MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 109

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In the office, after a brief silence, Xu Tezhu didn't bother his boss, closed the door thoughtfully, and left the office.

Not long after he left, a call came in, and he had to push open the door of his boss's office: "There is news from Gu Zhengsong."

Chen Shiming frowned: "Has anyone caught it?"

"The police have been deployed. Gu Zhengsong seems to have transactions with other people. He wants to destroy other evidence in a short time." I want to do it when Gu Zhengsong is trading."

City B, Gu Zhengsong ended the call, "Is the transaction arranged?"

Confidant: "It's arranged, the last batch of goods will be out tomorrow night."

The police in City B were nervous. He hid the goods before, but at the speed of the police, keeping this batch of goods in his hands is always a scourge, so he can only take the risk of finding someone to take over , When this batch of goods is cleaned up, except for Gu Shen who is unclear, all the evidence will be cleaned up.

He kept his eyes on the newspaper on the desktop, and after a night of silence, he only received the news that the ambulance was parked at the gate of the prison. The news of the police was very tight, but the time the ambulance stayed at the gate was very tight. It was a bit long, and Gu Shen didn't get any news out.

"Aren't people dead?" Gu Zhengsong asked.

The confidant explained: "Not sure, the eyeliner said that the ambulance had been parked for a long time, and someone was taken away in an ambulance behind. It is temporarily uncertain whether it is Gu Shen, our people did not dare to Too close. Mr. Gu, there is a lot of pressure on Gu Zhengxun's side. There are a lot of people staring at us recently, and our movement in S City seems to be noticed by the Chen family and the Shen family... They may We will guess that we attacked Gu Shen."

Thinking of the Chen family and the Shen family, Gu Zhengsong's mood is a bit worse. It is the top priority to deal with Gu Shen, but he doesn't want to let go of the Chen family and the Shen family, especially in this paragraph After so much loss of time, he was a little unwilling to think that all the foundation was almost lost to these people.

"Chen Qizhao just celebrated his birthday?" Gu Zhengsong asked.

Confidant: "Yes, we sent someone to take a look at last night's birthday banquet, and the Chen family was very closely guarded."

"Gu Shen has dealt with the Chen family, and before we let Gu Shen's people go over and startle the snake, and now they are all on guard against the Chen family and want to do something under the eyes of the police. I don't want to give people a handle."

Gu Zhengsong threw the newspaper aside, the open document on the desktop read part of Gu Shen's secret property in S City, "I asked you to send someone to watch the young son of the Shen family, the situation how?"

The confidant handed over the photo, "I'm staring, I've done it according to your arrangement."

Gu Zhengsong lit a cigarette and sneered: "When this batch is over, I'll give the Shen family a big gift."

The cafeteria of the ninth research institute is on the periphery of the laboratory building, between the research institute and the staff dormitory building. Usually, family members of staff come here to eat, and the supervision of personnel is not as strict as that of the research institute. Liu Sui and his colleagues didn't wait for Shen Yuhuai. They entered the cafeteria and found a more spacious place.

"The seat next to him is given to Yu Huai, and I don't know who he is going to bring, why hasn't he come for a long time. It's not good where to take people to eat, come to eat in our cafeteria, isn't it hard to think? "Liu Sui looked at the dishes on the plate and sighed: "S freshman is on summer vacation, and there are fewer places for us to eat."

Colleague: "Don't say a word, the aunt at the stall just rolled her eyes at you."


Colleague: "It's not the first time. The last time I ate with you, half of the meat was shaken off when I came to cook."

Liu Sui: “…”

He changed the subject and asked something else: "Who is Shen Yuhuai picking up at this point?"

"Didn't you just say that he was with his girlfriend last night? Pick up his girlfriend."

"It's possible, I heard that this is the case with young couples. When they first got together, they liked to stick together every day." Liu Sui was no longer interested in mobile phones, and looked at the entrance of the cafeteria. "It takes so long to pick up someone, and it's only 5 minutes from our cafeteria to the entrance of the institute."

After a while, Liu Sui saw Shen Yuhuai's figure appearing at the entrance of the cafeteria. Shen Yuhuai's clothes were conspicuous. The man in the black and white coat followed behind Shen Yuhuai.

Liu Sui narrowed his eyes, "wearing a hat, you can't see your face."

"The legs are white and straight!"

"Where is it, let me see!"

The people who followed Shen Yuhuai wore coats, and the loose shorts below the knees showed white and straight legs, and they couldn't see their faces with hats on, and they looked vaguely familiar. Seeing people getting closer, Liu Sui was about to say something that would make the brothers hotter, but when people approached and took off his hat to reveal a familiar face, he swallowed his words again. Go back, "Qizhao?"

"Yes." Chen Qizhao greeted.

Shen Yuhuai said: "You sit down, I'll go get the meal."

As soon as Shen Yuhuai left, the people around him were full of interest. Chen Qizhao put his hat on the chair next to him and looked at them with a little doubt, "What?"

Liu Sui said: "It's nothing, I thought Yu Huai had been picking up his girlfriend for so long."

"Girlfriend?" Chen Qizhao asked.

When it comes to girlfriends, people around them will tell the situation in a few words, it's a pity not to see Shen Yuhuai's girlfriend, but they are more comfortable when they see Chen Qizhao, "But aren't you on vacation? Why don't you come to visit the S University? If you want to know that you are coming, let's go to the restaurant next door."

Chen Qizhao: "Oh, did he say what his girlfriend looks like?"

Liu Suidao: "It's no nonsense, who doesn't love beauty like a goddess, let me tell you, he still has a photo of his goddess hidden in his computer, and he wouldn't let me when I went there Look, what kind of beautiful woman hides so tightly? When I was in B University, there were many girls who sent him love letters, and I didn't see him take a second look. This is still sneaking in the middle of the night to look at photos, tsk tsk."

Chen Qizhao asked again: "Look at the photos in the middle of the night?"

"More than that, in order to celebrate his goddess' birthday, he started to work a week in advance, and he was late for the laboratory in the morning." Liu Suigang wanted to say that Shen Yuhuai was still wearing his girlfriend's pajamas. Last night The two spent the spring night together, but before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly stopped on Chen Qizhao's coat.

Chen Qizhao just wanted to speak, when Shen Yuhuai, who went to the stall to get rice, came back.

There are many meat dishes on the plate, all of which Chen Qizhao likes. After Shen Yuhuai put the plate down, he asked, "Is the drink still Coke?"

The weather is hot, there is no air conditioner in the cafeteria, and the big fan at the top is whirring.

Chen Qizhao originally planned to go to the vending machine to buy a bottle of water, when he heard Shen Yuhuai nodded so much.

Shen Yuhuai put down the plate and ran to the vending machine to buy water.

The people who were talking were a little weird when they saw Shen Yuhuai coming over with two plates, but thinking that Chen Qizhao didn't know which stall in their cafeteria to step on the thunder, Shen Yuhuai gave people It's okay to have a meal. It's just this time and again, it's like there is a tacit understanding between the two people, and they don't get involved at all.

When Shen Yuhuai sat down, Liu Sui couldn't help but set his eyes on him, and then glanced at Chen Qizhao: "I didn't think so just now, looking at it now, the clothes on both of you seem to be the same Style."

Damn, exaggerated, like a couple outfit.

The people around nodded nodded. Although Chen Qizhao was wearing a thin black and white coat, there were a few scribbled letters on the coat, which inexplicably matched the printing on Shen Yuhuai's T-shirt. Fixed, Chen Qizhao's dressing style has always been like this, very trendy and a little bells and whistles. Liu Sui didn't pay attention to it before, but now watching two people sitting in front of him, there is an indescribable sense of harmony...

"It's a style." Shen Yuhuai put the tableware on Chen Qizhao's plate, "This one belongs to him."

"Hey, I said it was a style, it turned out to be..."

Liu Sui was half stunned, "Isn't this your girlfriend's pajamas!"

Not only him, but also the people listening.

S University, students, they have also met…

Finally, they turned their attention to Chen Qizhao who didn't speak. The latter looked normal and even picked up the meatballs on the dinner plate to eat.

There was a sting, and the sound of a soda can breaking the silence, Chen Qizhao: "I just bought a big one, and I didn't wear it as pajamas."

Others: "…"

Shen Yuhuai sat next to Chen Qizhao and did not choose to sit directly opposite. In the narrow dining hall seat, their shoulders almost touched each other. When eating, the two of them didn't make any extra moves, they ate like ordinary friends, but when you look closely, you will find that there is an unbreakable sense of atmosphere between the two. The two didn't say it clearly, but this kind of thing has already been said, and they are not the kind of old-fashioned old-fashioned who knows nothing.

Liu Sui smiled awkwardly: "No way?"

"Yes." Shen Yuhuai said calmly, "No goddess, no girlfriend, he is my boyfriend."

Liu Sui couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you tell me before!"

Shen Yuhuai: "I didn't catch it before."

The colleague asked: "What about the birthday!"

Chen Qizhao said at the right time: "My birthday was yesterday."

Liu Sui: "...Come on, what about those pictures of goddesses that you saved in your computer?!"

Chen Qizhao turned his eyes slightly and looked at Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai ordered food for Chen Qizhao, his expression was very natural, and a puzzled look was properly hung on his face, "Do you have a photo?"

Liu Sui felt that what he said before was like an idiot. Looking at the meal on the plate in front of him, he didn’t know for a while whether the food in the cafeteria was unpalatable or he couldn’t eat it. His curiosity was about to explode. During the period, he glanced at Shen Yuhuai and Chen Qizhao from time to time. What he thought in his mind was when the two got together and when the relationship was confirmed. He ate so many times together, but he didn't see any signs.

He was embarrassed to continue to ask, clicked on Shen Yuhuai's Moments, looked at Chen Qizhao's Moments, and finally stopped at Chen Qizhao's avatar.

"Grass." Liu Sui.

Colleague: "Auntie in the cafeteria is looking at you again."

Liu Sui glanced at the stall and noticed that the cafeteria aunt had one hand on her hip and the other on the platform of the stall, looking at him indifferently, it seemed that the next time he came to the cafeteria to eat, the meat on the tray Can shake a little bit.


After dinner, it was lunch break. Shen Yuhuai had to go to the laboratory in the afternoon, and Chen Qizhao could not follow people into the laboratory. As soon as the lunch break was over, their brief time together ended.

I didn't think there was any difference between working with each other before, but once the free person became himself, Chen Qizhao always felt that the time was not enough.

Before leaving, Shen Yuhuai stopped him and handed him something.

Chen Qizhao looked at the key in his hand and asked, "What is this?"

"The key to my apartment." Shen Yu Huaidao.

The two did not speak, but Chen Qizhao squeezed the key. The driver of the car-hailing car in the distance had arrived and was honking his horn towards him.

"Then I'll go first." Chen Qizhao said.

Shen Yuhuai responded, "Go to the place and send me a message."

Chen Qizhao thought that he might not go to the apartment with the key, but after getting in the car, he discussed with the driver to change the address, and changed the original S University library to the Ninth Research Institute Downtown apartments half an hour away.

After arriving at the place, Chen Qizhao opened the door with the key. For the first time, he entered the house without the owner present.

Shen Yuhuai's apartment is not big, just enough for a man to live alone, Chen Qizhao walked around the house, looked at her boyfriend's house in a fair manner, and finally stopped at the balcony full of green plants pace.

The failure of the experiment in the morning led to an increase in the workload in the afternoon, and the investigation of the cause of the failure became the top priority. During the experiment, the people from the research institute also came to discuss the time with their person in charge, saying that there was a new instrument coming into the laboratory, so that they could spare some time to move the instrument. This matter was handed over to Lao Wang. When Shen Yuhuai's work came to an end, he saw Lao Wang talking to a man in a suit outside.

His eyes stayed on the other side for a while, and when the other side looked in their direction, Shen Yuhuai withdrew his gaze and walked directly to the computer.

After confirming the time, Pharaoh came in from outside the laboratory with the form and saw Shen Yuhuai standing near the door, so he pulled the other party to talk.

Shen Yuhuai glanced at the form in his hand, "Is the time for the instrument to come in?"

"It's confirmed. There are a lot of instruments in the laboratory building. We have to copy all the data. The appointment with them is on the weekend, and it will not affect us at that time." Wang handed the form to Shen Yuhuai, and then said, "They have to debug the instrument when it comes in. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if the experimental parameters are not correct. These should be left to professionals."

The time was registered on the form, Shen Yuhuai noticed the signature and time, and then returned the form to Pharaoh, "So it's a holiday on Sunday?"

"It's a holiday. When will we work overtime on Sunday, we will have weekends this week."

After coming out of the laboratory, Shen Yuhuai went to the administrator's office. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when he arrived in the lounge. He used to check the mobile phone messages and found that Chen Qizhao had sent him an video.

[- Zhao: [video]]

[- Zhao: How to water these, is it the same as my potted plant? ]

The location is his apartment, the boy's appearance can not be seen in the video, but the footsteps of the other side can be heard. Shen Yuhuai's eyes softened and he replied seriously to the other party's message. Chen Qizhao did not reply after the message was sent. Shen Yuhuai originally wanted to wait a little longer, but Liu Sui had already come to the lounge to urge him to go there.

Until Shen Yuhuai got off work, he did not receive a reply from Chen Qizhao.

"Yu Huai, are you going to eat grilled fish after get off work?" my colleague shouted.

Shen Yuhuai rejected the good intentions, "You guys go."

Liu Sui, who was finishing recording the data, probed the door of the laboratory and saw Shen Yuhuai walking straight to the elevator entrance, "Men who are in love are different."

There is a distance from the research institute to the city, Shen Yuhuai drove directly after get off work, but when he was at the gate of the community, he turned to go to the supermarket to buy some food, and when he returned home, he opened the door and saw Boy lying on the sofa. The other party was lying on the sofa with his legs bent, covered with a coat, and looked sound asleep, and the sound of the door opening didn't bother him.

Shen Yuhuai lightened his steps, went back to the bedroom and put a blanket over him, and then took the things into the kitchen.

Chen Qizhao woke up in a daze. He heard the sound of running water in the kitchen. When he woke up, the lights in the room had been turned on, and there was a layer of twilight outside the window. He sat cross-legged on the sofa and looked sleepily towards the kitchen where the man in the apron was cooking, and the aroma was wafting out a little.


Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes and saw the blanket covering him.

The place in contact with the skin is warm and soft, and the blanket has the smell of Shen Yuhuai.

"Awake?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

"Well." Chen Qizhao looked up at him and lifted the blanket: "When did you come back?"

Shen Yuhuai: "Not long after I come back, wait a while, dinner is almost ready."

After he finished speaking, he added: "I told Aunt Zhang that you won't go back for dinner tonight."

Chen Qizhao originally wanted to send a message to Zhang Yazhi, but stopped after hearing the words, and changed the message in the input box before sending it. After he sent the message, he saw the voice message Shen Yuhuai sent him in the afternoon, which detailed how to water the green plants on the balcony.

People were in the room, Chen Qizhao pressed against the glass door of the kitchen, speaking one after another.

The external voice was particularly loud, Shen Yuhuai said: "I'm right here, you can ask me directly."

"Oh." Chen Qizhao still finished listening to the voice, "Did you pour it?"

"Not yet." Shen Yuhuai responded, and then saw that Chen Qizhao, as instructed in his voice, first went to change the water in the watering kettle, and the slippers were walking back and forth on the floor, different. The sound gave the apartment a different feel.

Shen Yuhuai finished cooking, and when he returned to the restaurant, he caught a glimpse of the balcony from the corner of his eye.

Chen Qizhao watered different green plants according to the content of the voice, each voice had to be clicked and listened twice, Shen Yuhuai silently walked behind him, watching the boy watering the water awkwardly Water, until he had poured all the green plants according to the voice introduction, Shen Yuhuai said: "Wash your hands, it's time to eat."

Chen Qizhao's appearance has always been well-behaved. After losing weight, his brows and eyes are quite sharp, but when you look closely, you can see the tenderness on his face, especially when he doesn't speak and looks at people, his eyes are straight.

Shen Yuhuai stopped for a while, walked to the other side, and bent slightly to go to his relatives.

Chen Qizhao raised his head to respond to him, and the two briefly kissed on the balcony.

After dinner, the apartment was quiet. Shen Yuhuai answered a phone call from the laboratory. It seemed that a colleague had found out the reason for the failure of the experiment in the morning. When he called, Chen Qizhao said he wanted to take a shower and went to the bathroom in Shen Yuhuai's room.

"It may be a problem with the materials. Are the parameters registered in the last material table still there? Try it again with the machine tomorrow." There was the sound of water splashing from the door.

The door was not closed, and from his perspective, the frosted glass door in the master bedroom bathroom didn't seem to be closed.

The person on the phone didn't hear Shen Yuhuai's reply, and asked again, "Yu Huai?"

End the call, the sound of water in the bathroom has not stopped.

Shen Yuhuai walked over and saw the tightly closed frosted door, he was about to go in, when he suddenly heard the sound of water inside stop.

"Brother Huai, I just forgot to say, I didn't bring any clothes." Chen Qizhao's voice seemed a little dull across the door.

Shen Yuhuai looked away after hearing the words, "I'll get it for you."

The clothes in the closet were neat and tidy, Shen Yuhuai's hand stopped in the row of pajamas for a while, and finally took a set of pajamas that he often used.

The sound of water in the frosted door stopped, a figure walked behind the door, Shen Yuhuai knocked on the door, and the door opened immediately.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes were deep, and he handed over the clothes, "Only pajamas."

And Chen Qizhao didn't pick it up, his hand moved down slightly and didn't hold the clothes. They couldn't see each other's state across the first floor, Shen Yuhuai's eyes stopped on that hand, and when he saw the other party go over his clothes, his wet hand brushed the back of his hand, and finally he held his wrist.

Hands are not cold, but warm, and they are extra hot when touching.

Shen Yuhuai did not move, nor did Chen Qizhao behind the door.

The crack of the door opened a little, and Shen Yuhuai saw that Chen Qizhao's hair was wet and dripping from the bottom.

He brought a smell of mint shower gel that Shen Yu Huai was familiar with, with a faint fragrance.

Chen Qizhao seemed to see the position of the clothes, he let go of Shen Yuhuai's wrist and got the clothes.

When the door was about to close, Shen Yuhuai's hand just happened to be stuck in the crack of the door, his voice was hoarse: "Can you go in?"

This sentence was said in Shen Yuhuai's tone with an indescribable restraint, but it reminded both parties like a signal.

The frosted door is not pressed hard, just push it open, the scenery inside the door is unobstructed.

No response from the other party, after a while of silence.

Shen Yuhuai opened the door slightly, "Then I'm in."

The door in the shower room was not closed tightly, and the shower head was still dripping water a little.

After a moment of silence, Shen Yuhuai walked over and embraced the other person's waist, pressed him against the cold wall of the shower room, and the kiss that had been restrained for a day fell. He started kissing from the corner of Chen Qizhao's eyes, kissed the water droplets on his face all the way, and finally pried his lips and teeth and rushed in.

, the warm water fell head-on, and no one could do without this shower.

In a silent competition, Chen Qizhao glanced at him in a short breath, then glanced at the dirty clothes basket not far away, "There is something in the coat."

Shen Yuhuai reached for the black and white coat from the dirty clothes basket, took out a box of things from his pocket, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Where did you buy it?"

"There is a convenience store in front of your institute." Chen Qizhao looked at him with a hint of water in his eyes, "When I got off the bus..."

His breathing gradually disappeared in the sound of the pattering water.

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