MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 27

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Both male and female... No, the oarfish and the octopus still decided to join hands to conquer the world.

Before leaving, the old turtle was crying and ranting for a long time, but Shen Anan didn't cry, she just held a handful of pearls from the corner and handed it to the oarfish: "After you go out, be a good person, don't fight, don't fight. If you do, don’t hit anyone, and remember to compensate for the damage.”

The oarfish was a little speechless: "I'll be back in a few days after going out."

Shen An'an: "...Anyway, be a good person after you go out, so are you, Sister Octopus."

The octopus essence flew with eight claws: "Oh, little girl, you can rest assured, I will take good care of this non-mainstream oarfish."

Shen An'an rested a hammer: "You don't need to take care of it. Just don't let him fight. By the way, you can't fight yourself!"

The octopus smiled slightly: "What are the fights, at most I teach humans how to behave well."

Shen An'an: "..."

How God taught mankind to behave well! !

After the oarfish and the octopus essence left, Shen An'an didn't know whether to worry about them or for those human compatriots who might get into trouble with them.

So even though she sat on the reef with Zhou Suiyu, the whole fish was restless.

Even the meat she likes to eat on weekdays doesn't feel as delicious as usual.

Zhou Suiyu glanced at her, then looked at her again after a while, thinking to himself, the oarfish just didn't show up for a while, and this little mermaid actually became restless and didn't think about tea and rice. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated? already?

Could it be that these two fish are really in love? ? ?

Should... no?

Speaking of which, he still doesn't know the gender of the oarfish. It seems that next time there is a chance, he will have to catch the oarfish and study it.

The oarfish that had just landed inexplicably sneezed a lot.

The octopus spirit asked inexplicably, "What's wrong, as soon as I left the bottom of the sea, I didn't get used to the soil and water?"

The word "acclimatization" was learned from anthropology when she first came ashore as an adult. She really didn't have a chance to use it on weekdays, but it was rare to use it today. The octopus was quite happy, and felt that she was really literate and humorous.

It's a pity that the oarfish doesn't understand her sense of humor: "No, I think the air quality on the shore is not very good."

The octopus essence put on a look of a person who came over, "Little boy, you are so rare and strange": "Hey, this is what is the air quality, and when you really enter the city, you will know what is the real bad air quality. ."

Inexplicably, the oarfish wanted to back off: "Ah, this is it, then... or..."

The octopus spirit reached out and tugged at him: "Don't want it, it's still fun in the city, my sister will take you to meet the world. By the way, do you want to go to the barber shop to re-dye your hair? I think you're dyed this red now. The hair is not very good, how would you like to dye it green?"

Huang daiyu looked at her expressionlessly: " many times have I told you that this redhead, Laozi, is born, born..."

Before he finished speaking, the octopus essence slapped the red hair of the oarfish with a slap: "Who are you talking to, Laozi, Laozi, no big or small."

Oarfish: "…"

On the first day that the oarfish left, the old turtle had one thought - miss him, miss him, miss him very much.

Because when the oarfish was there, the work of running errands and stalking was the dried oarfish, and as soon as the oarfish left, all these jobs fell on the head of the old sea turtle.

The poor old turtle is getting old, and he has to go to watch the young people fall in love.

It doesn't seem right to say that the onlookers fall in love, because the little mermaid and the human scientist don't look like they are in love.

After all, which two young people have you seen when they fall in love without talking or being affectionate?

But you'd say they didn't talk, but where did the pink bubbles all around them come from?

The old turtle felt that he was really too difficult.

Especially when he thought that the Little Mermaid would be an adult in half a year, and when she became an adult, he would no longer have any reason or excuse to stop her from falling in love with this human scientist, and he felt that it was even more difficult for him.

Or, why don't you just look for a few new targets for the Little Mermaid while you still have time?

So when Shen Anan came back from the appointment with the human scientist, the old turtle took the initiative to say: "Xiao An, I heard that humans have a saying that one must never give up a forest for a tree. You are the most precious little mermaid, Naturally, you should not give up the entire ocean for an ordinary human scientist. So tell me what you like, and I will pay attention to you during this time, and you can choose more and more..."

Shen Anan smiled brightly: "I just like the little brother scientist."


The old turtle was still waiting to persuade him, when he heard Shen Anan continue to add: "Or like my little brother, who is handsome and can cook."

Old Turtle: "…"

Handsome or not, this is different, but if you want to find someone who can cook like that human scientist, let alone one cannot be found in this sea area, even if the old turtle turns all the nearby sea areas. Come and look for it again, I'm afraid I can't find one.

As I said before, the old turtle is a very Buddhist turtle.

The Buddha is there, and he is very open to things.

Since The Little Mermaid has identified this human scientist and refuses to change her life or death, the most urgent task is to confirm what kind of person this human scientist is and whether it is reliable.

After all, if a mermaid wants to fall in love with a person, the other person's appearance, ability, wealth, etc. are secondary. The most important point is to see the other person's character.

After all, the little mermaid is full of treasures, the tears she cried are pearls, the spun dragon yarn is a treasure, and even the scales on her body are the best medicinal materials. If the tortoise shell can nourish the yin and replenish the yang, then the scales on the mermaid can beautify the skin. Beauty. Otherwise, is the name Mermaid called for nothing?

When the old sea turtle was a child, he heard that a mermaid fell in love with a human, and was locked in a cage by a human, giving her a utensil every day, and letting her eat only if she cried out a utensil of pearls.

So if the little mermaid really wants to be with this human scientist, then before that, the old turtle must be disguised as a human figure to guard her.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask Shen An'an, "If one day I go up and test that human scientist for you, what question would you most like me to ask?"

As soon as Shen Anan grabbed the old turtle's hand, he said excitedly and earnestly, "Please help me ask his name, don't forget it."

Old Turtle: "...????"

Shen An'an has been very careful during this time since she accidentally turned her leg out of a dream that night. Wearing a long skirt obediently every day, I am afraid that one day the surprise will suddenly turn into a fright.

But one day has passed, two days have passed, and many, many days have passed, and her tail is still growing on her waist, and even this time it doesn't even itch.

This made Shen Anan breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, she was vaguely disappointed.

Now the weather on the island is getting hotter and hotter, Shen Anan's appetite is not good when it is hot.

It used to be like this. When summer came, she didn't want to eat too much, even her favorite braised pork, she was too tired to panic.

She knew it was normal, but Zhou Suiyu didn't.

Zhou Suiyu only knew that since the oarfish left, the little mermaid's appetite was getting worse day by day. At the beginning, it was just that the meat was not as fragrant as before, and now it has even gradually evolved into an indigestible food.

Zhou Suiyu deeply felt that it would not work like this, but he didn't know what to do. After all, he couldn't make an oarfish for the little mermaid. And even if he can change it, he doesn't want it.

He just racked his brains to prepare something for Shen An'an, and even went back to learn two summer desserts from Chen's mother.

One is mango sago, and the other is milk pudding.

They are all very sweet and refreshing desserts.

Shen An'an really liked it very much, and ate it with a small tail.

Zhou Suiyu hadn't seen her happy appearance while eating and flicking her tail for a long time, so she couldn't help staring at her dangling little tail for a while.

As a result, I looked at it and saw that the fish tail that was swinging around suddenly turned into a pair of feet.

The feet were white, with slightly arched insteps and slender ankles, which were lined by the azure blue water, giving them an extraordinarily unreal beauty.

So Zhou Suiyu subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

But when he looked intently, the feet were still there.

And because it is stained with water droplets, it still feels a little crystal clear in the sun.

Heck! !

Zhou Suiyu felt that he must have seen a ghost in broad daylight.

So he reached out his hand without thinking, and touched it lightly.

Shen An'an didn't realize that she had changed her legs again at first.

After all, this kind of change doesn't have any special real feeling, it's not painful or itchy, and when she eats, she doesn't pay much attention to the changes in the outside world.

However, after Zhou Suiyu stared at her feet for a long time, she realized this change with hindsight.

She also wanted to observe Zhou Suiyu's reaction when she found out that her tail had turned into a leg, so she secretly observed Zhou Suiyu's reaction as if she was nothing.

As a result, Zhou Suiyu reached out his hand and gently scratched her feet.

She was fine elsewhere, but her legs and feet were particularly ticklish.

So when Zhou Suiyu touched it so lightly, she subconsciously raised her foot.

Zhou Suiyu, who was kicked into the sea: "..."

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that as soon as Zhou Suiyu fell into the water, Shen An'an's feet changed back to fish tails again.

Zhou Suiyu looked at the fish tail that continued to swing, and then looked at the little mermaid on the reef who looked at him innocently: "...Did I just get dazzled?"

Shen An'an on the reef responded with strong eyes - otherwise?

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