MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 639 [National change! 】

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Chapter 635 [National Change! 】

The prosperity of the emperor seems to have not been affected by the war. Since the beginning of this year, the battle in the north seems to be greatly improved. First, the eastern fortress of the Duke of Tulips, and the generals of General Alpai, who succeeded in the western front, succeeded in a series of large or small victory news, which made public opinion There is an optimistic tone.

Originally, for the vast majority of people in the Roland Empire, no matter whether it is the upper-level dignitaries or the middle- and lower-level civilians, there has never been a real affliction of the invading monster races. After all, the national power of the empire is here.

The empire has the whole continent, the land is vast, the population is large, and the human civilization is in a relatively developed period. Under the leadership of the wise regent, the national strength is gradually recovering, and it has gradually got rid of the kind of period during the reign of Augustine VI. Dull suffocation.

For most people, they only think that the war in the north is a relatively large-scale local war. Even more people believe that the invading monster races, in terms of threats, may not be comparable to the Northwest Prairie who have fought for decades with the Empire.

This time, the young emperor Charlie, personally rushed to the front line to fight the army, the news came out, it is the optimistic argument to the culmination. Even the folks believe that if they are optimistic, the war may end in tomorrow.

Moreover, because of the war, the military development of the military, the supply of goods, whether it is food, or ordnance, has greatly stimulated the productivity of the people.

After all, for a big empire with a whole continent, national strength still has a lot of potential to be tapped.

The official purchase of the empire has inspired the great enthusiasm of the non-governmental chambers of commerce. For a time, the Emperor has concentrated on the teams of some large-scale chambers of commerce across the mainland. They all rushed to the emperor, trying to sharpen their heads in the logistics department of the Finance Department and the commanding department to get through the door and get an order for the official purchase of the empire.

During this time, the busiest person, no doubt, was promoted before the war and was the minister of special responsibility for the supply of logistics supplies in the theater. Delan Mountain Warcraft is a fat man.

For several years in the past, Delan Mountain Warcraft was under pressure by the tulip family. Although everyone has a good personal relationship, and this fat man is very clear about the matter, knowing that the Duke of Tulips is becoming popular, he can't compete with each other. However, since the war, he was promoted by the fire line. Also relying on the power in his hands, he has made a lot of war money, and the weapons industry in his family has started to produce horsepower.

In the private rankings of the inner powers of the Imperial Capital, at least in this year's view, on the empire's wealth list, Delan Mountain Warcraft finally overwhelmed the tulip family. Although the fat man does not say anything, but his heart is not proud.

Of course, what DeLand Warcraft does not know is that many of Du Wei's industries are underground. Not exposed to the countertop.

On this day, the imperial capital is still as usual as usual, but suddenly at noon, the northern gates, but an unusual thing happened!

At noon, the gatekeepers of the city gates were meticulously inspecting the city defense customs clearance, and then suddenly, the dust in the distance from the road was raised. A team of cavalry rushed like a whirlwind!

This team of cavalry seems to be about three hundred rides, but under the rush, but it seems to be arrogant, all the way, even regardless of the newcomers and the team on the road, rushed, and even trampled!

At the foot of the emperor, it is so arrogant. Suddenly caused a mess.

The riding team crashed into the city gate? Is this still ok?

The defending army of the Wangcheng guarding the city immediately waited for it! But when the team cavalry came to the near. However, it was found that the number of opponents was only over one hundred, but only one person had two or three rides. It seems that it is a long journey. Crazy on the way, with more horses to change horses, keep your feet and speed.

Such an intense and urgent march is rare even in the military, let alone in the central zone of the imperial capital.

The guards of the defending city are about to stop, but the other team's horse team is far away. The first few rides are at the forefront, and the flag is displayed far away!

The hands of several knights, each holding a different banner, are: an emergency military card in the northern theater! And... a golden thorn flower emperor flag! !

Seeing such a scene, the soldiers of the defending city did not dare to block it. Although the cavalry of this team came straight and rushed, many pedestrian teams were trampled on the road, and they roared all the way, but these soldiers quickly hurryed. The gates were opened, armed with weapons, and all the civilians who lined up under the gates into the city were dispersed!

Such a behavior, the people around, even though they are dissatisfied, they dare not shout anything. The atmosphere has become very tense at a time, as if it indicates that there is something big happening!

The cavalry rushed under the gates like a whirlwind, and did not stop at all. As a gust of wind rushed into the city, the dust from the horseshoes flew all the way, and the army and civilians under the gates were all gray-faced.

Moreover, this team of cavalry is far away, although exhausted, but the knight immediately, clearly is the elite of the elite! Although a team of cavalry is somewhat scattered, but the murderous anger is obviously not an ordinary army ride!

After the team’s squadron entered the city, the soldiers and civilians under the city gate couldn’t help but whisper: Why is the news of the military in the north coming back from such an urgent collision with the city gate?

Didn't you win another battle?

Someone immediately whispered: "Looking at the urgency, it doesn't seem like a victory, is it..."

Someone immediately retorted: "Hey! There are heroes like the Duke of Tulips on the front line, how can you defeat it!"

There are many people talking about it, but it is the military officer who guards the city, but the complicated look of his face!

This is a coincidence. The officer of the defending city is an old soldier. He has been guarding the city gate all the year round. Just after the team cavalry rushed in. He just saw it clearly. Among the squadrons, under the crowds, the innermost one was clearly a half-year-old boy wearing a robe! Although the boy’s head has a fight, but just rushed, but just saw the other side’s face!

Yes... Little Majesty? !

What makes the officer’s heart fear is that the young emperor is not a soldier in the north? So what happened. Why are you so rushed back in a hurry?

On the square outside the Imperial City, all the people on the street turned over, and the team of the team was almost savage all the way to the passers-by! There were countless wounded people on the way, but the cavalry of this team was extremely fast. Even the patrols of the surrounding public security agencies did not respond, and they had already rushed to the Imperial City area!

The guardian army around the square hurriedly greeted him, but then the team cavalry stopped. The man in the middle came to the forefront, and the martial arts officers who greeted the murderous rushed to see the coming people, suddenly slammed down and shouted "Long live the majesty"! !

Little Charlie’s tired face, his physical strength has reached the critical point of collapse. He is only 11 years old. I have been running around for a long time, even though he has been riding training since he was a child, but his physical strength is hard to support!

But after the news reached the north, where was the little Charlie who was working hard to delay the half-day work? Suddenly left everything. In a hurry, take people all the way to the emperor!

On the way, there were thousands of cavalrymen who came back south with him, but in order to maintain the power of the road, Charlie temporarily ordered some people to leave, and let the war horses maintain the number of three or four hundred people, at least three horses per person. It’s almost a long-distance running around the clock!

Although, there are accompanying court magicians. Give Charlie a lot of magical drugs to forcefully replenish his energy. But the hard work, but this eleven-year-old boy almost fell.

At the moment, I finally came to the palace gate. Charlie’s first reaction was to look up at the flag on the wall of the Imperial City. I saw that the golden thorn flower banner was still flying, and there was nothing unusual. And seeing the guards of the Imperial Army who guarded the imperial city, it is still the armor of the weekdays, there is no special service, this is a slight relief.

If the breath of the day comes, it will be loose. Charlie felt a soft body. At that time, I was swaying and fell backwards. The people around him were shocked. Hurry and ran two guards to hold him up. Charlie shook his head hard, shook his teeth and pushed the people around him. He whispered: "I can go!"

I took another look and greeted the officers of the Imperial Forest Army: "Fast! Take me into the city! I want to see my father! Immediately!!"

All the way into the imperial city, Charlie even refused to consider the series of sharing bathing etiquette that the emperor had to go back to the palace, almost violently pushed the court courtesy and court servants in front of him, even waiting for the court waiter's lead. Even the leather armor has not been taken off, but also wearing riding boots, so rushing all the way!

Passing through the main hall, the square, the corridor, and entering the interior of the court, all the way up, Charlie was surprised that what he saw was obviously at least three times more prepared before the court than before he left! !

When I entered the Imperial City all the way, the city seemed to be as usual, and the number of shifts of the Wangcheng Guards did not increase. On the streets of the Imperial City, there were not many patrols of the police station.

Even in the square outside the Imperial City, the number of the Imperial Army has not increased.

However, when I arrived inside the palace, especially all the way, I saw that the Royal Forest Army was fully armed, and the palace gates, corridors, and main roads of the Imperial City were all kept tight!

The Guards of the Royal Army are one-faced and dignified, as if they are enemies! !

This scene, let Charlie, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn’t help but be nervous again, and when he was nervous, his eyes were more faintly excited! !

Finally, I rushed into the hall that I was familiar with, even if he refused to pay attention to the outside waiter, and straightforwardly stepped in. He is the identity of the emperor. The outside of the Guards, where the darlings dare to stop him, can only be rushed into the hall by him alone...

Here, it is the actual dominance of the empire now, the residence of the regent Wang Chen prince! !

Into the hall, suddenly oncoming, is a strong drug taste filled in the air. This taste is very complicated. It seems that I don’t know how many flavors of medicinal herbs are mixed together, which makes people feel very depressed.

The hall was solemn, and there was a large bed in the center of the distance. In the curtains around it, there was a shadow of a shadow lying there. Around the big bed, several court magicians wearing red robes are silently standing.

And around, two red robe court mages. In the nervous preparation of magical pharmacy, the court magician ran back and forth, holding a piece of parchment in his hand, and did not know what the old medicinal formula and the like were recorded.

In the curtain, two other figures sit on the bed, one big and one small, a slightly larger figure, naturally the queen of the Regent. That is the mother of Charlie. And a little bit of the figure, but turned around at the moment, looked at Charlie here, a delicate face, with a childish face. There was some faint uneasiness in her eyes. When she saw Charlie striding, she seemed to be relieved and stood up. Quickly screamed: "Brother!"

Charlie was in a state of confusion and excitement at the moment. There was still some ambiguous expectation. He heard the sister’s cry and just nodded, but he had already picked up the curtain and rushed to the bed. His eyes fell on his eyes. The body of the person on the bed couldn’t help but stay...

Empire Regent. Chen Huangzi, lying quietly in bed.

His face was almost transparent, and there was no luster on his cheeks. Even his lips could not see much blood! Such a look, obviously already very serious!

At the first glance, Charlie couldn’t help but stunned!

The person on the bed... is it really the father who makes his heart awe?

That is full of energy, not angry with his father. At this moment, it seems to have lost all momentum. Almost helpless and quietly lying there.

The eyes that had made them fearful were already half closed. The nose is slight, as if you have lost your mind. The father’s long, powerful fingers were also unable to stand on the edge of the bed... Mei Yu gently groaned and seemed to be suffering from illness.

Charlie stayed for a while, but felt that a small hand pulled a little of his lichens and looked down, but saw that the younger Princess Karinna was watching herself. He was sobered up and hurryed to one knee. He snorted and whispered out: "Father! I, I am back!"

The wife of Chen Huangzi, the Queen of the Empire Regent, is a gentle and graceful woman. At this moment, she has already had tears on her face. She reaches out and holds Charlie. She has not spoken yet, but she cried out first.

Charlie heard the crying, and I didn’t know what it was, but suddenly there was a faint sorrow...

His reason, I understand what happened!

Look at this... Father, it seems to be...

A few days ago, Charlie, who was battling the army on the northern front, suddenly got an urgent letter from the Imperial Palace! This letter was not sent by the Yulin Army, but to catch up with time, a court magician personally sent it! !

There are not too many words in the letter, only a few words: Wang is in danger! No country! Quick return! !

Charlie, who saw this secret letter at the time, only felt that something in his heart suddenly burst open! I don't know what it is, sad? tension? Agitation? look forward to?

It seems that every feeling has a little!

However, as a young and old emperor, as a person who has already been ambitious about power, he immediately left everything, did not hesitate to bring people, exhausted all means, and quickly rushed back to the emperor!

My father is in danger!

If he is dead! I must go back!

Otherwise, my father will die, and he will not be in the emperor... God knows what will happen!

Although the current political situation in the country is stable, the desire and ambition of power in the heart makes Charlie absolutely not allowed to have even a slight threat!

Along the way, how many horses were killed, the whole person was distracted, and he couldn’t take it anymore!

At this moment, finally standing at the bed of Chen Huangzi, Charlie seems to be a bit stunned.

For a long time, the father is the stalwart pillar of the empire! Although his own faint hatred, the father took all the power in his hands, but ... but unconsciously, everything, has always relied on him!

But now. He fell, standing in front of the power that is about to be readily available, Charlie, but could not help but give birth to a hint of fear.

Under the alternation of this feeling, he only screamed and then he was already stunned, leaving the queen to hold him in his arms, but the little emperor bit his lip. My eyes were fixed on the father lying on the bed, and in that eyes, I couldn’t tell what it was...

Finally, the Queen cried for a while, let go of Charlie, and at this moment, Princess Karina, but gently spoke. I said the story.

Kalina’s voice was a little hoarse, and it’s obviously a big cry, her eyes were red and swollen, and her cheeks were still marked with tears.

The little princess twitched and said that Chen’s prince fell ill.

Before many days. In a court meeting, Chen’s original body seems to be somewhat faint. At that meeting, he still forcibly supported it. At the time of the meeting, he performed as usual. Still the calm, energetic and energetic look. Even for the mobilization of the front-line weapons and military squad, the military minister, Camisiro, made a fire.

But with the end of the meeting, Chen Huangzi came to the back and immediately disappeared!

Under the eyes of dozens of guards and servants around him, he suddenly fell silently! At that time, the people around him were shocked, but then several court magicians rushed up. Unable to say, forcibly took away the Emperor Chen and directly brought him into the residence of the palace.

At that time, the scene was a bit confusing, and the court magician was in a hurry, and there was some misunderstanding with the Yulin Army.

Fortunately, Chen Huangzi later woke up for a short while, and ordered it to let the Yulin army stay outside. And their own condition. Hand it over to the court magician, no one else can intervene! Even the hall of his residence. Also does not allow any Yulin army to enter! It can be seen that Chen Huangzi’s trust in the court magician is deep!

The court magician was busy for a day, after the rescue, but Chen Huangzi has been half-awake, he is mostly in a coma, but occasionally wakes up for a while, but will soon be comatose again.

Later, the queen and the little princess came to the bed before the guard, and the queen arrived. Although the royal family's practice, whether it is the queen or the queen, would not intervene in the government affairs, but after all, the queen is the wife of the emperor, and she came to preside over the overall situation. It also makes everyone feel a lot better.

It is a pity that although the queen is warm and graceful, she is not a woman with great wisdom. In the face of such a crisis, she is somewhat confused.

At this time, it was the little princess Karina who stood up. She calmed her mother's emotions first, and then passed the orders of the queen and communicated together!

Her first order was to call Charlie back with the fastest speed! Because it looks like, Chen Chuangzi's illness crisis, once unpredictable, the empire is about to face power change! At this moment, Charlie must not be absent!

The second order is a series of moves to the Yulin army!

Karina ordered that this matter must be kept strictly confidential! On the same day, all the forty-six guards and servants who saw the glory of Chen’s emperor were all temporarily locked up. Kalina was still a child after all. Although she was clever, she was soft. This kind of thing, if you change to other mature and cold politicians, I am afraid that for the sake of temporary secrecy, I have already ordered all to kill! !

Subsequently, the mobilization of the Yulin Army was also tightly restricted to the Imperial City! Karina’s political sense of smell is far better than that of others. Although she is young, she knows who the enemy is! At this moment, stability is the most important!

Before Charlie, the legal heir of the imperial land, can't preach things out, otherwise it will be inevitable that some ambitious families will engage in ghosts! Especially...the temple!

Therefore, for the Imperial City, the Guards of the Imperial City did not make much adjustment, and even the Imperial Military Security Office did not have any movement. Karina’s principle, that is simple, is four words: the outer pine is tight!

At this moment, looking at some dazed brothers, Karina wiped her eyes hard, looked at her mother deeply, and pulled Charlie a bit, right color: "Brother, now is not a panic! Everyone is waiting for you I presided over the overall situation! Although I made some arrangements, after all, you are the emperor emperor, your order is justified! There are still a few important things to do at the moment!"

Charlie was a bit confused, and couldn’t help but ask the younger sister who was two years younger than herself: "I... what should I do?"

Karina sighed in her heart and frowned. She looked at her brother deeply. In that eyes, she didn’t know what it meant, but she finally slowly opened her mouth...

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