.

Zheng Pei-pei has tears in his mouth. "I am obviously his girlfriend. I am struggling to maintain this love in different places. I am the one who needs him the most."


"I still didn't go to see him. I felt that I was the one who didn't fit in. After leaving the crew, I sent him a message and broke up. He called me and I broke up on the phone again. I have blackened his contact information. This time I made up my mind to break the relationship, not to find a sense of existence, nor to vent the cold war, I just... enough... four years, I I don't want to grieve myself anymore... I am not his shadow... I think I am so sorry for myself... I shouldn't be so alive..."

Gu Siyi whispered: "The meeting before graduation, he told me, let me persuade you, he is working hard for your future."

"Maybe..." Zheng Peipei sighed a sigh of relief. "He really works hard. His career is obvious to all, but we are getting farther and farther away... So sad, I have been on the same day. ""

Gu Siyi pretends to be easy: "Don't be sad, at least you have been in love with Aidou. Is it right? As a life experience, it is still very complete. Next time, you can find a boyfriend who makes you happy!"

Zheng Peipei nodded: "Well! I have to go find my summer sorrow! Who is not a little princess? I can't have a man who holds me in the palm of my hand?"

"Yes, of course, there are a lot of boys who used to chase you in your school."

"That is, I like my much more. I didn't look at it before. I can pick it up later."

Gu Siyi laughed, "Be careful to you~"

"You will give half of your peach blossoms to me. You are so happy with the gods, even talking about a long distance can spread dog food."

When he was born in the early summer, Zheng Pei-pei also tried his best to think about silly, saying that she was the brain to enter the water before she let her boyfriend go abroad, and later suffered. The result... When there were several times when two people were eating, Xia Zhijun sent a video, and then they both ate and talked. The content of the chat is all-encompassing, trivial to what I ate today, and I saw what I saw yesterday.

Zheng Pei-pei was stunned. When she hung up the video, she asked her, "What do you say about it, don't you think it?"

"This is a shared life, how can you be embarrassed?" Gu Siyi asked.

Then, she found out that they had a love app together, and from time to time wrote a small paragraph to record the daily routine. Although they are thousands of miles apart, at the ends of the earth, they know each other's daily life. Oh, and, they have a hard date every month.

Seeing the state of their love between two places, Zheng Pei-pei knows that the person who was stupid is himself.

She is not only a long-distance relationship, but also a love of the ground. Boyfriend is a big star who is busy and wants no private space.

Learning God and small dimples, even if you are in a different place, you can love so sweet.

Zheng Peipei said on the shoulder of Gu Siyi: "I like watching you dog food now, you gave me confidence..."

Gu Siyi: "Give you confidence?"

Zheng Peipei smiled with a bitter bitterness and ridicule: "Yes. Although I am not happy, your love is so happy. So, it is not a problem of love, it is a human problem. I will not be disappointed with love."

Gu Siyi suddenly felt distressed by Zheng Peipei, hugged her, and said softly: "You will definitely be happy."

Zheng Pei-Pei said that he wants to be free and easy, but after all, he has invested four years of feelings, and the whole person is still uncomfortable to die. She is now completely empty, not wanting to think about work, and she doesn't want to go home and be found abnormal by her family. She followed Gu Siyi to the city of S.

Gu Siyi took Zheng Peipei to live in an apartment in the city. Gu mother worried that the two young girls could not take care of themselves. They specially invited a cooking chef and a clean aunt to provide services when they needed it.

Gu Siyi entered the TV station as a formal employee. When she went to work, Zheng Pei-pei stayed at home.

She knows that what Zheng Pei-pei needs most is the healing space and the companionship of friends.

Going home after work, I don’t know her when I see the wine bottle in my home. I ask her if she wants to have another barbecue. When conditions permit, she sang with her wine and indulged together.

They sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the colorful world outside, the beautiful night view of the city, the hustle and bustle of the southeast and northwest.

During this period, Su Han contacted Gu Siyi and hoped that she would help two people meet.

Gu Siyi said: "Give her some space to cushion myself. When she adjusts, it is not too late to see you."

Su Han only gave up.

After Zheng Peipei passed the first stage of depression, the second stage began to go out of the house and go to the mall to buy and buy. Her greatest interest is not to buy things for herself, but to buy things for Gu Siyi.

"Recalling brother, I will pamper you one in the future!"

"Men's dog take it!"

"My birthday is to come with me! I am a subject you supervise my review! On the new clothes bag, you accompany me to buy! When I am sad, you are with me! You will accompany me during the festival!" "

"What do I want men to do! The best sisters to accompany me are good sisters!"

When Zheng Pei-pei said that Gu Siyi suddenly came up, "But men have functions that women can't have..."

"For example?"

Gu Siyi coughed a little, smiled slightly, "harmonious warmth."

"...???" Zheng Peipei black question mark face.

After I understood it, I was shocked. "Remember the brother! You have learned badly! You are actually open!"

Gu Siyihehe: "I will seek truth from facts."


Gu Siyi confessed to her ear: "The friendship of a woman is great, we can also enjoy the body of a man. No conflict, right?"

"...!!!" Zheng Peipei grabbed his chest and had a feeling of vomiting blood.

I thought that in the past, she was an old driver who had read H. She mentioned that she was blushing with her.

Now, she is not as bad as her death, she is completely desperate to die. She is good, lived into a happy and moist little woman, indulged in sexual intercourse, and can in turn give her classes?

Reversed, reversed, all reversed...

Zheng Peipei stayed here for more than two months, and with the return of Xia Zhiyu, she knew that she had to prepare for the land.

Xia Zhiyu spent three months in the United States, a little longer than expected. But after things are busy, he can't wait to return.

Before returning to Xia Zhixuan, Gu Siyi and Zheng Peipei said: "We are going to invite a few good friends to come over and have a meal together to celebrate. Su Han may come, can you face him?"

"Celebrate to learn to return to China? Oh, don't be so ceremonial..."

"No." Gu Siyi was a little shy and lighted the ring on his hand. "We have already received the certificate. The wedding may take some time to do it. Let's get together and have a meal and announce it."

"...???" Zheng Peipei looked awkward. "You all, get the certificate, have you?"

"Yeah. I came to pick it up when he came back last time."

"Why don't you tell me?"

"The action was rushed, I didn't react to it, I was dizzy. I even forgot my parents to say..." Gu Siyi smiled. "I thought I was calm. I found a bunch of mess afterwards and I knew it was faint." Head. When I send him away, just come back, you come to me..."

Zheng Peipei realized that during this time, two people were together, and all of her conversations were about her mood. Gu Siyi put her in the absolute center and did not mention her own affairs. And her state is terrible, sinking in her own pain...

Zheng Peipei took Gu Siyi’s hand and looked at the beautiful diamond ring on her hand. Suddenly, the tears flowed down. "It’s good... you two are so good..."

"You will be fine too."

"It’s so envious... I’m going to be envious of death... really..."

Zheng Peipei hugged Gu Siyi, "Give me half of your peach blossoms. I will be satisfied if I have half of your happiness! My request is not high!"

"No, no, you are not half of me, you will be several times that of me! Your husband will definitely pamper you!"

"I believe in you, remember brother."

Xia Zhixuan returned to China this time and returned home once before seeing Gu Siyi.

The last time I came and went, I didn’t have a face with my family, but this time I ended my studies and returned home, and everyone knows.

The matter of his marriage should also be explained to the family.

Xia Zhijun has been studying abroad for a few years. He was very fruitful. At first, Xia Guangyu was not satisfied with his report, but he saw his achievements and he was able to follow the tone.

Xia Zhiyu went home, Xia Guangyu and his wife, as well as their parents and relatives, gathered together to pick up the dust for the summer.

There were a lot of people in the room, Xia Zhizhen did not say anything, humbly and politely responded to everyone's concerns and topics.

Xia Guangyu is very happy. This son has given him a lot of faces since he was a child. He never let him worry about studying. He is also very good at going abroad. In the future, he will be blue and better than blue. His unfulfilled ambitions, his son will be able to complete.

After the excitement, I returned home, leaving only three of them at home.

Xia Guangyu said to Xia Zhijun: "I have already greeted you in the work, with the preparation, the best treatment institute. You have this qualification and ability, and the promotion will be very fast in the future."

Xia Zhijun said: "I don't plan to enter the national unit. I want to start a business."

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