MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 33

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Shen Anan said goodbye, turned her head and ran. After running out a few steps, she remembered that there was one very, very important thing she didn't ask, so she ran back.

Zhou Suiyu stared blankly at the little mermaid the whole time.

I saw her running away like a whirlwind, and running back like a whirlwind.

I just feel completely out of my mind.

- What is this little mermaid doing?

Shen Anan didn't do anything, she just ran halfway and suddenly remembered that she had been ashore for so long, and she even forgot to ask the little brother's name.

Angry returns to anger, something as important as a name should be asked or asked.

So she ran back without thinking.

The "Little Mermaid Research Report" was still spread on the table in front of Zhou Suiyu. Shen An'an suffocated a little more at a glance, so he simply raised his arms on the table to block the broken report, and then stared at Zhou Suiyu's eyes asked earnestly, "Little brother, what's your name?"

Zhou Suiyu stared blankly at her delicate little face that was so close at hand, even his breathing subconsciously slowed down a bit, and his reaction was even more than a few beats slower than usual: "...Ah? What did you say?"

Shen An'an: "I said, what's your name. Don't you humans have names? Could it be that you want me to call you little brother in the future?"

Zhou Suiyu waved his hand with a red face: "...I didn't mean that, my surname is Zhou."

Shen Anan looked at him in a good way: "Oh, the surname is Zhou! So what do you mean, let me not call you brother, just call you brother Zhou?"

Brother Zhou: "…"

After Shen Anan successfully molested Zhou Suiyu, she finally knew the name of her little brother.

Every week.

It turned out that his name was Zhou Suiyu.


Whatever happens!

Shen Anan silently chewed Zhou Suiyu's name over and over several times between his lips and teeth, and then found a connection between his own name and Zhou Suiyu's name with satisfaction.

Look at it, she just said that she and this little brother are a natural pair, right?

You can even see the name!

Shen An'an: "Didn't you say you want to play the game you asked me to answer? I asked you just now, and now it's your turn to ask me."

Zhou Suiyu opened his mouth, and before he could speak, Shen Anan said first, "Don't ask anything else, just ask my name."

Zhou Suiyu silently swallowed all his research questions, and asked obediently, "Then what's your name?"

Shen An'an: "My name is An An, An-an-, remember?"

What Xiaomei, who is Xiaomei!

Your name is Xiaomei!

Shen Anan finally revealed her family, and the depression brought by "Xiaomei" before was also swept away.

As a result, Zhou Suiyu watched her quietly for a while, and suddenly said with a look of surprise: "Ah, so mermaids have names too! I thought all the mermaids in the world were called Little Mermaids!"


The old sea turtle was sleeping in the underwater cave and was awakened by the sound of Shen Anan huffing back to the cave. He couldn't help but asked curiously, "Didn't you run to see your little brother? What's the matter, no? see?"

Shen An'an: "I see."

"...I saw it? Why are you so angry when you see it?"

Shen An'an sighed and didn't speak. It was only when he saw it that he was angry!

When Huang Liaoyu came in, he happened to hear the conversation between the two, so he followed curiously and asked, "Does your little brother have a girlfriend, so you are angry?"

Shen An'an said firmly: "He didn't."

"You asked?"

"Don't ask, he doesn't have one anyway."

After all, the little brother has become that ghost, how can he have a girlfriend?

Although Zhou Suiyu didn't know what Shen Anan was angry about, but when Shen Anan ran away without looking back, no matter how dull he was, he knew that Shen Anan must be angry.

Although he has no experience in making girls angry, Father Zhou has.

Speaking of which, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother have a good relationship, but Zhou's father will make Zhou's mother angry every now and then.

When he was young, Zhou Suiyu was very naive and worried about his parents' relationship, for fear that his parents would divorce after arguing and arguing like other people's parents.

Later, when I grew up, I realized that many couples who really want to divorce don't even bother to fight.

And those couples who have a little quarrel every ten days and a half months, and the more quarreling the better, such as Zhou's father and Zhou's mother, are not quarreling seriously at all, they are just abusing the dog.

Anyway, no matter if Zhou's father and Zhou's mother are abusing the dog or quarreling seriously, at least from Zhou's father, Zhou Suiyu has learned one thing, that is, don't care about why the girl is angry, anyway, you can't deal with it coldly, you should just coax it. If you have to coax, if you need to kneel, you have to kneel.

So as soon as the little mermaid ran away, Zhou Suiyu began to think about how to coax the little mermaid. He is just three axes to coax people, nothing more than to give food and play.

The Little Mermaid I ate just now, it will definitely not be able to eat it, so this is a pass.

Zhou Suiyu had already sent hairpins, earrings, and even a pair of straw sandals that he knitted during this period of time... and any of these things are not very laborious to do, so I will be sure at this time and a half. can't do it.

After thinking about it, all that was left was to send some fun gifts to the little mermaid.

But what to give?

Speaking of which, Zhou Suiyu has known Shen Anan for so long, I really don't know what Shen Anan likes to play.

After all, there is no entertainment at all, and the only thing Shen Anan can play is to sit on the reef and tease the small fish and shrimps in the sea with his tail, or shake the water with his tail, splash Zhou whatever happens, or Occasionally, when the oarfish passing by is in a particularly good mood, they will sing under the moonlight...

The more Zhou Suiyu recalled, the more he felt that the Little Mermaid was actually not easy.

Although he didn't know the exact age of the little mermaid, just looking at his appearance and personality, he felt that the other party should be a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. A girl of this age is the age where she loves beauty and loves to play. The Little Mermaid loves beauty so much, but she doesn't have endless beautiful clothes and beautiful jewelry, and there are even very few things to play with.

The more Zhou Suiyu thought about it, the more he felt that he should treat the little mermaid better.

Human nature is like this, when you like someone, you want to bring the delicious, fun, and beautiful things in the world to the other person in person.

Zhou Suiyu is like this right now, and he wants to give the little mermaid the best things in the world.

So after he put the precious "Little Mermaid Research Report" back in the drawer, he walked around the island, thinking about what fun things to give the little mermaid.

Until he saw a big tree on the island, he suddenly thought of a gift that the little mermaid would absolutely love. After all, Zhou Suiyu likes the three-year-old daughter of his friend's house very much.

As I said before, Shen An'an's temperament has always come and gone faster. I was so angry with my little brother that I could not ignore him for the rest of my life, but after returning to the cave to calm down for an afternoon, Shen An'an was completely indifferent. She was so angry that she even forgot why she was so angry at noon.

So when she heard Zhou Suiyu calling her with a small conch on the sea, she said hello to the old turtle without hesitation, and went to the appointment happily.

The old turtle looked at the figure of Shen Anan happily leaving, shook his head helplessly and sighed - as expected, it was the female university who didn't stay!

As soon as Shen Anan appeared, Zhou Suiyu immediately took her to the island.

Shen An'an looked at Zhou Suiyu's hand on her slender wrist and thought with satisfaction: That's how it should be, man, you should take the initiative. As long as you take the initiative, we will not only have stories, we may have children.

Zhou Suiyu kept bringing Shen An'an to the center of the island before he stopped and let go of Shen An'an's hand.

At this moment, the island was completely dark, and there were no street lights or anything, so Shen An'an couldn't quite see what Zhou Suihui planned to do by pulling her here.

Could it be that he was going to take her through the woods?

Before Shen An'an's mind was full of colorful thoughts, she saw Zhou Suiyu bend down, and she didn't know where to press it. In short, Shen An'an's face lit up in an instant.

Shen Anan widened her eyes in surprise, only to see a swing hanging down from a big tree in front of her.

The swing frame is made of ordinary wooden boards, and the swing rattan is genuine rattan. The whole swing looks particularly unpretentious.

But the swing vines are all wrapped with colorful little lanterns.

These little lanterns are sparkling in the night, raising the appearance of this unpretentious swing by several grades.

Zhou Suiyu secretly observed Shen An'an's face, and when he was sure that Shen An'an's face was full of surprise, he immediately calmed down and said with a smile, "This is a swing, it's very fun, do you want to sit on it and try it?"

Shen Anan nodded and ran over with her skirt up.

After sitting down, he immediately waved to Zhou Suiyu: "How do you play this? Come and teach me!"

With the experience of teaching Shen An'an how to use chopsticks at noon, Zhou Suiyu was very calm in the face of Shen An'an's request at this moment.

He raised his foot and walked over, stood behind Shen An'an, and confirmed, "Are you afraid of heights?"

Shen Anan shook her head and said loudly, "Don't be afraid!"

Zhou Suiyu said "it's fine if you're not afraid", but he pushed Shen An'an cautiously.

In the end, Shen Anan couldn't help but turn her head to look at him: "I want to be taller."

Zhou Suiyu had no choice but to push it higher.

Shen Anan swayed on the swing for a while with satisfaction, and when the swing stopped, she sat on the swing and asked Zhou Suiyu, "It's so good, why did you suddenly think of making a swing for me?"

Zhou Suiyu said honestly: "I thought you would be angry at noon, so..."

Shen Anan was no longer angry, but seeing Zhou Suiyu like this, she couldn't help but want to tease him: "Oh, so you are coaxing me now?"

Zhou Suiyu was indeed coaxing her, but he couldn't say anything, so he pursed his lips, but he still didn't speak.

Shen An'an: "It's absolutely impossible for you to coax like this, I'll teach you to coax!"

Zhou Suiyu raised his eyes and looked at Shen An'an, waiting for Shen An'an's next words, and then heard Shen An'an say with a smile: "You call me An'an, and I will forgive you."

Read The Duke's Passion