MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 74

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The two spent a short time on the Wu Peng boat, and Shen Anan even took a nap with the pillow on the boat, and then set off to visit the temple fair and lantern fair at night.

Mother Zhou and the oarfish were also at the temple fair and lantern fair, but Zhou Suiyu and Shen An'an did not take the initiative to join them. After all, at a moment like today, the two are obviously more willing to date alone than a lot of people hanging out together.

But when they entered the temple fair, Zhou Suiyu and Shen Anan realized that they were really thinking too much. It is impossible to date alone, at least not at the temple fairs and lantern festivals during the Lantern Festival, because there are too many people.

If you don't pay attention, even boyfriends and girlfriends will be squeezed and lost.

Zhou Suiyu has always hated places with many people. Before going to the Ocean Show or eating, he chose places with few people, so when he saw such a crowded scene, his first reaction was to turn around. go back.

But when he came into contact with Shen An'an's high-spirited expression, he still restrained his thoughts of running away.

The two walked slowly into the temple fair following the flow of people.

It's still early, the temple fair and the lantern fair have not reached the exciting moment, and we will have to wait until 9 o'clock in the evening to see it. Because there are only various themed lantern displays at the moment, and until nine o'clock, there will be dragon and lion dances, face-changing fire-breathing and acrobatic performances in front of Qiankun Temple.

So the two walked around the lantern show for a while, and Zhou Suiyu took them to the snack street next to them.

Entering here is like entering Shen An'an's home court. Zhou Suiyu basically doesn't need to worry about anything else, just follow Shen An'an and pay for it.

Shen Anan ate all the way from the street to the end of the street, and finally joined the oarfish holding a box of fried bananas smoothly.

Shen An'an: "Yo!"

The oarfish: "Yoyo!"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

Sometimes I really want to pretend that I don't know these two people.

Mother Zhou originally went shopping with the oarfish at first, but she got tired after walking around for a while, and said that she would drink tea and wait for the oarfish in the nearby teahouse. So the oarfish was left alone to continue shopping at the temple fair.

Now that she received a call from Zhou Suiyu saying that she had met the oarfish at the temple fair, she was even more relaxed and went back to the mahjong board.

And the single date between Shen An'an and Zhou Suiyu turned into a **** because of the unexpected addition of the oarfish.

Shen Anan ate lunch on the houseboat at noon, but didn't eat dinner. Although the oarfish ate dinner, dinner and snacks were completely different things to him, so the two of them met and ate from the end of the street back to the street again.

The last three people spent almost 9 o'clock on the snack street before they left the snack street and walked towards Qiankun Temple.

In fact, according to Zhou Suiyu's character, the best way to watch this kind of performance is to choose a nearby street shop with a wonderful view, and then sit in it and drink something, without crowding with others, and watching it more comfortably . But Shen An'an and Huang Oiyu both like to join in the fun. They are willing to squeeze where there are many people, and the fish may have some talent in drilling crowds. Anyway, in the end, they really let the two find one. Great place to watch a show with a fantastic view.

The two not only stood up on their own, but also pulled Zhou Suiyu up with their hands.

It was a small dirt slope.

The terrain is slightly higher than the surrounding area.

It is indeed convenient to stand on it and watch the performance, but it is also convenient for people who come and go to watch them.

Zhou Suiyu wasn't afraid of being watched, but he didn't like the scrutiny of these strangers, so he lowered his eyes to look at Shen An'an, and whispered to her: "How about you two stand here and watch, and I'll go down?"

Shen Anan also followed his example and whispered back: "Do you feel uncomfortable standing here being looked at by those strangers?"

Zhou Suiyu nodded: "A little bit."

Shen An'an: "I have a way."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Anan stepped on his feet and kissed Zhou Suiyu.

Precisely kissed Zhou Suiyu's thin pink lips.

A particularly loud sip, and even made a "boo" sound.

The oarfish on the side turned his head and looked over.

Shen An'an whispered triumphantly: "How about it, compared to the death stare of the oarfish, aren't the eyes of those strangers nothing at all?"


Zhou Suiyu did not speak. He was afraid that if he said something, it would not be a matter of "boo", but "boobobobobobo", and maybe he would touch the tip of his tongue directly like he did in the aquarium before. Although the taste is really good, Zhou Suiyu has no hobby of performing in front of people.

Fortunately, as soon as the time reached 9:00, the performance in front of Qiankun Temple started on time.

Not only those who were looking at him before moved to the stage, but even the oarfish began to concentrate on watching the performance. Zhou Suiyu finally breathed a sigh of relief and then turned his attention to the stage.

Dragon and lion dances, face-changing fire breathing and acrobatic performances are actually held in the Qiankun Temple every year, but Zhou Suiyu only visited it twice with his family when he was a child, and never again when he became an adult.

Anyway, it's nice to see it occasionally.

Just noisy.

Noisy on stage, and people around you.

Especially when he saw these oarfish for the first time, he exclaimed and slapped so hard that the one-hour performance was over, and Zhou Suiyu still felt his ears buzzing.

The three did not go to squeeze with the crowd, but stayed in place for a while, and then walked outside the temple fair when the crowd dispersed a little.

As a result, when passing the milk tea shop, they accidentally bumped into Xu Qingshu and Wen Li, who had also just finished watching the temple fair and the lantern fair and were about to leave.

Since the last time he was bitten by the oarfish, the oarfish has now become Wenli's number one enemy. So much so that the moment Wen Li saw the oarfish, he almost couldn't control his facial expressions.

Xu Qingshu was not surprised to see the three of Zhou Suiyu.

Because when he watched the performance before, he had already seen these three people.

I even saw that Shen Anan took the initiative to meet Zhou with her.

Just like last time, Xu Qingshu still felt that Shen Anan was familiar.

This familiarity was so inexplicable but so strong that as soon as he saw Shen An'an, his eyes drifted towards Shen An'an involuntarily.

After all, this is the fourth time Xu Qingshu has seen Shen An'an.

The first time was in the research institute. At that time, Shen Anan wore an explosive head and a pair of large sunglasses.

The second time was in the supermarket. At that time, Xu Qingshu only saw one back, because the contrast between Shen An'an and the first image was so great that Xu Qingshu thought that Zhou Suiyu had changed his girlfriend.

Then, a few years ago, I went to the flower market with Wen Li and my mother. At that time, it was the first time that Xu Qingshu could see Shen An'an's face clearly.

At that moment, he felt that Shen Anan was inexplicably familiar.

As a result, Zhou Suiyu's mother mocked him, saying that the way he approached was too old-fashioned, and that he had met Shen An'an in a dream...

But even looking at it now, Xu Qingshu still has to say that he has definitely seen Shen An'an's face before.

Where have you seen it?

Xu Qingshu stared at Shen An'an, and when Zhou Suiyu saw it, he subconsciously raised his foot and took a step forward, blocking Xu Qingshu's sight.

Xu Qingshu and Zhou Suiyu had nothing to talk about, so seeing this, he just pursed his lips and looked away expressionlessly.

On the other hand, Wen Li gave the oarfish a few inexplicable glances, and returned impatiently: "What are you looking at, believe it or not, I'll beat you?"

The oarfish is not a particularly gentleman's kind of fish. When he is in the sea, at most he does not hit the elderly and children, but he does hit women. After all, some women in the sea are much more ferocious than men, such as octopus. Sometimes you can't win a fight with a woman without trying your best.

So when the oarfish threatened Wen Li that he would beat her up, it could be said that he had no psychological burden. Of course, in fact, he just said it casually, and didn't intend to really beat her. After all, with Wen Li's soft and weak body, the oarfish could crush her with just two fingers.

But even if he only threatened verbally, Wen Li was shocked beyond measure.

You must know that the girl Wen Li is actually very confident.

After all, she is good-looking and has long sleeves and dances well, so from childhood to adulthood, her relationship with the opposite **** has always been pretty good. The men around her, whether they are classmates or colleagues, basically like her quite a bit. Occasionally encountering one or two may not be so cold to her. In Wen Li's opinion, either, the other party is too inferior to show that he likes her, or it is because the other party doesn't know her well enough, etc. You will definitely like her when you get to know her.

That's why she's grown so big, it's the first time she's seen a man like an oarfish who says he wants to beat her.

She was not afraid that the oarfish would do it in front of so many people, but she still subconsciously hid beside Xu Qingshu.

As soon as Xu Qingshu lowered his head, he saw Wen Li looking at him pitifully. I don't know if she was scared to cry, but there was still water in Wen Li's apricot eyes.

Xu Qingshu couldn't help but gently patted Wen Li in a soothing manner, and then pointed at Sang and scolded Huai: "As expected, people are gathered together in groups."

Zhou Suiyu said lightly, "Don't talk about yourself like that."

Shen Anan probed out: "Don't talk about yourself like that."

The oarfish: "Don't talk about yourself like that."

It feels like speaking in the valley, with an echo.

Xu Qingshu: "...???"

Wen Li still had expectations for Zhou Suiyu, so she didn't want to offend Zhou Suiyu, and also wanted to leave a good impression of being gentle and knowledgeable in front of Zhou Suiyu, so she gently stretched out and pulled Xu Qingshu who was about to speak. : "Forget it, he's probably just joking, not serious. Let's go back!"

Xu Qingshu snorted coldly and was pulled away by Wen Li.

After walking a few steps, she couldn't help but look back, and saw that Shen An'an was holding Zhou Suiyu's arm coquettishly, her long seaweed-like hair dangling from her shoulders.

At that moment, Xu Qingshu thought to himself why he felt familiar every time he saw Shen An'an - Shen An'an looked so much like the little mermaid!

Because of this unexpected discovery, Xu Qingshu was absent-minded all the way to send Wen Li back. Fortunately, Wen Li was more absent-minded than him, so he didn't notice anything unusual about him, and didn't ask any more questions.

When Wen Li was sent to the downstairs of the community, Xu Qingshu did not go home directly, but took a detour to the research institute.

If he remembered correctly, there should be a picture of the Little Mermaid in the Institute's internal software.

It was the first time that the people of the institute found the trace of the Little Mermaid in the deep sea of ​​Whale City with an underwater camera. Unfortunately, the front side was not photographed, but the little mermaid's silver tail and long seaweed-like hair were photographed.

As long as he sees the photo, he can determine whether Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend really looks a lot like the Little Mermaid.

He didn't think that Shen Anan was actually the little mermaid at all.

As soon as a mermaid turned into a human and went ashore, it was too far-fetched, and it was beyond his cognition.

Second, people in this world are similar, and two people who are not relatives and not related may also be carved out of the same mold.

So even if he realized that Shen Anan looked a lot like the Little Mermaid, he only thought that Zhou Suiyu had been with the little mermaid for a long time, and then he was attracted by the beauty of the little mermaid, so he deliberately looked for the little mermaid according to the appearance of the little mermaid. got a girlfriend.

But even so, Xu Qingshu felt that Zhou Suiyu was really shameless.

It's a pity that he pretended to be serious in front of people before.

And last time, Xu Qingshu and his group asked Zhou Suiyu about Xu Qingshu's praise of the beauty of the Little Mermaid. Zhou Suiyu also said, "You don't care if she is beautiful or not, it won't belong to you anyway." Oh, feeling for him I also know that the little mermaid is beautiful! And while despising others for coveting the beauty of the little mermaid, he found a beautiful girlfriend like the little mermaid...

This **** is enough.

Because it is still on annual leave, there is no one in the research institute, so the janitor is there. Seeing that Xu Qingshu came to the research institute so late, the uncle couldn't help but asked with concern: "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Xu Qingshu smiled: "It's okay, just come and get some information."

The research institutes are all password locks and do not need keys, so Xu Qingshu easily entered. Then click on the internal website of the institute, log in to your account, and find the research project of the Little Mermaid.

As a result, when I was about to click inside, I was told by the system that the permissions were insufficient.

Insufficient permissions?

Obviously he went to the website to see the photo of the little mermaid last time?

How come after a year, the authority is not enough?

Xu Qingshu didn't care that it was too late, he took out his mobile phone and called Zheng Suo in exasperation.

Zheng Suo was at home watching the Lantern Festival party and returning to Zhou Suiyu's information. Even though Zhou Suiyu is not good at words on weekdays, he will basically take the initiative to send a message of blessing to Zheng Suo during the festivals.

Although it's just a few words, such as Zheng's happy Lantern Festival and Zheng's Happy New Year, but it can be seen that it is not a group message, and the heart is quite sincere.

So when he received Xu Qingshu's call, Zheng Suo thought that Xu Qingshu was also calling to wish him a happy Lantern Festival, and was slightly relieved.

However, Zheng Suo soon realized that he really thought too much.

Because Xu Qingshu got straight to the point and asked about the permissions of the Little Mermaid project.

And he started to complain about Zhou Suiyu: "...Zheng Suo, I think you really have to take care of Zhou Suiyu, he is planning to take the mermaid project completely for himself! Original project information It should be made public internally, so that everyone can communicate and learn together, but it turns out that it is good now, and now I still need permission to look at the relevant materials of the Little Mermaid project, I think this kind of atmosphere cannot help..."

Zheng Suo actually knew about what Xu Qingshu said.

And Xu Qingshu is right, the general project information is basically made public internally.

The reason why I have privileges for the project of The Little Mermaid is because the Little Mermaid itself is too precious and special, and also because Zhou Suiyu and Xu Qingshu were competing for the science and technology award. Although they are colleagues, they are also competitors, so The confidentiality of each other's projects can also be regarded as respecting the rules of the game. Otherwise, if either party leaks the project information of the other party, or does something small behind the scenes, it will not only damage the interests of the other party, but also the interests of the research institute.

So Zheng Suo slowly drank tea, and when Xu Qingshu finished complaining, he smiled and said, "Xiao Xu, don't get too excited about this. Although Zhou Suiyu's Little Mermaid project has implemented permission control for you, But your red coral project also implements permission control on Zhou Suiyu! In other words, you can't see the relevant information of the Little Mermaid, and Zhou Suiyu can't see the relevant information of the red coral, I think this is very Fair enough!"

Xu Qingshu: "...???"

I'm so angry, I want to hit someone!

Although I can't see the photos of The Little Mermaid, I can't compare the similarity between Shen An'an and The Little Mermaid, but since this idea came to Xu Qingshu's mind, the more Xu Qingshu thought about it, the more she felt that Shen An'an and The Little Mermaid looked alike.

For example, the skin of the Little Mermaid is very white in my impression, and the girlfriend Zhou Suiyu I saw that day was also fair-skinned and beautiful.

Secondly, both of them have long seaweed-like hair. It's just that the little mermaid's hair seems to be longer in my impression, and it was tied into braids at that time, unlike Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend, who was loose. Oh, and the bangs don't seem to be the same.

Xu Qingshu really can't remember the specific features of the Little Mermaid. After all, he has seen the Little Mermaid twice, and once the Little Mermaid covered her face with gauze, revealing a pair of eyes. Speaking of Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend, her eyes are a bit like The Little Mermaid, they are all very round and beautiful, and they seem to have a pure and innocent feeling.

Xu Qingshu was about to be driven mad by his own speculation, so he couldn't help but tell Wen Li about his speculation during dinner that day: "I suspect that Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend is a substitute."

The opposite Wen Li was drinking coffee, and when she heard Xu Qingshu's words, she choked. When he calmed down, he immediately asked eagerly, "How do you say it?"

Xu Qingshu didn't directly say that Shen An'an looks like a fish, after all, it's too incredible, and the little mermaid's affairs must be kept absolutely secret, so he just said vaguely: "Do you remember that I stayed three times before? That island in Yue? I was on the island at the time, and I met a girl who looked almost exactly like Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend. Zhou Suiyu also knew that girl, and they spent more time together than me."

Wen Li: "Is it possible that they are the same person at all?"

But that's a fish!

Thinking of this, Xu Qingshu waved his hand and said decisively: "Absolutely impossible! The **** the island cannot leave the island because she has no legs at all! So Zhou Suiyu's girlfriend is 100% a substitute."

The author has something to say: the stand-in terrier came out [dog head

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