MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 645 [Instant Prison VS VS Prison Arrow]

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Sixty-four hundred and forty-five chapters [instant prison arrow vs. imprisonment arrow]

What is the feeling of possession of the soul?

Until now, Du Wei could not describe that feeling in an accurate language.

It seems that, from the legend, it seems that once it is possessed by the soul, people will lose control of their own bodies, and even lose their consciousness for a short time... Then, what their own body has done, they completely do not know.

But... is that really the case?

"I know now that the legends are all deceiving." Du Wei looked at Chishui, and he was smiling: "Actually, I was still ‘awake’.”

It’s like... dreaming.

Yes, it is like the feeling of dreaming.

When the **** of war, Aris, in the crystal, made a shadow and shot on Du Wei's body, in such an instant, Du Wei seemed to feel a sudden cold! It was like a cold winter, and he suddenly fell into the cold water.

At the next moment, the cold feeling suddenly disappeared, and the whole body became hot and seemed to be put into the stove!

The feeling of the momentary ice and fire made Du Wei feel that all his consciousness, facial features, feelings and spirits seemed to be slowed down at this moment.


As if everything has slowed down! It seems that people are in a dream, everything becomes dull and slow. But this slowness is more subtle.

Listen carefully to the ear, it seems that you can clearly hear the beat of your heart and pulse. Even when breathing, it seems as if you can clearly "listen" to see the air being inhaled into the lungs and then slowly exhaling.

There is also the feeling of facial features.

As if looking at it, in the interior of this tower. It seems that the flow of every light has become clearly visible! Your own naked eyes can almost trace the flow of light in the air, capturing the score is not bad! !

Finally, Du Wei wakes up after an instant!

It's not that you become "slow", but the world around you becomes "slow"!

Or, it is not that the world has become "slow", but that its own feelings have become "fast"!

This is a relative statement.

God-level powers are really powerful! Originally for "ordinary people" like Du Wei. The sensitivity of the senses and the surrounding external world form a balance.

Normally, what you want to do in your mind creates a thought, and then the induction reaches your limbs, and the body moves with it. Normal people have a "balance."

When Ares possessed the body, it instantly broke Duwei's "balance"! !

If you want the next accurate definition, it is Du Weidi's sense of induction. Instantly adjusted many times! This "fast" has exceeded the normal tipping point! Completely broke the balance, making Du Wei an illusion!

In fact, it is not that the world around you has slowed down, but that he has become too fast!

So fast even his own body can not afford this powerful mind!

This distorted pain still makes Du Wei very uncomfortable because of the moment. In his view, the whole world around him seems to have become "slow motion."

This is really a veritable "slow motion".

Every time you breathe the sound, the flow of air. The lingering traces of light, in the sense of Du Wei's induction, seem to have completely become the kind of "slow motion" that he has seen in his previous life.

It seems that the whole world is not a complete world, but a picture that slowly jumps!

This feeling is very strange. Of course, Du Wei does not have this kind of experience, and his original strength is already a holy step. When he is in combat, when he exerts the power of the Holy Order, he can also feel this in the short time of the power of the Holy Power.

but. After all, it was only a moment.

It’s not like now, I don’t have the power to deliberately push it, so I’m standing here with ease, but I’m still in this wonderful state...

Subconsciously, Du Wei sighed: "I began to sympathize with you as a god-level powerhouse."

After a pause, Du Wei continued to smile with a smile: "In the eyes of your god-level powerhouses, the whole world is putting 'slow motion'. It is too boring to live like this."

It is very boring.

It’s like you look at dvd. Occasionally you will jump the disc. Make the picture behave one by one, you can bear it for a short time.

Can be if the whole movie. From beginning to end, all of this picture is slowly and steadily jumping... Can you endure it?

And if it’s not a simple movie, your whole life, what you see and hear, everything, around your life, is no longer a smooth picture, but it is like watching a comic, one A picture is slowly beating... Who can suffer this kind of "torture"? ?

At this moment, Du Wei was really pity for these so-called "God-level powerhouses."

However, the surprise is still there.

When Du Wei looked at his eyes, he suddenly felt that his spiritual consciousness had become more powerful than ever! !

Originally his spiritual consciousness space has been destroyed by the Dragon God by more than 90%, and the rest can only barely support his normal state.

But after this moment, when he saw all the feelings he heard and became keen, Soon, Du Wei immediately realized that his mental power seems to have changed!

Closing his eyes, Du Wei quickly entered the state of meditation, and the consciousness went deep into his consciousness space. Then he let him jump and jumped up!

Expensive! !

Really vast and innocent! !

The original space of consciousness is like a small whirlpool of automatic rotation. Although Du Wei's mental power is strong, the scope of consciousness space is just a huge vortex. In the midst of being destroyed, the fragmentation was scattered, but with the help of Baihe. Reluctantly converged a small part of it, making it re-stable and maintain the normal level of the week.

At this moment, I can return to the space of consciousness, and let Du Wei "see" to see that there is a vast space!

Endless! A real void!

The space of consciousness is huge, and even Du Wei has created an illusion, as if he is in the universe!

Looking around, all are a boundless void world. I can't see the end of it!

"Vortex?" Du Wei was surprised: "Is there no whirlpool in the consciousness space of the god-level powerhouse? Without the rotation of the vortex, how does the mental power consumed in the weekdays be supplemented?"

Then, in a thought, I answered Du Wei.

"You are in the whirlpool at the moment."

After Du Wei was shocked for a long time, he barely breathed a tone!

Only in this mountain! View the world with a grain of gravel! !

The space of consciousness of the god-level powerhouse is huge and vast! It’s so big that I can’t even see the whole face of it!

After reopening his eyes, Du Wei only felt shocked and unconscious, and there was sweat on his forehead. After a few breaths, muttered: "This...this..."

"Oh, now, will you still sympathize with me?" In my heart, a strange voice came.

"Aris?" Du Wei was amazed: "You...have you already possessed?"

"The statement that you use the 'attached body' is a bit strange." Ares's voice was calm.

"I thought it was. After you possessed the body, my own consciousness disappeared for a while."

Ares’s answer made Du Wei somewhat strange. He asked: “What do you think is possession?”

Du Wei: "..."

However, he then said: "So. After you have possessed the body, I will see the world in the future, are these pictures slowly beating? In this case, what fun is there in life?"

But then, Du Wei immediately gave birth to the answer:


Now that I was broken by the powerful power of Ares, I was caught in a state of short-term imbalance. What is needed is an adaptation process. When your body is fully adapted to the god-level mind, it will gradually adapt to this "fast" and "slow". In the future, normal feelings can be restored.

"So, after you have possessed the body, I am a **** level?" Du Wei has some heart.

My own consciousness has not been lost. It seems that Ares has not forcibly deprived himself of his control of the body, and he still has the power of God. It seems to be good.

"Now you are just a 'pseudo-level'." Ares's voice ridiculed: "I just borrow your flesh for the time being."

"Then I will go to fight with the Elf God in this way?" Du Wei was a little upset.

fortunately. Ares' answer gave Du Wei a bit of reassurance: "If it is in the outside world. Even if I temporarily borrow your flesh, it is not its opponent. After all, the pseudo-god encounters the real **** level, there is no way at all. But here, this space is created by the goddess to seal my land. In this space, there is also a limit to the strength of Artemis, we can barely fight it."

Du Wei thought about it and still asked: "But after you have possessed the body, it is... is it so simple? It seems that I just feel the growth of the spiritual consciousness space, but there is not much feeling about it. For example, you are For the **** of war, your various magical skills, shouldn’t you be enlightened after possession?”

Ares sneered: "Foreign possession, you will be able to realize the stunt of the real god-level powerhouse? Where is this good thing! If this is the case, then in the past years, we only need to attach a few Personal class, you can quickly create a large number of strong!"

What Du Wei wants to ask, Ares has already said coldly: "You try your best to fight. With the foundation of God, the power of your own strength will temporarily reach the level of God. You don't need it at all. Comprehend my skills."

Du Wei nodded.

understood! It is also called "the internal force is the foundation, the move is the fur", and with the internal force, then what moves can exert great power.

Although Ares said that there is some vagueness, but after all, he has been influenced by those martial arts novels in the past. Also barely able to explain.

Thinking of this, Du Wei strode out of the Tongtian Tower. Just walked to the door, but stopped.

"What weapon do I use?" Du Wei sighed: "What I am best at is 'Bow Moon Dance', but the ancestors who created the bow and moon dance outside, I used this martial arts and it to fight, isn't it looking for death? ”

Ares sneered: "When you say it, I still want to give you another benefit. No nonsense, after the game. I naturally have paid for you!"

Du Wei snorted: "I know that you are a **** of war, you must have left a hand. When you said that you have no artifacts in your hand, it seems to be deceptive, otherwise, how can Chishui break out. ”

After walking out of the Tongtian Tower, looking at Artemis, who was standing there waiting for a long time, Du Wei immediately surprised him. Seeing Artemis at this moment, under the sense of God at this moment, it is completely different! !

The god-level powerhouse, the body does not need to explode in the battlefield like the ordinary field or the holy power. The golden temperament will appear on the body.

Just before Artemis was full of murderousness, standing there, there was not much strange light, but Duwei looked back at this moment. It is different! !

Seeing with the naked eye, Artemis in the line of sight stood there as if the body was still as usual, but Du Wei had another kind of mysterious feeling, like a spiritual consciousness, who could "see" the other side while standing there, but the whole body was there. A strange "emergency" emerged.

This kind of "impotence" is not seen with the naked eye, but it is so clear and distinct! Just as Artemis stood in an invisible flame!

The "flame" is fierce. The momentum is almost like yourself!

"Oh." The elf God saw Du Wei out, but he was not surprised at all. He said: "You really borrowed this human body. But, Ares, in this state, are you still my opponent?" ”

Du Wei didn't know what happened, and he felt that he naturally gave birth to a heroic sigh and snorted. Speak loudly: "Artemis. Don't be too confident!"

When this was the case, Du Wei felt that it was wrong. This is clearly not your own tone. But this words just blurted out, but it is so natural and smooth, as if subconsciously reacting in general!

It’s like...the consciousness of oneself, and the consciousness of Ares, are temporarily merged together!

The elf God stopped talking and took a deep breath. Suddenly, the finger slammed the bowstring. Then, the figure suddenly stretched out in the original place. It was almost a moment, and it was already posted on Du Wei! !


Or slow?

Du Wei’s eyes are already smashed! The elf **** broke out in an instant. If it was in Du Wei's past, I was afraid that even the reaction could not respond, and it would be hit in an instant.

But at this moment, under the consciousness of God, the time around has become a slow motion! Du Wei's sensitivity has been improved by countless times!

However, the movement of Artemis is very fast, but in the eyes of Du Wei...

"Is it?" Du Wei's voice, not only not surprised, but with a hint of joy.

Just because of the action of Artemis, at Du Wei's point of view, instead of the previous ghosts, it became "normal."

The time around is a one-frame slow motion, and Artemis's movements are just as smooth as normal people.

That's it!

Du Wei almost captures every movement of Artemis clearly!

The other side's finger lightly buckled the bowstring, the left foot took a step forward, bowed, and then the body quickly separated a few shadows, slipped to their side, and then suddenly separated two shadows, one left and one right……

Standing in the distance, Muse, already stunned!

She looked at the action of the elf god, the first reaction was: Du Wei is finished!

Before, she had witnessed the elf **** breaking her hand against Chishui, breaking the tyrannical strength with Chishui, and was defeated by the elf god!

But at this moment, when the Elf **** appeared, it appeared in front of Du Wei, and Muse almost screamed. The next moment, the scream becomes an exclamation!

Du Wei seemed to have turned around in the same place, then raised his right hand, behind him...

boom! !

The bow angle was blocked by Du Wei's palm! When Artemis slammed the power, he immediately turned into a streamer, as if he saw a ray of light spinning around Du Wei's body!

However, I heard the sound of 砰砰砰砰 ......

Du Wei stood in the same place, as if the body was constantly twisted, palms, elbows, knees, arms... He was dancing like a place, raising his hands and raising his feet.

The action seems to be not fast, but every action, just right, completely blocked the hit of Artemis! !

Finally, Artemis flashed and returned to the distance. He looked at Du Wei and said, "Oh, yes! Ares, you have found a very good body. His body is very strong and can keep up. Your consciousness is fast."

In fact, Du Wei is already covered in cold sweat!

Just a short moment ago, Artemis shot a total of more than one hundred and sixty times to Du Wei!

Every hit seems to be able to directly cross the rules of space, and even many attacks, all distorted the space and directly hit the key to Du Wei!

Artemis's action is extremely ghostly, but Du Wei has resisted a lot and actually picked it up!

On the one hand, after he got the possession of Ares, the senses have been able to capture the movements and speed of the other side. On the other hand, it is thanks to Du Wei's mastery of "Bow Moon Dance", and the attack on the Elf God seems to be able to grasp the trajectory of the other party faintly.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You will also dance with my bow."

The elf **** sneered a sneer, but suddenly stepped back a half step, suddenly sinking a few points, then opened the bowstring, far away to Du Wei...

When I saw this position, Du Wei was shocked!

This position, he is familiar with it!

The elf **** seems to be impatient with the ordinary attack temptation, after such a short temptation, it is a direct trick!

Counting the throat and blinking arrows! !

Finger, buckle string!

Bowstring oscillation! A faint glow flashed on the bowstring, and the traces of the flowing light seemed so clear! Then the edges of the bows on both sides immediately reflected the light.

Looking far away, it is like a long bow above, and turned into a "curved moon"! !

Du Wei’s heart is jumping wildly! He is familiar with the power of the Imprisonment Arrow! !

"Bow out!!"

There was a sigh in my heart! Du Wei didn't have time to think, almost the body reacted spontaneously!

In his hand, a light shines in an instant! In the ring worn on the finger, the count of the throat is summoned by him instantly!

In the next moment, Du Wei has turned and put the longbow back behind him, making a back bow and arrow movement!

Fingers clasp the strings, gently dial...

Oh~! ~~~

This sound oscillates, and the muse next to it suddenly feels that a sound wave will almost tear his body!

Then, I saw that there was a crescent moon on the longbow behind Du Wei! !

The meniscus on both sides burst out almost at the same time. After the two figures were shaken at the same time, they saw two crescent moons rushing out from both sides, and finally collided in the middle of the two!

Instant Prisoner Arrow, vs. Instant Prison Arrow! !

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