MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 668 [final end

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Chapter 666—The Final Chapter of the Finale

Standing at the gate of the imperial capital, everyone seems to have felt the anomaly of the emperor!

The guards of the city gate seem to have more than doubled, and the thorn flower banner on the wall has been replaced with gold that symbolizes celebrations and ceremonies!

At this moment, Du Wei and other people, injured, tired, tired, a few girls are okay. Du Wei and Lan Haiyue and Rosse Chris, even the clothes on their bodies are broken.

Such a group of people came to the front of the city with suspicious people, and soldiers came to guard from far away.

Far away, there is the defender holding a weapon and shouting loudly: "Who! Today, the emperor is martial law closed! Don't you know!!"

Du Wei sighed and walked to the crowd. While walking, he laughed: "Which year is it?"

In the defender of the city gate, an officer listened, can't help but frown is a bunch of madmen?

"Globe! It's empire now 970 years! Today is the wedding ceremony of Emperor Charlie's Majesty! Where are you from here? Don't you know?!"

He said, he will order the soldiers under his hand to rush to encircle Du Wei and others.

Du Wei walked closer and closer, smiling at the officer in front of him: "You don't know me?"

The officer looked at his eyes and suddenly his face changed! A pair of eyes suddenly flashed a strange light!

In the stunned eyes of the soldiers around, the officer almost flew to the front of Du Wei, and the plop was smashed: "Duke! It is the Duke! The Duke of Tulips is back! The Duke of Tulips is back. !!!!"

Many of the soldiers at the gate of the city suddenly moved, and hundreds of people came around in an instant.

The officer was obviously the old man of the Wangcheng Guards. He also recognized the appearance of Du Wei, only those soldiers, but many of them were young and new. It was heard that the Duke of Tulips, who had disappeared for several years, suddenly came back and could not help but riot.

Du Wei frowned and glanced at the golden flag on the wall: "What did you say? Wedding ceremony? Charlie... Well, is the emperor married today? Which one is Miss?"

The officer looked up and cautiously replied: "It is Miss Sister of the Marquis of Liszt. And, the Duke, your brother, Count Gabrielolin, returned to the capital today to attend the wedding, and now Under the Pope, His Majesty Maximos personally attended the wedding..."

"Rely!!" Du Wei listened. The face suddenly changed!

The officer did not respond, and he felt that there was a flower in front of him. Du Wei and other people suddenly rushed into the city like a gust of wind, and disappeared instantly.

The soldiers around me couldn't help but worry, reminding me: "Adults... I see something wrong. It seems that you are kneeling, and the relationship with Count Gabrielolin is not very harmonious. This time, the Count of Rowling was specially transferred from the front line to the wedding. Earl Lin seems to be a bit bitter... Don't forget, the thousands of thunder rides brought back from the front line are still in the big camp in the north of the city... The recent moves above are also somewhat seemingly prepared..."

The officer smiled and said: "What do you say about this? The tulip of the Duke of Tulips is back... I see, check the guy. Oh! There is not much time!"

Du Wei still has time to delay, he almost did not even come home, and rushed to the Imperial City in one breath, the guardian of the guardian of the Imperial City is far from blocking. The old man with the Guards Army saw Du Wei at a glance, and it was all strange at the time.

Du Wei? Duke of Tulips? He is back? ! !

"Get out of the way! I want to enter the palace!"

Du Wei’s feet kept going, and the body slammed into the wind like a gust of wind. When he was the first favorite of the Regent, he went to the palace. What do you need to report? Even today's emperor, his disciple!

The Yulin army only hesitated a moment, but they did not stop it and could not stop it.

Du Wei took a companion. It was so swaying and slamming into the air, and it was rampaged. It was far from seeing a man in the hallway wearing a courtwoman who was looking down and hurried. Du Wei went up and grabbed it: "Which is the wedding hall!!"

When the lady looked up, her body suddenly shook and slammed it!

Du Wei looked at it and smiled: "Blue?"

Blue seems to be somewhat unbelievable. This person is real: "You... Duwei? Duke, Duke adults??!!"

In the next sentence, the blue sky suddenly screamed out: "Where have you gone in these years!!!"

Du Wei frowned. Looked around: "There is no time to explain! What is going on now?"

Blue took a deep breath. His face is a little dignified: "Adult! I don't know how you suddenly disappeared after a few years to come back... but today's things... some are not good!"

"Not good?"

"The wedding of His Majesty is the Miss Muse of Liszt's family! And it's too extreme. It seems to be deliberate. Call the Earl of Rowling, your brother, Gabriel, back to the wedding! You probably haven't forgotten, Your brother is also the admirer of Muse! Earl of Rowling is not alone this time... He, he brought back five thousand thunder rides from the front line! Now he is stationed outside the North Gate!"

Du Wei’s face changed: “What does he want to do?”

Blue is a little anxious: "This is not your brother's intentions to chaos... It is, this time, he suddenly summoned him back to the emperor to attend the wedding, except for the squatting of the things of the year... I am afraid there is the Secretary of State. Idea! He seems to suggest that you kneel down, take the opportunity to anger your brother, and then... get an excuse to start with the Rollin family!"

"The Secretary of State? Is it..."

"It is a high check!"

Du Wei smiled.

It seems that when I left this time, these jumping clowns are very crazy.

"I want to remind you... It's not four years now!" The blue face is very worried: "You haven't been in the past few years... the tulip family, and the Luolin family, the situation is not very good! Your Majesty seems to only Trusting Gao to check a person, and suppressing you and your brother’s family..."

After a pause, she smiled bitterly: "The current high investigation. In the status of the Empire, it is like you in the same year!"

"Where is the wedding." Du Wei sinks his face.

"Don't worry about the wedding! You should go to see your brother Gabriel first!" Blushing the footsteps: "He is now in the eccentric hall with Mrs. Liszt, Gabriel is in a bad mood... he doesn't want to do anything, just Now that he has deliberately picked up his fault, he brought the soldiers back, just to protect himself. But... the anger is not small! Mrs. Liszt is persuading him."

"Take me there." Du Wei sighed.

In the partial hall, Gabri has grown into a tall and straight youth, and his face is gloomy. Looking at Mrs. Liszt.

Mrs. Liszt’s face was calm and indifferent, and she was dressed in a luxurious lady’s dress, but with the faint eyes on Gabriel’s questioning eyes.

"Why? You ask me why?" Mrs. Liszt said slowly: "What can I do? Du Wei suddenly disappeared, and he walked for four years!! His authority is heavy, and his family is struggling! The former Duke When the adults are there, he has sheltered us from the wind and rain! But now, who is going to stop? I am a woman, even if I have made all the way... I can stop my knees and swear!!"

"Brother..." I heard this topic. When Gabriton was like a deflated balloon, he was depressed.

"I am a woman." Mrs. Liszt's tone is also somewhat helpless: "Gabri... You don't know the situation now. The situation is now, your brother is not... even if you are, you are crushed, you are The imperial count, but has always left you in the most bitter place on the eastern front, nominally a military commander, in fact, the central fortress and the western front of the coach is Alpai! Even you have to listen to Alpayi's temperance! If it is not in the northwest, Philip is struggling to support. Maintaining the foundation of the tulip family, I am afraid that your military has already withdrawn your military power!"

After a pause, her voice was bitter: "You can't stop it... What about me? What can I do? That high check has been coveting me for a long time! Do you want me to take off my clothes and accompany the **** to bed!!"

Sighed: "This time you bring the soldiers back... but they gave them the handle, and when the wedding is over... I am afraid someone will find you in trouble. I originally wrote to you, so that you must not come back, but you... ..."

"I can't come back to do it? The little emperor personally called the summons, and ordered me to return to the emperor to report, ‘by the way’ to attend his wedding! Hehe...”

"You shouldn't bring troops back. You are the Earl of Empire after all. After the family, there is no handle, and they can't easily take you. But you brought the soldiers back... the meaning is different!"

After a pause, Mrs. Liszt suddenly became depressed:

"Promise to marry the emperor... It is also Muse's own decision. She... she doesn't want to drag us down because of this.

At this time, a figure outside the door suddenly came in, wearing a ragged, like a sly, Mrs. Liszt saw. Subconsciously angered: "Globe! Who makes people come in! Go out... ah!!!"

When you see someone coming. Mrs. Liszt’s charming face, suddenly fell into a sluggish. The hand trembled, and actually the cups on the table in front of them were swept down to the ground! !

"Du... Du..."

Gabriel heard the words and looked back at Du Wei. It seemed as if he had stayed for a while, then he screamed and strove over:


Du Wei smiled and looked at his brother: "Yes, grown up. Um... Has it inherited the title of the Earl? Very good..."

He looked at the two shocked old people and immediately spoke first: "Okay! I heard it outside of you... I don't have time to explain it! Let me go to the wedding first!"

"You... are you going to stop it?" Mrs. Liszt’s eyes lit up, but then she frowned again: "No, Du Wei, now you are not the same as you were... Little Emperor..."

Du Wei snorted and turned to look at Gabriel: "Go, find me a decent dress! I am in this body, but I can't go to the hall to watch the ceremony!"

Gabriel saw Du Wei as if he had infinite confidence in his heart. He screamed loudly and ran into the room.

Du Weicai looked at Mrs. Liszt: "I know... you are a woman, you can't stop it. But now. I am back... I am blocking!"

In the Imperial Palace in the Imperial City, the dignitaries of the Imperial Empire gathered and waited for the wedding to begin.

When Gabri took the lead in the hall, everyone was surprised to find that the Count of Rowling, now in a dangerous situation, had no worries, striding in, and standing tall. A confident smile on the face!

He is confident, where does it come from? !

But then everyone will understand!

Du Wei put on a duke's noble costume, and slowly walked into the hall without expression, suddenly suddenly "squeaky"!

In an instant, countless exclamations and whispers.

he! He is back? !

He actually came back! ! ! This person actually came back? ! !

Looking at Gabriel's face with a confident look, everyone is faintly subtle: I am afraid of today's things. Not simple! !

Du Wei looked cold and did not say hello to everyone, and went straight to the front of the crowd.

And here... the people around are a bit strange: because in Du Wei's departure for a few years, the position of the top of this minister has long been a high check.

Everyone has a different mind. The ceremony has already sounded.

In the music, Du Wei frowned, coldly watching the imperial emperor Charlie, slowly coming in from the side door.

Four years. Charlie grew up a lot, and it is already an adult. In the eyebrows, it is faint. The outline of the prince of the Chen is getting deeper and deeper, so that Du Wei looked at it, and his heart could not help but be soft.

The original local anger was angered, but it disappeared a little. Look at Chen's face, I will not be too embarrassed, he is good.

Charlie was satisfied with today's ambitions. Originally it was the heart of the heart. The most luxurious and grand dress, after entering the hall, looked at the crowd and suddenly saw Du Wei standing in the forefront! !

He stunned and seemed to stay for a while. I can't say a word late.

In the eyes of the public. Du Wei has already come up.

Out with Charlie, there are old acquaintances. The current Pope, Maximus, the new Pope saw Du Wei, and it was clearly stunned.

How did this person come back?

Du Wei took the initiative to go to Charlie and smiled a little: "Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you..."

"Old...teacher." Charlie seemed to want to directly call Duwei's name or title, but in the eyes of Du Wei, could not help but soften a few points, or shouted a "teacher."

"Well, I am back. I heard the news of my grandmother, how can I not come back." Du Wei smiled lightly, but the smile made Charlie feel uneasy, but then he was in the heart: I am the emperor! !

But Du Wei has not looked at him, but he glanced at the new Pope: "Maximos... Your Majesty. After all, I am also a teacher of the Emperor's Majesty. Today, the bride, the bride is a family relationship with me." If you host the wedding, can you let me come?"

Maximos stunned and could see Du Wei’s resolute eyes. Although he did not understand it, he still nodded. “Duke’s are also the bishop’s title in the bright church. You are hosting the wedding, and there is no questionable."

Said, the old pope retreated to the side.

Du Wei looked at the little emperor's calm look, and smiled coldly: "Please the bride."

Soon, in the ritual and music, the first to walk in, is the little princess Karina.

The 13-year-old Karina has already become a beautiful girl in Tingting Yudi. She is the emperor's sister and she is a female guest. It is also a royal etiquette.

The little princess was worried about her face. Although she was wearing a white dress, she was without joy. When she came in, she saw Du Wei standing on the altar, and her face changed at that time!

But then, Du Wei blinked at her, and the little princess immediately converges with a shocking expression. She is a very intelligent person, but still can not be ruined at the moment, it is rare.

When I arrived in front of Du Wei, my face was full of doubts, and I knew that it was not the time to say anything else. The suspicion of forbearing a full stomach, just sighed.

It was the arrival of the bride.

When I saw Gaocha’s hand holding a girl in a luxurious dress and came in, Du Wei couldn’t help but sigh. Charlie is really a favorite. This role of supporting the bride is not the responsibility of the average person. Not to mention the emperor's wedding?

High view saw Du Wei, the face was also gloomy to the extreme, but he was already aware of it. In the palace, Du Wei came back, and naturally someone quickly sneaked the message to him.

Gaocha looked gloomy. I don't know what to think about.

It was the muse around him, a grand dress, but the wedding custom on the head was covered with a thick layer of gauze, but it was passed down from Aragon a thousand years ago.

After all, Aragorn came from another world. After the emperor, he could not help but modify the wedding customs of the mainland and added some oriental customs of the world: the head cover.

Although somewhat nondescript, he is an emperor. Who can object?

Muse's figure is a little higher, but because of the cover, Du Wei did not see her face. Will she be crying at the moment? She is very excited when she sees her own words.

Du Wei sighed.

Gao Chamomo sent the bride to the emperor's side and then stood back to his position. It’s just that look, but it’s still gloomy.

"So, let's get started." Du Wei sighed.

When he spoke, Du Wei clearly saw it. Muse’s hand trembled, probably she heard her voice?

However, this girl seems to have settled a lot, not bursting out on the spot, probably forcing her endurance?

"I feel that the wedding of your Majesty does not need to do more useless work..." Du Wei said faintly: "Is there anyone opposed to their combination?"

? ? ? ?

Everyone is shocked!

Where is the host wedding place? ? ! What does the Duke of Tulips want to do? !

Gabri seemed to want to say something, but Du Wei sternly looked back.

"No? Really not?" Du Wei's eyes looked at the muse with the head cover.

He made a decision in his heart, as long as he repented. Even if he turned his face on the spot, he would take the muse away immediately!

Muse did not move, nor did he speak.

Du Wei sighed, and when the wedding ceremony was over, he would quietly take the muse away.

In this case, it is not open to chaos, as long as it leaves a little room for everyone.

"Sacred wine." Du Wei snorted coldly, and a court waiter next to him cleaned up a golden cup. Inside is a shallow wine.

Du Wei was a little annoyed: "Get started."

His voice is very cold.

The bride uses a gloved hand. Take the cup and pass it under the thick head. I took a sip of it and then handed it out.

Charlie felt a little proud: Hey, teacher, how can you stop me even if you come back? I am an emperor!

He smiled lightly, took the cup and sent it to his mouth, but deliberately drank it, with a smug smile on his face.

Tiger father dog...

Du Wei has some sadness in her heart. Charlie’s appearance is as similar as that of Chen’s emperor... but the mind is not even one-eighth.

"So...the ceremony is over." Du Wei's sullen opening.

I am afraid that the Roland Empire has not had an emperor's wedding since the founding of the country. It will be such a situation.

Du Wei’s heart is a bit boring, just want to end early, and then quietly pick up the Muse in the back, everyone will come slowly! See who is amazing!

But this time, the change has started! !

The bride, Muse, suddenly opened his own cover! !

When Charlie looked at Muse, he suddenly rounded his eyes: "Ah!! You!! How are you?!!"

A piece of glory! !

Du Wei also stunned!

This bride is not a muse!

That look of eyebrows is similar to that of Muse, and even the proud look of his lips is so cool...

However, this girl is not a muse, but a "muse"! That was my return to the emperor. At the entrance of the palace, the girl who saw behind the little emperor was also looking up to please the little emperor! !

"How are you?!!" Charlie was angry.

Du Wei was puzzled, but took a step back. After watching Gao Cha, who stood on the side, Du Wei knew that he was wrong, because Gao Cha is also a dumbfounded look, and it seems that he is blindly ignorant.

Chaos! This is all messed up!

"Why not me." The girl's cold mouth, the voice with a trace of grievance.

"Globe!!!" Charlie was furious. Pointing at the girl: "You! You!"

Some of the following ministers were exclaimed: "His Royal Highness! Is Your Royal Highness?!"

The girl stared at Charlie, but she was not afraid. She said coldly and coldly: "Where can I compare with her? Why do you only like her? Just love her? And I can only be one you have to The alternative to the time?? Where is my worse than her!"

"Come on! Guard!!" Charlie was angry and shouted.

The girl is still not afraid, smiles lightly, and there is a hint of despair in the smile: "You are like this... even if you are an emperor! Hehe..."

She is still laughing. Just the corner of the eye has tears: "I have been with you for four years! You are my first man... I sincerely please you, please you, just want to make you happy, make you happy. But you never Seeing me... When you look at me, you are just looking at her! Looking at her!!

It is the ground. I am a substitute! I am just a plaything that contributes to you! For four years, I have tried my best, and every word you said, I try my best to please you. Make you happy. Every action I make is trying to satisfy you... I even imitate her all the time! Many times, even myself is a little confused. Is it my own, or is it a shadow of her? ”

This sad words, with heartbreaking grievances.

"But now, you still won't put me in the heart! What's more ridiculous is... In order to stay by your side, I can't even have my own name!!! You... Your Majesty! My Majesty! I have been with It’s been four years with you!! You are now. I don’t even know what my real name is! Right?! You will only call me 'Muse'! Muse!!!”

She suddenly threw her head on the floor and shouted: "But I don't call this name!! I am your woman!!! I don't call Muse! It's not a substitute! It's not a shadow! I It’s a person! It’s a man! It’s a woman who fell in love with you, for a long time for you!!!!”

Du Wei looked at the woman's almost crazy scream, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart. His eyes suddenly fell into the golden glass on the ground!

This wine...

really! !

"Your Majesty, you don't have to call the guards... I know, you must kill me... no need!" The woman suddenly smiled: "Because... I will die with you!"

Finished. She suddenly became soft. The red blood flows out of the corner of the mouth!

Charlie seems to be at the same time. Suddenly a painful scream, just under Du Wei's eyelids, straight down! In his nose and mouth, he bleeds blood at the same time! !

Du Wei took a moment and rushed over, and Charlie forcibly hugged him, but he felt that Charlie’s body was already stiff! The breath is weak and weak...

"I hid the poison in my teeth. When I drank the wine, I spit some in the wine." The girl was lying on the ground, painful, but on the face, still with a smile of bitterness: "I... I... I will take you to die! don't know my name! I don't know my name! My name" Finally, she couldn't say the last sentence. .

Du Wei immediately went to the mouth to touch... but he immediately responded!

The teardrop is not on your own body! At Nicole! !


Du Wei anxiously shouted, but now the entire hall was chaotic, Charlie's body quickly cooled down and did not know what the girl had made a fierce poison.

Du Wei took the glass and quickly sniffed it, but at least he sniffed out seven or eight familiar flavors. He was amazed: this woman is really poisonous!

Nicole is still outside the hall, but when she arrives...

The imperial emperor Charlie, and the girl, have already died!

That poison is very intense, and. Before the girl died, she deliberately said so many words, delaying the time, even if Du Wei, can not be saved. After all, power is not omnipotent.

Unless you reach the realm of Baihe, you can control life at will.

Charlie has been out of breath.

In the arms of Du Wei, in front of all the patriarchs of the empire! !

The scene was chaotic, and countless Yulin troops rushed in and panicked. The crowd pushes the mulberry...

Suddenly this kind of thing happened, Gaocha was already stunned and stood there... He was already stunned.

Duwei's reaction, but much faster than him!

"be quiet!!!!!"

A roar of thunder! !

Everyone saw the Duke of Tulips jump on the altar, and condescended, staring at the people with his majestic eyes, his strong momentum opened!

"Quiet!!! Who will move again and die!!!"

Du Wei said, reaching for a wave. Far away, the door of the main hall was closed! !

"Everyone can't move! Stand up in the same place! Otherwise kill innocent!!"

Du Wei showed the iron side.

He quickly stared his eyes at Gaocha.

Gaochao panicked, Du Wei had already rushed over, and he took Gaochao’s neck and lifted him up.

In the hall. It is not allowed to bring a guard. Even if there is a high-sounding system, where can I block Duwei?

Du Wei took the high check and stood taller. The loud voice covered the noisy audience, and his voice was murderous with no cover!

"The emperor murdered his majesty! And the emperor is the same family of the Earl of Gaocha! A woman, where dare to make such a big rebellious thing! This is the mastermind of the matter, not who you are!!"

This is clearly a matter of planting.

It is a pity that Gao Cha was held by Du Wei, and even if there is something, he can’t say it.

"Murder murder! Big rebellion! Dead!!!"

Gaocha’s eyes showed fear.

At this moment, Du Wei has already refused to take the lead to be strong! ! !

He did not hesitate, and he squeezed it hard!

Hey! A crisp voice, the imperial count of the Empire, the Minister of State of the Empire. Even the interrogation was exempted, and Du Wei directly broke his neck!

Everyone next to them was shocked.

After all, Du Wei still has the power to survive in the past. Those who are in the Imperial Army, dare to do it to him? For a time, I was so upset that I was at a loss.

The emperor was murdered by the emperor... The emperor died... The Duke of Tulips killed the Minister of State? !

"His Royal Karina!" Du Wei reacted very quickly, struggling with a loud bang.

Kalina has already slammed around Charlie, even though Charlie is not. After all, brothers and sisters have a good relationship. Karina has been crying and can't breathe.

When I heard Du Wei screaming, Karena suddenly woke up. When I saw Du Wei's hand, Gaocha's neck was broken, and even more shocked!

"Now is not a mess! Control the scene first!" Du Wei gritted his teeth.

Kalina immediately noticed that she was the royal son who truly inherited all the wisdom of Chen’s emperor. She immediately stood firm at Du Wei’s side. Although her eyes were still sad, she had already courageously shouted: “The court magic.” division!!"

In an instant, around the hall, there were more than a dozen figures wearing red robes.

"The Royal Forest Army listens to the order! Guard the hall, everyone can't go in and out! Defiant, kill the ground!"

The little princess made a few orders in one breath. After all, she was the royal son of the real brand, and she was also the daughter of the emperor. There is also a court magician as the backing of power.

The order was issued, and it was more justified than Du Wei.

Those Yulin army eyes have lost their minds, the emperor is dead... Where do they listen?

Fortunately, Karina came out and issued an order, and these Yulin army re-founded the backbone.

"Guarding the Great Hall! Order, the palace is martial! The whole city is martial! The security center is on the street! The Wangcheng Guards are dispatched!"

Du Wei finally ordered another order: "Open the north gate and let the thunder ride into the city!"

In the last order, the little princess hesitated and did it.

When the thunder rides into the city, Du Wei is not worried.

Although he is the strength of his own side, himself. Coupled with Blue Haiyue, plus old Chris... a few top players, what are you afraid of? But this sudden regime change, no army always does not work.

Leaving the Royal Forest Army with a swaying knife and gun, the hall was surrounded by water, and Du Wei and Kalina quickly left, from the side door to the back.

Du Wei holds the body of Charlie.

Both of them are extremely smart people, just in the back side hall of the main hall. Du Wei and Karina finally met alone.

"Teacher... this thing, is it what you did!"

There was some horror in Karina’s eyes.

"No." Du Wei sighed.

Karina is relieved: "I believe in you."

Du Wei smiled bitterly: "A woman...a woman."

I don't know how, he suddenly remembered the Messiah... When the Messiah killed Aragon, it must have been this kind of mind.

Between love and hate, it’s just a line!

"Well... what do we do now?" Karina looked at her brother's body and could not help but shed tears.

Soon, the Royal Forest Army searched the palace, in the bride's room. Found a muse.

The muse was fainted by what medicine, and the body was tied with a rope and stuffed under the table.

Du Wei is relieved... Karina is getting more and more anxious.

"Brother is dead! What about the Empire! Teacher! What do we do?"

Du Wei walked to the door, closed the door and turned around. Staring at the little princess.

His eyes, with a hint of majesty that makes Karina fear.

Then, Du Wei gently said: "Karina, still remember the "General History of the Continent" that I showed you. Is it the description of the Sofia Queen?"

Kalina’s eyes moved.

"You didn't ask me too, what is the meaning of 'hate not for Wu Zhou'..." Du Wei seemed to smile and smiled a little.

However, his eyes are more and more full of compelling looks, staring at Karina:

"Now... I can tell you, what does it mean to hate not for Wu Zhou?"

After a pause, he walked over to Karina and leaned down. Hands held her shoulders: "Charlie is dead, you are the only blood of Chen... You, would you like to be a queen?"

Female, Queen?

Kalina was soft and fell in the arms of Du Weidi. The voice trembled: "Old, teacher..."

The Empire is 970 years, September. The Emperor of the Roland Empire was assassinated on the day of Charlie’s wedding. The mastermind is Huangfu.

The Empire is 970 years old. At the end of September, the new queen was crowned. Karina I boarded the throne, and the Duke of Tulips was the prince of the country. At the same time, the case of the former emperor Charlie was stabbed, and the master of the high-ranking count was locked! In this cleansing, the wings of the Earl of Gaocha were swept away in four years, and the number of officials involved reached 62, of which most of them were military officers. The officials of the Gaocha tribe were arrested by 103.

Finally, 93 people were killed and the rest were exiled to Nanyang.

After the case, Queen Carina was savvy and bloody, and was called "Bloodthorn Flower" by later history books.

The Empire of 970, in October, the North Kaspersky defense line coach, the empire lieutenant, Alpai refused to surrender the military power back to the emperor to be tried, erected the flag against the blatant rebellion! For a time, the empire is in the north!

Three days later, the rebel leader Alpai was mysteriously killed in the army. Ten days later, the northwestern army of the tulip family went to the north, and the rebellion was settled half a month later.

The emperor tunneled.

"You said, am I a bad person?"

Du Wei stood under the snowy mountain and sighed softly.

He rides on a horse and looks at the snowy mountains.

Vivienne and Jojo behind him were laughing and not talking, but Nicole shook his head: "You are not."

"Oh? No?" Du Wei smiled bitterly: "Be careful, I murder and set fire, I have smuggled, I have had a coup... This is not a bad person?"

Jojo couldn't help but say: "You are now a prince of the country. Not in the emperor, but he ran here..."

"I am missing someone." Du Wei looked at the snowy mountain and suddenly smiled with a trace of sadness: "I always feel like it. One day, the guy will suddenly come down from the snowy mountain and then pat my shoulder. 'Actually, I don't like you calling me that.'"

After all, he shook his head and sighed.

"You are already very strong now." Nicole said faintly: "He told the sincerity of power that you can't use it for a long time, and you can reach the realm of 'the world is me, I am the world'. At that time, you can open the door to the world... Are you afraid of seeing him?"

Jojo also nodded: "Yes! It’s only a decade outside, and it’s only one day. Maybe after you go back, it’s not long before it’s over.”

Du Wei was silent for a while...

"I won't pass."

He looked at the snowy mountain: "He said...that is the war between them. It belongs to only two of them."

Looking at Du Wei's lonely look, Jojo's eyes moved and he opened his mind: "I know, why do you keep the princes of the country and take us to the grasslands to ride horses."


"You are hiding from Karina." Jojo squinted: "Don't think I can't see it. Our Majesty the Queen is really interesting to you. Hehe... if you marry her... you and me in the future The son she gave birth to is the emperor emperor! Although she is only thirteen years old, but you seem to have liked such a big girl... Well, I remember you seem to have a word. Call..."

"Loli." Vivian rose his face and suddenly inserted a sentence.

Du Wei looked at the little silly girl, and her heart was hot. She went up and took her from another one. Kissed her face: "Ha ha! Good! You are my little Lori!"

After a pause, he laughed: "Give a son as an emperor, I am not interested... but give birth to two small dukes, but I might as well try."

After he finished, he ran away, and Jojo and Nicole behind him sighed and chased them.

Only with Du Wei riding a horse Vivian, but his face was red. Turning his head, staring at Du Wei's face with that soft look, the period Ai Dao said: "Small... Little Duke... already, already... I, I..."


In the back, Jojo and Nicole saw Du Wei fall directly from the horse, leaving Vivian himself riding on the horse, covering his mouth and laughing. Looking at Du Wei, who was sitting on the floor and stunned.

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