MTL - Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist-Chapter 100

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Children can say simple words when they are about one year old. The first word that other children usually pop up is either father or mother. Unlike Gudong, the first word he pops up is "fish fish".

At that time, Zhou Suiyu hugged him and looked at his sister by the pool, and then pointed at her sister and called her "Yuyu" and "Yuyu".

Zhou Suiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's not Yuyu, it's my sister!"

Gu Dong stared at Zhou Suiyu for a moment with big, round eyes like black grapes, and then continued: "Yuyuyuyuyuyu..."

Zhou Suiyu: "…"

alright, you win!

Zhou Suiyu is more delicate in some aspects. He has always felt that when Gudong and Gudu are together, the focus of most people will naturally be on his sister Gudu.

After all, compared with human babies like Gudong, the Little Mermaid is obviously much more exotic.

As the saying goes, what is rare is more expensive!

So in order to prevent Gudong from feeling left out, Zhou Suiyu would try to take care of Gudong as much as possible on weekdays. He doesn't have any idea of ​​valuing sons over women or women over men. For him, sons and daughters are his treasures. If everyone likes his daughter more, then he will be better to his son. As a parent, don't say how you must love your children, at least fairness must be done.

As a result, it turned out that Zhou Suiyu was completely overthinking. Because other people saw Gudu a little novel at first, but later they treated Gudong Gudu equally. It was Gudong himself, and his attention to his sister Gudu continued to be high.

And since he unlocked the word "fish fish" that day, he quickly unlocked a lot of new vocabulary. For example, "watching the fish", "feeding the fish", "touching the fish"... Anyway, as long as he opens his eyes, the first thing Gudong does must be to see his sister.

Gudong likes his sister so much, the old father and mother are naturally pleased.

But as time passed, Zhou Suiyu and Shen Anan began to have other worries.

Because before the age of one, Gudu lived in the constant temperature swimming pool on the island most of the time. First, it was convenient for Shen Anan to take care of her, and secondly, it was because everyone was not at ease to let her live in the sea at such a young age.

However, it is natural for mermaids to return to the sea, and the pool is gradually becoming a little too small for Gudu.

So after their first birthday, Shen An'an and Zhou Suiyu began to think about letting Gudu follow the old turtle and the oarfish to live in the sea.

Even if Gudu went to the sea with the old turtle and the oarfish, it was only during the day, and he would continue to stay in the heated swimming pool at night.

But Rao is like this, Shen An'an and Zhou Suiyu are still worried that Gu Dong, the sister control, will not be able to stand it.

Gu Dong was still young, so Shen An'an and Zhou Suiyu couldn't reason with him.

So we can only take one step at a time.

Sure enough, on the first day Gudu followed the old turtle and the oarfish to the sea, Gudu cried a lot, pointing at the swimming pool to find fish and fish while crying.

Shen Anan comforted him: "my sister is going to the sea, she will be back when the sun goes down."

Crying loudly: "Fish fish..."

Zhou Suiyu: "My sister is going to the sea, and she will be back soon. Why don't your father take you to wait for your sister, okay?"

Gudong continued to cry: "Yuyu..."

Shen Anan looked at her son with a headache, and finally turned into a mermaid on a whim, and then took Gudong to find her sister.

Of course, Gudong can't dive, so An'an put Gudong on his back and floated on the sea by himself.

It was the first time for Gu Dong to come into contact with the sea at such a close distance, and it was also the first time for An An to change a fish tail similar to that of her younger sister. It was very novel. For a while, the matter of looking for his sister was forgotten, and even the moment the waves came over, he burst into laughter.

An An was worried that he would be afraid, but when he saw him smiling, he immediately swam to the place with waves on purpose. The mother and son were having fun in the sea, and Gudu also swam up from the depths of the sea with the old turtle and the oarfish.

The little mermaid can't speak when she's underage, but that's limited to her being unable to communicate normally with humans. Gudu can still communicate normally with An An and the old turtle king oarfish. And I don't know if it's because the girls speak relatively earlier, Gudong will also say fishy fish, and the children of Gudu can clearly express their likes and dislikes.

So as soon as she saw that An An hugged her brother and didn't hug her, she immediately stretched out her fleshy little hand and shouted, "Mom hug!"

An An handed the Gudu on his back to the oarfish, and then hugged Gudu over.

As soon as Gudu got into An An's arms, he raised his small face and took a "wave" on An An's face, a very loud sip, as loud as the cork of a red wine bottle being suddenly pulled out of the bottle.

Although Zhou Suiyu on the shore only heard a little vaguely, just the joyous picture in front of him was enough to make him envious.

But it was already so difficult for him, and the oarfish still murmured in the sea: "Are you envious? Are you jealous? Do you want to come and play in the sea? Just say it if you want, how do we know if you don't say it? Do you want to come? As a human being, the most important thing is to be honest."

Zhou Suiyu: "...I think you don't want to eat meat at night."

The oarfish immediately said with full legs: "I was wrong, I was wrong, come and come, if you want to come to the sea to play, you can take you. You should know that I am not only an oarfish, but also nicknamed Bai. Dragon King, so if you ride me, it is equivalent to riding a dragon."

Zhou Suiyu was a little moved, but more disgusted: "Why don't you forget it!"

Seeing that Zhou Suiyu wanted to come down, Shen Anan put down Gudu in his arms, then swam to Zhou Suiyu's side, and extended his hand to him.

Zhou Suiyu hesitated a little: "Is it okay?"

Shen Anan smiled: "It's okay, don't worry."

When Zhou Sui met An An and said so firmly, he still held An An's hand in the end.

Shen An'an took Zhou Suiyu into the sea, then motioned Zhou Suiyu to lie on top of her, and brought Zhou Suiyu to Gudong and Gudu's side like a little Gudong.

When Xiao Gudu saw Zhou Suiyu coming, he immediately embraced Zhou Suiyu's neck, and then kissed Zhou Suiyu's face with a snap.

Zhou Suiyu was instantly complete.

Shen An'an pointed to Gudong on Grandpa Turtle's back: "There is still brother who hasn't kissed yet! Gudu is going to kiss my brother."

Gudu tilted his head to look at Gudong on Grandpa Turtle's back, and Gudong also stared at Gudu with big round eyes. The two brothers and sisters just stared at each other silently for a while, and then Gudu suddenly took a mouthful of sea water, and "puchi" all sprayed on Gudong's face.

Everyone else was shocked.

Only Gu Dong, who was stunned for two seconds, then laughed out loud.

Everyone: "…"

This child is so easy to bully, how can he get it in the future?

The octopus essence and the oarfish said a long time ago that they would teach Gudong to fight when he was a little older. After all, it's a boy who can't fight!

As a result, Xiao Gudong not only looks more beautiful than the little girl, but also has a very quiet and reserved personality.

The octopus essence and the oarfish gave him a headache to see him like this.

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother are not surprised at all, because Zhou Suiyu was like this when he was a child!

When Zhou Suiyu was young, he was prettier than a little girl. At that time, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother took him out, and people outside mistook him for a little girl.

Moreover, Zhou Suiyu was not only quiet when he was a child, but until he went to school, his temperament was calmer and more reserved than his peers, not to mention fighting with people, not even loudly quarreling with people. I just read and read every day... Anyway, it's a very typical child from someone else's family.

Although others envied Zhou's parents and Zhou's mother for having such a well-behaved child, to be honest, Zhou's parents and Zhou's mother also worried about this for a long time.

They even worry that Zhou Suiyu is autistic.

Later, although it was confirmed that Zhou Suiyu was in good health, they still had various worries. I am afraid that Zhou Suiyu will be bullied at school if he is so good, and that he will not be able to make friends if he is so reticent to talk...

It turns out that Zhou Suiyu grew up very smoothly, and the situation they feared did not happen. In other words, although there are some situations that they are worried about, for example, Zhou Suiyu did not make too many friends, but the reason why Zhou Suiyu can't make friends is not because he doesn't like to talk, but because he despises others .

Because there is a living example of Zhou Suiyu before, so when Zhou's father and Zhou's mother faced Xiao Gudong, they were extremely calm.

Afraid that Shen Anan would think too much, they also took the initiative to comfort Anan: "Don't worry, Xiao Gudong is just like his father. Anyway, you should remember one thing, as long as Gudong Gudu has any shortcomings, it must be his father; What are the advantages of Gudonggudu, it must be up to you."

Zhou Suiyu who listened to the whole process: "...???"

In fact, An An was not too worried about Gu Dong.

Because gentle and quiet boys are also very likable!

In fact, she was more worried about Gudu.

This little guy, Gudu, is too grumpy and particularly naughty. In the past, at most, he was bullying and bullying brother Gudong, but now almost all the marine creatures in the sea have been bullied by her.

Moreover, there are two bear parents, the oarfish and the octopus, behind Gudu, and other marine creatures dare not speak out when they are bullied by Gudu.

Of course, there are occasional people who come to complain. Whenever this time, Gudu starts to act cute: "Gudu knows it's wrong, don't you get angry, okay?"

People who came to complain when they saw Gudu's appearance, in all likelihood, would say, "Oh, forget it."

Sometimes Shen Anan loses his temper, and the complaining marine creature will help Gudu to say good things: "Aiya, the child is still young, Anan, don't make such a big fire, and you have something to say!"


So who was it that sued before?

An An: "...You can't get used to it because the child is young. If you do something wrong, you should be punished, and you should say it!"

The other party looked at Xiao Gudu and said, "I understand the truth, but who makes Xiao Gudu so cute? Forget it, just forgive her!"

An An: "…"

Read The Duke's Passion