MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 6375 God Eye 9 Turns

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According to the conversion of strength, the nine-step transformation is equivalent to the five-step true immortal.

A nine-turn Dayan immortal is a nine-step true immortal.

Further up, Daojun.

But when he was in Da Siyu, his physical body was very ordinary, which was equivalent to perfection in the mortal universe, but in Da Siyu of the original universe, it was not so strong.

Based on the ultimate kendo at that time, he achieved the leap to battle.

Now he has the ultimate kendo plus pole.

There is also the body of the beast and the willpower of the beast.

His combat power was too strong before.

Even if he doesn't have the Sword of Myriad Tribulations in his hand, he can still kill the Immortal Immortal by leaps and bounds.

Ji Dao has not evolved into a starry sky, and he can also master a little of the power of all things to increase himself.

There is also the physical body of the beast, which can explode to ten million times in a short period of time.

Ten million times the power of the body in the Mahayana period.

Zhenxian also trembled when he came.

There is also a strong sense of the head of the world, which can cooperate with the original eye of the candle dragon to perform will destruction.

It's not that he doesn't have a hole card, but he has too many hole cards, and many of them can't be used yet.

Naturally, there is no need to rely on foreign objects to protect their lives.

Now rely on foreign objects to enhance the foundation.

His current background is too poor, he can't use the microcosm in the ash tank, and he can't use it anymore.

Even if he enters the ash jar and devours a microcosm frantically, he cannot shake the origin of the microcosm.

Otherwise he doesn't need to take the risk.

Sitting and eating can't empty the ash jar.

"Nine Prison Orders!"

With a thought, he took out this treasure that was equal to the value of the ash jar.

Now that he has only comprehended a little, he was greatly shocked by the mystery of the divine eye.

Because the Mysterious Eye Technique is stronger than his Eternal Transformation.

The strength of that senior brother is definitely beyond his own.

Although his eternal change has not reached its peak.

When the deity is the strongest, he reluctantly uses the ultimate eternal transformation.

It can be created in the follow-up, but at that time the requirements for combat power were already very low, and there was no one who could threaten him in the entire World God Continent, so he did not continue to improve his combat power, but began to change and left Hui Qing and Wu Zuo and others began to find their own way to overcome the calamity.

If you keep creating, it may be another way.

Press this first.

The special feature of the Mysterious Eye Technique is that the burning power does not all come from itself.

Just look at Wei Jiuxian, he can burn the power of the entire Red Eye Realm.

This is why he is so powerful, and of course the seed of life Jiang Shang left him, this is the most crucial.

But this can't hide his defiantness in the mortal world.

When he first heard about the Mystery of the Eyes of God, he felt that it was unusual. Now, after obtaining the Nine Prison Tokens left by his senior brother from the Temple of Divine Fire, what he learned from the complete Mystery of the Eyes of God was far from what he learned. It's even worse than I heard.

The Mystery of the Eyes of God came from before the World God Continent was first shattered.

If it is traced back, it will even be traced back to the stars.

And the legacy left behind is not only in this world.

There is also the sky.

But he hadn't heard of it, maybe it wasn't very conspicuous in the starry sky.

Maybe it was destroyed.

Because the Mysterious Eye Technique is too heaven-defying.

This is different from the Lord of the Universe burning his own universe, but the peak of the Lord of the Universe can burn the entire time and space to improve his combat power, and the lost power has to be made up for by the starry sky.

If the starry sky has a master, this kind of secret technique will never be allowed to exist.

This is his real thought.

The complete Mystical Eye Technique is divided into nine turns.

Like all the serial inheritances in the ancient world, they are the inheritance of those who practice the mystery of the eyes.

Whether it is the first sequence or the fifth sequence, it is the strength of the inheritor.

For example, if the Mystery of the Eyes has reached the fifth rank, it will be able to leave the first-order inheritance hall.

The inheritors of the first rank can leave the fifth sequence inheritance after they reach the emperor.

The first inheritance sequence requires the strength of the Lord of the Universe, plus cultivation to the fifth rank.

This is also the reason why the inheritance of the first sequence is rare.

The stronger inheritance holy land is different.

Because that is the place of inheritance left in the Divine Eye Clan.

It is stronger and more perfect than Sequence Inheritance.

The powerhouses of the God-Eyed Clan who have left the inheritance holy land have at least cultivated to the sixth rank, and they are likely to be powerhouses at the level of the cosmos gods.

A sacred place of inheritance left by the universe god, this value can come from too much.

The ancient world is too small, and such a sacred place of inheritance can appear. It is no wonder that the holy master was able to overwhelm the rule of the ancient court in such a short time.

It's just that he went a little too far.

He is not a powerhouse of the God-Eye Clan, but he has to go the way of the God-Eye Clan.

In Jian Wushuang's view, this person is finished sooner or later.

From the inheritance, to what he saw and heard, he had never heard of the existence of the Divine Eye Clan?

It means that it has been destroyed, and that senior brother has also fallen.

How could such a powerful group and such a heaven-defying secret be destroyed?

Even in the starry sky, no one has the ability to destroy so many people without leaving a trace, right?

And the Mysterious Eye Technique, it was obvious that someone got it here on purpose.

The world he entered was likely to be a large fragment of the original World God Continent after it was shattered.

The inheritance of the divine eye has been concentrated and thrown into this world.

And he was deliberately brought in by Teacher Xuan Yi, and the senior brother handed him the complete Mysterious Eye Secret Art. He was a little confused about what this meant?

"If the Mystery of Mysterious Eyes is forbidden in the starry sky, then I will practice the complete Mystery of Mysterious Eyes, but I can't..."

Needless to say, there are bound to be trouble getting out.

But at the beginning, the star spirit took the initiative to help him, relying on this relationship?

He kept thinking about the connection between Xingkong and Teacher Xuanyi and that senior brother.

First of all, the creator of the starry sky is still alive, and he is also a world beast.

But he is the master of the world beasts.

When the starry sky was opened, so many world beast powers were integrated into the starry sky.

The strongest person in the entire starry sky is undoubtedly the founder of the starry sky.

Then there is the power that overflows after the power cannot be absorbed to the extreme.

Twelve Star Spirits!

These people maintain the entire starry sky. Since the secret technique of the Divine Eye Clan is a forbidden technique, he must not be able to practice it.

The little friendship he had with Wes wasn't enough for him to do whatever he wanted.

"Infinite, invisible, world beast?" He frowned and suddenly thought of something.

That's the problem with the upper limit.

The land of nothingness, that is, the land of infinite, where there are no rules, you can improve at will, as long as you have that potential.

It shows that they still have to absorb power.

That is the power of nothingness.

These world beasts are said to have no upper limit, but they will also reach a top.

There was another place that he didn't think much about at first.

That is the power overflowing from the starry sky, creating the twelve celestial spirits.

It stands to reason that there is no upper limit for the beasts, so how can the starry sky still overflow with power?

Could it be that the founder of Starry Sky has reached the upper limit?

This inconsistency made him confused.

"Mystic Eyes can burn power that doesn't belong to you, the power of the starry sky has an upper limit, and the beast has no upper limit!" He muttered these rules to himself, and suddenly thought of himself.