MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 615 [Can there be courage? 】

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Chapter 616 [Can there be courage? 】

"Strength ~! Push ~! Force ~! Push ~!"

The officer officer squatted on the scorpion, and in the city of Yakin, near the wall, a slinger was piled up. The soldiers ran back and forth with tools and wood. They used a shoulder to push a heavy gun into the wall and set up a catapult under the city.

The logistics squad smashed all the planks that could be dismantled in the city and created a large number of simple wooden shields.

The soldiers also knew that the battle would break out at any time, losing the fortress on the eastern front, and Yajin was exposed to the enemy's iron hoof. The enemy wolf cavalry, as well as the orc warriors, can go south without any hindrance on the plains, and only two days will be able to kill under the city of Yajin!

Although the enemy has not been moving for a long time, the Duke of Tulips said that it is true that fate must be in his own hands. Can't count on the enemy not to go south, or to do more preparations now.

Therefore, although the officers and supervisors are severely harsh, most of the soldiers have no complaints. After all, this is also to protect your own life.

Not far from the city of Yajin, there was originally a hillside. Du Wei had already sent people to the hillside, and all the dozens of trees on the hillside were cut down. A lookout was set up on the hillside. From this height, you can see a few miles away. It has played a very effective pre-tightening role in protecting Yakin City. Although there are lions and knights patrolling the sky, there are only a hundred of the Griffin Knights. There are always omissions in the patrol rounds.

Throughout the entire city of Yajin, the heat and the fire, the soldiers and the people are united, and together they are ready to meet the war. Numerous wooden blocks piled up by a man were nailed to the nails and piled up on the wall. The gates of the city gate have been repeatedly reinforced, and in order to meet the battle at any time, a lot of wood is placed on the ground. All the carpenters in the city were busy for a few days without a good night's sleep.

In the temporary commander's office in Yakin City, Du Wei is discussing the situation with the officers of the eleven military academies he has studied. In addition, there are several local garrison commanders, and from the defeated Stormtroopers. Several mid-level officers who fled back.

The rout of the front line made the senior generals of the eastern defense line almost swept away, but the senior generals who were outstanding in martial arts. Most of them were in the country when they resisted the dragons that night. As for those who escaped... To be honest, Du Wei did not quite appreciate these guys.

Ordinary soldiers fleeing, perhaps still excusable, after all, the chaotic scene, everyone followed, like a headless fly.

Can be a general escape, this is very different! As a general, you can't gather your own army on the battlefield. Can not keep the scene, can not effectively command and decide Du Wei has met several generals who have escaped. As a result, Du Wei, who originally had illusions about these people, gave up completely.

It seems that... even in the Stormtroopers, there is a brave courage like a young lion. But there is also the existence of pustules. The few guys who escaped, when they ran out, some even wore a nightgown. What's more, after the city is broken, I only estimate that I am running, and even my own team is left behind.

More is extremely ridiculous. After seeing Du Wei in Yajincheng, he also bluntly asked to re-direct his original army. Du Wei immediately answered him: Your army is no longer there. When you fled, as a general, you discarded your own army, and now I am here, want to go back?


As a result, Du Wei does not affect the influence of any pustules that escape. All the brains were sent to the logistics team.

It is true that he has been appointed to the Eastern Front, but if it is normal, Du Wei does not have the power to remove so many senior generals. However, fortunately, after the defeat, everything is in a mess, and no one is in charge of whether the law is in compliance with the rules, whether there is a military approval, and so on.

However, several urgent items were sent out from the military. I heard that the news of the loss of the eastern fortress was transmitted to the Imperial Capital. It will shake the entire military. The regent king was so angry that he smashed the table on the spot, and then sent the Yajin City after a series of urgent items. In a word, it means: Du Wei, you want people to give money now, ask for money, what to give! The emperor will satisfy all your requirements as much as possible! But... you must hold Yajin City to death, and you must never take a step back!

Because behind, from the north to the inner empire of the empire, almost all of the plains of Pingchuan!

"We still have a few problems." Gabriel wiped his face with a hot towel. Although his face was exhausted, the boy's eyes were still very bright. The young man encountered such a big change when he first went to the front. Gabriel showed more and more energy. He dropped the towel and said to Du Wei: "Adults, the guns in the warehouse have all been placed on the wall, but our problem is: First, we lack skilled. Gunners! This weapon must form an effective killer. It must have skilled gunners and observers. We lack the reserve of these two skilled arms, and now we are rushing to let our people go to control the guns. I am worried that even 20 meters. Putting a cow outside, they will all fight. This is the first... The second problem is especially serious. There are a lot of arrows in the storeroom, but there are some shortages of the arrows used in the guns. Now on average, each gun is down. There can only be two bases of the arrow reserve. Once the battle is over, I am afraid that when I get down, these reserves will be used up, and then the guns on the wall will become furnishings."

Gabriel glanced at his peers and said loudly: "If it's just ordinary arrows, the craftsmen in the city can make some temporary work. But this kind of arrow must be forged by professional military equipment. We can't make it ourselves."

Du Wei nodded and looked at his brother with satisfaction. This kid is really the kind of Luo Lin’s family. The inheritance of his father’s old Raymond is particularly obvious in his body. When he arrives on the battlefield, he seems to have become a Like a calf. The whole body has endless strength. Looking at Gabriel's red eyes, Du Wei knew that the kid had not slept for three days.

"Well, I have written down the two questions you said. I have already sent people to the rear to mobilize. And the people who had been sent to the main ties in the east have come back. General Rostock said that he will send a batch of supplies to us as soon as possible. ""

After Gabriel finished, not waiting for Du Wei to ask, Yallol immediately said loudly: "Adult. I inspected the city wall. The walls of Yajin City are generally intact. The repair work before the war is in line with the standard, but the position of the west of the city, because Not far from the city is the hillside. I am worried that once the war begins, the enemy will occupy the hillside so that we can overlook the city. We will observe all our internal activities, but now the time is too tight, we don’t have time to dig the hillside Drop..."

Du Wei tightly locked the eyebrow and knocked on the table: "This is a problem. You all have to think about it and see if there is any way. It is really impossible. Please help the magician. But after all, it is a hillside, I am afraid. It’s not so easy to level off. If it’s not working, set up a catapult in Dosan in the west of the city.”

After the report of Yall, the young military officer with a brown-black hair was standing up and talking. Du Wei looked at this guy and looked at Kira? Well, it’s the guy in his military academy who has the same name as the protagonist.

"Adults, everything in the military camp is fairly stable. We have transferred a large number of grassroots officers. According to your instructions, we have reorganized the collapsed army of the storm army that was gathered. But..." Here, the young man has some tone. Difficult.

"But what?" Du Wei snorted.

"In the past few days, some of them have come here to report on the frontline defeated officers. Some people rushed to the military camp and demanded to take over the command of their original army."


Du Wei raised an eyebrow at the time, and slammed the table, and suddenly angered: "The git! I lost my troops in order to escape, and now I want to be a general when I ran back!!"

"Yes, adults." Kira said: "Some of them are above the rank of the commander, and claim that they belong to the establishment of the Stormtrooper. You are the coach of the Eastern Front. But you have no right. Dismissed the generals of the Stormtroopers, and some claimed to invite General Rostock..."

"Let them go!" Du Wei sneered: "These are not timid. They dare to go to Rostock to have ghosts! The frontline fortress is lost, and Rostock is afraid that there will be nowhere to vent, and these people will be defeated. Dare to find General Rostock? Hey!"

He suddenly lowered his voice, glared at Kira, and shouted: "I will give you a military order... just don't know if you have the courage to do it!"

Said, Du Wei's eyes flashed a strange light, a sneer smirked in the corner of his mouth.

"..." Kira looked at Du Wei and took a deep breath: "Dare!"

"Good!" Du Wei sat back: "If someone goes to the military camp to make trouble, you will be rushing! If you don't leave, you will grab the stick! If you hit the stick, you dare to make trouble..." Du Wei Speaking of this, deliberately paused, and then worded coldly: "I give you the privilege, dare to disturb the military camp, no matter who, regardless of rank, kill!! Out of the matter, I am carrying!"

After that, Du Wei grabbed the pen and paper from the table, and quickly wrote an authorization order, and then handed it to Kira. He deliberately looked at the boy coldly and wanted to see if he had There is no courage to do this kind of thing. After all, to do this kind of thing, although Du Wei said something he bears, but after all, as an executor, if you kill a lot, you will also offend a lot of people.

The young man named Kira was silent, but he resolutely took over Du Wei’s military order, and then he took a military ceremony and strode out.

Du Wei’s satisfaction nodded though it was not the same as the up-and-coming protagonist in his impression, but this young man is a good seedling!

Du Wei regained his back and sighed with a sore eyebrow. He also made him busy these days. After glanced at the crowds in the hall, he took up the spirit and listened to other military officers reporting on the military camps and city defenses in the city.

At this time, suddenly a figure came in outside, and the door of the hall was opened with a slamming sound, and then strode in.

The person seems to be a bit rash, but the look is calm. Just running all the way, it seems to be a little breathless.

"Aslan, what is flustered!" Yaller reminded him.

Du Wei saw that it was one of the "up to the protagonist" that he had left, and that was called Aslan.

"Adult." Aslan immediately stood up and spoke quickly: "After the city, there is a team of wolf cavalry approaching!"


Upon hearing this, the crowd in the room will all stand up. Some people even put their hands on the sabre on the waist.

Aslan quickly went on to say: "The opponent's wolf cavalry has only 20 rides. The checkpoint has been carefully watched. There is no follow-up force in the vicinity. It is definitely a lonely army. And... they don't seem to be attacking the city. It seems to be coming!"

"Come on?" Du Wei snorted.

"Yes, adults." Aslan stood up and said: "There are more than 300 humans in the team's wolf cavalry... Look at the costumes and looks like our soldiers. It may be prisoners of war!"

On the fifteenth day after the fall of the Eastern Fortress, finally, on this morning, the Sky Griffin Knight sent back the news that there was a team of wolf cavalry. Holding up the empire's flag, from the fallen fortress all the way south, this team wolf only has twenty rides, accompanied by about 300 human soldiers captured.

And they are watching the Griffin Knight. All the way to the city of Yajin. Claiming to be a letter from a sinner commander to the commander of the Ajincheng Human Army!

When the team of wolf cavalry came to the city, the human defenders in the city immediately alerted them. The soldiers clenched their weapons and stood on the wall, nervously watching the enemies not far from the city.

The wolf cavalry of this team was stopped far away from the city about two hundred steps away. No longer, the twenty wolf cavalry stopped in the distance. The werewolves with spears rode in the wolf. on. Holding a long knife, look at the cold and cold eyes and the human soldiers in the city.

Du Wei personally brought people to the city. Subsequently, the wolf cavalry were different in origin, and the accompanying 300 human prisoners of war began to line up slowly toward the gate.

The three hundred humans accompanying them are indeed soldiers. This can be seen from the way they walked in line.

These people are somewhat injured in the small half, and they naturally have no armor and weapons. They are all simple cotton robes. Everyone is downcast and languid.

What makes Du Wei even more unexpected. Among the three hundred captives brought by this team of wolf cavalry, walking in the forefront, there is a person he knows!


When Rohat returned to the city with other prisoners, the rest of the prisoners were immediately taken over by the soldiers in the city. Rohart met Du Wei, who personally handed a letter of snow to Du Wei.

"You... didn't die?" Du Wei took the letter and didn't watch it immediately. Instead, he looked carefully at the Luolin boy he had seen before. His face showed a hint of joy.

Then he went up and hugged the young man, patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Rohart! Haha, I remember you kid! You are not dead! Great! You know, don't know When I thought you were dead, Zig, they were crying a few times!"

Rohart stepped back and looked at Du Wei. His expression was very excited, but then he looked blank: "Adult, thank you for your love... Please accept this letter, then... I will go back. Tell your reply to the Elf King."

"What? You have to go back?" Du Wei frowned, his eyes confused: "Since you come back, you don't have to go back! You are the future star of the Decepticons, and you thought you were dead on the front line. Zig, they are deeply blamed, and I am very sad! Since you are back, how can you let you..."

"Adult." Rohart smiled a bit. He suddenly fell down on one knee and looked up at Du Wei. He solemnly said: "Adult, please believe that my loyalty has never wavered!! Just, the elf king It seems to know you very well, and it is also very familiar with you. This time it made me come back to send letters because the wolf cavalry would not speak our human language. I am in the enemy camp these days. I learned their language. So I sent me to act as a translator... and it snowed it and asked me to go back... because there are two thousand of our prisoners of war in the forefront of the fortress. It says that if I don’t go back..."

Rohart’s eyes were full of haze.

"You mean, Snowfall sent you back to send a letter, if you don't go back... He threatens you with the life of the remaining 2,000 prisoners of war?!"

Rohart nodded heavily.

Du Wei was silent. He looked at the boy in front of him, and these days passed in the enemy camp. Rohart looked more mature and stable than the **** teenager in the Northwest military camp. The young man on the original face is uniquely bloody, and has gradually become the firmness of a mature man.

“Why?” Du Wei whispered: “Why does it value you so much?”

"I don't know." Rohart shook his head. "I have been falling snow all these days. I think... it seems to me to be completely different from other prisoners. I can't think of anything special about it. Value. I am only a junior officer. I don’t have much valuable information here."

Du Wei locked her brows and things were a bit weird.

"This is not the place to talk." Du Wei took Rohat back to the city. Rohart followed Du Wei all the way, without saying a word, surrounded by Du Wei's entourage, looked at the "prisoners of war" with strange eyes. And Rohart walked all the way, his fists clenched. It seems that there is a hint of twilight on his face.

"You don't have to be guilty." Du Wei suddenly turned back and glanced at the young man. He said warmly: "It is not your fault to be captured by the enemy! As a soldier, you have done all your duties! You fight bravely. Cover your companions. Safe retreat, captured after the fierce battle, this is not a shameful thing! Rohat, being captured is not a shame, you don't need to bow your head."

"But... I should have committed suicide..." Rohart suddenly shed tears.

"That is stupid." Du Wei shook his head: "On the battlefield, there will be various unpredictable things. Is it necessary to commit suicide to show loyalty? That is ignorant thought!"

After a pause, Du Wei suddenly smiled and said: "Why... I don't know why, but the snow falls so much. If it doesn't want you to die, with its ability, you are in the hands of it, you want to die." Off, I understand."

In this statement, the stagnation in Rohart’s mind was slightly dispersed. Du Wei led him back to the house, opened the entourage, and talked to him alone.

Rohat immediately immediately captured himself how he was captured. Then after being captured. Has been held in the side of the Elf King Snow, what happened these days. I have said it carefully. He didn't have the slightest concealment, and even bluntly gave him all kinds of special preferential treatments, and he didn't worry if these words would cause Duwei's suspicion.

Finally, when talking about the fall of the Eastern Fortress, Rohat said: "From the fall of the river to the fall of the fortress, the entire combat plan was all directed by the Elf King Snow. On the river, they deliberately crossed the river. The posture, attracting our warships to the river, and then attacking the underwater animals with the hippopotamus orcs, annihilating the strength of our water warships and clearing the biggest obstacle to crossing the river..."

At the end of the day, Rohart shed tears again: "Adult, I am in the enemy's camp. Every time I see those compatriots in the dead, I am alive... I am always in my heart!"

Du Wei asked again for a while, when Rohart said about the snowfall of this commanding battle, talking about one change on the battlefield, the young man said that the conditioning is clear, methodical, bit by bit, clear-minded .

Du Wei was surprised and deliberately tried him several times, only to find that this young and **** young man, after a few months in the enemy camp and falling snow, seemed to have changed like a person, and there seemed to be quite a few hills in his chest. Talking about the battle, talking about it, whether it is talk or vision, it is far higher than before!

"You... these days, in the snow, I learned a lot." Du Wei suddenly sighed.

"Yes...a lot." Rohart lowered his head. "This Elf King doesn't know why. It is very good for me. It will even take the initiative to discuss a lot of problems with me. I always think about it afterwards, as if it were intentional. Instilling this knowledge into me. Even... It often talks with me about history books."

Du Wei was silent. After a while, he barely smiled. I looked at Rohart and said, "Well, you don't have to worry about it. I don't doubt you. It's just a moment to think about the intention of falling snow."

"Adult." Rohart's eyes were red: "I am in the enemy camp, I think in my heart, or I can just die, or... I hope I can come back one day. But now..."

Rohart said that he suddenly choked.

Du Wei patted his shoulder and whispered: "I understand your mood. I finally came back. I returned to my own side, but I have to go back to the tiger and wolf, and get along with the enemy princes, can't come back and myself. Brothers and relatives reunited, the pain in your heart, I can understand."

After a pause, Du Wei sighed and looked at Rohat's young face: "You...when you thought you were killed. You have sent someone to your home. Your parents are well, your brothers and sisters at home are also Not bad. Although it is sad for you, since your family is a Luolin person, it is naturally taken care of. I later made arrangements, one of your sisters was arranged to work in Luolin Castle. Some people will take care of them in the future... ..."

Rohart rubbed his tears hard, then took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed a glimpse of it. He said: "Thank you, adults! But time is tight, not to mention my family... adults, I am coming. Before, there was something to say about falling snow. Please read the letter it wrote immediately. Then, ask me to bring your reply back together. I have to go back before sunset tomorrow, otherwise I will..."

Du Wei nodded. He broke the letter from the snow and looked at it.

Open the letterhead, only see the text on the letterhead is very beautiful, I can't think of the falling snow, the elf family, actually wrote a very beautiful Roland mainland text, and its brushwork is actually a very gorgeous kind of "hooking flower body" .

The writing is exquisite and colorful, one word at a time. Can not tell the beauty. But this calligraphy is one. Let Duviedo sigh not as much as he himself writes on weekdays, and his writing is very poor. The only thing that looks good is his signature. Because he is a high-ranking official, there are still a lot of documents that he needs to sign on weekdays.

Looking closely, the content of this letter is as follows!

"The letter is the Duke of Tulips Duvalolin Rudolph:

See words like a meeting!

I thought that when I was going to hunt northwest with you, I had been playing with my fingers for more than four years. I am in the bitter cold of the north, every time I think about your style, I am fascinated. Recalling the past, you and I talked about the past and the present, arguing about the world's major events, the northwest alone, the Huangsha Wanli, the grassland green, the snowy mountains, everything is in the eye, not too fast!

I am sorry that today you and I are enemies, no matter how interesting it is to talk on the same day!

I can remember that you and I have had an appointment in the past. You have words, and I am also interested.

Today, I have led hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and I have been in the past. The sigh of Roland is as old as it is, but the people are no longer, and the heart is not very emotional.

I heard that you also came forward northward, and I was very happy. Although I can't sit down and talk about it, I can hunt the battlefield with your leader. It’s so life, it’s so fast!

This time, your situation has become a fire. However, I also feel the feelings of the past and want to do something stupid. Therefore, this letter is a special letter and invites you to a meeting. Although it is inevitable that the battlefield swordsmen will meet each other, if they can make a concert with the wine, then they will see each other, and this hero will also be!

If you are interested, don't doubt my invitation! I know that your mind is open-minded. In the past, you have been arrogant in the northwest, and you will not laugh at me as a child!

My heart is long, I am writing a word! I want you to be unparalleled, and I will not let me talk about it!

If you are willing to go to the invitation, the moon is on the top, I will not harm it. If you are suspicious, but please smile and put this book on fire.

Falling snow word. ”

The writings are elegant and elegant, and it is over here. After Du Wei looked at it, he stayed for a while. After a while, he read the letter again.

Rohart watched Du Wei after reading the letter, his face was not happy, but there was some eccentric smile.

Finally, Du Wei put down the letter, took a light shot on the table, and then laughed!

"Haha! Ha! It’s a snowfall! A good elf king!"

Du Weiang started, his eyes flashed: "At this time, it actually invited me to a meeting! If someone writes this letter, I will think that the other party is crazy... but it... oh, most of them only It will write this kind of thing!"

After he finished, he stood up and walked two laps in the room. When Rohart heard it, his face suddenly changed. Regardless of Du Wei’s reaction, he quickly picked up the letter and looked at his face. Changed abruptly: "Adult! Write this in the! You! You can never go!!"

Du Wei has already stood still at this moment, and he sneered with a negative hand: "Why don't you go. If I don't go, isn't it being looked down on by this guy? Hehe..."

Said, Du Wei looked at his worried Rohart: "You can rest assured that I will not be in danger. This Elf King... this snow... oh!"

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