MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 6384 Wu Taidou

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Everything now does not belong to those eternal existences, just let them keep it.

After a rebuild, Jian Wushuang also learned a lot.

On the way, because he has nothing to do, he has been comprehending the Origin Dao.

Learn about your ultimate kendo, as well as the extreme way.

He has been comprehending these two Taos that he already mastered.

I want to find common ground and open up a new way of origin.

Time passed day by day, ten days later.

Everyone came to the end of the blood river swim without any risk.

They passed through the territory of the True Immortal Gorefiend, and they encountered the True Immortal of Seven Steps several times on the way, and they all avoided them one by one and passed smoothly.

It is now the last tour of the Blood River, and from here, it belongs to the cave dwelling of the ancestors of the Blood River.

Moreover, within the cave dwelling occupied by this Blood River Patriarch, there are many mortal lives.

There are many, hundreds of millions, millions of times the number of people in the entire Red Eye Realm.

They all live on a barren continent on the north shore.

On the south bank, there is an Asura field.

The North Shore is very stable, but they dare not walk from the North Shore.

Because of the stability on the north bank, there are several true immortals, and there are also blood demon guards under the blood of the ancestors.

The Gorefiend True Immortal who had passed through the Gorefiend Territory before was actually a descendant of the ancestor of the Blood River, but the two were separated by many generations, but the blood relationship was still there.

Moreover, this Blood Demon True Immortal is the strongest among the countless descendants of the Blood River Ancestor. He is also the most talented. He is deeply loved by the Blood River Old Ancestor, so he handed over his most powerful Blood Demon Guards to him. Gorefiend is a real fairy.

That's how the title of Gorefiend True Immortal came from.

The Gorefiend's general is the Gorefiend True Immortal, but he is not the strongest.

There are also three lieutenants, all of whom are eight-step true immortals.

They can't afford to offend anyone.

Naturally dare not pass the Gorefiend to do the real North Shore.

Only dare to sneak on the south bank.

Halfway through, the old man Tiancun couldn't help but scolded: "Damn, our luck is too bad, this south bank is undergoing the blood demon trial, it is estimated that there are strong blood demon guards in the town, we have to be careful!"

"Look at what level of Gorefiend Trial!" True Monarch Xueyang asked anxiously.

He knows this very well. There are three levels of Gorefiend trials. If it is the weakest trial, it may be over in a few days, but if it is the strongest trial, it will not only take a long time, but also the number of trials will be reduced. A lot, and there will naturally be a lot of Gorefiend guards at that time.

Maybe two of the three lieutenants will come.

That is the eight-step real fairy.

Zi Yu was walking at the forefront now, and after a careful survey, he replied, "I didn't find a strong man from the Gorefiend, but I found a man from the Beast Sect, and he is very powerful!"

"Who?" Wuhou Zhenjun asked with a frown.

"Eight-step true immortal, Wu Taidou!" When Fairy Ziyu replied, there was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Because Wuhou Zhenjun's clan is a member of the Royal Beast Sect.

It's just that Wuhou Zhenjun is not suitable for beasts, so he entered Tiantan City since he was a child, and worshipped a powerful real immortal as a teacher, but his connection with the beasts sect was not broken.

The seniors in the clan of the Wuhou Zhenjun that I meet now may be able to accommodate.

For a time, everyone turned to look at Wuhou Zhenxian.

"It's him!" Wuhou Zhenxian's brows were a little angry, and after seeing the eyes of everyone looking at him, he immediately said: "Don't think about it, I have a grudge with Wu Taidou, if he finds me here, I will definitely take the opportunity to get rid of it. I!"

The old man Tiancun said unexpectedly: "No, I heard that your clan is very united. Even if you are not from the Beast Master Sect, you will not do anything to you!"

His doubts are not unreasonable, but Wuhou Zhenxian obviously doesn't want to be too troublesome, so there is no need to say so.

Fairy Ziyu hurriedly interrupted the questioning of the old man Tiancan, and changed the subject: "Everyone has seen the previous situation, I guess this trial has not yet started, and now is the opportunity for us to pass through this place, although there is an eight-step The true immortal is in charge, but it is enough to separate him, and in just one day, we will be able to pass through the South Shore Shura Field!"

"Then do according to what Daoist Ziyu said!" Although the old man Tiancan was a little dissatisfied, he also knew that he must unite at this time.

Wuhou Zhenxian didn't explain, but hurryed on the road.

You can tell by looking at the face of the other party, it must be a festival with Wu Taidou of the Imperial Beast Sect, and this festival is very big, and it is too big to be adjusted.

Otherwise, someone from a clan like this might come forward to adjust it. After all, Wu Taidou is an eight-step true immortal, and he has a very high status in the Imperial Beast Sect. Wuhou Zhenxian’s strength is not bad. Level, and young, the future is expected to be seven steps or even nine steps of the existence of true immortals.

One of the two is the top fighting force in the current clan, and the other is the pillar of the future.

Such a character has an uncontrollable hatred.

It must not be easy.

Wuhou Zhenxian didn't say anything, and everyone didn't ask much, and now that he was on his way, he didn't think too much.

Just as their group carefully crossed the Shura Field on the South Bank, tens of thousands of flying boats appeared above the North Bank.

Each flying boat can accommodate ten thousand people. UU reading

Tens of thousands of flying boats are millions of people.

The flying boat has the mark of the Gorefiend, so it is not the flying boat of the Gorefiend.

As for the people inside, the auras are very similar, most of them are primordial spirits, and some are monks in the Mahayana period.

As many as millions.

Such a large number almost wiped out all the powerhouses in the ancient continent on the north bank.

The top of the boat.

"Captain, the 170,000 yuan cultivators in the Seventh Ascension Array are all gathered up!"

"The cultivators of the 14th Ascension Array have also been collected. There are a total of 40,000 monks in the Mahayana period, which is a lot more than the number of previous sessions!"

A red-robed true immortal headed by the head nodded proudly, and said Dan Mo: "Well, wait for the rest to return to the team, then drive to the Asura Field on the south bank, and tell those idiots about the trial by the way!"



Several Gorefiends clasped their fists in response.

Immediately, stern voices sounded in all the flying boats.

"The powerhouses from the ancient continent are now one last level away from your ascension to certify..."

The voice in the flying boat was completely detected by Jian Wushuang, and he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

"This ancestor of the blood river is a bit interesting. The Shura field established is also very good, but unfortunately the time is too short and the income is too low!" Jian Wushuang sighed with emotion.

This kind of trial is considered a magic way trial.

In fact, it was said that when the Qishen Temple wanted to search Dayan Immortal, it was no different from the Gorefiend trial.

So many Dayan immortals had fallen, and only a few inheritors were screened out in one trial.

However, these inheritors have brought a huge improvement to Qi Shen Temple.

So much so that the victory in the final battle against the annihilation of life all depended on the original trial.

Of course, as a bystander now, Jian Wushuang felt that this Gorefiend trial was a demonic act.

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