MTL - Life After Marrying My Love Rival-Chapter 89 Fanwai III: Birthday

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Disappearing one year before the screen, and then too many things happened, Ye Nanqi no longer intends to be active in the public eye as a "little acting meat", decided to film quietly in the future, focus on being a real actor.

Shen Du raised his hands to support: It ’s so good to go everywhere, and there are fewer people who want to sleep with his wife.

His wife wanted to go back to the camera again. Mr. Shen had a total of 120,000 allocations and personally contacted several famous screenwriter directors to ponder and screen the screenplay. Ye Nanqi didn't know his movements. He got up in the garden every morning and read the lines holding Mao Mao's cool eggs. He looked at the opera with himself and looked for the feeling of acting.

Shen Duneng took the company in order to chase his wife and children, and of course found the script. Of course, after screening out a few satisfactory scripts, he found Xiao Jiao's wife in the back garden and stood on the second-floor balcony. After watching Ye Nanqi performing for a long time, he lifted up the script in Yang's hand and shouted with a smile: "Ye star, do you want to be a superior, come to rule me, it's all yours."

Ye Nanqi turned his head and was dazzled by a pile of falling scripts. He was too late to spit out the "rich money", and when Shen Du suddenly lifted the railing, he jumped off the second floor smartly.

The balcony was not high, but it really scared Ye Nanqi. The script didn't bother to pick it up. He gave Shen Du a kick in the past and gritted his teeth, "Did you **** give Xue Xiangyu something?"

Shen Du was unsuccessful in being handsome, but was scolded, and felt very wronged. He picked up the script and handed it to him: "At this level, it's okay. Was your husband handsome?"

Handsome or not, Ye Nanqi didn't notice, but was frightened and wanted to be embarrassing.

Seeing Ye Nanqi's face still dark, Shen Du hugged his waist and coquettishly: "Brother, I was wrong, not next time. Come to see the script, I am not satisfied, I will look for it again. Satisfied with the rules tonight I am ? "

The two looked at each other. The fur under the feet and the cool eggs had the same learning style and looked at each other with affection.

Shen Du's eyes really fouled, Ye Nanqi held his arm a while, patted his hand with amusement, leaned over and picked up the fur, and sat on the bench. Shen Du sits next to him holding the cool egg, rubbing it while Samoyed hasn't grown into a big one: "Not angry?"

Ye Nanqi said: "Think I'm so angry, sleep on the sofa at night?"

"I sleep where you sleep."

Shen Du said, opening the first script: "I don't know much about this. I consulted my friends before choosing it."

Ye Nanqi would not refuse Shen Du to help him choose a script. He is not stupid. He can have a good script and a good story. However, it is silly to insist on saying "Everything is on your own". After leaving the entertainment industry for so long, he has to start over.

When he looked at the first script, Shen Du looked at him, watching his droopy eyes, long eyelashes, slightly open lips under the pretty bridge of his nose, rosy color, and spitting out nice sounds ... … Looking at it, Shen Du wanted to take a kiss and was rejected by Ye Nanqi's bosom politely.

Shen degree: "..."

Mao Mao's blue eyes looked at him fearlessly: "Meow."

Shen Du ignored it and continued to steal relatives, Mao Mao raised his claws again, defending Ye Nanqi ’s territorial rights on his lips.

He squeezed its small meat pad with a smile, and smiled, "Maomao, do you still want to eat snacks tonight?"

With regard to matters of immediate interest, Mao Mao's little ears moved, and he persuaded, retracting Ye Nanqi's arms and licking his claws.

The competitors were easily resolved, and Shen Du wanted to steal jade and incense again, this time being blocked by Ye Nanqi's hand. He kissed Ye Nanqi's palm and licked his tongue.

Ye Nanqi retracted his hand and glared at him: "General Manager Shen, isn't this an adaptation of the novel? It's a hot ip. I remember there were many bed scenes and kiss scenes."

Pretending to be stupid.

Ye Nanqi hit him: "As for you, show me a cut-back version. I've read the original book several times."

"Baby ..." Shen Du took his side and finally kissed the soft lips, with a smile in his eyes, "Can we not make a kiss scene, I'm afraid I can't control it."

Ye Nan expected him: "What if I want to shoot?"

Shen Du immediately answered seriously: "I'm going to be a stand-in."

Forget it before, now he can't stand Ye Nanqi and kiss others, let alone a bed scene.

Fake ones don't work. Fart is dedicated to art. Whoever dares to touch him is a waste.

Ye Nanqi originally only teased him, watching him so seriously, couldn't help laughing: "No, I won't make kiss scenes in the future, I will discuss with the director and screenwriter. Our total cost of appearance by Shen is too high, no one can pay Up. "

Shen Du got to his neck, without a serious tone: "South-South can afford it, just one night."

Ye Nanqi said: "..."

"If you can't do it in one night, two." Shen Du's eyes were burning, and Ye Nanqi was stunned as soon as he got out of his mouth, and he quickly put away his face, "how?"

Ye Nanqi didn't make up his mind. He picked up the other scripts and browsed them one by one, and pondered for a while. In the past, when choosing a script for filming, many issues must be considered, such as film pay, fan status, traffic popularity, etc., all starting from his being a "star". Now he just wants to simply shoot a film, ponder acting skills, and perform his favorite. . Shen Du gave him this confidence, and he also had to learn to live selfishly.

In the end, Ye Nanqi put aside a bunch of famous guides or hot IP scripts, and chose the most inconspicuous one brought by Shen Du. The director is famous, the screenwriter is a newcomer, and the script is relatively unpopular, but Ye Nanqi likes it.

Just like it.

The comeback has n’t been told to others. When Wen Chen received the call, he thought he had heard it wrong. Haha laughed: “Nanqi, have n’t you woke up? It ’s noon at 12 noon. Control point. "

The words were silent for three seconds.

When Ye Nanqi heard the sound of something falling on the ground there, Wen Chen took a cool breath: "My ancestor, what made you wake up from the role of the overbearing president's little wife, you I still remember that you are an artist! "

Ye Nanqi: "... I will hang up if you stop talking nonsense."

After last year's affairs, Wen Chen has completely turned into an uncle of Buddhism. He has no obsession with Ye Nanqi ’s fame and fame. He likes many fans and people who care about Ye Nanqi. Live happily.

Therefore, Wen Chen didn't say much about the choice of the script, and he responded wisely to prepare for the follow-up work. Although unpopular, the director's selection of actors is very strict. From the beginning of last year to the present, the crew has not been available, and 80% of the funds are not.

Wen Chen contacted the director, and after Ye Nanqi prepared for a while, he went to audition.

The audition went well.

The subject matter of this script is relatively dark and realistic. Previously, there were also big and small caffes who were interested in trying the show. It couldn't give the director the kind of feeling he wanted, and it was only seen on Ye Nanqi.

The screenwriter is a young man with an indifferent look, and he is obviously very satisfied with Ye Nanqi's performance. The filming settled Ye Nanqi, and the cast's most important role was finally decided.

This is settled. Shen Du is long overdue and willing to invest. The reason why he had to wait for Ye Nanqi's trial play was because he didn't want to let some people chew his tongue and said that Ye Nanqi brought funds into the group, and the results were all given by him. Ye Nanqi didn't care, but he did.

When Ye Nanqi didn't know, President Shen had secretly registered countless trumpets to spray with his black powder.

He even actively joined several fan groups, and occasionally took a picture to post Weibo, and said to the chat records that a group of young girls who wanted to sleep in Ye Nanqi showed their sovereignty.

So that Ye Nanqi and the two cp fans went to Ye Nanqi ’s Weibo to cry: Nan Nan, let Shen always stay away from our lives ...

The director of funds sent to the door will certainly not refuse, and once again think of the relationship between Ye Nanqi and Shen Du, silently prepared to meet a man who may even be uncle more than uncle.

With the help of Shen Du, the crew quickly filled up with personnel, but what caught Shen Du off guard was that as soon as the staff was full, they got a bitter news: most of the plot of this play was in the Jiangnan Water Village, so ...

Needless to say.

When Shen Du sent Ye Nanqi to leave, he had been thinking that it was too late to withdraw the capital now.

Ye Nanqi saw his grievances inside, and touched his head with amusement: "You don't bother to stick together every day, it's good to be apart."

Shen Du was even more aggrieved: "Baby, do you think I'm annoying?"

"I'm afraid you think I'm annoying." Ye Nanqi touched his head comfortably again, as if stroking a large dog. "Remember what I said before."

Shen Du said: "I come back to work every day, I only spend a few hours with you, and I may encounter other things on the weekend."

Ye Nanqi thought: Baby Shen really wanted to cry.

I don't know why, not only was he unhappy, looking at Shen Du like this, he wanted to laugh: "Just two months ..."

Shen Du buried in his chest and said dumbly, "Damn."

Ye Nanqi had to soften his voice: "It's over to start a video with you."

Shen Du looked up: "The one without clothes?"

Ye Nanqi: "... Yes, the one without clothes."

The undressed video comforted Shen Du's wounded heart. When he sent Ye Nanqi to the airport, the rest of the crew hadn't come yet. Wen Chen wore headphones and watched them tirelessly all the way, thinking about people and people It was so different. When he and his wife were in love, they were not tired of more than two people who had been married for a year.

The tired and crooked two waited quietly in the waiting room, Shen Du said nothing more, and Ye Nanqi said nothing.

Until before they separated, Ye Nanqi took the initiative to kiss him and waved away.

The crew is going to a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. They will be filming there in the next two months.

Ye Nanqi is an authentic northerner who came to the south while he was still wearing a sweater in the north and got foolish when he got off the plane.

The hot and foolish Ye Nanqi followed the crew around, it was unprecedentedly happy. The director was pleased that a little prince was not welcomed, and he became more and more cheerful, and from time to time pointed out his acting skills. There were not many crew members, and a small inn was contracted. The background of this drama was the Republic of China. Ye Nanqi often wore a sun suit and ran around, and Wen Chen was distressed: "During the southern period, have you been exposed It's darker? "

Ye Nanqi faced the tanned flowery face: "Huh?"

Wen Chen sighed: "... no, no."

After a busy month, Ye Nanqi counted his fingers.

Shen Du's birthday is the day after tomorrow.

In these days, he desperately finished filming in advance, just to prepare for the day after tomorrow.

Give Shen Du a surprise and don't tell him to go back to City A to accompany him for a day, without delaying the crew's progress.

After filming at night, Ye Nanqi received a call from Shen Du. Although separated for a period of time, Shen Du calls every day without talking too long, which does not prevent him from taking a break. In the end, Shen Du didn't mention birthday.

Ye Nanqi quietly moved her husband's thoughtfulness. On that day, he greeted the director and ran away as soon as he dragged the ticket bought in advance.

It happened to be Saturday, Ye Nanqi also asked Shen Shen in advance, and he would not go out today.

In city A, Ye Nanqi did n’t rush home first, but bought a set with a mask and blushing, then went to get a cake that was ordered in advance, brought a gift that had been prepared earlier, The cufflinks are not very expensive, but he looks very suitable for deepness.

Ready for everything, Ye Nanqi was ready to be delivered to the door again, and opened the door lightly.

It happened to be in sight with the aunt who had come to take care of Mao Mao and Kudan last time.

Ye Nanqi: "... Auntie?"

The aunt was also surprised: "Mr. Ye? Didn't Mr. Shen say you were on a business trip?"

"... What about others?"

"I just went out, I don't know what to do, I look very happy."

The two were aggressive on their faces, and the cool eggs running out heard the sound happily circling Ye Nanqi.

Ye Nanqi felt that the situation was not right. He sent his aunt away and crouched at the entrance to call Shen Du.

It soon came through.

Ye Nanqi lay on the carpet blankly: "Shen Xiaodu, I'll give you ten seconds to tell you exactly where you are now."

Shen Du hesitated for three seconds, and immediately called: "Airport."

Ye Nanqi said: "A plane to the crew? How many minutes are there for boarding?"

"Two minutes ... Nannan, how do you know I'm not home?"

Ye Nanqi couldn't help crying and laughing, covering his face, "I just sent my aunt away."

Shen degree: "..."

Ye Nanqi: "I blow the sleeve into a balloon and hang it at home to celebrate your birthday. The cake is on the table. The gift is me and the gadget on the table. I'll go upstairs to sleep for a while."

Shen Du was silent for a few seconds.

Ye Nanqi looked at the ceiling and asked with a smile, "Why not talk? What are you doing?"

Shen Du seemed to be running in the airport, and his breathing rhythm was not stable.

"Ready to go home and open the gift."

The author has something to say: even after I finished writing, I still have 11 chapters, I can!

Please make up your own brain during the gift disassembly process (2k novel reading network