MTL - Light Spirit Epic-Chapter 3081 The Last Storm (23)

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At the same time (?), in the Dawn.

"I got the token back." Bediwell walked into Logan's laboratory, and put the gem [Lion Heart's Certificate] on the table: "What should I do next?"

"Ah, good come." Grand Mage Logan put down the flask in his hand. "I just sent a message to the ivory tower, inviting a wizard who can use spiritism to help. He should be there soon."

"Do you really have to rely on that kind of superstition..." Bediwell sighed.

"Psychicism is not superstition, stupid apprentice." Logan said: "At best, it just reawakens the photon mind left in things and turns it into perceivable information. Simply put, um, put Recurring the thoughts left in the object by the predecessors?"

"Like evokes a holographic image?"

"It doesn't have to be an image, it may only be a sound, it may even only have sensory information such as smell or cold and heat." The wizard said: "In short, you won't know if you don't actually try it."

"Can Elaine be saved by some information..." Bradyville became more suspicious.

"You won't know if you don't actually try it," the old man repeated.

"Captain, a visitor is requesting permission to board the ship." Eve, the ship's artificial intelligence navigation system, said suddenly.

"Take it over and let me see who it is." Bediwell said.

A picture suddenly appeared in front of Bediwell, and in the picture, the dark elf teenager Dismond was waiting on the deck of the Dawn.


"Long time no see, Captain Bediwell. And Teacher Logan." The dark elf replied.

"Wait, you are the wizard who can use spiritism in the ivory tower?" Bediville couldn't help wondering: "Are you not Logan's assistant, do you follow him to do all kinds of research? When will you be able to be alone Necromancer?"

"No, before Dismond became my assistant, he was originally a somewhat famous wizard in the ivory tower. He is proficient in spiritism and space-time magic-just like most elves."

"And the [Time Magic] researched by Teacher Logan is also an extreme of time-space magic, and I am particularly interested in it." Dismond said: "Is this answer enough to answer your question, Captain Bediwell? "

"...Okay. Anyway, you board the ship first." The werewolf youth said.

"Approval for boarding has been passed. Temporary guest permissions have been granted. Please board." Eve said without emotion, opening the way to the Dawn on the deck.

"We'll see you later." Dismond interrupted the conversation and walked toward the passage.

"It's the Dismond guy." Then Bediwell said, "You definitely did it on purpose, Logan."

"What? Since Dismond can do psychic skills, of course he should do it. It would be nice to ask your brothers to deepen their feelings occasionally." The old man grinned.

"I just don't want to owe that kind guy a favor..." The young werewolf covered his face.

"You don't owe him, it's little Elaine who owes others." Logan said.

Ten minutes later, the dark elf boy with a handsome face appeared in front of Bedyville.

"This is it." Desmond looked at the golden heart-shaped gem in front of him: "You can indeed feel the powerful longing hidden in it. Just use spiritism to wake up the longing in this thing, right?"

"Yes. But wait a minute." Bediwell said: "I just gave Elaine a cup of hot milk mixed with sleeping pills, but Elaine is not asleep yet. When he is completely asleep, take this The gem was placed next to him, and then the spiritism was activated."

"In this way, he will see something in his dream." Logan said: "Meeting the deceased in a dream... It's really romantic, huhuhuhu."

Bediwell gave the old mage a blank look.

"But is this really enough to repair Elaine's missing [Absolute Domain]?" the young werewolf said worriedly.

"No, it's not enough." But Dismond said: "It's just a temporary treatment at best, so that his [self] does not collapse so quickly. But to completely rebuild the [self] that has begun to collapse, this way It is far from enough."

"So desperate... Is there any way to save Elaine once and for all?"

"No." The dark elf boy categorically said: "Just like you can't resurrect the dead, the soul that is already declining cannot be repaired. The situation will only get worse and worse, until he completely loses [self] ] Let’s stop. If there is a way to make up a broken soul, it must be, [Miracle]."

Can only a miracle save Elaine... This is too desperate. Bediwell couldn't help wondering.

"Reminder: The monitored subject has fallen asleep." Eve suddenly interrupted.

"Let's get started." Bediwell walked out of Logan's studio and walked to Elaine's room.

Not only Dismond, but even Archmage Logan followed.

"Why are you here to join in the fun?" Bediwell frowned and turned to look at the old mage.

"Not good?" The old man grinned: "Little Elaine is a very typical case of [Absolute Domain Collapse]. I am quite interested in him."

So this guy really used Elaine as an experiment. Was his special concern for Elaine only because of Elaine’s special case?

The three walked into Elaine's room. There, the white lion boy had fallen asleep. It seems that sleeping pills are working. That dose of sleeping pills has little effect on ordinary orcs, but it is quite effective for Elaine who has become a white lion. The resistance of his transformation to drugs and poisons is probably the same as that of ordinary humans.

"It's you." Dismond fixed his eyes on the sleeping white lion boy and whispered in a voice that was almost inaudible by others: "No. So many years have passed, and the kingdom has been destroyed. Is this your descendant... …"

"Do you know Elaine?" Bediwell's hearing is more sensitive than ordinary people, and how much he can hear the words of the dark elf boy.

"No. Just admit the wrong person." But Dismond said, "Let's start."

"Of course." Bediwell lifted the quilt and put [Lion Heart's Proof] on Elaine's chest. Elaine slept so hard that he didn't even notice anyone was moving him."I am afraid that this will not lead to good results." There is something in Dismond's words: "The Lion Clan that has been wiped out must have a lot of suffering that cannot be treated for outsiders. Psychicism may not be able to repair his missing soul. Maybe this is to uncover the scars and make him hurt more severely."

"Nevertheless, you must try." Bediwell said: "Elaine is not as fragile as you think. He is much stronger than you think."

"If you insist." The dark elf boy put his hand on Elaine's chest, on the golden gem, and said something in his mouth: "——"

Bediville could not understand what spell it was. It sounded a little in common with the language of the elves, but it did not conform to the grammar of the elves. Bediville even suspected that it was a psychic spell created by Desmond in the language of his own race.

The surrounding space was gradually filled with a mysterious purple light. There is no light source, but there is this ubiquitous light. Then gradually, the light began to wrap around Elaine's body, turning the white lion boy into a luminous body.

"Um... uh-huh!" Elaine groaned in pain, as if she was having a nightmare.

"Hello, there is no problem, right?" Bediwell felt that something was wrong.

"That is the difficulty he has to overcome by himself, to find his fragmented self in the nightmarish memories." Dismond let go, and took a step back: "Whether he can overcome the difficulty depends on his own destiny. ."

Nevertheless, it must be tried. Bediwell said silently in his heart.

He has seen Elaine's life through the intervention of spells. He knows the suffering of the White Lion boy, his pain, and his struggle. After seeing Elaine who worked so hard but failed to achieve anything and failed, Bediveville couldn't let go of it.

The world is not fair. It's not that you will get something if you try hard. But after all the hard work, countless times fell and then climbed up, covered in blood but still nothing, this is too uncomfortable. At least, Elaine must be given another chance to work hard. An opportunity to seize hope again.

Total darkness. Nothing.

The spirit of the white lion boy was floating in the air.

"Huh...?" He was half-dreaming and half-awake, completely unable to understand what was going on in front of him.

"I, I am..."

"Who am I?" He was lost: "Where am I?"

No one can answer him, this is just an empty world.


Following the sharp sound of breaking through the air, it was a huge explosion. The fireworks exploded in the night sky and turned into thousands of flames, slowly falling while changing colors.

Then came the cheers of people. This is a memorial, a celebration, a carnival.

"What are you doing?" A voice sounded behind Elaine, an extremely familiar voice: "The fireworks show has already begun. What are you doing in the room? Change your clothes quickly and go out to the celebration with us."

"Leo..." Elaine slowly turned his head and looked at the lion boy with an incredible expression.

It seems to be a long time no see, and it seems to be lost forever. So when he saw him again, he collapsed in an instant and started to cry with Leo Potter.

"Hey, what are you doing, you still act like a baby at this time..."

"But, but, Leo...!" He cried in a mess, and said nothing.

"Okay," the golden lion slapped the white bear boy on the back and urged: "Quickly put on your clothes and go to the celebration. Don't be late."

In the dark night sky, you can't even see the stars, and the moon is on the other side of the earth, hidden in the shadows.

Whoosh-pound! However, fireworks exploded in the air one after another, and countless beautiful flowers of light bloomed in this dark and desperate night, as if they were burning their lives, trying to drive away the darkness.

Two children, one large and one small, were sitting on the grass, watching the fireworks in a quiet way away from the crowd.

"It's beautiful." Leo whispered amidst the cheers of the crowd.

"Uh, uh..." Elaine echoed his thoughts, but now he can no longer concentrate on appreciating the splendor of fireworks.

"Do you know, Elaine?" The lion boy looked at the fireworks in the sky and continued: "It is said that this festival has been held every year before. But since the mother left, the father and king rarely hold it. He always said something. To use extravagance, waste and environmental pollution as an excuse to refuse to hold this festival. This is obviously the most important festival of the year. It is a festival where people used flames to drive away the cold winter in the coldest winter, trying to make the world usher in a new life—— [Dawn Festival]. Father is willing to reorganize this festival, and it is also your blessing. You are always depressed after you come here, I persuaded father, hope we can do something to encourage you. I have been harassing father for a long time , He finally agreed to hold this festival."

"Is this... not so good?"

"What's wrong, this is a special resurrection holiday for you."

"Yes, but..."

"Elaine," the golden lion leaned in front of the white bear boy, "get up, okay? Re-hosting [Dawn Festival], maybe just my little willful. But I really hope you can be happy.

This world cannot always be so dark and desperate. Even in the dark night sky, there must be something that will shine on it. Remember this moment, remember everything you see at this moment. I hope that one day, when you are in the most desperate moment, you will still not forget the once light.

I hope you don’t forget, I—"

The banquet of fireworks entered a climax, and countless fireworks exploded in the night sky, illuminating the darkness as bright as day, and the cheers completely covered Leo's words. However, what caught Elaine at this time was not the gorgeous fireworks, but Leo Potter's eyes as clear as water.


The white lion boy woke up from his dream, and when he got up he saw a golden gem falling in front of him.

He subconsciously picked up the gem and held it in his hand. He recognized the gem, after all, it was the treasure of the Solis Kingdom. Now the heart-shaped stone is warm in his hand, like a heart that is stirring silently.


"Is he okay...?" Bediwell, who was secretly listening to the movement in the room outside the door, asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask me." Desmond said: "It's not easy to judge from this. God knows if he has regained his strength or has broken down even more."

"He's okay, let him be alone." Master Logan dragged away the two young men: "That's not someone who has given up everything, weeping as they should. People who really gave up all hope... even I can't cry even if I cry."

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