MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 48

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Once you have an ID card, you can do a lot more.

For example, Shen Anan can finally apply for a bank card.

With a bank card, Shen An'an can finally sell antiques!

Seabird Essence helped Shen An'an contact an antique collector in advance.

is a human being.

The reason why it was not sold to sea creatures, of course, is because these things are no stranger to sea creatures. Only humans would feel that these gold and silver jewelry are rare items.

After all, these are human things.

Sure enough, the antique collector immediately saw the gold and silver jewelry that Shen Anan brought from the sea, and he gave a very impressive price on the spot.

Anyway, for someone like Shen An'an who has never seen the world, it's a very, very impressive sum. With this money, even if she doesn't do anything next, it will be enough for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life.

But the sea bird essence was not satisfied with the price: "So little?"

Zhou Suiyu on the side also calmly agreed: "It's really a little bit."

Shen An'an: "..."

Less... less?

The sea bird essence glanced at Zhou Suiyu with satisfaction, and his impression of Zhou Suiyu increased a bit. Not bad, this little handsome guy didn't help their fellow human beings to pit their marine creatures, but instead helped them bargain for these marine creatures, which can be said to be very interesting.

Moreover, Sea Bird Spirit felt that when he said "so little", he was already pretending, but this little handsome guy was more pretending than him. Because when he said so little, his mood fluctuated a little, and this little handsome guy was very calm in both expression and tone. Anyway, this force, the sea bird essence can give Zhou Suiyu 100%, not afraid of Zhou Suiyu pride.

Sea Bird Essence helped Shen An'an to bargain for a long time, and finally raised the price by about 100,000, before nodding "reluctantly" and agreeing.

The other party put the money into Shen An'an's new bank card on the spot.

After the antique collector left, the sea bird spirit took the initiative to say to Zhou Suiyu, "Thank you for helping me talk just now!"

Zhou Suiyu looked at him suspiciously: "When did I talk to you?"

Sea Bird Essence: "...Just now, I said so little, but you said it was indeed a little less."

Zhou Suiyu said seriously: "I really think it's a little bit small. After all, these things were brought up from the sea by An An, and the hard work is more than that!"

Seabird Essence Fried Hair: "...You pay millions of dollars for your hard work?"

Zhou Suiyu: "Almost!"

Sea Bird Essence: "...It's almost there. If you pretend to be too much, you will be easily struck by lightning!"

Zhou Suiyu wanted to say something, but he smiled, but he still didn't say anything.

In fact, his family pays millions for hard work, especially when his father asks his mother to help him do something, his mother thinks it is too little to pay millions of hard work!

In order to express his gratitude to the sea bird spirit, Shen Anan took the initiative to invite the sea bird spirit to have dinner.

She is rich now, and of course she has to have a good meal when she treats guests to dinner.

So the group of three finally went to the famous Whale City Hotel.

Zhou Suiyu doesn't come here very often, but Zhou's father likes to invite customers here, and he even reserved a private room here for a long time.

On the way, Zhou Suiyu was worried about whether he would hit his father, but as a result, they were afraid of what would happen. As soon as the three got out of the elevator, they ran into the group of Zhou's father who had finished eating and were about to leave.

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

It's coming, it's coming.

Zhou's father was obviously a little surprised to see Zhou Suiyu. After all, the father and son were on the phone two days ago. Zhou Suiyu was still on the island at the time, and he didn't mention the matter of leaving the island.

And everyone came out and didn't go home. It really is a big mistake!

Zhou's father moved his eyes to Zhou Suiyu's side while sighing in his heart that raising his son was better than raising a piece of barbecued pork. Yo, isn't this the legendary girlfriend of my son?

She looks quite good-looking, fair-skinned and pretty, with a long ponytail and a white skirt. The most important thing is that they don't wear heavy makeup like many girls now, but they are clean and refreshing. Anyway, just looking at the first impression, Zhou's father is quite satisfied.

Since they bumped into each other, Zhou Suiyu must have to say hello, so he took the initiative to call someone: "Dad!"

Then he looked at the group of people around Father Zhou and greeted them in unison, "Hello, uncles."

Father Zhou nodded and asked, "Come over for dinner with friends?"

Zhou Suiyu: "Yeah!"

Shen Anan was very enthusiastic and active: "Hello, uncle!"

The sea bird spirit on the side glanced at the dog-legged Shen An'an with disgust, and also called out, "...Hello, uncle!"

Father Zhou smiled: "Hello, how are you..."

After laughing, he explained to the reception staff next to him, "Let them go to my private room, and you can charge them to my account as soon as you need them."

Father Zhou still had things to do, so he quickly led a group of people around him and left.

As soon as Zhou's father left, Shen Anan said to Zhou Suiyu: "I found that everyone in your family has a habit, that is, they like to invite people to eat as soon as they meet. This is a good habit, and it must be treated well. Keep it up. Because people who love treats are generally not too lucky."

Zhou Suiyu: "...???"

Like Shen An'an, the sea bird essence likes to eat meat, and the roast leg of lamb at the Whale City Hotel is a must. So Zhou Suiyu simply ordered a roast leg of lamb for them.

You must know that a roast leg of lamb weighs two pounds! The average guests basically order one per table, and some even order half a table.

So the guy who placed the order couldn't help confirming it after listening to it: "Do you want 2 roast legs of lamb?"

Zhou Suiyu: "...Yes!"

Again, you don't know anything about the appetite of sea creatures!

In addition to the roast leg of lamb, Zhou Suiyu ordered several other meat dishes, similar to chestnut roast chicken and spring onion fried pork.

Shen An'an likes desserts.

Zhou Suiyu also ordered two, one is the store's signature dessert, double skin milk; the other is the store's new ice cream popped cake.

Shen Anan was satisfied with eating a book.

The sea bird essence is also eaten with a round belly.

After eating, Zhou Suiyu first sent the sea bird essence back, and then sent Shen Anan back to the apartment.

In fact, his first thought was to send Shen Anan to the door of the apartment and leave, but when Shen Anan opened the door and saw that Zhou Suiyu had no intention of coming in at all, he couldn't help asking suspiciously, "Aren't you coming in?"

Zhou Suiyu: "I..."

Shen An'an: "Are you really not coming in?"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

Zhou Suiyu sighed in his heart, but in the end he still lifted his foot and walked in.

Shen An closed the door with contentment, and then began to look at the things Zhou Suiyu bought her in the supermarket before.

Pretty complete, even slippers.

And these slippers are not only pink, but also have a small fish pattern on them.

Shen An happily put on new slippers, and then ran to the window to show Zhou Suiyu: "How is it, are you beautiful?"

Zhou Suiyu lowered his head and glanced at it quickly, but didn't dare to look any further.

Mainly, it was quiet at night, and it felt ambiguous to do anything alone.

But he still cooperated and said, "It's beautiful."

Shen Anan didn't know what he was thinking, so she happily wore slippers and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Speaking of which, she didn't take a good look at her appearance after she wore the book.

Such a beautiful face is cheap to others, and you have to look at it yourself.

Zhou Suiyu stood by the window blowing the cold wind, and then from time to time he heard Shen Anan asking him in the bathroom.

"What do you think we're going to do tomorrow? Why don't we go shopping? I wanted to buy beautiful clothes and shoes last time, but I thought I couldn't wear them when I went back to the sea, so I didn't buy them. I just went out a lot this time. buy some."

"Oh, do you want me to cut my hair? It's so troublesome to wash with such long hair. And it's easy to reveal your identity. If your colleague who loves to steal meat finds out, maybe he will recognize it. I'm here..."

Whatever Shen Anan said, Zhou Suiyu said yes.

He wouldn't be able to think about it at all.

Because all he could think about was words like "dead night", "lonely man and wife", "being alone in a room" and so on, and it felt... a little bit terrifying.

Zhou Suiyu closed the window with a "pop", then raised his voice and quickly said to Shen An'an in the bathroom, "It's getting late, you should rest early, I'll come to see you tomorrow morning..."

When Shen Anan heard this, she didn't even bother to look in the mirror, she came out of the bathroom and asked anxiously, "Are you going?"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

This question, should he stay?

Shen An'an obviously meant this, it's hard to get a chance to get along day and night before a fool would let someone go!

She knew Zhou Suiyu and knew that if she let him stay, Zhou Suiyu would definitely not agree.

So she changed her pitiful tone and said softly, "Little brother, don't go, I'm afraid!"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

This single apartment rented by Zhou Suiyu is a simple one-bedroom and one-living room, with a kitchen and bathroom. However, it is said to be a single-room suite, but the area is still quite large, nearly 70 square meters. It is almost the size of many families with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room.

But no matter how large the area is, it is only a single-room suite, with only one room and one bed.

Fortunately, this one-room suite also has a sofa.

The sofa was originally in the living room, but Shen Anan insisted that Zhou Suiyu move the sofa into the room, next to her bed, on the grounds that he was afraid of sleeping alone.

Zhou Suiyu's quilts were prepared in advance, and they were all clean and ready to cover.

In the end, Shen Anan slept on the bed, and Zhou Suiyu slept on the sofa.

The experience of sleeping in the same room with the opposite sex, whether it is for Shen Anan or Zhou Suiyu, is the first time in his life.

So much so that both of them lost sleep.

The distance is too close, and you can see each other when you turn over.

The room was quiet again, and it felt that the other party's breathing was a little louder, so the other party could hear it.

Zhou Suiyu didn't know what Shen Anan thought, but he felt a little uncomfortable anyway.

It's the kind of uncomfortable feeling that you want to go out but can't bear it, want to sleep but can't sleep.

He was staring at the pitch-black void when he heard Shen Anan on the bed asking him, "Zhou Suiyu, are you asleep?"

This was the first time Zhou Suiyu heard Shen Anan call his name.

The words are round and round, and a little gentle.

Good to hear.

He shook his head, thinking that Shen Anan couldn't see it in the dark, and said, "No."

The next second, Zhou Suiyu heard Shen An'an say, "I'm a little scared, can you hold my hand and sleep?"

Read The Duke's Passion