MTL - Light Spirit Epic-Chapter 3049 Decisive Battle in Trial (35)

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Not knowing how long it had passed, Bediwell recovered and found himself standing in a dark world.

In front of me was a winding road that stretched infinitely into the distance, the only road I could barely see in this dark world.

Why there is such a way, why Bediwell appeared here, he himself couldn't explain.

This is probably Elaine's inner world. Through the intervention of incantation, the world projected by [Yingqi Orb]. In short, Bediville is peeking into Elaine's heart, peeking into his memory.

This was the first time this happened, but the werewolf youth was a little bit strange. The effect of Yingqi Orb is always uncontrollable. It will react with something, and any weird phenomena will appear, but they are all expected, which is not surprising.

What is happening in the outside world, whether the outside world and the world time here are flowing at the same speed, Bediville does not even know. While spying on Elaine's memory, he was killed by the Elaine (Beta) in reality. It was also possible. But now, since everything is beyond his controllable range, he can only follow the situation and continue to explore in this dark world.

And he has a very strange feeling. While he was looking at Elaine's memory, Elaine was also looking at him. Elaine must be in the depths of this world, knowing and observing Bradyville's actions in some form.

The young werewolf took a step forward, and a landscape began to appear on the side of the path.

The initial scenery is extremely vague. A baby was held in his arms by his mother, watching a man go out from a distance. Because it was a long time ago, the baby couldn't even see the man's face. He just knew that the man never came back since he went out.

Elaine had no father soon after he was born. He was brought up by his mother.

Elaine at this time is actually a human. He was born in the world as a human being.

Bediwell continued to walk a few steps forward, and many fragmentary memories began to appear on both sides of the path. When Elaine was an ignorant child, he and his mother lived in a small house. His mother almost never let the child out, and told him not to play outside the house. People always cast a strange look at him, and even cast a strange look at his home, probably because he... looks special.

Elaine, who was just a child at the time, naturally could not have known so many people's sophistication. But the gaze that others discriminate against them can be felt even if he is just an ignorant child.

Why be discriminated against? Is it because of their race, or because of his looks and skin color? People in any era have their unreasonable things. In the end, they just found an excuse. Most groups bully minorities, and strong groups bully disadvantaged groups.

Despite being isolated from the world, as a child, he still lives happily. His mother loves him very much and spends days with the child, teaching him to read and draw, and sing to him. In the evening she will hold those picture books with beautiful illustrations and read stories to make him fall asleep.

The world seemed to be the only two of him and his mother. Even if the outside world casts more eyes and discrimination, as long as they don't leave this small house, people's viciousness will not hurt them.

However, paper can't hold fire after all. The child was not even of a sensible age. That night, a group of thugs rushed into his tiny home.

Why, I just want a peaceful life, but I can't do it? They have never hurt anyone, but only because of their blood, are they not allowed to live in a low-key manner?

The whole world became dark and deep, and the memory of the scene stayed on his mother's sad face. She hid the child in the closet and told him to hide, no matter what happened outside, don't make any noise.

He hid in the dark closet all night, shaking and cowering. But he strictly followed his mother's request and made no sound. Countless times, when he heard the rush of people outside, he thought that the mob was about to spot him. He looked at the small gap in the closet in fear, afraid of who would open it, but he was afraid that it would never be opened.

The next day, when the soldiers came to open the closet and found him, the child had already collapsed and was too weak to speak.

How long has passed since then? The scenery kept changing and he was sent to a dilapidated concentration camp. The army is here to "protect" people of all special races, but instead of protecting this group of people, it is better to imprison them. The child was also sent here because he is of the same race as those people. He has never seen his mother since that night. He is helpless and bullied in this concentration camp.

hungry. So hungry. Other children older than him joined the party and snatched food from the concentration camp. Even when he had successfully obtained the ration, other children still came to grab his ration, knocked him to the ground, and forcibly snatched the ration. The adults turned a blind eye to this, and they seemed to acquiesce in such bullying. Because that kid...he looks different. Even among his people, he is different. The price of being different is being excluded. In this dark time, these people are just making excuses to vent the darkness in their hearts on a child.

I don't know how many days have passed, Elaine is so hungry that he has almost no energy to act. A mysterious person appeared and threw him a knife, letting him use the weapon to defend himself.

He has made up his mind to use this knife to protect himself when he receives food next time, so that no one else will take his food. But...he didn't use it in the end.

He used a knife to cut his own flesh and ate his own flesh. He's crazy. wrong. He went from despair to despair, but he was very gentle and would rather hurt himself than hurt others. So he hurt himself and made others think he was a lunatic.

On the same day, soldiers from that country came to sweep the concentration camp. They took Elaine's injury as evidence to prove that the ethnic group detained in the concentration camp was a "demon race", and the children of the ethnic group were oppressed and injured. And this demon's race should be eliminated.

The soldiers found an excuse, started carnival, and slaughtered. The entire concentration camp was tainted by blood and fire. As for the child who fell on the ground, the mysterious person before appeared in front of him.


Bediwell stopped and looked at the picture in Elaine's memory, stunned with surprise: "Why... is it Menis?"

Menis, the first pharaoh, spent his entire life searching for eternal life. He pursued immortality to the end and disappeared directly, and now he does not know where he continues to exist. Bradyville even suspects that Menis has the ability to travel through time, free to intervene in what happens in every era-even if it is only indirect interference.

"Then choose. Do you want to come with me?" Menis asked Elaine.

The child nodded silently.

Elaine's memory is badly damaged here, and the picture is full of snowflakes.

"Interesting." Menis picked up the child: "I will throw you into transformation soon. Then you will leave the ranks of [people] and become inhuman. You may die or you may be Completely lose memory and mind. Before that, tell me your name. I am not a ruthless person. I will remember the names of all the people who have undergone experiments. This is what I can do for you The only thing that arrived."

However, the son of the moon remained silent. "Don't tell me? Is it really good?" Menis asked again: "If you really die in the experiment, no one will remember you again?"

The child was silent for a long time. Although the name is meaningless, even though there is no one in the world who will truly be sad because of his death.

"Shang..." He wanted to answer something, but this part of his memory was so damaged that he couldn't see clearly.


Bradyville was curious what Elaine's original name was. But that will never be known. As Menis said, it was probably because of some kind of physical modification that Elaine lost part of his memory permanently, so a large part of the following memory was all snowflakes, and it was impossible to see what happened. Occasionally, I could see some faint shadows, as if Menis took Elaine to a certain laboratory and injected some kind of medicine into Elaine's body.

Then there was a long, continuous and painful scream.

But Elaine survived that terrible transformation. He is alive, so he has the memory behind that.

When he woke up, the child was already in a research institute.

"The transformation was very successful, n373."

Menis released Elaine from a container filled with liquid and said a lot. But Elaine probably hadn't heard clearly at the time, so his memory was very vague.

"...Don't mind. Think of this as a rebirth. From the original you who has been abandoned by the world, you are reborn as a perfect creature n373." All he remembered was the last words Menis said.

The perfect creature...?

Bediwell couldn't help wondering. He gradually understood the source of Elaine's overpowering self-healing ability. Everything was caused by Menis behind the scenes, turning Elaine, who was originally a human, into a white dragon, or a white bear, or something else.

Menis has been pursuing immortality, and human experiments are naturally indispensable in the search for immortality. That's why he was eyeing Elaine, who seemed to be born a special individual. Has Menisi’s immortality experiment been successful? Is this Elaine really the [perfect creature] created by the immortality experiment?

Bediwell continued to walk along the path of memory and saw more terrifying scenes. As expected, Menis was doing various human experiments with Elaine's body. He cut Elaine's body to pieces, used electric shocks, burned with fire, and used various methods to destroy Elaine's body. However, Elaine did not die because of his strong self-healing ability. In the laboratory, he endured all this silently. He probably thought that his life was saved by Menis, he was the property of Menis, and he could not complain no matter how he was treated. After all, if Menis hadn't saved him, he would have died. Although he is in this state, he is still alive.

He is alive, but he doesn't know why he is still alive. In short, he can only continue to live, until he remembers his living goal again.

The boy got up in the severe pain and gasped in a low voice. Outside the experiment room, another child was shaking. The child seemed to be an experimental subject, and came to take a peek out of curiosity.

"What are you doing, a07-dd?" The man rebuked loudly, "This is not where you came, and contact with other subjects is strictly prohibited! Go back to your room!"

The child with a blood bandage stuck out his tongue, turned and slipped away. Elaine looked at the figure of the boy who had slipped away. He knew that there was more than one subject in this institute.

At night, the bandaged teenager sneaked into Elaine's room.

"Hi." The child seemed to have serious trauma all over his body, which should be very painful, but he was very cheerful: "Is that you, the perfect creature that the doctor has been talking about, the final subject of the n series, n373? "

"Hmm..." Elaine nodded timidly.

Contact between subjects was originally not allowed. But in fact, Menis managed all this very loosely and their room was not locked.

"Then the research here should be over soon." The other party said: "After countless sacrifices, the doctor finally got what he wanted. Then there will be no more sacrifices, which is a good thing."

"No more people will be rescued," Elaine said. He assumed that the other party was also a child who was rescued by Menis and received reformation.

"You can't save everyone in the world." The bandaged kid laughed. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, elen."

"Yi, Irun...?"

"You don't want to call you n373, right?" The other party pointed to the tattoo on Elaine's arm, and took Elaine's hand, and raised his hand: "So just change it to a nice name. Let your nameless person have a name. n373, after rotating one hundred and eighty degrees, it looks backwards-Irun."

"I, I hate this name..." Elaine said, "It looks like the name of a little girl..."

"Then take its homonym, how about I call you elyan?"

The boy nodded. He knew he shouldn't be picky, after all he had a name without a name.

"Then Elaine," the bandaged teenager rolled up his sleeves, revealing the number tattoo on his arm, and raised his arm to let the number look upside down.

The tattoo on it, a07-dd, when I looked upside down, it was... p - p - l - o - v? This may have some special significance.

"I'm an experimental subject of the a series, a07-dd." The kid said, "Or you can ask me to do...Paparov? From today on we will be brothers who share joy and sorrow."


Seeing this, Bediwell was shocked.

Long before Papalov was sent to Bediwell's house, the guy had met Elaine at the Menis Institute.

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