MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 105

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Although Zhou's mother strongly opposed it, she felt that it was too wrong for An'an to set the wedding time so hastily. But because the bride had no opinion, and Grandpa Turtle and the oarfish also had a relieved look on their faces, "Oh, after so long, these two are finally ready to make up the wedding", so the wedding was still settled.

The wedding date is set for September 20.

The calendar says that this day is suitable for marriage.

In fact, if it wasn't for the lack of time, Zhou Suiyu originally wanted to set the wedding on September 9th, but not because September 9th sounds particularly auspicious, implying a long-term superstition, he is purely I think September 9th is a better day to remember.

As a human being, you should still have a little sense of urgency, and set the wedding day on an obvious and memorable day, so as to avoid conflicts between husband and wife due to forgetting the wedding anniversary in the future.

The reason why Zhou Suiyu has such a strong sense of urgency in matters such as anniversaries is because he has many lessons from the past. Such as his father, and then such as cotton candy papa. Father Zhou and Father Marshmallow were beaten because they couldn't remember various anniversaries after they got married because they didn't have any sense of urgency before.

These are all living examples. Zhou Suiyu should not pay attention.

However, although September 20 is not as catchy as September 9, it is still easy to remember, so it is not bad. Of course, the main reason is that September 9 was really too rushed, and Zhou Suiyu was afraid that his mother would collapse completely.

As I said before, for the wedding guests, Zhou Suiyu only planned to invite a few very close relatives of Zhou's father, Zhou's mother and Chen's mother to attend. As for Zheng Suo and Daddy Marshmallow, who are close friends, Zhou Suiyu decided to wait until the wedding was over before taking An An back to Whale City to invite them to dinner alone.

After all, here on the island, the less people know about it, the safer it is. What's more, Zheng's identity is so special.

Although Zhou Suiyu invited very few relatives and friends, there was no need to worry that the wedding would not be lively enough. Because Shen An'an invited many sea creatures to attend her wedding with Zhou Suiyu.

There is a sea lion doctor who delivered An An's baby.

There is a sea bird essence who brought An An to apply for an ID card.

There is also a good friend of the oarfish, the killer whale.

Oh, by the way, there are also many sea creatures who have been bullied by Gudu.

Many sea creatures are attending a wedding for the first time, so it feels very new. When the killer whale came here this time, he also brought the dragon yarn loom to An An by the way. So An An simply prepared dresses for these sea creatures who came to her wedding.

Of course, because of time constraints, she only prepared women's dresses, and men's dresses were all ordered by Zhou Suiyu with the help of an outside studio.

In the end, the ladies are all uniformed with long skirts with suspenders, and the men are standard with white shirts and black suit pants.

The wedding scene was arranged by Zhou's mother.

Even the flowers were airlifted by Zhou's mother from her garden on a private plane.

And Zhou mother always felt that there are mountains, water and trees on the island, but there are no flowers. An island without flowers always feels like something is missing.

So this time Mother Zhou not only brought a lot of flowers by air to set up the wedding stage, but also brought a lot of flower seeds to sprinkle on the island. If it goes well, it will probably take a few years before the island will become full of flowers, and the island will probably have another beauty by then.

When setting up the wedding stage, I didn't ask for help from outsiders. After all, there are many laborers on the island. And each of them is strong and very easy to use. Even a girl can easily stand up the huge style decorated by Mother Zhou by herself.

So much so that Zhou's mother couldn't help but sighed to An An privately when she set up the wedding stage: "What kind of moving company is this going to open, and I invite these people to help move the goods and deliver the goods. I'll probably get rich soon? If you pull one person out, you can be worth a moving team."

However, when it was time for dinner, Zhou's mother changed her opinion in an instant. After all, although these marine friends can work alone, they can equal a team of others, and they can also equal a team when they eat!

It feels stressful to raise.

There are so many guests who come to the wedding, but Gudu children's favorite is Uncle Killer Whale. Because Uncle Killer Whale is the most handsome.

Gu Dong was not happy when he heard this: "So you mean that Uncle Killer Whale is more handsome than Dad?"

Gudu was stunned and shook his head. It's not that, at most, he is as handsome as his father.

Seeing Gudu shaking his head, Gudong immediately corrected: "Then you can't say that Uncle Orca is the most handsome in the future. You should say that Uncle Orca is as handsome as Dad. Otherwise, Dad will be sad when he hears it. Just like you can't boast The other sisters and aunts are the most beautiful, and I can only say that they are as beautiful as my mother."

Gudu nodded in understanding.

Shen Anan, who accidentally listened to the whole process, said with relief that her son was really a warm boy.

Because Xiao Gudu couldn't leave the sea, in order to take care of her, the main stage of the wedding was set on the beach.

Everyone built a giant flower arch with three kinds of roses, pink, white and blue, which were shipped in by air, and then used magnolias and hydrangea to build a lot of style columns along the red carpet.

The red carpet was flanked by white chairs with flowers on their backs.

Just looking at the layout of the wedding scene makes me feel very warm and romantic.

There was also a table outside the wedding site, which was prepared for the buffet on the wedding day. After all, there is no way to invite chefs on this island, and among all the guests, Chen Ma is the only one who can cook.

Although the number of people who came to the wedding was not large, if she was serious about preparing the wedding banquet, she would probably die of exhaustion. But if you eat a buffet, desserts, cold dishes, fruits and seafood can all be prepared in advance by the hotel outside, and then they will be shipped directly by air.

Chen's mother only needs to be responsible for the continuous supply of barbecue on the wedding day. Anyway, this group of marine creatures are all meat-loving, as long as the meat is continuously supplied, they will feel very satisfied.

It's time for the wedding soon.

Because there is no need to pick up a kiss or anything, Anan slept as usual this day and woke up naturally, and after getting up, she simply drank milk, ate a boiled egg, and then changed into a white long tail mopping the floor Wedding dress.

This wedding dress was designed by An An in person before communicating with the wedding dress designer. The front is a simple small V-neck, with beautiful lace on the collar, delicate flower embroidery on the chest, and careful attention to the waist and back. Machine, the lower body is a fishtail long drag skirt. Although there is no particularly fancy design, or even inlaid with An An's favorite pearls, this wedding dress still looks beautiful and **** on An An, and her waist is particularly thin and her legs are particularly long. The most important thing is to wear it from the back. If you look at it from the side, it will appear that the curves and arcs between An An's back are particularly attractive.

Miss Dolphin, who was in charge of makeup for An An, thought about it for a long time before coming up with an idiom: "...the kind that come and go."

An An couldn't help being laughed at by her.

An An has good skin and looks beautiful, so the dolphin makeup artist simply gave An An a fresh and beautiful makeup, and helped An An with a beautiful long hair, and then put An An on before Zhou Suiyu Give her a crown when you confess to her.

This crown was processed later, and the white veil that Zhou Suiyu personally requested to add was added. The veil is made of long tulle and lace, which can slightly block An An's beautiful back. Don't say it, it really has a different style to be hidden like this.

When Gu Dong came in with his father Zhou Suiyu, he saw An An who was indulging in his beauty and couldn't help himself standing in front of the makeup mirror.

The moment they saw An An, the father and son lit up at the same time.

Then Gu Dong said first: "Mom, you are so beautiful, you are even more beautiful than the princess in the fairy tale."

Zhou Suiyu glanced at his son and whispered helplessly, "Stinky boy, why did you even steal your father's lines?"

Gu Dong ignored his own father because he had already run towards his princess.

The weather is hot today, so An An did not prepare a small suit for Gudong, but white short-sleeved and suspender-style suit pants for him. When he wears small leather shoes and combs his hair, Gudong looks very much like the one from the Republic of China. The young master of the Qian Family has never tasted the kind of suffering in the world since he was soaked in a honey pot.

At this moment, the young master has already hugged his mother's thigh, and is looking up at his small, fair and delicate face, and his eyes are shining brightly at his mother.

Zhou Suiyu walked over, lifted his son aside, squatted down, and rearranged An An's crumpled wedding dress before taking out the shoe box he was holding in the other hand.

The shoe box was opened, and inside lay a pair of very beautiful crystal high-heeled shoes. The golden vamp is inlaid with beautiful rhinestones, which look bright under the light.

Shen An'an was very used to Zhou Suiyu putting her shoes on. After all, when the two of them went out to buy shoes, Zhou Suiyu helped her try them on.

So as soon as Zhou Suiyu took out the shoebox, An An immediately sat down on the makeup stool consciously.

Zhou Suiyu took off the sandals on her feet and put on these high heels.

The shoes are specially customized according to the size of An An's feet, so they fit naturally. And the shoes of this brand are known for their comfort, even if they are new, they will not rub your feet when you wear them. An An had tried other shoes of this brand before and liked it very much, so Zhou Suiyu specially customized this brand of wedding shoes for her.

While the two were trying shoes, Miss Dolphin had already helped hold Gu Dong out. So now only An An and Zhou Suiyu are left in the dressing room.

After Zhou Suiyu put on An An's shoes, he still maintained the position of half-kneeling on the ground just now, looking up at An An with a smile.

An An also looked down at him with a smile.

There was a lot of noise outside the house, and the laughter and laughter of the guests could be heard, but the house was very quiet.

The two of them smiled silently and looked at each other for a while, then An An stood up and walked towards the full-length mirror with her wedding dress in hand. While looking in the mirror, she took the initiative to break the silence: "Does it look good?"

Zhou Suiyu followed, looked at An An and nodded seriously: "It looks good."

An An mischievously smiled at Zhou Suiyu: "little brother, I really envy you for marrying such a beautiful wife."

An An thought that Zhou Suiyu would say, "I envy you too, being able to marry such a handsome husband", but Zhou Suiyu just smiled and leaned over and hugged her waist, then nodded in agreement: "I envy you all. Myself."

An An couldn't help laughing, and when she smiled, Zhou Suiyu lifted her chin and kissed her lips.

When she came in just now, Zhou Suiyu wanted to kiss her. It was only because of the presence of Gudong and the make-up artist that he reluctantly held back. There were only the two of them left in the dressing room at the moment, so Zhou Suiyu finally couldn't hold back.

He kissed fiercely and urgently, as if to swallow An An into his stomach.

In the end, I didn't swallow An An, but I ate An An's lipstick. So much so that when An An called Miss Dolphin in to touch up her makeup, her face was all red, like heavy red blush.

Miss Dolphin pursed her lips and smiled, and turned her head to comfort An An, who was shy and smoking above her head: "It's all right, newlyweds, I understand."

An An whispered: "...We have been married for four years."

Miss Dolphin exclaimed in a low voice: "Wow, then your relationship is so good, it's really enviable. Do you have any secrets to keep your marriage fresh?"

An An thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of it, and finally had to say, "Probably find the right person!"

At 10:30 am, the wedding started on time.

The sea bird essence is the emcee of the wedding, and Grandpa Turtle is the witness of the wedding.

An An held the hand of the oarfish, walked slowly across the red carpet covered with flowers, and then walked all the way to the main stage.

There, Zhou Suiyu, who was utterly handsome in a black dark-patterned suit, stood there, and Gudong and Gudu, holding a small flower basket, were laughing and spreading petals.

Gudu was wearing the same white princess dress as An An on this day, with a small crown on her head. The brown hair was tied into two small chirps, revealing a beautiful little face with chubby flesh.

Because he couldn't leave the sea, Gudu's little blue tail was still immersed in the sea water, only his upper body was lying on the stage, and he was excitedly grabbing the petals and playing with Gudong.

Seeing An An carrying her skirt over, the family of three stopped and looked over. Then I don't know what Zhou Suiyu said to the two guys, the big two and the small three raised their hands above their heads at the same time, and made a heartfelt comparison with An An.

Zhou Suiyu also lip-synched at An An.

If An An is not mistaken, what he said is - An An, I love you!

An'an paused for a while, and then slowly walked over with her skirt. After approaching, she first bent down and kissed Gudong and Gudu, and then kissed Zhou Suiyu in thunderous applause.

I love you too.

From before, to now, to later.

You are my 16-year-old heartbeat, 18-year-old deer rambling, and the person I'll stumble to meet with ecstasy when I hear a name when I'm 80.

The author has something to say: the text is officially over here.

Let me think about what to write first, and you can leave a message if you want to see it.