MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 26

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When Zhang Yazhi heard what the doctor said, her face immediately became tense: "Is there something wrong?"

"Don't be nervous, there is no problem in the current situation, but he reacts too strongly to the drug, so I want to ask him about his usual abnormal performance." The doctor showed him the report details, "Chen Qizhao is not a drug Allergic constitution, no related pathological changes in the brain, plus he has no history of genetic disease, it is very likely that his own physical condition, if he has psychological problems, will be stimulated and amplified."

Hearing this, Zhang Yazhi probably knew the purpose of the doctor's inquiry.

She thought for a while, and briefly explained Chen Qizhao's character to the doctor, "But he has less emotional ups and downs recently. He used to quarrel with his family often, and this time has been a lot less."

"Mood changes may also be part of the reason for his personality changes. As family members, you should pay more attention to this issue." The doctor is very patient, "But it may also be our illusion, even if it is not allergies. Physical condition, the side effects of subjects who are exposed to this drug for the first time are different, let me remind you of this first, and pay more attention to his psychological changes in the next few weeks."

After he finished, he added: "But you don't have to be too nervous, I'm just analyzing multiple possibilities with you."

Zhang Yazhi said thank you, and an hour had passed when she returned to the ward.

Chen Qizhao was already asleep when he arrived, Shen Yuhuai hadn't left, but was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed looking at his mobile phone, and only put it away when she saw her coming in, "Aunt Zhang, things are done Yet?"

"Well, it's too much trouble for you to delay you for so long." Zhang Yazhi smiled at him.

Shen Yuhuai nodded: "He just fell asleep, and the nurse just changed the drip."

Zhang Yazhi asked, "Yu Huai, you have a good relationship with Qi Zhao, right?"

Shen Yuhuai originally planned to make room for Zhang Yazhi, but after hearing this, he said, "Fortunately, I have met several times in school."

Zhang Yazhi asked again: "Does he usually say anything about his family, or how does he behave when he is away?"

Shen Yuhuai didn't understand why Zhang Yazhi suddenly asked this, but she still replied: "Qi Zhao is very good."

"Okay." From the corner of her eye, Zhang Yazhi saw the child sleeping on the hospital bed, but she felt a little uncomfortable, hoping that everything was just her illusion.

"I'll look at it later, if you have something to do, go and do it first."


Chen Qizhao was hospitalized for a few days, and the results of the investigation on the drug distribution at the charity party were also released. Lin Shizhong came to apologize that day, solemnly expressed his apology to the Chen family, and also brought the investigation results from that side. The waiter was hired to make trouble at the venue, but in the end he didn't find out who was behind him, but from the person's transaction records and bank account information, it can be found that he has a relationship with a company called 'Yicheng', but There is no direct evidence.

It happened to be in the ward, Chen Qizhao also heard Lin Shizhong's remarks, and sure enough, it was very similar to what he guessed, not surprising at all. Without direct evidence, it means that the only person who can deal with the drug in the end is the person who prescribed the medicine, and other guesses without evidence cannot represent additional results.

It's just that Lin Shizhong took the matter in a big circle and packed it before releasing it.

Lin Shizhong sighed and continued: "Yicheng recently had a conflict with my family. The charity party was organized by the Lin family. They probably wanted to hire someone to make trouble at the charity venue. You I also know that there were so many people in the venue at that time, where would our Lin family's face be put if something happened. The person explained a little, saying that he had taken a fancy to Xiao Zhao's table at that time, saying that he was watching this group of rich second-generation drinking fiercely, just casually. When a person is recruited to make trouble, his mission has been accomplished."

He smiled wryly: "There are still a lot of people over there at the party. If it messes up, the rumors spread, and the follow-up procedures for our declaration will be strictly reviewed. What is it about us? The problem, if you just come at me, but this is... Xiao Zhao is an innocent disaster."

This explanation didn't say anything on the surface, in fact, it means that Yicheng tried to mess up Lin Shizhong's business affairs by drugging, but Chen Qizhao was only accidentally affected.

"Yicheng...?" Chen Jianhong frowned.

Seeing Chen Jianhong's hesitation, Jiang Yuze whispered in Chen Jianhong's ear: "Mr. Chen, Yicheng has also had a project conflict with us recently, and there have been several disputes in Y city over bidding. ."

Chen Jianhong said after hearing Chao Lin Shizhong: "I'm afraid this matter is not only aimed at you, we and Yicheng have also had conflicts recently. This opportunity kills two birds with one stone.”

Lin Shizhong looked surprised and seemed puzzled: " do you say this?"

Chen Qizhao was sitting on the hospital bed, staring at Lin Shizhong and Jiang Yuze singing double reeds in front of him. It's no wonder that Chen Jianhong was not suspicious. Lin Shizhong turned around in a big circle and took the whole matter on him, and then used Jiang Yuze's mouth to remind him to directly transfer the conflict to Chen's and Yicheng, and use Chen's to get rid of it. His own arch-enemy, Yicheng, thus reaps the benefits of the fisherman.

This is indeed Lin Shizhong's method, and this has indeed happened in his previous life.

Yicheng is not the local capital of S city, but Y city. Chen's reason was that when a certain project was expanding, there was a conflict with Yicheng in the market. In fact, there were not many conflicts. It was to the extent that it could be resolved through negotiation. But there are more conflicts between Yicheng and Lin, and there are many market conflicts that broke out. Basically, it can be said that it is impossible to talk... I didn't know what happened in my last life, and Chen was also involved in this competition. In the end, the two sides basically basically It can be said that the battle was a lose-lose situation. Even if the Chen Clan gained the upper hand, they also lost a lot.

This is also one of the reasons that led to Chen's bankruptcy later.

The beginning of the competition.

"It's inexplicable, then if I did it at the time, wouldn't Yicheng be afraid of offending others?" Chen Qizhao nibbled on the fruit and said casually: "Yan Kailin was sitting next to me at the time, with a glass of wine. It's also close, and if you accidentally take the wrong thing, Yicheng's courage is really big."

Lin Shizhong's eyes fell on Chen Qizhao, explaining his nonsense: "Their goal is to come to the Lin family, no matter who is recruited, he probably wants to transfer the conflict to us. side."

"But that's because our family has a good relationship with Lin Bo." Chen Qizhao's eyes stayed on Lin Shizhong, and said: "I think Yicheng thinks that it is common for us rich second generation to take drugs and drink. I want to get this out of the way. Are you right, Limbo?"

Lin Shizhong's expression was a little lighter, he said: "You child, you can leave this matter to us. Take good care of it these few days. You don't see any blood on your face."

Zhang Yazhi added: "This child is also a picky eater, so he will have to make up for it this time."

But this time Chen Qizhao's nonsense, Chen Jianhong listened, he looked thoughtfully at the eldest son who had been silent, "What do you think about Shiming?"

Chen Shiming euphemistically said: "Lin Bo also makes sense, let's see what Yicheng is doing."

Chen Jianhong instructed Jiang Yuze beside him: "You arrange this matter, and let me know if there is any situation."

As soon as Chen Shiming finished talking to Chen Jianhong, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Special Assistant Xu standing at the door of the ward. He had something in his heart and said, "You guys talk, I'll take care of the work."

Chen Shiming stopped for a moment, then Chen Qizhao turned his head and picked up the fruit knife in front of the bedside table to peel the apple himself.

The door was closed, Xu special assistant patrolled around, saw the boss still parked at the door, and whispered: "Boss?"

Chen Shiming looked away and asked, "What is the result of the investigation?"

Assistant Xu made sure that no one was there before reporting to his boss in a low voice, briefly explaining the results of the investigation.

"The company has been cancelled?" Chen Shiming looked at Special Assistant Xu: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it is said that the application was made the next day after the party. After I checked it, I went to check it again and it showed that it had been cancelled." Special assistant Xu only realized the seriousness of the matter after investigation. Two developments It's a pretty good company, why suddenly want to cancel, there is absolutely no reason to stop. This time, the boss suddenly wanted to investigate these two people, but he wasted some time. Especially when he found out that the two companies were related to Lin, he immediately informed Chen Shiming of the investigation results.

As if eager to destroy something.

When Chen Shiming heard this, he caught a glimpse of Lin Shizhong who was still talking with Chen Jianhong in the ward, and thought of what Chen Qizhao said to him at that time.

When he heard Chen Qizhao say that, he was more skeptical. After all, there were so many people in the venue with similar stature. Since Lin's had a relationship with those two people, the credibility of Chen Qizhao's remarks has risen to a new level.

"Have you dealt with the jade necklace?" Chen Shiming asked.

Xu Te assistant said: "It has been dealt with, and the things will be delivered to the villa as you ordered."

Why did Lin Shizhong **** an ordinary jade necklace from his brother? If he likes to say it directly, there is no need to arrange for someone to **** it secretly. Moreover, after the party was over, he was eager to destroy the connection with the two people. If Chen Qizhao suddenly mentioned these two people, if he went to check in a few days, he might see another layer of information, and he might not be able to find the two people and Lin. 's relationship.

Is it really that simple?

"Who is in charge of the project over there in Y City?" Chen Shiming asked in a low voice.

Xu Tezhu hesitated: "It should be another project team, we don't talk about the Y city project here, but I heard that it seems to be the person arranged by Mr. Chen, I have met several times. Go to Brother Jiang and go to the office there."

After he finished speaking, he asked, "Boss, do you want to investigate this matter too?"

"Go check it out, we are competing with Yicheng."

Chen Shiming hesitated for a moment, then explained: "Don't tell anyone, including Mr. Chen."

It wasn't that simple, and he felt something was wrong.