MTL - Law of the Devil-Chapter 612 [Sreitlin's first battle! 】

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Chapter 616 [Sreitlin's first battle! 】

This exclaimed, in the darkness of the night, the shocking and horrible dragon, but it seems so weak and short. That black shadow, awesome dozens of dragons, with a gust of wind, almost just a few breaths have reached the sky above the head!

Dozens of adult dragons immediately triggered a strong panic in the city!

Dragon! The most powerful creature in this legend, possesses the most powerful physical power of all creatures, excellent magic, and high intelligence! !

This kind of creature, which originally existed only in the legend, appeared in front of people's eyes, not one, but one! They opened their mouths and erected sharp claws, slamming toward humans!

The first collision occurred in the sky. A five-level magician who had already flown into the sky, under the shock of Long Xiao, was inevitably lost. The result was that two dragons flew to the front. The magician had not had time to open his magical defense enchantment. Penetrated by the dragon's claws! In that dragon, the body also turned into a **** rain.

Subsequently, more than a dozen flying dragons flew over the walls of human beings. One by one, the dragons opened their mouths. In an instant, more than a dozen dragons of different attributes swept away toward the wall! Above the wall, suddenly there is a splendid light everywhere!

Many human defenders, even the reaction has not been made, and immediately disappeared under the violent violence of the dragon!

With more than a dozen magicians taking off and fighting back, but the magician faced dozens of adult dragons, the battle situation clearly showed a one-sided situation.

One of the highest-level white magicians, the first of the magicians who helped the Eastern Front, was entangled by two black dragons and one red dragon at the same time. Although this great magician is arrogant in his heart, it is also worth daring. I smashed and ignited a high-level defensive magic scroll that I had collected, and finally a strong magical light shrouded his body before the oncoming dragon squirted to the body!

However, the dragon's interest has not diminished. The dragon's interest in this fire system, although resisted by the magician's defensive magic enchantment, but Yu Wei sprayed on the ground in the fortress, suddenly turned a house into a sea of ​​fire!

The magicians have counterattacked for a while. The hasty spells are ringing everywhere! A magician with a low strength is almost just a face-to-face, and he is killed by a dragon. Some of the more powerful magicians, after being struggling to resist it, only have time to send out a magic, and they are surrounded by several dragons. The siege, tearing apart.

The most powerful white magician. After resisting for a while with defensive magic, he also fought back, holding his wand in his hand, and reading a few middle-level spells, one by one with red magical light. In the air, a ground storm was formed, and the force of the dragon blocked the dragon. However, the dragon's powerful body, the original defense of the magic is the ability to possess talent.

At the moment, although this great magician is magical. Some damage caused by one or two dragons, but these dragons seem to care at all. After smashing several magicians quickly, the great magician, desperately discovered that he has been surrounded by more than a dozen dragons. Now!

More than a dozen...

At this moment, the only thought in his heart is despair. As a great magician, if he is facing a dragon alone, he is not afraid. Even if you encounter two dragons, the race level of the dragon is not very high. He also has confidence in self-protection. But... a dozen?

I! I am not a holy powerhouse! !

More than a dozen dragons screamed at the magician's madness, and the enchantment of the magical enchantment quickly dimmed. The magical consumption of the magic was unstoppable. The magical items on the Great Sorcerer have all been thrown out, various magic scrolls, attacks, blessings, and dizziness. fear. Fire, summon...

In the sky. More than a dozen dragons besieged a scene of a great magician, which is magnificent and magnificent. Various magical lights shine, but finally, finally, the defensive light ball on the magician is heard, in a group of more than a dozen dragons. Under the breath, it burst!

Even the screams were not sent out, and the magician turned into a fly ash.


The two dragons landed on the wall, and their huge claws immediately smashed the surface of the wall. With the madness of the minions, some soldiers who could not escape were quickly turned into a group of corpses. And some brave warriors try to fight back, but the dragon's powerful body, where is the ordinary sword can hurt?

Even if a soldier swears to smash the rifle to go to the blast, but in the face of dozens of dragons, the towers of those smashing guns are also sprayed one by one, and the soldiers and guns inside are instantly turned into dust!

massacre! This is almost a naked massacre. Human beings are not without the ability of a war. There are already many senior generals who have started their vindictiveness and are entangled in the dragons around them. But these dragons, they not only have a strong body, magic, but also have the ability to fly!

The air is constantly slamming, and one strike is taken, leaving those human beings who have been wasted a lot of life.

The human defender was beaten!

At this time, the barracks of the orcs outside the city have already sounded the drums. In this frenzy, a team of orcs rushed out of the barracks and went crazy like the wall of humanity, such as the tides... ...

In the fortress, you can hear screams and shout! The sky, the ground, and the fire everywhere! !

Finally, in a huge roar, I saw the direction of the city gate, a burst of fire ignited, the magical burst of the waves, the city gate was torn apart!

Under the gate of the city, a dragon that smashed the gate of the city screamed and screamed with a snarl, and bit the human warrior who was urging the resistance in front of him into two pieces. Then the two wings shook and the body immediately flew. For a moment, it fell on the wall of the city. The dragon sighed and swept away, and several soldiers were shrouded in the sea of ​​fire...

The roar of dragons is everywhere in the sky. The strong Longwei, devastating human morale, the natural fear of higher creatures in this natural law, and the massive raids in the night, caused humanity to fall into chaos.

Seeing that the city is full of fire on all sides, one by one, the dragon circling back and forth, killing human warriors everywhere, and outside the city. The drums of the orcs attacked the city, and they shouted and snarled and screamed. The last roar, seeing the distant city gates exploding, the fire on the walls...

In the commander's office, General Dominguez, who was originally planning to take the guard on the eastern front against the wall, finally swayed, and a loyal guard came up, grabbing his arm: "Adult! Fortress Can't keep it! You can take it with you!"

"Globe!" Dominguez screamed. Kick off this guard: "I am the commander, I have the responsibility of defending the soil, how can I abandon the city and go!!"

But at the moment, under the city gate, a group of orcs have swarmed in. The human defenders who were still resisting the death of the city gate suffered heavy casualties. Although they were still fighting for death, the gates had been shattered. A large number of orcs came in, like the tides. They quickly smashed the human defenders and divided them into pieces. For a moment, the sporadic resistance was already in the beast.

Dominguez also knew that he could not keep it. He pulled out the sword. I yelled: "You forgot the Wu Yong who died in the lion clan general!"

Say, the sword is rushing toward the distance, and the guards behind him are mostly followed.

The direction he rushed to was the material warehouse in Fortress!


The fierce battle lasted for about three hours. After the city was broken, there were still human remnants of the army relying on the buildings and the streets to resist in the fortress, but the city defense was broken. The invaders of the orcs are pouring in. The dragon that hovered round and round in the sky became the **** of death for harvesting human life!

fear. Darkness, death, afflicting everyone's heart.

Finally, gradually, many defenders gave up their resistance, dropped their swords, and fled toward the south gate. People began to be crowded. Under the gates of the southern fortress, people trampled on each other, and discarded armor and weapons were everywhere. From time to time, the roar of the dragon came from the ear, behind them were the roaring and shouting of the orcs. In everyone's heart, there is a thought at the moment:


The street battles were all over, but the elves were the last to fight. The elf races in the air began to clean up the battlefield, using absolute air superiority to defeat the remaining defenders of the fortress.

On the south side of the fortress, there are ruins of madness and escape. After all, there are more than 100,000 troops in the eastern fortress. After being defeated, the mountains and mountains flee across the country. The dragon of the sky only gave up after a short while, but the orc family sent a large number of wolf cavalry. It was not easy to leave, and spread out along the wilderness, all the way south, chasing the defeated human beings.

Among the human army, although there are several generals, they try to assemble and defeat the army. But at this moment, the military has collapsed, the fortress has lost its hands, and the mountains and the wild are the defeated troops. In addition, the wolf cavalry in the back chased fiercely, and several times temporarily gathered up. After a brief fierce battle, they were once again broken up.

This time, no one even dared to give birth to the idea of ​​resistance.

I saw thousands of wolf cavalry, but scattered along the plains, chasing after the call sign, the front of the human defeated the army is boundless, like the ants scattered in the plains, all the way crying mourning, throwing a helmet to abandon, such as headless flies Generally chaotic. Even some people, after running for a few tens of miles in a single breath, finally exhausted, fell down, spewed blood in the mouth, and died on the spot.

The wolf cavalry chased for thirty miles and killed at least tens of thousands of human troops along the way. This was gathered and shouted and retreated.

And after countless defeats, after experiencing the escape in the middle of the night, finally after the dawn, determined that the enemies behind are no longer chasing, and some of them sit down on the ground, can no longer stand up, and some calm down, 惶惶The discussion of the road to escape. More worried in my heart, simply take off the military uniform, throw it into the grass, and drill into the mountains.

Most of them were finally gathered under the retreat of some remnants. They reluctantly gathered some people, gathered together, and marched southward. They were defeated on the way, such as snowballing, and everyone is It looks miserable. There are still many injuries, and some have lost their souls. Some of them crying along the way, some are afraid, and even the wind and the grass are moving, they seem to be able to scare them up.



"Adult! see below!!!"

Above the sky south of the Eastern Fortress, two hot air balloons are opening along the way, behind them. Du Wei personally led the Dragon Warship Archangel, as well as the transport airship and the Griffin Cavaliers.

At the moment, the two airships that opened in front of the road looked down and saw the road leading to the north. In twos and threes, they were all dressed in ruined, and they lost their helmets and abandoned the imperial army. These people were one by one. As if you have experienced any damage!

The pioneers in front did not dare to neglect, and quickly lowered the height, but the human soldiers on the ground, when they saw the sky is the airship of their own army, suddenly everyone madly called. Others opened their arms and roared against the sky.

"Help!! Help!!"

"Save us! Save us!!"

"Let me go up!! Take me away!!!"

The soldiers of the tulip family on the airship could not help but feel the darkness of the heart, a deep uneasiness. It’s filled with hearts in an instant...



A moment later, the open-air airship in front of the road found two defeated troops along the road and sent them to the airborne angel on the sky.

The two defeated, one of them was also wearing the uniform of the commanding officer. At this moment, the face was covered with mud and blood, and his eyes were scattered. They were put down on the Angels in a hot air balloon. When they finally came to Du Wei, the two men still looked like a fear.

When Du Wei saw this scene, his heart sank.

"what happened!"

He stood up, went up, grabbed the man in the uniform of the uniformed officer, and shook it twice, and shouted: "You listen! I am the Duke of Imperial Tulip Duvalolin Rudolph!!! Tell me quickly, which army are you in the end! What happened to the front line!!"

The commander was shaken a few times by Du Wei. He also listened to Du Wei repeatedly said it twice. Finally, the words of the Duke of Tulips. Like a magical power, he wakes him up. He suddenly rushed down and hugged Du Wei's leg: "Duke of Tulips! Duke of Tulips! With you, we are finally saved!!"

Du Weiqiang endured the annoyance in his heart, pulled him up, and gritted his teeth and said: "What the **** is going on!"

"The Eastern Fortress...The Eastern Fortress, the Fallen..." The commanding officer cried: "General Dominguez is dead... The fortress has been lost... The enemy, the enemy is chasing..."

Du Wei kicked the timid guy away, and carefully questioned the other defeated soldier, although the man was also a weak and fearful look, but fortunately, finally asked.

After understanding the original committee, Du Wei sat heavily back, his brows locked, and the others around him, who heard the news, all changed.

"Throw the fortress...Dragon??"

Thinking of this, Du Wei has a heart: "You can't forget it! The fortress can be tolerated! But there are a lot of supplies in the fortress! If you let the sinners use the mountain of food and weapons... Hey! Enemies Haven't got a firm foothold! Look at it now, fight back!"

He took a deep breath and looked at the left and right sides of the battleship. A whole hundred gryphon knights flew on both sides...

I can’t think of it, it’s bigger than my plan... The first stage of the Griffin Knight is much ahead of time!

Shaking his head, Du Wei stood up again.

"Transmission! Slytherin Griffin Knights, off the flagship, goal, Northern Fortress!"

When he finished, he quickly ran to the side of the battleship and smashed his robes: "I personally led the team!"

He yelled at Gege Wu: "The Griffin Knights are fast. I will go first. You will host the battleship and then come to support. In any case, you must ruin the warehouse left in the fallen fortress!"

Then, Du Wei jumped to the edge of the ship and his body stood high and slammed a sharp whistle.

Then, a gust of wind swept over and saw a gray-faced griffon with a full-length rain wing paint. No one was riding on the back and flew to the side of the boat.

Du Wei jumped on the back of the gryphon.

This gryphon is more powerful than other gryphon riders. The wings of the whole body are black and bright, the claws are sharp and sharp, and a pair of eyes are lightly polished.

This is the Griffin mount that Du Wei chose for himself. Since he has made such a novelty, how can he not give himself a ride?

Although he doesn't have time to nurture and raise the Griffin...but don't forget, he is a magician. Ordinary people can only use the secret recipe to tame the gryphon, but Du Wei is a magician, but he can use the magic to directly use the lion. This kind of Warcraft is a magical pet!

Du Wei later lost the magic, but this griffin was signed by him as a magical contract very early, so Du Wei now has no magic, but still can ride this gryphon.

Sitting firmly on the back of the Griffin, Du Wei whispered again, and soon took a hundred gryphon knights, quickly separated from the sides of the Dragon Warship, speeding up in the sky, lined up.

Du Wei held a super long spear in the shape of a model that mimicked the "Long Chinus" style. He lifted it up and whistled, and took a hundred gryphon knights and cut through the sky!

The wind whistling in the ear, the gryphon opened all the speed, and soon, on the ground, the lost fortress was in sight!

In the air, he couldn’t speak loudly. Du Wei only made a few gestures, and the other gryphon knights around him immediately took the plunge.

One of the Griffin Knights, immediately reached out to remove the leather cover on the lion's mouth, and brought a special leather case to his ear. Then clenched the reins...

Finally, the griffin under Du Wei’s squad gave the first loud tweet, and one hundred lions behind him screamed. In the middle of the sky, the sound of the waves suddenly!

One hundred Griffin Knights, behind Du Wei, swooped over the fortress on the ground!

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