MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 55

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Jiang Yuze's face darkened when he heard the synthesized sound, and the content on the projection was no longer just that simple photo. Others at the conference table looked at Jiang Yuze, who was standing silently. When looking at the photos, everyone was still suspicious, but when they saw the operation of changing cars in the video... some doubts were not just about meeting people in private.

"Assistant Jiang...?" A shareholder looked at Jiang Yuze and asked, "What is the content of this ppt?"

After the video is played, the ppt has switched to the next photo, and the person Jiang Yuze met has changed from Liang Rongchao to another.

Jiang Yuze calmed himself down and saw the photos posted on the projection one after another, and found that these photos or videos were displayed in order of time, and all the photos were of his meeting with some senior officials of Shengming, But in fact, there is no other superfluous evidence other than photos.

He is also prudent. If it is not because the high-level officials of Shengming are too difficult to deal with and require him to go out in person, otherwise he will not change the car and route to Shengming...

After calming down from the initial panic, Jiang Yuze ignored the ppt that was being played, but looked at Chen Jianhong, who frowned, and explained: "Shengming's acquisition plan has been in the group since its inception. It is planned that when you conduct project research and market evaluation, you must have contacted some people in Shengming, and you also know what the situation of Shengming was a while ago."

"Shengming's high-level civil strife half a month ago, affected by various false news in the industry, the disagreement of the other party's high-level executives has a certain impact on our company's acquisition plan."

Jiang Yuze said this, and some people in the conference room had a deep understanding. After he finished, he said: "Shengming is a key project planned in the beginning of the year, and President Chen also asked me to pay attention to this. project."

Other people looked at Chen Jianhong. Could it be that all Jiang Yuze's actions were ordered by the chairman?

Chen Jianhong frowned slightly when he heard the meaning of Jiang Yuze's words: "I said that the Shengming project is more important and needs to be paid attention to, but these are not your responsibilities."

"This matter is indeed my problem." Jiang Yuze smiled bitterly, and then looked at a project leader in the conference room, "When I was following the project, I noticed Sheng Ming's problem. Manager Qi was doing an evaluation, and I noticed the difference in the industry news when I communicated with him. It happened that I and Mr. Liang from Shengming used to be classmates. Seeing that Manager Qi was embarrassed, I wanted to know through my network The reason for this."

Chen Jianhong's eyes swept to Manager Qi at the conference table.

The latter hurriedly stood up and explained: "Chairman, Special Assistant Jiang did come to ask about Sheng Ming, and he also said at the time to think of a solution for us."

Jiang Yuze glanced at Manager Qi, but fortunately, in order to hide from the public, he had done some preparations. He didn't know how the other party controlled the computer in the conference room, but the so-called 'materials' released from the other party were actually only superficial things, and he failed to record his conversation with the senior management of Sheng Ming or control other things. Evidence, wanting to use these photos and videos to kill him would be too underestimating Jiang Yuze.

Other people at the conference table were thoughtful, and what Jiang Yuze said was indeed reasonable. Someone asked: "Since it is just to inquire about the situation, why do you want to change your car?"

"This is to avoid misunderstanding, the chairman did not instruct me on this matter, and the private communication with Shengming's high-level officials also affects our company." Jiang Yuze explained: "I think I act as a Personal friends to communicate, not as a group's special assistant... But I didn't expect my actions to arouse suspicion from others, and I took these photos to mislead everyone through chronological order... This is indeed my fault, I should not In private contact with the other party's high-level officials without reporting."

There were indeed rumors of high-level civil strife in Shengming a while ago, and even the group has considered waiting to see and delaying the acquisition plan.

Jiang Yuze's actions are reasonable. As a member of the group, it is indeed reasonable for him to inquire about Sheng Ming's inside information considering the interests of the group. It's just that he contacted people from other companies privately without reporting, which violated the company's rules and regulations and was a breach of responsibility. But it is still a bit far-fetched to say that Jiang Yuze and Sheng Ming colluded. What Jiang Yuze has done in the company over the years is obvious to all, and the benefits he has created for the company far exceed this.

Chen Jianhong frowned slightly, the content on the projection is still playing, these photos really cannot be used as real hammer evidence.

Jiang Yuze noticed that the expressions of other people in the conference room were slightly loose, and he knew that this matter was temporarily eased... After that, at most, it was because of breach of responsibility and violation of the system that performance or wages were deducted. The problem is not very big ...But the key is another matter. Now that this has happened, it is a bit difficult for him to play tricks in this meeting. Chen Jianhong will definitely be vigilant against him. In order to reduce the attention of others on him, Sheng Ming He could only avoid suspicion in this matter, or even not participate at all.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuze's eyes were a little gloomy. Before doing this, he had done a lot of cover up, and he would take these photos and videos, indicating that the person behind the projection was already playing Noticing him, will carry out such tracking candid photography against him. He feels that his behavior has not revealed flaws, and he gets along well with the people in the company. Then who is paying attention to him and even chooses to mess with him on such an occasion.

For future interests, Sheng Ming's early plan can be temporarily abandoned.

But the man staring at him from behind must be caught.

Jiang Yuze was thinking, and gestured to Xiaojiang on the console to deal with the projection.

At this moment, the projection on the field suddenly changed, and the weird synthetic voice laughed briefly, which looked gloomy and infiltrating in the empty conference room.

Synthetic voice: "Mr. Jiang, do you think this is all I have prepared?"

Jiang Yuze's body suddenly froze when he had just relaxed, and he suddenly looked at the projection. He saw that the original photos with the senior management of Shengming disappeared. When switching to the next page, the ppt became a white background The scarlet letter is particularly eye-catching in the conference room.

【2011, Huanhong Project】

"11 years of joy...?"

"What is this project?"

"I have a little impression of this project. Huanhong is a smartphone project under the group. At that time, it invested a lot of things."

People in the conference room looked at each other, some remembered this project, and some were inquiring. But the words Huanhong appeared within ten seconds, and a large paragraph of text suddenly lit up on the projection. With the explanation of the electronic sound, the people in the conference room knew what kind of project the Huanhong project was.

Chen Group's transformation took place a few years ago, and the Huanhong project is one of them. At that time, when smartphones were developing rapidly, and mastering some advanced technologies could get a share of the mainstream market, Chen started the Huanhong project at that time. This project was indeed a pilot project in Chen’s early years. I had high hopes, but in the middle of research and development, the intelligent technology that was being developed at that time was stolen by another competitor company on the market, and a thorough internal investigation was carried out. Finally, a technician in the research group at that time had a problem.

The initiator of the bankruptcy of the technology leak project was a deputy technical team leader of the project team at that time. Later, this project was reluctantly aborted, and Chen also gave up the plan to attack the market and expanded into other businesses. They did not expect this project to be placed in front of them today.

Chen Jianhong frowned, he remembered the project.

It's just that this project has already been solved at the beginning, and the people who should be held accountable are held accountable, and the serious cases are still squatting in prison...

Internal data of the department, personnel transfer, planning schedule, etc.

In the office, Chen Qizhao was leaning on the office chair wearing headphones. The source of the sound in the headphones was the bug he left under the desk in the conference room, which was clearly picking up all the sounds in the conference room. Naturally I also heard Jiang Yuze's explanation earlier.

Chen Qizhao has never underestimated Jiang Yuze, how many times he has played against Lin Shizhong, he knows how capable the chief guardian who escorts Lin Shizhong is. In the situation where it is impossible to determine how much arrangements Jiang Yuze has, only pre-emptive strikes can achieve the effect of being unprepared. Those photos of Sheng Ming's conversation have different opinions, even if Jiang Yuze is really conspiring with others, as long as he can justify and advance in advance. Prepare 'witnesses', and he can still get away.

But if it's more than one thing... Will the people in the arena still listen to Jiang Yuze's sophistry?

Chen Qizhao squinted slightly and looked at the ppt and audio playing on the notebook. The Huanhong project was the project of Mr. Feng Ruyi back then. Jiang Yuze did not participate in it, but he had something to do with other people in the project that could not be ignored. connect. What Jiang Yuze is best at is to stand outside the game and use a few words or other interests to entice people in the game to serve him. When things are revealed or something goes wrong, he will wave his hand and borrow a knife to kill people, finding the most suitable scapegoat from among the chess pieces.

The person who had close communication with Jiang Yuze in the Huanhong project was the second person in charge of the Huanhong project, and the technical leak was also what Jiang Yuze tricked him into. For all the blame was given to the person who was already suspicious of them at that time, that is, Feng Ruyi's mentor. Feng Ruyi's teacher was just a technician. If he wanted to play tricks with Jiang Yuze and others in such an environment, he would lose completely. The only useful evidence left was the records in Feng Ruyi's hands.

Chen Qizhao relied on this record to follow in the Chen's database, and then found some of the information left by the Huanhong project at that time, the status of the researchers...and then found the person who colluded with Jiang Yuze at that time. The difference between Chen Qizhao and Feng Ruyi is that he has the experience of the previous life, and he knows the list of evidences that Feng Ruyi reported on Jiang Yuze.

So he found evidence that Jiang Yuze didn't know and didn't have time to deal with.

 a heart.

On the PPT of the conference room, the list of project participants and the person in charge at that time appeared.

The little assistant under Jiang Yuze. In addition, all kinds of evidence appeared on the ppt, all pointing to the assistant entering and leaving the office of the Huanhong project many times, and all of them avoided people's eyes and eyes and met with a specific project team member.

"That's not right." At this time, an older executive in the conference room stood up, "If I remember correctly, this person is Jiang Zhu's assistant? This person shouldn't be talking to Huan. Hong has contacts... The Huanhong incident was not a project that the headquarters was in charge of at the time, and apart from the direct person in charge, there was no reason to contact the relevant personnel of Huanhong."

Jiang Yuze is still explaining: "This man's surname is Wang. He used to be my assistant. Later, he resigned and didn't work with me."

He looked at ppt slightly, "I don't know this at all, maybe Assistant Wang is with someone privately..."

Before Jiang Yuze's words were finished, an audio was played in the ppt, which was a recording.

The voice of Jiang Yuze and another unfamiliar voice appeared in the recording.

People in the conference room haven't reacted yet, and a text message matching the content of the call has appeared on the screen. A voice similar to Jiang Yuze instructed another person to make an agreement with the people of the Huanhong project team, Pushed the technical leak to another person within the project. The senior management of the Huanhong project in the conference room immediately reacted when they heard the name of that person. That person was the deputy leader of the technical team who was still in prison after taking all the responsibilities.

Jiang Yuze's face froze, it's been too long, he has long forgotten about the Huanhong project.

When he heard the recording, he was a little panicked, because there was such a dialogue in his memory.

put. He can argue that the recording is fake, but in case the other party has other evidence not released, just use this recording to deceive him...

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Jiang Yuze.

. That incident was quite a big deal back then, but it was easy to deal with the leaking of secrets by the technicians, but if it involves the senior management of the group and framed the blame, the scope of involvement will be wider... Because they are completely unsure of what Jiang Yuze is playing here. what role.

Chen Jianhong frowned and looked at Jiang Yuze, his eyes were full of suspicion, he looked at the assistant who had worked by his side for many years.

He suspected that there was a problem with the assistant team under his hand, and he suspected a lot of people, but Jiang Yuze had the least suspicion, even if Chen Shiming had multiple evidences that there was a problem under him, but as long as there was no direct He chose to close one eye to the evidence pointing to Jiang Yuze. From a young age to the present, he has also watched Jiang Yuze grow up... This person can be regarded as a veteran who has watched the Chen family gradually grow, and has also helped the Chen family to survive many crises.

But now two things have happened one after another, and the ppt is still playing. Suddenly, Chen Jianhong can't see the deputy who has been helping him for many years.

"Do you have anything to say?" Chen Jianhong looked at him.

Jiang Yuze is still thinking, he is hesitant about what words he should use to restore Chen Jianhong's trust, but he is not sure, the ppt on the projection is like a bomb that will explode at any time, he is not sure about the release How much evidence is still in the hands of the people who hold these evidences... When he thought that the other party only had one-sided evidence, the other party released something deeper after his sophistry, like a very patient hunter, lying to him Step into the trap.

Such a situation is too passive, Jiang Yuze did not expect this situation at all, and did not prepare in advance.

He was thinking, when he was about to speak, and suddenly saw the eyes of everyone in the conference room falling on him.

Doubt, or disgust, or disbelieve…

Jiang Yuze looked at these eyes, and suddenly saw the disgusting eyes that others looked at him many years ago.

He hates people looking at him with all kinds of eyes, it always reminds him of the dark and trampled childhood.

Being a superior person and having power and power can truly make people look up to you. This is what Jiang Yuze has known since he was a child. From witnessing his biological father beating his mother to death, from the accumulation of traces of beatings all over his body... From a childhood when he was subjected to domestic violence, to the disgusted eyes of his classmates and teachers in school, he is like a lowly ant , no matter who can step on him, no matter who can spit on him, and finally leave with a smile.

Later, his biological father froze to death on the street because of alcoholism. He was kicked around by relatives, and finally became an orphan who was no one wanted.

The identity of an orphan has given him a few more titles, a beast, a bastard, a broom star... He couldn't raise his head in front of everyone, until the day he was funded by Lin Shizhong, he gradually became different. He can change out of his dirty clothes, show up brightly in other schools, and start a new life...

But these are always different, he can still see people with good grades laugh at him, and he can see teachers disappointed with him... He obviously changed his life, but no matter where he goes, he The face is always this look. So he began to yearn for the recognition from the eyes of others, from the end of the grade, to being admitted to a famous university, and embarking on the hall of life he never imagined.

But it's not enough, no matter how good your grades are and how good you are, sometimes birth decides everything.

He saw the contempt in the eyes of the rich children of the school, the connections that others can get by waving their hands, and the bright future that some people can get without working hard... That's why he knew, These are not enough for him. In order to be truly admired, he can only climb to the highest position.

Jiang Yuze's goal has never been to be an assistant who needs to be seen, he will never want more than that.

But now seeing the gazes of these people in the conference room, Jiang Yuze felt an indescribable arrogance. He forced himself to calm down and recalled the arrangement over the years. It is impossible for the people behind to have so much evidence. If there is evidence, how could the other party Delayed until this time to release...?

Jiang Yuze calmed down, and he explained calmly: "Mr. Chen, I don't know what the situation is, the voice of this recording is indeed similar to me, but I have never had it with anyone. Such a conspiracy, this recording is…”

At this time, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

Jiang Yuze's eyes froze, and suddenly he saw Chen Shiming in a suit coming in from the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone, but now I think the acquisition of Shengming is still under discussion." Chen Shiming stepped into the conference room, glanced at the content being played on the ppt, followed by Assistant Xu quickly walked up to the projection console and drove Assistant Jiang aside, who was shocked.

Jiang Yuze's incredible eyes stopped on Chen Shiming.

This is impossible! ? The positioning has been stopped. At this time, Chen Shiming should have suffered a car accident. How could he appear here unscathed.

People in the conference room did not expect Chen Shiming to appear at this time, and their puzzled eyes stopped on Chen Shiming.

"Special assistant Jiang." Chen Shiming looked at him, "I appear here, you seem surprised?"

Jiang Yuze: "No..."

Chen Shiming glanced at the content on the ppt, and on the way he had heard the broadcast from other assistants, saying that there was a problem in the conference room, and did not continue Shengming's acquisition according to the process The meeting was instead held hostage to play other things remotely, all pointing to Jiang Yuze. It's like knowing his arrangement in advance and coming here to prepare for him, so he asked his assistant to go to the main control room as soon as possible to prevent the people in the main control room from breaking the link of the conference room, just to see the person behind this What do you want to do...

As he expected, this is a friendly force.

Chen Jianhong looked at his eldest son Chen Shiming, looked at the latter slightly, and the other nodded at him.

In the office, Chen Qizhao's hand operating the computer stopped slightly and heard Chen Shiming's voice coming from the headphones.

His eyes were slightly deep, and he glanced out the window unexpectedly, "Not bad...the response is very fast."

Xiao Zhou knocked on the door and came in and said, "Boss, that general manager Chen has arrived at the company, and should have gone to the conference room by now."

"Got it." Chen Qizhao cleared the other contents of the computer, packaged and sent all the evidence to a certain mailbox, and directly destroyed all the manipulation evidence in the notebook. Stretching a little, he said casually, "Oh, let's go and see the excitement."

Xiao Zhou was confused: "Where?"

Chen Qizhao raised his eyebrows and said, "The conference room, have you ever seen someone unlucky? Let me show you."

At the same time, someone in the conference room said, "Mr. Chen, how are you..."

"I apologize for being late in the morning." Chen Shiming glanced at the people in the venue and temporarily changed his plan, "Just a few days ago, I was in the car I usually take. A GPS locator was found inside."

As soon as these words came out, the meeting room was full of noise, and Jiang Yuze's face became very pale.

"I chose to call the police at the first time, and I was under the supervision and protection of the police until the meeting this morning." Chen Shiming's eyes stopped on Jiang Yuze, "I will set off as usual, at a certain At an intersection, we found a suspicious truck driver in advance, and the surrounding police immediately controlled the scene and captured the suspect, and found a tracking software for a locator in his mobile phone that had not yet wiped out the evidence. Based on the existing software information, the police technicians tracked down another location address…”

"Unfortunately, the specific IP could not be found."

Jiang Yuze didn't expect Chen Shiming to find out in advance, but it was fine. Now that I hear Chen Shiming's words, I am even more relieved. The driver was specially found by his client. If it is found that the murder was intentional, the driver will also take the blame, and the other party will not find him... He explained in advance that as long as Letting Chen Shiming have an accident is not a matter of life. Now that Chen Shiming has no accident, the nature of this matter is different.

After a while, Chen Shiming changed the subject: "But we traced the location of the mastermind behind it to the headquarters building."

When these words came out, the expressions of the senior executives in the conference room changed slightly. Someone actually killed someone intentionally? And right at the headquarters.

"Although I'm not sure who instigated all this, I believe that with the clues the police currently have, it should be able to find out who is the last behind the scenes."

When Chen Shiming spoke, he paid attention to the expressions of other people in the conference room. Most of them were surprised and surprised.

"But there is one more thing, on the way here, I received news from the police." Chen Shiming looked at Jiang Yuze, "Jiang Zhu, I remember that something happened in the Feihongrongguang project earlier. Assistant Yu, is it yours?"

Jiang Yuze's expression froze. When he turned around, he found that several people in plain clothes followed in at the door.

They nodded towards Chen Shiming, their eyes locked on Jiang Yuze who was standing, and they came over and said, "Jiang Yuze, right? We have received news that a prisoner has revised his confession. At present, you are suspected of leaking. Commercial secrets, allegations of instigating others to commit illegal acts, please cooperate with our investigation."