MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 44

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Zhou's father was beaten by Zhou's mother, and the next day he honestly accompanied Zhou's mother to see the house she mentioned.

They are all garden villas in this area. In order to ensure privacy, even two adjacent villas will be far apart. And it will be separated by green belt in the middle.

What's more, Mrs. Jiang's house is not next to the Zhou family, but several villas away from the Zhou family.

It is equivalent to one on the street and one at the end of the street.

This distance is just right.

It's not too close to look at each other.

It's not too far away, and I can't even get up if I want to see each other.

In fact, what Father Zhou said last night is also true.

After all, even if Zhou Suiyu was born by Zhou's mother, Zhou's mother only loves this son when she can't see Zhou Suiyu, but if Zhou Suiyu hangs in front of her for two more days, then Zhou Suiyu sees Zhou Suiyu. There are flaws all over.

Others are the hormones of walking, and that week's random encounters are the shortcomings of walking.

This is true of his own son, not to mention his daughter-in-law who has never even met.

This has to live too close, in case the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not in harmony in the future.

So now, the distance that can be walked in 10 to 20 minutes is the most suitable distance.

In addition to the distance, Zhou's mother is also satisfied with the decoration style of Mrs. Jiang's house.

Zhou's mother knew a boss, surnamed Wang.

The king of Tianliang Wangpo.

This President Wang had also bought a similar garden villa before, and also specially sent invitations to invite Zhou's parents and Zhou's mother to visit his new villa.

Because the Zhou family's company had business dealings with Mr. Wang, Zhou's mother accompanied Zhou's father.

Good guy, you can smell money from far away from Mr. Wang's villa.

Because President Wang not only painted the door handle golden, but even the two stone lions at the gate of the courtyard were painted golden by him...

Mrs. Jiang's house looks much more comfortable, the decoration is fresh and elegant, and the yard is well managed. The wax plums in the corner of the wall are in full bloom, and the black bamboos in the garden are also lush.

If you buy such a house and don’t want to redecorate it, you can live in it directly. After all, it’s not irritating.

Zhou's mother became more and more satisfied, and when she went out, she urged Zhou's father to call Zhou Suiyu.

Father Zhou: "It's not like you don't know about his island. There is no signal at all. You have to wait for him to call."

Mother Zhou wanted to sigh again after hearing this: "...There is still no signal in these days, what kind of **** did your son find a job? He can't be a second-generation rich man with peace of mind and be honest. Are you really going home to inherit the family business?"

Father Zhou knew her too well: "You say things like this now, if he is really like this, you should think he is useless."

This is true.

Mother Zhou: "...But then again, your son has gone to a desert island where there is no signal. Where did he find his girlfriend? Could it be that he found a Robinson?"

Father Zhou: "...???"

Zhou Suiyu called Zhou's father after two days.

In the past two days, in addition to Mrs. Jiang's house, Father Zhou asked the secretary to choose two more houses for him according to Zhou Suiyu's request.

After Zhou Suiyu hung up the phone, he went to say goodbye to the Little Mermaid.

He didn't say go to see the house, but only said that he had to go out of the island to do something urgent.

Originally, Zhou Suiyu was worried that Shen Anan would offer to follow him like last time, but Shen Anan did not.

After all, she will spend more time with Zhou Suiyu in the future. Now, she just wants to leave more time for the old turtle and the oarfish.

So Zhou Suiyu came over and told her that he was going to leave the island, and she nodded in agreement very neatly.

But I also made a small request by the way: "Little brother, when you leave the island this time, can you buy more food to bring back?"

Zhou Suiyu thought that Shen Anan wanted to eat, so he nodded first, and then asked Shen Anan: "Just tell me what you want to eat, and I will bring you back whatever I can bring back to you."

Shen Anan shook her head: "It's not that I want to eat, it's that I want to treat my friends in the sea to a delicious meal before leaving the island."

Friends from the sea?

That's the old turtles and oarfish.

This is not difficult, but what do these sea creatures like to eat?

Could it be that he also likes meat like Shen An'an?

Facing Zhou Suiyu's question, Shen Anan nodded without hesitation: "Yes, they also like to eat meat."

Zhou Suiyu: "Then what kind of dinner are you going to treat your friends to?"

Shen Anan thought for a while and said, "How about eating barbecue?"

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

Beach BBQ? It really is a little mermaid who can eat and enjoy!

Zhou's father assigned the secretary to Zhou Suiyu, and asked the secretary to accompany Zhou Suiyu to see the three houses. Zhou Suiyu finally took a fancy to Mrs. Jiang's building.

Traffic is easy to solve, just drive. Just being out of water is a big problem.

Zhou Suiyu called Zhou's father and mentioned the problem.

Father Zhou said calmly: "Your mother said that if you like this set, she will personally find someone to dig a giant artificial lake for you in the backyard and pay her to pay for it."

Zhou's father thought that Zhou Suiyu would reject it with dignity.

In the end, Zhou Suiyu said, "Then you thank Mom for me."

Father Zhou: "…"

What about the good boy who promised to strive for self-improvement?

Zhou's father's secretary helped to buy the house, and Zhou's mother helped to pay attention to the decoration, but Zhou Suiyu saved a lot of trouble.

So he has more time to buy ingredients for barbecue.

Thinking that those sea creatures love meat, Zhou Suiyu bought a lot of meat.

The driver who accompanied him to buy food watched him carry meat in big bags into the car, and couldn't help but asked curiously, "...Young Master Zhou, you bought so much meat, is there a happy event for your family recently?"

Zhou Suiyu smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm going to invite my friends to a barbecue."

The driver was stunned: "How many people are you planning to invite! I'm afraid you will have to invite hundreds of people to finish so much?"

Zhou Suiyu smiled and didn't speak, thinking in his heart - friend, you don't know anything about the appetite of sea creatures.

When you buy ingredients, you have to eat them fresh.

It just so happened that this night was a good weather with few stars in the moon, so Zhou Suiyu set up a barbecue directly on the beach, ready to have a barbecue.

He bought almost all the meat he could buy in the vegetable market. It was almost a pig, a sheep, and a cow. Apart from these, he didn't buy chicken wings, chicken thighs, meatballs, chicken gizzards, duck intestines or anything. Of course, In addition to meat dishes, Zhou Suiyu also bought a lot of vegetarian dishes. After all, you can't just eat meat, right?

If you eat too much of this kind of barbecue, you will get tired of it.

However, this problem is easy to solve. Zhou Suiyu directly bought a few large cheese bones, accompanied them with appetizing small tomatoes, and put a large iron pot on the rack to boil a pot of appetizing tomato bone soup.

Of course, he not only prepared soup, but also wine, red and white beer.

Although he didn't know whether the creatures in the sea could drink alcohol, but what if?

Anyway, be prepared!

After the barbecue was fragrant, Shen Anan swam up from the sea with the oarfish, the old turtle, the octopus essence and the killer whale.

Shen An Anguang had been thinking about eating barbecue before, but at this moment she thought of a very serious question. Except for the old turtle, if anyone in this group wanted to go ashore, they would have to turn into humanoids.

But Zhou Suiyu had never seen their human figures at all.

Will Zhou Suiyu be frightened by going out like this hastily?

Others have taken this into consideration, especially killer whales. He's still a minor now, and he can't show himself in a normal human form. The last time he fought with an oarfish, he couldn't turn into a human form. At other times, he can maintain the prototype as long as he can.

This made him expose his human form in front of strangers, which he didn't want.

So they all floated on the sea and refused to go ashore, but they were reluctant to leave because of the smell of barbecue.

Shen Anan's eyes swept around, and when she swept the wine on the beach, she couldn't help but light up: "Oh, I have a solution. You wait for me here for a while, and then you can go ashore when I say yes."

After speaking, Shen An'an went upstream towards the beach.

Zhou Suiyu saw Shen An'an go ashore alone, and asked inexplicably, "Why are you alone, where are your friends?"

Shen An'an said casually, "They have something to do and they have to arrive later. Shall we eat first?"

Zhou Suiyu: "That's inappropriate, let's wait for them! Of course, if you're hungry, you can eat some meat first. I have roast beef here."

Shen Anan waved her hand, raised her foot and walked to the place where Zhou Suiyu put the wine, pretending to be curious and asking, "What is this?"

Zhou Suiyu: "It's wine. Generally, in human society, a little wine is served with barbecue."

Shen An'an: "Is it delicious? I want to drink it."

Zhou Suiyu hesitated for a moment: "Can you drink?"

Shen An'an: "Show me your drink, I'll see what you drink, I'll drink it again."

Zhou Suiyu's alcohol intake is very average, but Shen Anan said so, he still cooperated to open a bottle of beer and took a few sips.

Shen Anan also took a sip, and then pointed to the red wine next to him: "Try this again."

Zhou Suiyu drank both the red and white beer at last. Although he was still clear, his face gradually turned red.

Shen Anan observed his face: "Little brother, are you alright?"

Zhou Suiyu felt a little dizzy, so he rubbed his temples and said casually, "I might be a little drunk."

Shen Anan breathed a sigh of relief, and waved at the oarfish in the sea.

As soon as Zhou Suiyu looked up, he saw an old man with a white beard, a girl, and a non-mainstream boy with red hair slowly walking up from the sea. Besides, there was actually a black armored warrior?

Zhou Suiyu stayed where he was, staring blankly at the group of people getting closer and closer, and then said to Shen Anan who was beside him with certainty, "I must be drunk, I must be."

Shen Anan nodded seriously: "Yes, you are drunk. Everything tonight is a dream. It will be fine when you wake up tomorrow."