MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 664 [What is God level?

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Chapter 664 [What is God level?]

Du Wei's heartbeat speeded up, and the eyes of Baihe's eyes were somewhat blurred.

"How do you look at me with such a look?" Bai Hezhen simply smashed the old Chris who was kneeling on the ground, and walked to Du Wei's face, squinting and watching Du Wei, shaking his head: " You are very hurt."

"I am more curious about your affairs than my injury." Du Wei smiled and hesitated: "You, or the white river I know?"

Baihe smiled, Du Wei felt relieved at least, and he smiled as if he was the same.

"I know that you have a lot of questions. In fact, I have a lot of doubts in my own heart." Baihe squatted and pressed his hand on Du Wei's body. He frowned slightly and didn't see any movement in his hand. The body has been suddenly loose, it seems to be invisible, just after the injury, a rope tied to the body is released.

"You are locked in the body by the strength of that guy. If your strength is not enough to be released, sooner or later will be finished." Baihe shook his head: "Now it will be fine, as long as it takes some time, naturally slow. Slow recovery."

After a pause, Bai Hejun said: "I can't think of your current strength. I have been far away from here, but I can feel that there are two forces fighting here. One of them is naturally the orc. The other one is you. I never thought that you have now progressed to the point where you can work with the god-level powerhouse."

Du Wei shook his head: "My strength is not my own, and it is not a true **** level. Otherwise, it will not be beaten."

"God level." Bai Hejun's tone seems to be somewhat disdainful: "There is nothing remarkable about God level."

Du Wei is speechless, thinking: This is only the old man who is qualified to say so.

Then he smiled and said: "I am still strange... How are you here, in Nanyang?"

Bai Hejun’s face was a little weird. He seemed to think about it: “After I left from you, a person walked around on the mainland. You know. I have stayed on the snowy mountain for a lifetime, and finally I was free. When I had the opportunity, I just walked around in Roland, and I didn’t know what happened. I ran to Nanyang."

Du Wei is a bit stunned: "What do you know doesn't know what's going on?"

Bai Hejun’s face is a bit strange. He pointed to his head: “Here. I walked around the mainland and looked at the place I wanted to see. Finally, in my own head. Suddenly I gave birth to this idea. I don’t seem to know what happened, I really want to come here."

Saying, Bai Hezhen actually sat down casually and sat next to Du Wei.

The pope and angels around him were all abnormal. Everyone was hurt. Seeing the white river smashed down the powerful beast god. At the moment, I don’t know how to stand on my side, is it to go, is to stay?

It was Lan Haiyue, calm and calm, and looked at Baihe’s eyes: “You have changed a lot.”

Baihe wrinkled his frown. But I nodded a bit: "It seems to have changed."

Du Wei saw that there was something weird between Bai Yu’s eyebrows, and he continued: “How can you become like this now? I mean... it.”

Said, Du Wei looked at the beast **** still lying in the rock. The beast **** hurt almost as if there was only one breath left, half faint and half awake.

Baihe thought for a moment. Looked at Du Wei: "If I said, even I don't know it, do you believe it or not?"

After that, I didn’t look at Du Wei’s face. Bai Heyi said slowly: “I have been chasing the ultimate strength. At the beginning, I asked myself that the cultivation on the snowy mountain has reached the bottleneck. I feel that I will stay on the snowy mountain. It didn’t make any sense. It’s just going north. In the north, I saw the elf **** of the sinner. I stayed with the guy for a while. I played a lot of games and told the truth, I have never lost in my life. Many times. Later, the guy didn't know what it was, but he gave some on-demand very seriously. He even pointed out how to break through my bottleneck. From that moment on, I finally broke through the field. Peek into the so-called **** level."

Speaking of it. do not know why. Baihe swayed his head and sighed. It seems to be a bit disappointing.

Du Wei is a little funny: "Old white, break through the field, reach the **** level! How many strong people dream of things, you got it, why is this expression?"

Baihe’s gaze flashed: “Because I suddenly found myself wrong...”

His face was cold and his voice was a touch of disdain: "I always thought that when I reached the **** level, it would be the peak of power. But after I played against the elf god, I suddenly found out that things didn't seem like this. ""

His voice is a bit colder: "What if you reach the so-called **** level? I have stood above the threshold of God level, as long as I go back to the snowy mountain, re-in my Witch King, call the believers in the grassland I don’t need a few years, I am a new god! But... I don’t think things should be like this.”

Looking at Du Wei, Bai Hezhen seems to be helpless: "I don't know how to explain it to you. I feel like this. I think... God level, it seems that there is nothing remarkable."

God level is nothing remarkable...

Du Wei listened to this, but accidentally looked at Hector, who was almost disabled. He swallowed this guy and was indeed qualified to say this.

“It’s ridiculous to say, the so-called **** level, is it better than the field level?”, the field is just a person’s strength to support its own field, and the **** level is just a way to The power of people who believe in your land is concentrated on one's own body. It is nothing more than making your source of power bigger. But in essence, the rule of understanding of power is nothing compared with the field. Different or changed."

Baihe sighed: "I want to understand this point, I understand a little: this is not the real peak of my pursuit! So, I did not choose to go back to the grassland to be a new 'God'. But left After you, you traveled to the mainland, and finally, in the midst of a sense, you came to Nanyang."

Having said that, he seems to smile: "I remember that when I heard Lan Haiyue talk about Nanyang, the indigenous people here also have the gods of faith. I was curious at the time: Are these indigenous gods really exist? Then these indigenous places How does God use power?"

Du Wei opened his mouth and finally did not clarify things: If you tell Laobai, these indigenous gods are the ones in front of them, and Laobai will be very disappointed.

"... In addition... I traveled on the mainland myself. Every time I thought about the peak of my strength, I felt that I could think of something, but I couldn’t grasp it for a while. But I could feel it. My strength seems to be true. There has been an increase. In my heart, there seems to be a call for faintness, telling me to keep going south..."

"So you don't tell us that you have come to Nanyang alone?" Du Wei sighed.

He frowned, but asked: "That. The magic light just flashed, what happened? How can you have this power?"

Bai Hezhen seems to smile: "Oh, this is called magic light flashing... I don't know."

Du Wei did not understand: "How come you don't know?"

Bai Hejun did not answer the question of Du Weidi, but he looked down and thought: "What do you think is the peak of power? What should it be?"

"How do I know." Du Wei shook his head: "I am still standing on the threshold of God's level."

"God wrong in itself!" This sentence of Bai Hezhen suddenly made Du Wei feel a move.

"God-level power seems to be much higher than the field level, but in fact, from the realm, there is not much difference. Those so-called gods, what beast gods, elf gods, human goddess. Hehe... they all More wrong way!" When Bai Hezhen said this sentence, the faintness contained a sense of self-confidence and majesty, and that look was even more uncertain.

Du Wei stayed: "Wrong?"

"Wrong! They are all in the wrong direction!" The peerless sneer sneered: "The reason why the holy order is stronger than the ordinary strong is the mastery and use of the power rules. The reason why the field is stronger than the holy order is that You can create new rules by yourself. These are obviously different in the realm! But the so-called **** level is better than the field level, but where is the realm? 哼! God level is simply an expanded version. The field is all."

Said, Baihe squatted a finger. Just glimpse in front of Du Wei’s eyes. Then he did not wait for Du Wei to react, and he suddenly raised another hand. Everything on your own finger!

Silent and silent, Bai Hejun actually cut off one of his fingers! The broken finger fell to the ground, and the wound on the palm of the hand bleeds blood.

Du Wei was shocked: "What are you doing?"

“Let you see what is the real breakthrough!”

Then, just under Du Weidi's eyelids, Baihe's fingers were broken, but suddenly there was no sound. The air filled with countless flashes of similar dust, quickly condensed in his hands, not many moments. , a new finger is formed! !

"Healing? Ah! No! This is not healing!" Du Wei was a little surprised: "Regeneration?"

In general, for the strong above the holy step, after the injury, it can be automatically restored. But the degree is strong and weak. At the level of God, the ability to recover becomes amazing.

However, Baihe’s weight is so heavy, and he seems to have no intention to exert any power! This is the most important! !

"What is God level? Gathering thousands of ordinary people to believe in you, and then you draw on their belief power? You can rely on the power of thousands of people." Baihe smiled: "That day, I I suddenly remembered... Since we can treat people as believers and use their power. Then... What about the world? Can we turn everything in this world into our own 'believers', from the world, anytime, anywhere? Everything in everything, get the power we need?"

Du Wei opened his mouth.

Baihe smiled very calmly, but the more calm he was, the more he looked unpredictable.

"Air, sunshine, rain, dew, green leaves, flowers, stones, rivers, lakes, ants, birds, beasts..." Baihe’s tone is very slow, as if to say so casually: "Everything in this world can be As a source of strength! Whether it is humans, orcs, elves, etc....It’s just one of many things in this world! Since they can be used as a source of faith, why else? Can't you?"

Regardless of Du Wei's surprised expression, Baihe sneered a sneer: "We can draw the power of faith from the human body. So if it is a tiger? Is it a bird and a beast? Why not?"

Du Wei was really shocked by this, and couldn’t say a word!


This is definitely a crazy idea! !

"Put yourself into this world! Everything, hair, blood, skin, bones, breathing... everything is fully integrated into the world! From then on, the world is you, you are the world. When you need strength Everything in the world is everything, the source of your strength! No religion, no ridiculous power of faith! What you see, breathe, hear the earth, the earth on your feet, the stone, the breath The air. The sun in the sky... As long as you can think of it, it is your source of strength! It is part of your body!!"

Bai He's eyes gradually brightened, and his voice flashed with a hint of excitement: "This is truly eternal!"

"Eternal...not annihilated..." Du Wei couldn't help but whisper.

"Yes! It is eternal!" Baihe faintly smiled: "Because at this moment, I am the world, everything in the world is me! How long does this world exist, how long I will exist! As long as this world does not die, I will not die! ”

Du Wei couldn't help but tremble with a little voice and asked, "You... have you reached this level?"

Bai Hezhen seems to smile: "There is some time."

Du Wei only felt that his head was a glimpse!

This... this **** is the real god! ! Real **** level!

What Hector. What Ares. What is Artemis! ! Known as God, it is essentially an area of ​​"magnified version"! !

Look at the white river in front of you!

The world is not destroyed. I will not die!

This is the real god! !

"You..." Du Wei swallowed his mouth: "These... are you thinking of yourself?"

Bai He's face suddenly changed, becoming a little weird and embarrassing.

"Yes, it is not." This arrogant strong man, but his face showed a sense of frustration: "Accurately speaking, it is not my own 'thinking'. Since I came to this place, I feel faint There seems to be a force in the meditation, constantly reminding me of something in my heart. Or saying..."

His expression is even more weird: "These things seem to be what I should have known, but I don't know what I am now, and suddenly I think about it again."

His face was even more ugly. He looked at Du Wei and hesitated. Then he whispered a question: "Du Wei, have you ever felt this way... It seems that I am not me at all..."

boom! !

When Du Wei’s brain was blown up, he immediately understood what it was!

Am I not me?

Not me, who is that?

Looking at the old Chris who was pity there, Du Wei looked at Baihe.

He once again stared at Old Chris, his expression was more ugly than crying: "Old man, you said... Who is he? Is it your master, or the owner's son?"

"It's the Lord..." Old Chris didn't finish the sentence, but Baihe was interrupted coldly.

"I am me. I am Baihe, no one is!"

Looking at the resoluteness of the old white face, Du Wei suddenly gave birth to a feeling of mutual sympathy.

Is not it? Among the many people present, it seems that only Du Wei can understand the depression of "I am not me"! !

The problem of Bai Hejun seems to be more complicated than himself.

If he is a demon god... Didn't he suddenly have a son to come out?

"Right... this place, do you know?" Du Wei reached out to the separate lake next to it, the magic array was still maintained, the lake was quietly divided into two sides, the secluded abyss below, I don’t know. Where are you going?

"I naturally know." Baihe smiled and said: "This is what the locals call the mountain."

He thought for a moment: "In the first year I came here, I learned the local Aboriginal language, and then I learned about this place. I once came to the top of the mountain alone. I sat quietly on this lake for a few months. Time, right here, I finally remembered the insights about power that I just said... After I left here, I went down the mountain and traveled between several tribes on Brahmin Island for a few years..."

Bai Hezhen said it was very calm, but the more Du Wei, the more he listened to his face, the more wrong it was! !

"wait wait wait!!"

Du Wei stunned: "What did you say? First year? Second year? Years??"

His face was full of horror: "I remember that after you left the Emperor's Blue Sea Yuet home, it is only half a year now!!"

Baihe 愁 frowning: "What has been half a year, it has been more than three years. I am also a bit strange, how you look, it seems that nothing has changed. How many years have you been in Roland? You Actually, I have come here to come here... Are the sinners already defeated by you?"

"Three! Three ... more than three years!!!!" Du Wei ignored the pain of his body, suddenly jumped up, and then screamed and fell to the ground.

Three...years! ? ? ! !

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