MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 637 [Elf God]

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Chapter 667 [Elves God]

Du Weizhen was there, and a small piece of something was gently pinched in his fingers. This is the fragment of a plant, but it has almost withered, as if it has been weathered and dried, it is smashed away by gently rubbing it between the fingers.

This is the tree bridge that the magical seeds grow out of when the wolves ride up the mountain. Although this kind of plant is magical, it only grows rapidly under the magical power of the elves. Once it loses its magical support, it quickly withers away.

"This should be a kind of magic, but I don't know it." Du Wei smiled and turned to look at Hussein: "It's really embarrassing. I asked myself to study magic pharmacy from a young age, very few of me. Magic plants that I don't know."

Du Wei visually measured the distance across the cliff and sighed: "This is the second time I have come to this place. Next time I have to suggest with Baihe, the guy, just build a bridge here."

After he finished, his legs slammed, and under the strong physical strength, Du Wei jumped out of the tens of meters, and his body leaped up and jumped directly to the other side of the cliff. When landing, the rocks under his feet were sent out. The cracking sound of the cockroach, after he stood firm, shouted at the opposite side of Hussein: "Okay, come over."

Hussein snorted and jumped over. After falling behind Du Wei, the Paladin looked at Du Wei and said, "How long have you thought they have gone?"

Du Wei shook his head: "I hope we are not too late."

Both of them are the power of the Holy Order. The cliff between the two peaks can't stop two guys. Soon, the two came to the door of the Snowy Mountain. The monument was engraved with the words "The Death of the Supreme".

Going up the steps all the way up, soon, the two saw the dead bodies on the ground, there are dead snow-capped mountains, there are also wolves.

The cold weather on the snowy mountains made these bodies frozen and stiff, and covered with a layer of frost.

Du Wei saw this and his face was hard to read. He looked at the top of the mountain and accelerated his pace.

Hundreds of steps, along the way, the ice on both sides of the steps, ice rock, has already become dilapidated, apparently all the way up, have gone through fierce battles. The more you go up. The more dead bodies are left.

What puzzles Du Wei is that it is clear that from the traces of the battle, the remains of the Daxueshan people are far less than Duwei’s imagination. He remembered that there were hundreds of people on the snowy mountain, but from the scene. There are only twenty or thirty human bodies in the district.

The two were running all the way, and suddenly, a gorgeous light on the top of the mountain broke through the layers of fog! The light instantly cut through the thick fog and sprinkled it from the top of the mountain! The two faint people also felt a slight vibration in the foot! It is like a whole snow mountain. They all shook gently twice!

Du Wei and Hussein looked at each other and stopped, and their faces were a little surprised.

"Do you feel it?" Hussein looked solemn.

"Feeling." Du Wei's face was more serious. He stared at Hussein: "It feels like I'm more familiar. It seems... far beyond the power of our level!"

"Is it a field?"

"No." Du Wei's tone was a bit bitter.

At that moment, the kind of light sprinkled down, and Du Wei felt a sense of strength in it. This strange induction is just the light that shines. As if you have been able to pull Du Wei's own holy power, you are ready to move! The power contained in the light is not strong, but it seems to be accompanied by some kind of "rules" far higher than oneself, so that the whole soul that is involuntarily will tremble.

This feeling, he is really familiar!

Because, when I was on the small island overseas, when I faced the dragon god, it was this feeling!

This is not a holy order, nor a field... but a god-level power!

"Is it that Ares ran out of the enchantment of the seal?" Du Wei was puzzled. After a pause. Speeding up, swiftly rushing out toward the top of the mountain.

Above the platform on the top of the mountain...

The elf who claimed to be Artemis still had a smile on his face. But in the face of its red water break, it seems to feel a sense of oppression from the depths of the soul!

"It really surprised me." Artemis looked at the red water with a smile: "I can't think of human beings, but there is a strong person like you. Your current strength is no more than the last time I met. How much is that human being. Well... let me think about it. The name of the human being I met last time was Baihe. I can feel that you have a breath similar to him. Do you recognize that guy?"

There is no such arrogance on the face of Chishui, his eyes are dignified, looking at the elves in front of him, cold and cold: "White River, I know."

"I can see that you are a very proud human." Artemis gently lifted his fingers, his eyes fixed on his fingers... Its fingers were slender and tender, and the skin was almost white and transparent. . Artemis had a very gentle look, but only looked at her fingers, as if looking at the gentle eyes of the lover, faintly said: "You are very good. And, you must know Ares. The space is broken, it is Ares's tricks. Can you tell me where he is now? Is it just here?"

Chishui did not speak, looked at it coldly.

"Hey...human." Artemis shook his head. It seemed to be a little pity: "It seems that you still can't escape the clichés. Is it necessary for me to play with you and win you, in order to let you speak?" ?"

Chishui suddenly suddenly sneered: "I want to fight, but even if you win me, I may not tell you."

"I don't like fighting very much." Artemis looked like a spring breeze, as if there was no murder: "Because I am tired of killing."

If Du Wei is here, hear this sentence. He will be chilled by this ethereal tone!

It is this elf **** who claims to be "tired and murderous". It is exactly the first time that he held the sacred bow and a god-level stunt of "the unparalleled". Under one stroke, he killed hundreds of thousands of human troops! Turn the vast forests of the northern part of the mainland into scorched earth!

"It seems that it must be hit." Artemis smiled and reached out. Domines, who fell to the ground in the back of the pool, waved his hand and saw that his fingertips shed a purple light, and soon fell into the body of Dominus, the original rice that had been mad Nes, his eyes suddenly got a little more life.

Artemis smiled softly: "The patriarch of the wolf, I am sorry, it seems that the plan has changed. I did not expect that there will be such a strong human being on this mountain. If we fight it, I am afraid it will hurt you." And your people. So, I am sending you down the mountain now."

Its sound is very relaxed, as if it was not with thousands of people to kill other people's homes, but a guest who went to a friend's house.

As its fingers tapped a few times, they saw a ray of light slowly spreading from the air. Thousands of wolves were quickly enveloped in it, and quickly, they saw that the space seemed to be distorted a few times. In an instant, it has disappeared in place! !

"I have sent them down the mountain." Artemis smiled and looked at Chishui: "This way, we don't have to be distracted when we fight. And... the duel between the strong, not everyone is qualified to stand by Land, what do you think?"

Chishui only feels that the pressure in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, since he "goed out." Originally thought that with his own adventure, after it came out, it should have been greatly improved. Even if he met his biggest opponent, Bai Hezhen, he would not be weaker than himself!

In the heart of Chishui's heart, he has always regarded Baihe as his only enemy! To put it simply: If Baihe is the best in the world, then he is the second in the world!

This is the truth. If the sinner did not invade before. It is true! With his cultivation, he looks at the human world. Except for Baihe, I am afraid there is really no stronger than him.

Although the last time I lost to the Elf King in the snowy mountains, the snow fell stronger than the red water at that time, and it was not too strong. In that seal world, Chishui was followed by Ares to practice. This time, he came out and he was confident that only Baihe could be his opponent!

Unexpectedly, once I came out, I met such a strange elf again!

What makes him more uneasy is that the elf in front of him, the kind of momentum, is more unfathomable than the original elf king.

If the ethereal ethereal temperament of the Elven King is like the sea. Then the elf, who calls himself Artemis, stands alone here, but it seems to be a "empty"! !

No matter how Chishui breaks to explore with his own ideas, even the other side can't grasp it! On the contrary, he himself has a feeling of being locked by the other person's mind.

"So... can you start?" Amis and a gentle smile.

Chishui took a deep breath and suddenly broke out in the eyes!

boom! !

Du Wei felt a huge shock coming from her feet again! This time the ground vibration was even more fierce, almost making him stand unstable! Du Wei and Hussein both sensed the top of the mountain at the same time, and there was a strong force colliding with the movement!

It seems that two forces collided together, and the aftermath of the explosion broke out far away. Even heard the sound of stunned thunder in the distance, looking at it, thousands of miles away. The shock wave that oscillated above the other snow-capped peaks outside the rice caused the snow on the other peaks to collapse! !

At the foot, the steps began to emit a slight crack, and the cracks spread together quickly under the feet! !

Both eyes are a dignified!

At the same time, it is a strong gas field from the mountain! This gas field was apparently released by the top of the strong, and the two had to continue to go up. But it feels a strong resistance!

In this gas field, the two will continue to go up, but it seems that the difficulty has increased hundreds of times! It seems as if there is a tough invisible wall in the face! The resistance is heavy. If you want to go one step further, it seems that you have to use great strength!

On the top of the mountain... Has the battle between the strong guys happened? !

"Do you see it?" Hussein looked at Du Wei.

Du Wei’s face changed a few times in an instant: “See it.”

"It seems to be something like an enchantment." Hussein flew quickly: "The resistance is too great, and the two of us may not be able to reach the top of the mountain. With the power of this class, it is far more than the two of us." ... such resistance, I am afraid that when we reach the top of the mountain, our own power is exhausted."

Du Wei frowned.

"And, such a strong matchup... I am afraid that people of our level can not participate, even if we reach the top of the mountain, I am afraid it is of no use. The level difference is too big." Hussein’s eyes are at this moment, Some are awkward.

"I have to go up!" Du Wei's eyes were absolutely perfect.

Don't say anything else, but Ai Lu is still on the top of the mountain. He has already come here, and he can't bear to leave! And... there is the world of seals behind the hills! ! that place. It seems that it can't be found by sinners!

"If you must go up, I have a way." Hussein’s expression seems to have made a decision: "We can only have one of them to go up. Otherwise, both of them are exhausted and go up. It’s useless.”

Du Wei seems to think of something too: "So please help you."

Hussein seemed to smile. Going up and holding Du Wei up and raising his head, he took a breath: "Be careful, stay alive!"

After he finished, he sipped. With both arms working hard, the strength of the whole body was forced, and Du Wei, who was in his hand, threw it out toward the top of the mountain!

The power of the holy terrace runs through the arms of Hussein. When I throw it all out, I immediately throw Du Wei’s body straight out, and it’s very fast, like a cannonball!

People are in the air. Du Wei clearly felt that with the help of Hussein’s strength, his body passed through one after another resistance! I flew hundreds of meters in an instant!

After a few hundred meters, the resistance gradually increased. Obviously, although there was Hussein’s help, but the enchantment was too strong, a few hundred meters passed, and the resistance. It slowed down immediately. At last. After finally flying a distance of about a kilometer, Du Wei was exhausted. Finally landed.

Fortunately, when Du Wei landed, his feet were at the top of the mountain and he looked at the past and seemed to be less than a kilometer.

Although the resistance is still huge, but only less than a kilometer away, Du Wei can still barely rush with his own strength.

The pace of stepping, every step to take out, will cost more than ten times or more than the usual walking. Du Wei has one hand in front, and under the palm of his hand, he has issued a sharp vindictive force, forcibly cutting heavy resistance all the way. Finally, he step by step to the top of the platform!

At the moment, on the platform, the battle is nearing the end...


Chishui’s body was stiff in front of Artemis. His body was suspended in the air, and the edge of the palm was cut, but Artemis just picked it with his fingers. A trick "space fragmentation" was easily picked up!

I saw its fingertips and the intersection of the palms of the red water, the faint light flashing, the red water broke but the heart was fierce! Because he felt that he had clearly separated the space and tried to create a distortion between the rules, but the other party’s fingertips had another powerful force, and instantly forced the bursting of their space into a burst. Resistance is suppressed!

His palm was picked by the other's fingers, and the whole person flew out quickly toward the back! When the man was in the air, Chi Shui broke his body and stood firm, but he took a deep breath, and suddenly his body split into dozens of golden avatars!

Seeing this scene, Artemis seemed to smile, and its voice was soft and pleasant: "Well, is it a split? It seems that Ares has taught you a lot."

This is not an afterimage, but a real avatar!

I saw dozens of avatars, quickly attached to the around Artemis, dozens of light and shadow at the same time attacking Artemis, but the elf **** stood in the middle, just raised his hand, suddenly between Its arms seem to have turned into countless shadows, just like a piece of afterimage, and they went out at the same time in all directions...


In the midst of a dense muffled sound, I saw dozens of light and shadow avatars, and when they were clicked, they suddenly burst out! !

Wow! !

The avatar was completely destroyed. The Chishui standing in the distance immediately blew out the blood, and the body slammed, and then fell down and stared at the opponent in front of him...

"How... maybe!" Chishui whispered: "Aris clearly told me that after I came out, people in this world would not have my opponent!"

"He didn't lie to you. If it's an ordinary person, you are indeed invincible." Artemis sighed with a sigh: "Unfortunately, I am not a human."

Said, it suddenly looked back and smiled: "Is there, there is still an unwilling guy coming up? Is it a human?"

At the edge of the platform, Du Wei swayed, and the pace was awkward, but he finally stepped on and stood on the platform!

At a glance, he saw the red water that was disappointing there. Du Wei could not help but be surprised: "Old broken? You actually came out from inside?!"

Then I saw Artemis, and Du Wei was shaking in my heart! !


Among the elves, there are stronger ones than the snow?

Then, when he sensed the other person's emptiness like the dragon god, Du Wei suddenly woke up!

"Hello, you must be the **** of the demon." Du Wei reluctantly smiled.

Du Wei felt that a real eye fell on his body, and suddenly he felt like he was wrapped in a faint power!

A moment later, Artemis took back his eyes, but there was a bit of weirdness in the scorpion: "Is it clear that you are a human being, how can you have such a strange body? Such a strong body, I am afraid, even The beast **** guy can't compare with you... strange, weird!"

When the other person's eyes were withdrawn, Du Wei felt that the whole body suddenly became loose. Looking at the elf's face like a smile, Du Wei sighed softly: "I didn't expect that the great elf god, but it is. A look."

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