MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 626 [competition]

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Chapter 626 [Competition]

The Duke of Tulips broke the enemy's east line and recovered the eastern fortress.

Subsequently, a series of small-scale battles took place in the eastern front.

In June, humans began to rebuild the fortress. Du Wei proposed a new concept, giving up the northern wall and reconstructing a new line of defense with the original relatively complete southern wall of the fortress.

The rear of the human race dispatched tens of thousands of workers to the north, and the main plugs in the middle also quickly added a division's reinforcements to Du Wei.

From mid-June to the end of June, in the short half-month, the sinners on the north bank of the river launched six small-scale attacks.

The human army has succumbed to the river beach, and both sides have paid a considerable casualty. The river beach was once occupied by sinners, but relying on the powerful impact of the thunder ride, the orcs in the field no longer have an absolute advantage. Even several times, under the command of Du Wei, humans deliberately gave up the river beach, put the other small army to cross the river, and then launched the Thunder to attack the other side's line.

During the period, the Orc's wolf ride and Thunder Rider once again played three times, and ended with a thunder ride. Of course, the sinners, the number of wolves that were dispatched was limited, and the thunder rides maintained an advantage in quantity. And falling snow, it seems that there is no plan to send more wolves.

Even once, Du Weisheng had doubts: Where did the wolf riding in the snow go? ! Is it only two or three thousand wolves on the east line?

However, the Thunder ride is not completely invincible, at least the terrain of the river beach, the soil is too soft, limiting the riding ability of the Thunder. Even in a battle, Lei Qi has already rushed back from the other side's lineup, and the small thunder ride over the head. I rushed to the muddy area of ​​the river beach and almost got stuck.

In the six battles, neither side invested too much force, and the sinners mainly focused on harassment. I have to admit that such an approach has indeed slowed down the process of human reconstruction of the fortress.

In July, the center of the war was transferred to the central main plug.

Because of Du Wei’s victory on the Eastern Front, the main Central Serbian Soldo Stoke was quite ignorant. and so. The Storm Corps of the Central Fortress launched a "Summer Offensive" in July.

The Thunder Wings led by Alpay, who was united with the Western Fortress, carried out a side attack. The Storm Corps of the Central Fortress is the main attack.

Tens of thousands of human beings have stepped out of the city wall. After careful preparation, they launched an offensive that once threatened the camp of the sinners.

In the field, he was confronted with the main force of the orc, and the two sides paid a lot of damage.

The result is... the general offensive of General Rostock. Did not achieve the intended purpose, did not break the other side of the camp, nor could force the enemy to retreat.

It is the Alpai of the western defense that has won a small victory. This victory is called a "miracle."

The thunder of the Alphay. Since the beginning of the war, the Western Front has not been a sinful democracy attack area, so the pressure has not been great. In this attack with the central summer offensive, the thunder of the western front. Under the orders of Alpai, there was a 10,000-strong army that sneaked into the majestic mountain range, rushing through the mountain road and winding back to the rear of the sinners.

The area has been occupied by sinners. The humans sneaked into the army, and the three villages and towns that burned the sinners along the way were built on the basis of the abandoned villages and towns. At the same time, a fire destroyed a lot of sinners' farmland.

Subsequently, under the catching up of the blocking forces that the other party came. The 10,000-strong army re-sneaked into the mountains and walked the mountain road to get rid of the encirclement of the other side. Finally, an ambush was set up, successfully destroying an orc army of more than a thousand people.

It is worth mentioning that, after getting accurate information, this sneak attacking army is led by Alpai himself! As the head coach of the Western Front, he is so risky. And achieved such a victory. For a time, Alpai’s reputation rose!

In August. The situation has temporarily fallen into calm.

However, in October, after the sinners passed the grain harvest, they once again launched a fierce offensive. This time, the main area of ​​the attack is still the middle!

This is very obvious: although the Central Fortress, the empire's strength is the strongest, but once it can break through the central defense of the Central Fortress, then you can separate the human army in the east and west! !

According to statistics, the orcs assembled a total of more than 100,000 troops and launched three violent offensives. One of them, they sent Bimeng beasts and a lot of monsters.

During the battle, Hussein, who was dispatched by Du Wei to the Central Fortress to help him, was even more powerful. He killed four behemoths in his own hands, and in the battle he killed the leader of an orc. Reliable news, the leader of the orc killed by Hussein, is the high-ranking general of the orc army, Bestin, the white rhinoceros.

But this is the end.

After three unsuccessful attacks, the orc giant rock was angered. One of the three giants of the orc, the Holy Order, one day at the end of August, came to the wall in front of the Central Fortress, named the surname, to challenge the human sacred powerhouse.

As a result, in the war, tens of thousands of soldiers from both humans and sinners witnessed a rare "holy war".

The fight between the two holy powers, playing the heavens and the earth, changing the sun and the moon, and after a whole day, the two holy powers hit the end and did not score the winner.

Before the rock left, the public sighed: "There are such strong people among human beings!"

However, the words about the sinner's holy powerhouse were later thought to have been artificially fabricated by humans in order to put gold on their faces. Because... As a rock of the orc, it is impossible to speak the human language. Even if it is said, humans cannot understand it. Secondly, with the violent character of rock, it is also impossible to say such a rising enemy. If you destroy your own prestige. According to Du Wei’s later speculation, the orc’s holy power is mostly said to be “mother, count you”.

However, it is possible to witness a battle of the Holy Order and let the tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the battlefield look dazzling.

Hussein’s name of “protecting the country’s saints” has spread throughout the mainland.

At this moment, even if someone suspects that he is a traitor to the temple, Hussein... nothing. because. He has become a fighting hero.

In October, the sinners on the Western Front launched several retaliatory attacks, but they were resolved because of the excellent command of Alpay. Alpayi’s fame once again reached a new level.

For a time, the northern theater of the empire formed a scene that made people feel awkward:

Eastern, central, and western. Three theaters. Both Du Wei in the east and Alpai in the west have achieved quite impressive results. Du Wei’s annihilation of tens of thousands of orcs has regained the brilliant victory of the fortress, and no one can surpass it. And Alpai also led the 10,000 soldiers by himself. The daring and wisdom of sneak attack on the enemy's rear has won praise.

Rostock, who is in the middle, is the presidential president of the nominal northern front, but until now. No one can take the battle of the hand, as if ... by the two younger generations in the eastern part of the East, completely robbed the limelight.

Also let the main force of the Storm Corps up and down, quite a face of no light.

In November, on the eastern front, the sinners finally launched a large-scale attack to Duwei, probably Snowfall deliberately did so.

Because, for a few months. The stalemate on the eastern front, the inaction of falling snow, probably caused the orcs' dissatisfaction. In order to calm down the dissatisfaction of the allies, this offensive launched by the snow fell into considerable power. Tens of thousands of orcs crossed the river, the sky had elves to help, and the dragons were dispatched.

As a result... Du Wei actually held the fortress... and held the broken fortress that was only half built!

The situation. Quite a bit strange...

At the beginning of the battle. The sinner has a double attack on the ground and in the air. Du Wei’s pro-Gryphon Knights took off and counterattacked. In the face of the panic of the Griffin, the Elves struggled with the Griffin Knight in the number of advantages. In this battle, the gryphon knights led by Du Wei were one hundred to several thousand, and they did not fall into the wind. However, after the dragon’s participation in the war, Du Wei was forced to retreat.

Played against Du Wei's allegorical magician team and assisted the Griffin Knight in defending the airspace. In this battle, the Du Weidi magician team was not badly damaged, and more than ten magicians were killed. The Griffin Knight finally suffered a death and injury.

The ground forces, although the Thunder ride is strong, but in the defense of the city, Lei riding can not help much. Moreover, the orcs were prepared for this time. After the last battle, the orcs seemed to have learned the tactics of the human shield wall and the spear, which greatly restricted the role of the thunder ride.

During the battle, the fortress wall was once lost, and the situation was in crisis...but...

This time, the miracle is not Du Wei!


Regarding that battle, afterwards, in the army on the eastern front, a strange legend was formed. Everyone mentioned the scene of the day, all of them were shocked and feared, and there was still a hint of faint awe.

If you mention the scene of the day, the soldiers on the eastern front will tell you:

"That day... it’s a miracle!! That day, our wall has fallen, and the air knight of the Duke of Tulips can only resist it. The orcs are as crazy as they are.... hate, our walls are still Not built, a few big gaps, we can't form an effective defense. I saw it on the wall, our banner fell, and the long-haired orcs rushed up... at that moment……"

If you continue to ask questions at this time, then the person who answers you will most likely swallow and vomit, and the face will be strange and miserable. If there is wine next to him, he will immediately grab a few mouthfuls. As if you need to be courageous.

"At that time... I, and all the brethren around me, as if I heard a voice coming from the sky at the same time. Yes, that's right! The voice is coming from heaven! It's a woman's voice, sound. Cold, let people hear, I feel that the hair of the whole body is erected! That voice, it is like a woman directly in your ear, saying to you, 'Everyone, look up at the sky. Do not bow!'. then……"

"And then... I looked up and saw a fairy descending from the sky! I swear to the gods, I absolutely did not lie! She must be a fairy! Hell, although she is tall in the sky, I can't see her appearance, but I I bet, this is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life! Far away, just looking at her shadow. I was stunned at the time! Then then..."

"Further then, the fairy, pulled out a long sword, cut a large number of her long blond hair, and quickly sprinkled it forward... and then..."

"Afterwards, the battle is over. Guess what? I told you that I was scared to pee in the pants! We were warned by the woman's voice, everyone looked up at the sky. Not allowed to look forward, the result, the woman sprinkled After a piece of hair, the voices of the original orcs shouting around quickly disappeared! After the silence around, the woman disappeared from the sky and could no longer see it. As a result, we looked down and only looked down. See...under the city. On the battlefield, the orcs who had swarmed like ants, one by one, all turned into... stone statues! You said, this is not a miracle? I guess... the woman who appeared in the sky Wouldn't it be the goddess to show up? If that's the way it is! Goddess bless! Long live Roland! Long live the Empire!!"

"Long live Roland! Long live the Empire!"

The surrounding soldiers shouted together, and many people still had iron wine glasses in their hands.

This is a tavern in the city of Fortress now turned into a place for soldiers to rest.

A young boy stood behind several burly figures. A man in a robes looks like a guardian.

This young boy has a beautiful face and looks like he is only in his early teens, but his spirit is very good.

After talking to a few drunken soldiers, I finally asked the story of the war...

Charlie, the current emperor of the empire, his eyes are more and more weird.

Goddess manifests spirit? Goddess bless?

All turned into stone carvings?

The Duke of Tulips. my teacher. What kind of tricks are you doing?

Looking at the soldiers who were all drunk, Charlie was a little nervous. Hurry up and come up. The little emperor was protected in the middle.

This time, the young emperor came to the eastern front in person, and the purpose was to express his condolences to the emperor of the Eastern Front on the Eastern Front. What a great glory! Although everyone knows that the young emperor has not been pro-government, he is also an emperor after all!

It’s just... The little emperor’s majesty, but he has so many blame ideas, what kind of game to do micro-service private visits... Hey, I’ve only suffered from these guards.

"Your Majesty." A guardian leader, gathered in Charlie's ear, whispered and pleaded: "There are so many people here, we still have to go to the commander's office to see the Duke of Tulips."

"Anxious." Charlie's face was confident: "Here are the warriors of our Roland empire! I am an emperor, and I am afraid of danger among the warriors of the Imperial Army!"

This is very beautiful. The surrounding guards listened and couldn’t help but show the admirable eyes. It’s just that the little emperor’s desire to perform seems too strong. He even wants to get twice the low-quality and low-quality ale from the counter to return this with the soldiers. The move was overdone, so I said that it was finally blocked by the guards.

"Well, go see the teacher." Facing the blockade of the guards, Charlie is actually half-pushing, he is just pretending to be. I want him to be the emperor's respect, really squeezing with these big soldiers to drink the inferior ale, he refused!

"Goddess bless! Long live Roland! Long live the Empire!! Long live the Duke of Tulips!!!"

When I heard the first two sentences, Charlie smiled, but when the drunken soldiers shouted the last sentence, they let Charlie’s eyes flash a whimsy.


He seems to have finally lost interest, and the first one turned out of this soldier entertainment pub.

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