MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 59

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Uncle Lin…? Chen Shiming was a little surprised when he saw the person Chen Qizhao was referring to. He frowned slightly: "Why him? It's unnecessary."

If these poisonous fragrances were exchanged or arranged by Lao Lin, what exactly is he drawing? It is also a confined space. Lao Lin is driving in the driver's seat. He ingests far more aromatherapy than his father Chen Jianhong. In such an environment for a long time, his body will be affected just like his father. Chen Shiming has considered many suspects, and to be honest, Lao Lin is the one with the lowest suspicion.

It's been at least half a year, and he drives the car with these aromatherapy devices every day for half a year. As the person closest to the aromatherapy device, it is a doubt that he didn't find the problem."

Or Uncle Lin really didn't find the problem of these aromatherapy, and the words of someone else who replaced the aromatherapy can't be justified. First of all, the aromatherapy is prepared at home. As far as he knows, Zhang Yazhi likes many scents. There are more than ten kinds of spare aromatherapy scents in the storage room. If someone wants to change the aromatherapy in the parking lot, they need to know in advance the time of the car. What is the smell of the aromatherapy installed for a period of time, and then replace the aromatherapy prepared in advance, otherwise the difference in taste will immediately cause others to suspect...

The time when the vehicle is parked in the parking lot is limited, and the work assigned by the maintenance master in charge may not be the same each time. If the suspect comes out of the parking lot, how can he determine the aroma of the aromatherapy in the presence of other maintenance workers? Then go to the manufacture of aromatherapy and replace the aromatherapy. Or the people in the parking lot did not take into account the smell of aromatherapy, and randomly prepared similar-looking spice boxes, then Uncle Lin's doubts were even greater. As a driver, he would definitely find the difference.

"There may be a problem with the aromatherapy shop, but don't you think it's strange that these aromatherapy boxes appear in Dad's car precisely?" There are a lot of drivers, but Uncle Lin is the one who drives those cars for a long time."

Perhaps the person who arranged the aromatherapy was Zhang Yazhi, but Lao Lin, who often contacts the garage, has every opportunity to arrange the problematic aromatherapy on the target vehicle before Chen Jianhong or others contact the aromatherapy. Or he can act as an intermediary and tell Zhang Yazhi what fragrance Chen Jianhong prefers... For a long time, it was a simple matter for Lao Lin to control the fragrance to an accurate location without causing others to doubt it.

Chen Shiming clearly knew that Lao Lin was a man who worked in Chen's family when he was young. He had been a driver for his father Chen Jianhong for many years, and he often picked them up to and from school when he was a child. The person who had the longest contact was indeed Lao Lin. But just because he was Lao Lin, Chen Shiming couldn't understand. He preferred that the suspect came from an employee who benefited from money in the parking lot, rather than from the Chen family villa.

One Jiang Yuze, one Lin Shizhong...and now one Lao Lin.

This kind of result, even he is a little hard to believe, let alone Chen Jianhong who has long trusted them.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door, and it seemed that Zhang Yazhi was coming.

The conversation between the brothers stopped tacitly, and Chen Shiming said, "I will check the rest."

The door opened, Zhang Yazhi followed behind the servant, and Chen Qizhao's dinner was placed on the tray. She urged Chen Shiming to go down to eat, and she was already sitting by Chen Qizhao's bed, as if planning to hand-feed.

Chen Qizhao is sober, and not so sick that he can't even hold a spoon, "I can do it myself."

Zhang Yazhi was a little regretful, so she had to hand over the tableware, "Is it uncomfortable? There may be no taste in the mouth after a fever, so I still need to rest a few days, I have already asked you for leave from the school. "

"It's not uncomfortable." Chen Qizhao was eating, and he was still thinking about the topic of communication with Chen Shiming.

In fact, the more subjective reason for suspecting Uncle Lin was the accident of Chen Shiming in his previous life. He is not sure if there is a GPS locator in his previous life, and Jiang Yuze also placed someone in Chen Shiming's assistant group early. He is not sure how much Jiang Yuze did in his previous life, but one thing that is certain is that he also hired a truck driver.

Assuming there is no GPS tracker, then Jiang Yuze's action route is likely to be informed by Chen Shiming's assistant of Chen Shiming's itinerary that day, so that the driver or the driver is prepared in advance, when Chen Shiming's vehicle appears go up. But this plan sounds feasible, but in fact, the probability of success is half. First, the truck driver needs to maintain a certain speed to avoid suspicion, and secondly, he needs to accurately hit Chen Shiming at the Panshan intersection...

The plan works, but the actual chance of success is 50%.

Chen Shiming planned the location of the car accident in his life to have a wide field of vision and easy control. It is completely feasible to use GPS and road time judgment to carry out a man-made car accident. Judging the location... But if besides the truck driver, even Lao Lin, the driver who was in the car at the time, was also someone arranged by Jiang Yuze, then there is every opportunity to negotiate and create an accident in a previous life that even Chen Shiming didn't notice.

The steering wheel change in the accident investigation later, most people including Chen Qizhao believed that the steering wheel change at that time may be the driver's instinct to avoid part of the injury, but if the driver did not subconsciously avoid the oncoming impact, But the driver deliberately adjusted the steering wheel to ensure that the vehicle could hit it... The result was completely different from the guess.

Chen Qizhao didn't think about these things at first, or he was more inclined to trust the driver Uncle Lin in the early days, but now there are various signs that make him question this trust. The driver does have many years of driving experience. He can rely on his instinct to avoid injury when an accident occurs. He may also predict the arrival of the accident in advance, and he will hit Chen Shiming with the heart of death.

But Chen Shiming had a big life and survived.

The driver died.

Dead people always bring compassion, and more people believe that dead people don't lie.

So the driver's death somehow made that man-made accident an accident.

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Yazhi suddenly asked.

Chen Qizhao recovered, "No."

"The porridge is cold." Zhang Yazhi smiled and said, "Eat the porridge and drink some soup."

She looked at Chen Qizhao drinking porridge, her smiling eyes gradually faded.

Zhang Yazhi is always paying attention to the child, she also found that the child was in a daze just now. She watched the child scooping porridge for a few minutes, but she didn't see him speak or make a move, so she just stayed there quietly, as if thinking about things and seeming to be wandering.

Chen Qizhao's fever this time, she specifically asked the doctor, rather than the cold and fever caused by Chen Shiming's failure to keep warm when sleeping in the office, she prefers that the child has something on his mind, especially During this time, Chen Qizhao became thinner and thinner, and the time of silence increased. There were some things that she couldn't help but doubt.

Chen Qizhao finished eating and felt sleepy again.

Just talk to Yan Kailin who came to visit, and spend the rest of the time in the living room with Zhang Yazhi watching TV shows.

"Aren't you going to work these days?" Chen Qizhao asked.

Zhang Yazhi changed the station and said, "Mom has been watching you at home these few days and won't go anywhere."

Chen Qizhao: "…"

There are various popular TV shows on TV. Ms. Zhang Yazhi likes to watch these **** TV series in her spare time. Chen Qizhao is wrapped in a blanket and accompanied by her, and she has not watched it for hundreds of years. He actually accompanied Zhang Yazhi to watch the TV for 2 hours.

Zhang Yazhi: "This man is really hateful."

Chen Qizhao nodded, thinking that this person is still being searched because of domestic violence in reality, so he responded: "This person is a domestic violence man."

Zhang Yazhi said unexpectedly: "Why is he domestic violence? Is he married?"

Chen Qizhao: "Aren't you married yet? ... I just think he looks like a domestic abuser."

Zhang Yazhi pointed to another actor: "What about this one?"

Chen Qizhao was not impressed, so he replied, "That's it."

The butler who was standing beside listened to the conversation between the mother and son, and was speechless for a while, and finally asked: "Madam, are you still preparing according to yesterday's menu at noon?"

Zhang Yazhi nodded and suddenly remembered something, so she said, "Prepare more meals for one person."

Chen Qizhao didn't think about anything else. Looking at the actors in the TV series, he went to look through the documents in his phone that Xu Special Assistant prepared a long time ago. Before, he only signed a cooperation contract with Nie Chenxiao's studio for non-Hong Kong Electric. He also prepared a lot of information about other small artists. It turned out to be an alternative plan for the project at that time. Now think about it carefully, and prepare all the materials. Now, it's better to sign people up first, and if you lack a spokesperson in the future, you can use it instead, and you don't have to go outside to cooperate with artists who don't step on the thunder.

Thinking of this, he counted the spare money left in his hand, and sent the document directly to Xiao Zhou, so that Xiao Zhou was busy talking about cooperation. The Feihong project was also re-investigated because of the evidence of Jiang Yuze's incident. Feng Ruyi also specially sent a message to say thank you. Chen Qizhao had no idea about this thank you. Feng Ruyi, who has a strict attitude, helps to check the project that the family cooperates with the Shen family. It is estimated that there should be no major problems...

He was playing with his mobile phone, and Zhang Yazhi was also chatting with the little sister, it seemed that they were talking about a party.

"What party?" Chen Qizhao asked casually.

"The party prepared by the ladies in the circle." Zhang Yazhi said: "In the past two days, I wondered whether I should refuse."

It is the sorority of those wives and celebrities... Chen Qizhao remembered that Zhang Yazhi loved to play in the past.

"Are you bored at home?" Chen Qizhao continued to play with his mobile phone with his eyes down. There were no new emails in his private mailbox for the past two days. Didn't go out to party."

Zhang Yazhi was surprised: "how do you know that mom didn't go out this month."

Chen Qizhao made a random excuse: "Listen to the housekeeper, you went home after get off work recently and didn't go out."

Zhang Yazhi glared at the housekeeper next to her.

The housekeeper thought for a while, did he say anything?

"Then promise your mother not to go out secretly." Zhang Yazhi frowned: "You are not in good health. If I don't look at you, what should you do if you run out and drink?" Na Na said: "It's not that Mom doesn't let you drink. I just got sick, so I need to take good care of my body."

Chen Qizhao had no choice but to say: "Okay, then I won't go out."

He really has no plans to go out these days. Even if he doesn't go out for some things, Chen Shiming will give him the documents after a stage of investigation. Since Chen Shiming focused on Jiang Yuze and Lin Shizhong, he would inevitably find something in the Chen family that was riddled with holes. In the past, Lin Shizhong's layout relied on Jiang Yuze to coordinate his actions. Now that Jiang Yuze can't protect himself, Lin Shizhong should think about it. How did he save himself when he lost Jiang Yuze, a general.

Chen Qizhao swiped his phone aimlessly, thinking about Lin Shizhong's thoughts a little bit.

When he sent Lin Shizhong to prison in his last life, he did not go deep into how much hatred Lin Shizhong had with their Chen family. He spent so many years in the layout just to tear down the Chen family's high-rise building. Lin Shizhong and Chen Jianhong have a good relationship. As early as more than ten years ago, when the Chen family had not expanded to the current size, Lin Shizhong had a lot of opportunities to bring down the Chen family, but the other party never did it, and waited until the Chen family. Growing up to a giant, Lin Shizhong only affected all the arrangements, causing the building to collapse.

Chen Qizhao didn't have the time or the time to try to figure out Lin Shizhong's bad taste. He only believed that this person was a threat to his family, so all he wanted to do was to make Lin Shizhong pay the price.

When Shen Yuhuai arrived at Chen's house, he followed the servants in and immediately noticed Chen Qizhao, who was wrapped in a plush blanket and playing with his mobile phone on the sofa in the distance. It seems to be due to illness. The boy is wrapped in a blanket and a small one. The hair on his forehead was slightly curled, a light blue antipyretic sticker was attached to his forehead, and his cheeks seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

Subtle observation fell on the other party's face, until Zhang Yazhi shouted enthusiastically, Chen Qizhao's attention was removed from the phone.

The gazes of the two met briefly, Chen Qizhao blinked, the half-lying body sat up straight, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Shen Yuhuai retracted his gaze, nodded slightly towards Zhang Yazhi, and handed the supplements to the housekeeper beside him, "Aunt Zhang, I'm sorry."

"I'm still thinking about why you haven't come over yet." Zhang Yazhi asked her to sit down, "I'll come as soon as I come, what else do I bring?"

Chen Qizhao's illness, Shen Yuhuai also helped a lot, Zhang Yazhi thought about inviting Shen Yuhuai to have a meal at home and thank them in person. It happened that Chen Qizhao was in good spirits in the past two days, so she asked Shen Yuhuai when she was going to the research institute, and it was noon today.

"Sit first, lunch will take a while."

"Okay." Shen Yuhuai sat down not far from Chen Qizhao, his eyes stopped on Chen Qizhao, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's much better." Chen Qizhao didn't straighten his hair, so he wrapped a blanket. The blanket was put on again.

Zhang Yazhi didn't tell him that Shen Yuhuai was coming to eat, he thought it was because Chen Shiming might go home for dinner at noon.

After Shen Yuhuai asked about Chen Qizhao's body, he communicated with Zhang Yazhi.

stand up.

For example, he slept on Shen Yuhuai during the infusion in the hospital,

For example, he shamelessly took Shen Yuhuai's hand to cool down...

I don't know if I think too much, or some other reason.

Chen Qizhao suddenly felt a little hot, and he immediately looked at Shen Yuhuai's hands, thinking of the cold touch of those hands. He frowned slightly, forcing his thoughts to return to the right track, but suddenly heard Zhang Yazhi's voice.

Zhang Yazhi asked casually, "Yu Huai has been in the research institute for so long, haven't he met a girl he likes?"

The elders chatting is nothing more than caring about their studies and career... And after all this is said, the abduction should also be abducted in the relationship. At home, Chen Qizhao occasionally heard Zhang Yazhi talking about the fact that Chen Shiming was too young to find his daughter-in-law to be a bachelor, but once this matter turned to Shen Yuhuai, his curiosity came up inexplicably.

He looked down at the phone, but he had quietly raised his ears to listen to Shen Yuhuai's answer.

Shen Yuhuai answered simply: "No."

In his last life, Shen Yuhuai never told him about any girl he liked. He remembered that among Shen Yuhuai’s colleagues, there were some excellent women. If Shen Yuhuai didn’t even like that, then his eyes how high.

He thought to himself, his eyes quietly moved away from the phone and fell on Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai was finishing talking to Zhang Yazhi, but didn't notice Chen Qizhao's scrutiny.

And Chen Qizhao's eyes were unbridled, he looked at Shen Yuhuai generously.

He thought again, Shen Yuhuai's vision is also right, and a person as good as him must be excellent.

At this time, Zhang Yazhi said: "It's also time to find someone you like. Don't be like Shi Ming, he's almost thirty or a bachelor. I really think he will marry the company in the future." After she finished speaking, she looked at Chen Qizhao again: "Look at Qizhao, don't tell your family when you get a girlfriend."

Chen Qizhao's hand paused for a while, noticing Shen Yuhuai's gaze, he looked at Zhang Yazhi in surprise, "When did I have a girlfriend?"

Zhang Yazhi smiled and said, "It's just the New Year's Day, haven't you chatted with other girls for a long time?"

New Year's Eve... Chen Qizhao recalled carefully, and suddenly remembered the oolong that occurred during the New Year.

Thinking that the chat partner was sitting next to him at the time, he felt a little strange in his heart, just said: "Just chatting, and I didn't have a girlfriend."

Shen Yuhuai asked, "Is that chatting with the person you like?"

Chen Qizhao stopped and didn't answer.

After a while, the kitchen was ready for lunch, and the butler came over and called them to eat.

Zhang Yazhi talked about other things at the dinner table. Shen Yuhuai was very polite and always followed Zhang Yazhi's words. After a meal, both parties were very happy. However, Chen Qizhao was a little absent-minded, his mind was completely stopped by Shen Yuhuai's question before the meal, which was obviously a good answer, but at that moment he didn't know how to speak.

Chen Qizhao was rarely indecisive, and when he reacted, he was a little dissatisfied with his performance just now.

After eating, Zhang Yazhi seemed to have received a call from work, so she went to the other side to make a call. Only Chen Qizhao and Shen Yuhuai were left in the living room. The housekeeper brought the medicine and water early. Chen Qizhao waited until the water temperature was still good before slowly opening the pills.

The TV series in the living room was still playing dog blood, Shen Yuhuai's mind stopped on Chen Qizhao.

The pills on the table were dismantled into seven, seven, eight, eight, and Chen Qizhao had pills of different colors in his palm. There were about seven or eight pills in the past.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes stopped on the Adam's apple where he raised his head and swallowed, affecting the surrounding cartilage, free and sexy.

At this time, the boy drinking water slightly squinted his eyes, unlike the other party's well-behaved round eyes in the past. Natural charm.

Chen Qizhao's bones have always been very good, and she looks cute when she has a little baby fat on her face.

The eyes of the two met, Shen Yuhuai's hand on his knee was inexplicably tight, and the next second, he heard the sound of choking water.

Shen Yuhuai regained his senses, leaned over and took out two tissues, and handed them to Chen Qizhao, who was beside him with red eyes.

Chen Qizhao didn't pay attention to anything else when he drank water, but he accidentally swept Shen Yuhuai's eyes, and inexplicably remembered what happened in the hospital that night, and he choked directly before he got angry. Fortunately, the medicine had already been swallowed, he stopped after choking for a while, and took two more sips of water slowly. He took Shen Yuhuai's tissue and wiped the water on his body. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the other's slender fingers holding the tissue, and his line of sight suddenly changed. stopped.

Shen Yuhuai asked: "Is it better?"

"Okay." Chen Qizhao slowed down for a while, and suddenly felt a little hot on his face.

At this time, Shen Yuhuai's fingers suddenly came together, and when they approached Chen Qizhao, their fingers turned into the backs of their hands, gently touching Chen Qizhao's cheeks.

In the shadow covered by her arm, Chen Qizhao blinked slightly.

Shen Yuhuai withdrew his hand and asked, "I still have a low fever today?"

"It didn't burn yesterday." Chen Qizhao touched his face with his hand, it was indeed a little hot, and finally he simply tore off the antipyretic sticker on his forehead, "It's just choking, a little hot."

Shen Yuhuai Research Institute had something to do in the afternoon. When Zhang Yazhi came back from the phone call, he got up and said goodbye.

Chen Qizhao wanted to go out to deliver, but was stopped by Shen Yuhuai.

"Come here, get well soon, and invite you back to school for a big meal." Shen Yuhuai stopped after speaking, and said, "You can bring someone."

Chen Qizhao suddenly thought of something and explained: "Don't listen to my mother's nonsense, it's not chatting with girls."

Shen Yuhuai nodded suddenly and smiled again: "Okay, then please have a big meal."

Chen Qizhao thought that the school cafeteria was tired of eating, and he preferred to eat the food made by Shen Yuhuai.

It's just that he didn't say anything. Seeing Zhang Yazhi sending people out, he just stood by the window and watched.

Shen Yuhuai said goodbye to Zhang Yazhi and entered the car. When he saw the hand on the steering wheel, the touch of his fingertips seemed to remain.

A little hot and a little soft...inexplicably good to touch.

He recovered his mind and started the car, feeling a little better for no reason, and drove away from Chen's house.

Chen Qizhao stood by the window and watched for a while, and when the people left, he suddenly saw Zhang Yazhi talking to Lao Lin in the garden.

When Zhang Yazhi came back, he asked, "Uncle Lin didn't go out with Dad today?"

"Your dad said that Lao Lin has not had a good rest recently, so he gave him a week off to rest." Zhang Yazhi didn't know about the aromatherapy, "Lao Lin is indeed busy, he is honest, even if There are some things that are still in my heart, so it’s better to rest more.”

Chen Qizhao was thoughtful, and he asked again: "Last time I said that smelly aromatherapy, I see there are many in the storage room? Don't go to that store next time, I have a friend The store owner, you want me to let him take it."

"Where's the smell? Don't say it in front of your dad." Zhang Yazhi smiled: "your dad likes that smell, if you don't, I'll give your dad a lighter one next time. ."

Chen Qizhao frowned slightly. After returning to the house, Zhang Yazhi told the housekeeper Zhang Shu to prepare a car. It seemed that she planned to go out because of work.

Zhang Yazhi: "Mom has something to do in the studio, so stay home and don't go out."

Chen Qizhao responded carelessly, and was about to return to the room when the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Xiao Zhou's name was displayed on the phone screen, Chen Qizhao frowned slightly and answered the phone.

He said as he walked: "What's the matter?"

"Boss, you asked me to pay attention to Assistant Jiang's affairs. I'm a little confused about Assistant Jiang's office computer." He said, "You asked me to inquire with Special Assistant Xu. I asked, and he said that nothing was found in the computer."

Chen Qizhao went upstairs and stopped for a while: "Nothing found? What do you mean?"

I tried to restore the data, but it seems that the damage is relatively complete. It is said that it may be caused by a virus. The source data cannot be restored. I heard that Mr. Chen wants to ask a professional technician to do the restoration, and the computer is still there. Side, but I heard that Assistant Xu said that the computer might not be able to find anything, maybe Assistant Jiang knew something in advance and destroyed the data in the computer."

Chen Qizhao's eyes sank slightly.

No...that's not right.

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