MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 87

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Shen An'an originally thought that she would definitely lose sleep this night, but she didn't know if she was too tired, but not long after she came out of the bathroom, she slept sweetly with Zhou Suiyu in her arms.

It was Zhou Suiyu, lying on the bed thinking a lot.

For a while, I thought that since the two of them are already like this, the marriage must be done quickly; for a while, I thought that when the two were making out tonight, they didn't take any protective measures, and I didn't know if An An would get pregnant. ...If it is inferred from common sense, it is definitely not, but the previous inspection has confirmed that An An's body structure is no different from that of ordinary humans. What if there is?

If there is, it must be born!

I just don't know whether the baby born will look like him or An An.

If it is like him, then their family of three can continue to live in Whale City, but if they are a little mermaid like An An, then I am afraid they need to go back to the sea to live.

Now that a scientific research station has been built on the whale island, scientists from all over China are coming and going, and they will definitely not be able to go back.

Then they need to re-select an island with a suitable climate and preferably inaccessible.

Just having an island is not enough.

At that time, his dream glass house by the sea will also be built, and there must be a heated swimming pool in any sea playground. If he and Shen An'an's baby want to go to the sea, let An An accompany her; if she wants to stay on the shore, That's enough places for her to play...

Just thinking over and over again that the sky was getting brighter, Zhou Suiyu fell asleep in a daze.

Fortunately, the next day was the first day of the May Day holiday, so even if the two of them slept until dawn, it wouldn't matter.

I made a simple noodle for breakfast week.

When he makes noodles, he is very casual. He doesn't necessarily want to make egg noodles and ribs noodles, but to see if there are any suitable ingredients in the refrigerator, and put everything that can be put in.

So the last two bowls of noodles came out, ribs, eggs, tomatoes and vegetables.

Maybe people who are good cooks are so capricious.

Anyway, if the same ingredients were made by Shen An'an, they would probably be different, but in Zhou Suiyu's hands, that is, the side dishes are rich and nutritious, full of color, fragrance, and taste.

When eating noodles, Shen Anan used to drink the original soup first, and then put chili sauce in it to make noodles. Zhou Suiyu was accustomed to her various strange ways of eating, so no matter what she eats, it is not surprising at all.

After eating the noodles, the two returned to Zhou's house together. Shen An'an took the emperor to live in the live broadcast room, while Zhou Suiyu stayed in the yard and chatted with Zhou's mother over tea.

Speaking of chatting, in fact, Zhou Suiyu unilaterally announced to Zhou's mother that the wedding and other things can be prepared in advance.

Mother Zhou couldn't help smiling when she heard that Zhou Suiyu took the initiative to mention marriage: "An An agrees to your proposal?"

Zhou Suiyu was stunned for a moment: "...Not yet."

Mother Zhou was shocked: "What, didn't you agree?"

Zhou Suiyu raised his hand and rubbed his nose: "It's not that I didn't agree, it's that I haven't asked. I forgot."

Mother Zhou glanced at her son with disgust: "You can forget such an important thing, your head is actually an ornament, right?"


Zhou Suiyu: "How did Lao Zhou propose to you back then?"

Mother Zhou thought for a while, and couldn't help laughing: "He, the way of proposing is very old-fashioned, hiding the diamond ring in the cake, and then after I saw it, I secretly poked the ring a little deeper with a spoon. He Seeing that I was almost finished with a cake and still didn't eat the ring, I was shocked and asked me: 'Where is the ring?', I pretended to be stupid and said, 'What ring? It was hard, I thought it was a nut, so I swallowed it', he was frightened at the time, and he was in a hurry to pull me to do stomach lavage..."

Zhou Suiyu somehow sympathized with his own father, but at the same time, he also silently crossed out the proposal option of "hiding a ring in the cake" in his heart.

It's not that he is worried that Shen An'an will deceive people like his own mother, he is really worried that Shen An'an will eat the ring.

And when it comes to the ring, he seems to need to order one?

in the live room.

Shen An'an is applying pearl fish scale powder mask to oarfish.

Shen An'an had already painted the oarfish once during the live broadcast before, and when it was not live broadcast, Shen An'an would also paint the oarfish every once in a while.

On the one hand, something like a mask usually needs to be applied for a long time to have an effect. On the other hand, Shen Anan also wants to apply it several times to determine whether the mask will cause allergic reactions.

I have to say that the little mermaid is really full of treasures. The oarfish has applied this pearl mask a few times, and the skin has become white and smooth, visible to the naked eye.

Now Shen An'an's live broadcast room already has a small group of regular viewers. Although the number is not large, it is only a few thousand people, but it can be considered that Shen An'an has followed him since the beginning of the live broadcast.

So naturally, I also found the changes before and after applying the mask to the oarfish.

Before Shen An'an's pearls could not be sold, this mask is obviously much more popular than pearls. Because there are already many viewers in the live broadcast room who have begun to ask for prices.

Shen Anan waved his hand with a smile: "We haven't sold this mask yet, it's still in the testing stage, just let everyone feel the effect first. I'll let everyone know when it's on the market. Come on, we'll continue to sell pearls today."

Everyone: […]

After the live broadcast ended, the oarfish couldn't wait to ask the question he had been holding back for a long time: "Why aren't the face masks for sale?"

Shen An'an explained patiently: "It's not that it's not for sale, it's that it's not the time yet. This thing is a three-nothing product now, and we have to get all the formalities out of the way. And the audience in the live broadcast room has just begun to appreciate this mask. When curiosity arises, we have to let them maintain this curiosity, and we cannot satisfy them immediately, because only the more time and energy they invest in the early stage, the longer their curiosity is protected, and the more refreshed they will be when they pay later..."

Although Huang Oatfish didn't understand much, he had always believed in Shen An'an without a brain. Since Shen An'an couldn't tell the time, it was definitely not the time, so he nodded as if he didn't understand, and suddenly the conversation changed: "You yesterday Meet Zhou in the evening…”

Shen Anan interrupted him with a smile: "I know what you want to ask, but there are some things that children can't inquire about. Anyway, I can only say that everything is going very smoothly."

Hearing what she said, the oarfish immediately fell on Shen An'an's stomach.

Shen An'an: "..."

Not to mention whether there is reproductive isolation between her and Zhou Suiyu is still unknown.

Shen An'an: "No, you want a child so much, why don't you just find one for yourself?"

The oarfish was shocked: "How can I do it? My goal is to become the overlord of the sea, and the child will prevent me from reaching the throne of overlord."

Shen An'an sighed: "Silly boy, it's not a child who is preventing you from ascending to the throne of overlord, it's a killer whale! If you defeat the killer whale, aren't you the overlord?"

The oarfish thought for a while, and suddenly the blessing came to his heart: "The child will prevent me from becoming the overlord of the sea, and the killer whale will also prevent me from becoming the overlord of the sea. In this way, I can completely let the killer whale give birth to a child! When he has a child, I must be taking care of my children and raising them every day, so I can’t take care of me to fight for the position of the sea hegemon, oh, I’m really a genius.”

Shen An'an: "..."

For dinner, Shen An'an and Zhou Suiyu stayed at the Zhou family's villa, and ate roasted meat in a copper pot.

This copper pot is Mother Chen's treasure.

Divided into upper and lower layers.

The upper layer can be used for grilling.

On the lower level, you can cook meat and vegetables.

And the shabu-shabu on the lower level is also divided into two small compartments, one for clear soup and one for spicy.

It is equivalent to eating both barbecue and hot pot.

Don't look at eating barbecue at home, Chen Ma's grooming is similar to that of a five-star hotel outside. All the meat is of the best quality, imported, sliced ​​thinly and served on a white china plate, it looks very appetizing.

And the oil that Chen Ma used to roast the meat was not ordinary rapeseed oil or sesame oil, but butter that was fried with beef brisket. In the past, people of the older generation called the four or five taels of beef brisket "golden meat", and the meat roasted in such oil was more fragrant than the meat roasted in ordinary rapeseed oil.

Anyway, Shen Anan ate a book of satisfaction.

Zhou Suiyu was thinking about ordering a ring for Shen An'an, so he went back to the villa with Shen An'an after dinner. He wanted to go back early and go to bed early. When Shen Anan fell asleep, he could measure Shen Anan's finger size. But Shen Anan completely misunderstood what he meant.

She thought that Zhou Suiyu had gone through what happened last night, so she knew the taste!

So as soon as I entered the house, I smiled and dragged people into the backyard.

In Whale City in May, the average daily temperature is already 28 degrees.

Moreover, the swimming pool in the backyard is in constant temperature mode, so even taking a shower in winter will not affect anything.

So that night, Shen An'an still got her long-cherished wish and experienced the pool mode she had been looking forward to for a long time. It can only be said that it is not so painful, and the coolness has been upgraded. Especially when Zhou Suiyu was holding her waist floating in the water, Shen Anan felt that something exploded in her heart.

After Shen Anan fell asleep, Zhou Suiyu carefully measured the size of her fingers.

Then he went online to find the friend who ordered the crown for him before, and then quoted a price and said that he wanted to order a pair of rings.

After solving this matter, Zhou Suiyu lifted the quilt and went to bed, and fell asleep with Shen Anan in his arms.

The two had a sweet May Day holiday.

When Zhou Suiyu was about to go back to work in the studio after the holiday, Shen Anan gave Zhou Suiyu his pearl fish scale mask powder and asked him to test the ingredients in it.

This matter is not difficult for Zhou Suiyu, so of course he will not refuse, but he is curious to ask more: "What are you going to do?"

Shen An'an waved his hand and said his plan: "First test the ingredients, then apply for a patent and put it into mass production, and finally start a company and become the president and go to the pinnacle of life to marry Bai Fushuai."

Zhou Suiyu: "...Who is Bai Fushuai?"

Shen Anan glanced at him: "What do you think?"

Zhou Suiyu pointed back at himself: "Me?"

Shen An'an: "Yes!"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

Shen An'an: "what's the matter, don't you want to?"

Zhou Suiyu: "...No, I'll wait and see!"

The pearl fish scale powder that Shen Anan gave to Zhou Suiyu soon showed the test results. In addition to the protein, calcium carbonate and various trace elements found in ordinary pearl powder, there are several whitening ingredients, one of which is A very special whitening ingredient that is not available on the market today.

Zhou Suiyu analyzed and tested the content of ingredients for Shen An'an, and compared this ingredient with the existing whitening ingredients on the market, confirming that this new ingredient has a greater whitening effect than other ingredients, and also Safer and more harmless.

What Shen Anan wants is such a professional analysis table. With such a scientific basis, she can concentrate and boldly start applying for a patent!

However, Zhou Suiyu was obviously thinking more long-term than her.

Just imagine, if this pearl fish scale mask really begins to be put into mass production, it is not something that can be solved by a few pearls and a few fish scales, it requires a lot of raw materials.

It is impossible to form a scale by relying on Shen Anan to provide these raw materials alone.

Only play a little.

And Zhou Suiyu is also reluctant!

So Zhou Suiyu's idea was to cooperate with Zhou's father.

After all, there is a special cosmetics company under the Zhou Group, and the main products are whitening cosmetics.

At that time, let the cosmetic team of Zhou Group directly extract the effective ingredients of pearl fish scale powder, and then Shen Anan directly invests in the patent, and then he can directly participate in the profit distribution.

After all, he is his own, and Zhou's father will definitely not treat Shen Anan badly.

And backed by the big tree of Zhou's Group, Shen An'an will be easy to sell face masks on live broadcast in the future. Even if everyone can't trust Shen An'an, the Zhou Group still can.

After listening to Zhou Suiyu's analysis, Shen Anan felt that it was more comprehensive and effective than what she had thought before. The only worry was: "Doesn't my uncle know my identity in this way? Will he not be able to accept it? what?"

Zhou Suiyu pondered for a moment, and said casually, "It's okay, he is only in his 50s now. It's better to suffer a heavy blow to his outlook on life at this age than to suffer another heavy blow in his seventies and eighties."

Shen Anan: "...???"

Zhou Suiyu later went to the study to have a secret conversation with Zhou's father. Shen An'an didn't know how they talked in detail. Anyway, after they came out, Zhou Suiyu told her that it had been negotiated. It was also said that the professional cosmetics team basically took care of the latter matters, and Shen Anan just had to wait and collect the money.

One thing that was thought to be particularly difficult turned out to be so easy to solve.

Shen An'an was a little dazed for a while, not knowing what to do next.

Seeing her swaying leisurely all day and panicking, Huang Oiyu couldn't help but give her an idea: "If you have nothing to do, then go and make people play! Do you know why there were so many children in the past? They are all idle."


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