MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 79

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Previously, Zhou Suiyu participated in the Science and Technology Progress Award, and received a bonus of 5 million yuan. After deducting taxes, he received 3.8 million yuan. Then the largest sum was used as a research protection fund for The Little Mermaid.

Years ago, there was no meeting at the institute to discuss how the 2 million research fund should be spent, so the first week of work after the new year, Zheng Institute called the relevant leaders of the institute and Zhou Suiyu to the conference room together , and began to discuss how the 2 million project fund should be spent.

Except for Zhou Suiyu, almost everyone present agreed to use the money to breed the Little Mermaid. Because so far, they have never seen a second mermaid other than Shen Anan in any sea.

So long after they discovered the trace of the Little Mermaid, they had already reported to the Chinese government. Now that the above documents have come down, the Little Mermaid is officially listed as a national first-class protected animal.

For the rare marine creatures, the best way is to prohibit fishing and trafficking, then protect their living environment, and leave enough time and space for them to thrive on their own. For the little mermaid, a rare animal that is on the verge of extinction, in addition to the above methods, artificial cultivation needs to be considered.

Zhou Suiyu was sitting in the conference room, listening to a group of people seriously discussing how to artificially nurture his girlfriend, only to feel suffocated.

After finally making it to the end of the meeting, Zheng Suo left Zhou Suiyu alone and took the initiative to ask his opinion. After all, the main person in charge of this project is Zhou Suiyu.

From Zhou Suiyu's personal standpoint, he naturally does not approve of artificial cultivation, but this is not something he can decide alone, and to convince everyone in the research institute, he also needs to show The more tenable reason is that I can't directly say that I am in love with the Little Mermaid, so I don't agree with artificial breeding, so he did not directly object, but vaguely said: "This matter still has to be In the long run, let's talk about it after the Little Mermaid's hibernation is over!"

Zhou Suiyu didn't mention hibernation, but Zheng had not yet remembered it, but when he said it, he remembered one thing: "Speaking of, Huaguo Conquest organized a total of 60 scientific expedition team members from 10 units to enter the waters of Whale Market a while ago. I even took a deep-sea glider and dived to 7,000 meters underwater, but I couldn't find any trace of the little mermaid. It seems that the hibernation place that the little mermaid was looking for was hidden enough!"

Zhou Suiyu thought to himself, "It's not hidden, it's hidden in my house," but he said, "I don't know exactly where she is hibernating. After all, I used to wait for the Little Mermaid to automatically appear before I could find her. ."

Zheng Suo sighed: "Our deep and shallow equipment is still not enough, we still have to increase our research and development efforts, it is best to develop a deep-sea autonomous remote control robot, because only by detecting a deeper seabed can we know what treasures are still in the ocean. Species, precious resources that require our exploration and protection."

Zhou Suiyu's eyes lit up: "I'm looking forward to that day coming soon. Because our dream should not only be Shenzhou Feitian, but also Jiaolong entering the sea."

Zheng Suo entered the research institute as soon as he graduated. It can be said that he gave his youth and blood to this ocean. Zhou Suiyu looked at him as if he saw his future. And Zheng Suo saw Zhou Suiyu, just like seeing himself when he was young.

This is a kind of sympathy across the ages, so I have studied all the rumors that Zhou Suiyu is the son of Zheng Soo, and in a sense, it is true.

Because they all have the same blood in their bones, which is the love of the ocean.

Maybe it was because he talked about artificial cultivation in the research institute that day, so Zhou Suiyu came home from get off work that day and saw Shen An'an, and his thoughts diverged for a while. I don't know if a mermaid gives birth to a baby, is it oviparous or viviparous? It stands to reason that many marine creatures are oviparous, but dolphins belong to aquatic mammals. I don't know the little mermaid...

Seeing that Zhou Suiyu had been staring at her, Shen Anan couldn't help but leaned in and asked, "What are you looking at, just say it if you have something to say!"

It was a research topic, and Zhou Suiyu was not shy at other times, so he lowered his voice and asked politely, "Is your little mermaid born from eggs or from wombs?"

Shen Anan shook her head honestly: "I don't know!"

She really doesn't know. After all, she was such a pitiful, weak and helpless little mermaid after she came through the book, and no one told her about the topic of ovulation. As for the book, it seems that this issue was not mentioned in the original book.

Zhou Suiyu was stunned for a moment: "Don't you know? Didn't your parents tell you?"

Shen Anan shrugged: "I haven't seen them before."

What she meant was that she hadn't seen the Little Mermaid's parents after she wore the book, but when it fell into Zhou Suiyu's ears, it meant that she hadn't seen her own parents since she was born.

Thinking of when Shen An'an was still a little mermaid, and without the company and care of her parents, Zhou Suiyu instantly flooded with infinite distress and pity.

He couldn't help but raised his hand and touched Shen An'an's head: "It's okay, my parents will be yours in the future. My family will be your family."

Shen An'an waved his hand: "Then my family will also be your family in the future. You have a family in the ocean. Are you surprised and happy?"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

The two were talking, and Mother Chen reminded them that it was time to go to dinner.

The Zhou family's dinner is always the most hearty meal of the day, because when there is only dinner, people are most crowded. Tonight's main course is boiled beef, chicken stewed with mushrooms and steamed pork with lotus leaf powder, in addition to a potato, a baby dish with soup, and the most special is a bitter gourd stuffed meat.

Shen An'an dislikes bitterness the most. Even drinking coffee requires two packets of sugar and two boxes of milk to drink it, not to mention something like bitter gourd, which makes people's color change when they hear it.

But the bitter gourd stuffed meat made by Chen's mother looks full of color and flavor.

Chen's mother greeted her warmly: "Try it, I have blanched this bitter gourd with water, and it is not bitter at all. Besides, I also added wild mushrooms and egg whites to the meat filling."

Shen Anan turned her head and asked Zhou Suiyu, "Is it bitter?"

Zhou Suiyu felt that it was actually a little bit bitter, but Shen An'an's eagerness to try it indicated that she definitely wanted to eat, so he said without changing his face, "It's not bitter."

Shen An'an picked up a bitter gourd stuffing and put it on the plate, poked it open with chopsticks, picked out the meat filling, and then put the bitter gourd into Zhou Suiyu's bowl, and smiled at him to please him: "If it's not bitter, you can eat more. ."

Zhou Suiyu: "...???"

Zhou's mother, who was watching the whole process, couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then exchanged a look with Zhou's father - you see An Anduo is amazing, your son is not her opponent at all.

Father Zhou nodded, but what he thought in his mind was—I don’t like bitter gourd either. I don’t know if I eat the meat stuffing like An An and take out the bitter gourd for my wife… Forget it, my life is more important!

Now that the oarfish is not here, Zhou's father has to watch the financial report and hold a video conference at night, and Zhou Suiyu has never participated in their mahjong game, so Zhou's mother and Chen's mother have not started classes for a long time at night to study the quintessence of the country.

What do you do when you don't study the quintessence of the country?

watch TV.

The eight o'clock TV dramas that are short-lived by various parents and jumping around with chickens and dogs are the favorites of Zhou's mother and Chen's mother.

They not only watched it by themselves, but also took Shen Anan to watch it together.

Holding on to the idea of ​​everyone dying together, Shen Anan dragged Zhou Suiyu into the water.

So it turned into four people watching together.

Zhou Suiyu didn't like watching TV, but Shen Anan wouldn't let him go, so he had to accompany him reluctantly. While reading a book, I take time to look at it from time to time, and complain by the way.

For example, Chen Ma said: "Oh, it's very touching. When the male and female protagonists are in conflict, even God shed tears for their beautiful love."

Zhou Suiyu would say, "That's artificial rainfall."

Mother Chen: " shut up!"

Another example is Zhou's mother who said, "Oh, who is the murderer, you should tell me quickly, it really kills me..."

Zhou Suiyu would say: "I won't say it, even if I die, I won't say it!"

Mother Zhou: "Shut up!"

Shen An'an likes to watch Zhou Suiyu being disliked by Chen's mother and Zhou's mother, and thinks it is much more exciting than the TV series. Zhou Suiyu watched her happily watching the battle, and gave her a helpless smile - satisfied?

Shen Anan raised her eyebrows - it's okay!

During the advertising process, Mother Zhou and Mother Chen occasionally chat. Because Mother Zhou has been keeping an eye on the decoration of the villa for Zhou Suiyu recently, the two chatted and talked about the topic of decoration.

Zhou's mother looked around at her villa, and suddenly thought: "Speaking of which we have lived in this house for many years, and it feels a little shabby. Shouldn't we find a chance to renovate it? ?"

Chen Ma first gave her opinion: "If you want to renovate, you can leave the rest of the kitchen untouched, but you can do some beautiful seams on the tiles. Now the gaps between the tiles are eroded by oil fume, and if you change to a new beauty sealant, the kitchen will definitely look brand new."

Mother Zhou turned her head and asked Zhou Suiyu and Shen An'an, who remained silent, "What do you two have a good suggestion?"

Zhou Suiyu said casually: "Be a video studio. In the future, if you have nothing to do, you can watch some quality movies at home, which is better than watching these TV series."

Mother Zhou snorted coldly and looked at Shen An'an with a smile: "What do you think, An An?"

Shen An'an was flattered: "Can I also give my opinion?"

Mother Zhou: "Of course, you are also part of the family! If you have any opinions, feel free to mention it. If it can be done, I will definitely do it for you."

Shen An'an thought for a while, leaned over to Zhou Suiyu's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Would it be bad if I asked my aunt to directly get through the wall of your room?"

Zhou Suiyu: "...???"

Read The Duke's Passion