MTL - Light Spirit Epic-Chapter 3025 Decisive Battle in Trial (11)

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"Oh, you guys, of course you can't vote...wait, what?" Because he was too tired, Elaine's brain didn't react for a while: "You... want to surrender? "

"Yes, surrender meow." Seefer continued: "So please stop meow. There is no need to fight anymore."

Elaine paused for a second.

"Say, words count..." he asked suspiciously.

"Of course, idiot meow. This is a public game, and it's live streaming. Just now we shouted so loudly, you thought you wouldn't be recorded meow." Saigrad said: "You won, so be it. "

"Leo...we..." So Elaine stopped attacking, and at the same time his eyelids collapsed: "Win...we...!"

Then he fainted. Unconscious, he fell sharply in free fall from high altitude.

Danger! Now Elaine is almost petrified except for his head, so it will be broken after falling! If there is only one head left, he can hardly survive!

"Brother!" Segrade reminded.

"I know, meow." Seifer replied, and the leopard dropped the weapon in his hand and ran over, a jump caught the white-haired boy who had fallen sharply in the air. He looked like an extremely rude beast, but his movements when he caught Elaine were extraordinarily gentle, and he didn't make any impact on Elaine when he fell. Until the half-human leopard landed and stood firmly, the petrochemical part of Elaine's body did not appear to be cracked.

They put Elaine on the ground and immediately disarmed their half-human leopard fit. The two brothers began to watch Elaine who was dying. At this time, the petrification eroded to Elaine's chin and almost blocked his mouth.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Segrade urged.

"Don't hurry, I'm so annoying." Seefer complained, and at the same time took out [the lake of the immortal lake], and carefully poured the secret medicine into Elaine's mouth. Elaine could barely open his mouth. It was Sefer who carefully opened a gap in the white-haired boy's mouth and put the medicine in.

Of course, Elaine had already lost consciousness and couldn't take the initiative to drink such things into his stomach. The other parts below the head were all petrified, and it was practically impossible to "drink" the potion. Seifer and Seglade naturally prepared another bottle of secret medicine and poured it directly on Elaine. In this way, both internal and external use of medicine, hoping that the petrochemical phenomenon of Elaine can be eliminated.

"What about the [recovery medicines] Leo left him before?" Segrade asked.

"I didn't bring meows. He...nor did not have meows." Seefer tried to search Elaine's body, but couldn't find any useful medicine: "No. I can only use this now. The diluted [water of the lake of immortality] came to give him first aid temporarily."

"But this is a diluted version of Meow..."

"The side effects of the original version are too great, you can only use diluted meows." Seefer shook his head and said: "Damn meows. Why doesn't this idiot know how to change from a human form to an orc form? Even if it's a lion man. , It can resist petrochemical phenomenon somewhat."

As soon as he finished complaining, Elaine's face gradually changed. Really, as Seefer said, Elaine changed back to the appearance of a white lion boy. Moreover, the water of the Lake of Immortality and Immortality also had some effect, and the part below Elaine's neck was slowly being petrified. The speed is very slow, but the dissolution process of petrochemical can be seen with the naked eye.

"Great meow." Segrade breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that at least his life was saved."

"I won't be too optimistic about this, but..." Saifer said, "It should be saved... right? This guy is very tenacious. Don’t simply give up halfway."

Seefer sighed: "We lost it."

"You lost meow." Segrade said unhappily: "It was me who shouted out to surrender. If you don't surrender, maybe we won meow."

"You don't think the same way, meow. If not, why didn't you stop me from meowing at the time." Seefer said lightly: "Just now it's combined, don't think I don't know what you think about meowing.

If they don't surrender, the ending will be Elaine's death. That was the result that Seifer and Seglade were unwilling to see. Even the teammates are still the companions of the two Leopard brothers on the Dawn. They have regarded Elaine as a family member, so how could they sit back and watch Elaine go to death.

"Anyway, I think Elaine is very despicable." Segrade said in dissatisfaction. "If this is done, isn't it just to coerce us to surrender to me. It's too despicable. Then my brother was softened. ."

"We feel softened." Seefer corrected.

"Well, yes. We. We. My heart is softened." Segrade reluctantly procrastinated and admitted: "But I am still angry."

"Sit and watch him die like this is definitely not the right choice, Meow." Seifer said: "The battle is live, and the whole world is watching. Meow. Do we want the world to see how cruel our two brothers are? Such a cruel person is qualified to be a knight of the round table? A knight of the round table is not a meow as long as he is strong enough."

"Indeed..." Segrade snorted and did not continue to complain.

His brother is making excuses to forgive himself. Perhaps Seglade also complained for hearing this excuse.

In any case, they surrendered. If you lose, you lose. This has become an established fact. If you lose, you can afford to lose, which is useless.

"Referee?" Seefer called.

A bee golem suddenly flew out of the blind spot in the vision of the two. It has been hiding well before, making it difficult to detect. This bee golem was naturally the golem that was responsible for recording the entire battle between the two brothers Elaine and the Leopard. It also played a role in contacting the organizer of the round table trial.

"It's our two brothers who lost." Saifer said, "But Elaine was seriously injured. Please send a medical team to treat him."

"No." But from the bee golem came the cold and stern voice of the Grand Duke Palinlor: "You two stay away from him. A transport boat will soon pick you up, but he must stay. "

"What? But he needs to be treated, meow!" Seglade said anxiously: "You don't want to die, meow?!"

"His game is not over yet." Palinlor said without emotion: "If this arranges for the medical team to treat him, it will be unfair to the other candidates. Or do you think he should quit the game and just admit defeat? Do you have the qualifications to speak for him?"

"We..." Seefer and Seglade were asked speechlessly.

After all, this battle is indeed Elaine's life to win. If he were to receive treatment at this time, it would be equivalent to letting Elaine withdraw from the game, and then a battle he struggled to win would become meaningless.

But Elaine could no longer fight. He can't hold up another game like this!

The transport boat with powerful concealment ability gradually approached and soon landed beside the two Leopard brothers.

"You, get on this transport boat and leave quickly." Palinlor's voice came from the bee golem again, commanding: "From this moment on, any interference you make to him will be regarded as A declaration to let him abstain. You are not allowed to get close to him within five feet, and you are not allowed to use any means to change the field near him to give him any hidden field advantage. You do anything, he will Will be disqualified from the competition."

"It's too much..." Seefer was a little angry, trying to argue with the referee.

"Brother, don't meow." Segrade pulled **** his brother's sleeve to stop his brother. Confronting the referee in this situation is a taboo.

The older twin Leopard man forced himself to calm down, but he was still worried (not giving up), and asked: "You want us to put him in this ice and snowy place regardless of meow. Yes. Just for the fairness of the game. ...What if he died here?"

"His vital signs are constantly monitored by the enchanting bracelet on his hand. We think that when his life reaches a dangerous level, he will naturally be deprived of his qualifications and sent back." Palinlor replied: "You guys Don’t worry about his safety. Instead, pray for him, hoping that he can recover before the next opponent finds him."

"What if he doesn't wake up before then?" Segrade asked.

"Then he will be judged as unable to fight against his opponent and immediately disqualified." Palinlor explained: "But this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't delay any longer, please leave the battlefield immediately!"

The two brothers looked at each other and sighed. They can't do anything for Elaine, and if they want to help, they will only help. They could only watch the white lion boy lying on the ice and snow to recover on his own, and then drag the broken body to deal with the next battle.

This may not be fair to Elaine, but it is fair to other candidates. The so-called big dogfight (le) is such a battle. Whoever wins or loses in one battle will affect the next battle. Therefore, the disadvantage is that the candidates themselves are unlucky and cannot blame others. And luck is also part of strength.

Because the rules are like this, Seefer and Seglade can only get on the transport boat angrily and prepare to leave. They couldn't do anything to help Elaine, they could only throw the white lion boy into this ice and snow.

"Elaine, take care of meow." "Good luck meow." The two said in unison. Even Elaine couldn't hear it at all.

The transport boat fully unfolded the hidden force field, and left the field with two young Leopard men in a low-key manner. All they can do now is to walk as quietly as possible, lest Elaine's whereabouts are exposed.

In the worst case, Elaine was discovered by another examinee without a chance to wake up. In this way, Elaine directly declared that he had lost in the finals, and there was no room for recovery.

In the most ideal situation, Elaine could lie here and wait for the injury to recover without being discovered. If other candidates have fought in other battlefields until the final battle before arriving here, Elaine may be facing an equally scarred candidate. That way, maybe the White Lion boy still has a chance to win.

Everything depends on whether he is lucky. Luck is also part of strength.

"Leo..." Elaine, who was dying on the snow field, whispered, half-dreaming and half-awake. And the wind and snow became fiercer, gradually covering his body.

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