MTL - Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality-~ Extra 5: Yuyu

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PS1: Someone guessed that the wrong step was written by Xin Yuanping's parents? The reason why the length is so large, one is to explain the situation before filling the pit, remember that the previous article "Two hundred and forty-eight chapters: Liu Zheng will also talk about gossip" mentioned, the Xin female devil not only caught Ai Li to open the Dragon Palace, they It is also a cousin, and the "step by step" is the reason. The second is that Shu Yuan and Hui Zhu are one of the examples of the three mortals and monks in the middle of the squad. The other two are Bao Jia’s great-grandmother Jiang Mingyue, and finally Xiaolinzi and Mu Sange... The three pairs of partners have different endings, except The background of current events and personality are also the main reasons for the ultimate fate.

1. Although Shu Yuan was born in the royal family, he grew up in the countryside, his character is not lacking in resilience, but he couldn’t keep up with his vision, and he did not have the ambition to change his life.

2. The Qin family, whom Jiang Mingyue picked, is an ordinary person who is completely thorough. His young people may be arrogant, but he lacks responsibility and does not know what "loyalty" is. Jiang Mingyue’s tragedy is not in her relationship with Everyone falls in love, and she looks at people's eyes.

3, Mu Tiannan can succeed in the upper position, and his optimism and positive, and the vision of the family is inseparable. He is not as full of the status quo as Shu Yuan, but he has only sought for decades of small days, and he is not as swaying as Qin Jiazi. He never pursues what he has determined, and he will not ask Xiaolin to stop. Waiting for him, he will only try his best to catch up. As Shu Ting's "To the Oak" said, true love is not a rock climbing flower, but a kapok, standing with you as a tree!

Ps2: Who said that the treasure will not write emotional drama, Lin family has a lot of emotional lines, just very restrained.


"One tube?"

The wooden wolf thief looked at the eye.

Huo Feng Duan sat in the first place, like laughing and laughing at it, as if waiting for the party in his hand to fall to the table.

The silverfish sat in the first place, facing the eyes of the wooden wolf. The eyes of the silverfish were as clear as spring water, without any impurities.

As for its home, sitting up straight, the body is not smirking, not to mention visiting the other side's expression, bullying the hard wood wolf when playing cards did not dare to face the golden sculpture!

The wolf took a deep breath. "It seems that no one wants a tube, then I really played?"

Its eyes glimpsed and glimpsed a circle, and the phoenix phoenix a pair of arrogant eyes that you love to fight or not, the silverfish looked back at it with a misty look, and the golden eagle was skipped directly by the wolf--

"One tube!"

At this time, there are three mahjong on the table that have not been opened, which means that the card has passed smoothly, and it is not dangerous to shoot. Recently, the wolf, who lost his pants quickly, was shocked and put a "small tube" that had been pinched for a long time on the table. He sat on the top of the fire and laughed:

"You are a bad luck wolf! The one-piece cheese, Hu Yi, four, seven cylinders, you have to pick the biggest one in the board, hehe..."

The word "啧啧" in the phoenix phoenix is ​​meaningful, and it is not directly said that the wolf is a second product.

The wood wolf squinted at the phoenix's card, and the one-and-one tube was in the hands of the fire phoenix. According to the algorithm of the mahjong in the middle of the scorpion, the phoenix's face was indeed doubled.

The Timberwolves are still calculating the amount that they have lost by themselves, sitting in the silverfish below it:

"Sorry, I seem to have a slap in the face..."

The wooden wolf has not yet lost to the fire phoenix. If he hears the small silver fish, he only feels black. What makes it desperate is that the golden eagle, who is not scornful, has silently pushed the mahjong in front of him.

Three shots!

This day can't be over, think of the total number of losers, the Timber King finally closed his eyes.

The fire phoenix took the mahjong on its head, as a five-line spirit beast, or a soul body, the wolf halo is too fake!

The wooden wolf king fake model "wake up", see the small silver fish wet eyes looking at it, the golden carving eyes are as cold as the real, the fire phoenix is ​​sneer again and again, it can not help but shake.

Can not be dead, the wolf only honestly pays gambling money: 1, for the fire and phoenix back for a month, 2, tell the little silver fish a month of fairy tales, 3, accompany the gold carving practice one month spell.

The phoenix is ​​picky, and the wolf is only waiting for it for a month, and it is better to fool it. The small silver fish is pure in nature. It slips away from the world and touches a few books. It can also deal with a month. Only the last point, accompanying the gold carving practice spells... This is the living wolf meat target, which can really kill the old wolf king.

The spirit has no time concept, and the wolf king is waiting for the fire and the phoenix, and feels that January is as long as ten years. It’s much easier to tell a story to a small silver fish. Its wet eyes are full of surprises and adorations from time to time, and the wolf king feels that his heart is melting.

A month is really too slow!

As soon as I think about it, I will pay for the golden carving practice spells tomorrow. Many memories that are unbearable to look back are coming in. The king can't sleep, and he is scared to be a cold sweat.

Xiaolinzi, Xiaolinzi, this king can't wait for you to break through the void and return to the earth and then put the king into the little beads, and don't want to practice the magic with the golden sculpture of horror.

I am so handcuffed, but I have chosen a "one tube" to play?

The wood wolf was depressed, regretted, and feared. He was very eager to find the time and space cracks and drilled back two months ago, and cut down the wolf paw that hit a tube.

In the dead of night, the city of the sky on the cloud where the five spirit beasts lived also entered quiet. Mulang thinks about it, but it is more cost-effective to run.

It sneaked out of the palace, and humans often said that it was hidden in the city, and it was hidden in the DPRK. It had not been turned around for a long time, so it would help Xiaolinzi to see the new look of the world.

The Wood Wolf King found an excuse for himself, and he felt deeply sighed in his heart and secretly left the city on the cloud.

Knowing that it left, only the deepest mysterious turtle. The turtle is awkward and loves to sleep. He rarely plays cards with the four beasts. Naturally, he is too lazy to take action.

Not to mention that the Golden Eagle found that his "sportsmanship" disappeared, how the chickens fly in the city, the process of the wood wolf is a little twists and turns, because it cares, almost not captured by the Earth's ever-changing satellite.

When Lin Luoran left the earth, he carried the space of beads for hundreds of years, including the five spirits and beasts, which were part of the earth's reshaping of the five elements. At first, the five elements of the earth were weak, and the five spirit beasts were connected with the earth's gas. How good it is.

Later, the trauma suffered in the end of the earth was slowly repaired by generations of the Earth's federal people. Everyone was working hard, and this life-stained planet was reborn.

The five spirit beasts are also strong, and no one can finally get out of the original guarded boundaries, opening up a small dimension space in the clouds, acting as the palace of the five beasts.

Since the completion of the palace, the wolf has been fascinated by gambling. It has not been walking for a long time. The last time I left the city on the cloud, it was still 500 years ago!

This year, it was a new era in 3822, and it has been more than three thousand years since its predecessor, Lin Luoran, took the people out of bounds. The development of the Earth Federation can be said to be a leaps and bounds. The federal people who use the Earth as the parent star have not allowed other forces to be underestimated in the star field.

The wooden wolf turned into a young man in Tsing Yi, who was twenty years old and was not handsome or ugly, appeared on the streets of Dongting City. I looked at it for a long while, but I didn’t recognize where it was.

The federal people walking on the street often have extraterrestrial bloodlines, which is not in line with the aesthetics that Wood Wolf King is very backward.

Fortunately, the air was not bad. The wolf walked and watched, and unwittingly came to Junshan Island.

The Dongting Lake has a lotus leaf and a sky, and the reeds on the shore are swaying. It is no different from the scenery of its life. The king can't help but praise it. He was born with a look of uncertainty, plus the uncharacteristic form, with three points of wretchedness, said to be a view, it looks like a thief in the eyes of outsiders.

The wooden wolf did not understand the minds of the tourists, only when his own Wang Ba’s anger leaked, he was proud to wander around the Dongting Lake.

In this world, there are no monks, except for the five spirit beasts, they can only find the same kind on the Junshan Party. The Xiaoxiang two ancestors cultivated the incense belief in the body of the Yinshen. Several aquariums in the Dongting Lake were stocked in the Dragon Palace in the past.

The wooden wolf king used Linmen to protect the mountain and the beast, and felt that he still got the slogan from the "people" on Junshan Island.

The wooden wolf is about to cast a spell on the island of Junshan. There is a small boat in the lush reeds on the lakeside. A five- or six-year-old girl is holding a boat paddle that is thicker than her arm, and the boat will be in a short time. Drive out of the reeds and go to the lake.

The wood wolf was stunned, thinking that the little girl was so embarrassed, the adults at home were not afraid of her drowning in the lake, let her row boat to play with water. When the wooden wolf is entangled in whether he wants to send a good heart to follow up, the fierce little girl has long sailed away.

The wolf king is extremely depressed, and he is deeply impressed by the fact that human beings are more perverted than monsters.

It is reminiscing about the past, like a young man, a little girl in his early tens ran to him, a serious question: "Excuse me, have you seen my sister?"

Looks like this, the wolf wants to lie to the little girl and said that she can't see her sister.

Seeing the wolf pointed to the reed, the little girl frowned: "Aci is this idiot, and he sneaked into the island and played alone."

The little girl complained that the wolf also agreed to nod. She knew that the little girl had not looked at him. "I can say that my sister is an idiot. You are an outsider. How can you follow it? Next time, don't do this!"

The wolf's eyes twitched, and at this moment the knee was heavily stroked.

The little girl’s words were correcting the mistakes of the wolf, and she calmly went to the reeds to find another boat and chased her sister to go.

The princes stayed in the wind and swayed in the wind.

Dawang is not so easy to admit defeat, two human girls want to defeat it, not so easy!

The wood wolf stalked the law and caught up with it. In a short while, he saw the two sisters.

Although the five-year-old little girl dared to row alone, where is her arm and energy too big for her older sister? So the younger sister set off first, and the sister came up later. The two sisters soon swayed in parallel on Dongting Lake.

The wolf was invisible in the air, listening to the conversations of the two sisters and making it fun.

"Aci, you are six years old this year. Let's grow up. Can you not be so naive, leave home and leave?" A serious sister.

"A sister, I am still small." Tsao Jiao's little sister.

"Well, how are you so small? Then every time you leave home, can you choose the same place? I am not surprised to come out to find you." Sorrowful sister.

"A sister, you bully a child..."

My sister is very proud, my sister is precocious, and I don’t know who the two bears are. After the identification of the wooden wolf, it accelerated the flight speed and came to Junshan Island.

The ancestral hall of Xiaoxiang Erqi has incense every year, and Lin Luoran's color image is even more clean and fresh, and it is impossible to see that this color image has been erected here for more than 3,000 years. As for the laurel tree, it was contaminated with fragrant fire for more than 3,000 years. When the emperor reappeared in the world, the laurel tree was a big demon.

It’s a bit strange to see the second person who is a wooden wolf.

Fire phoenixes and silverfish often come to see them. I heard that the wolf has been fascinated for hundreds of years, and today he is willing to leave the city on the cloud to go shopping.

The wood wolf is speechless, and he can’t tell the two fairies that they have blocked their debts and deliberately escaped from the cloud. It quickly shifted the subject and asked two girls who were rowing on Junshan Island.

潇妃 潇妃 而 , , , , , , “ 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们 她们

The wooden wolf nodded. "I still remember that the girl was called Qinglan. Is this her generations?"

Erqi did not carefully count how many generations of Liu’s family have been passed, but the two wolves who met the Mujiao were very familiar with them. The inner side of the sister's outer circle and the inner tip of the younger sister are really different temperament and nature. It is also very fun to watch the interaction between the two sisters.

After the wooden wolf and the second and the last, and went to the Dragon Palace for a turn, the shrimp and crab will become fine, although the Dragon Palace guards the aquarium, it is much lower than the status of the five spirits.

The wooden wolf regained confidence in the torment of the golden crab and black shrimp.

Waiting for the wooden wolf king to enjoy the five-star hospitality in the Dragon Palace, the shrimps and crabs touted them to the dizzy, and saw three different pairs of eyes gaze together, staring at it almost unable to maintain shape, revealing the body.

"Little wolf, gambling, don't be that the demon is not good, the demon is not good, what is the meaning of your life? Come back with us, either pay the gambling money or continue the duel at the table..."

"Hey, is it a shame to practice spells with me? You wolf, it’s not paper, it’s really the face of five spirits!"

"Being a monster is also about credit. Isn't this what you told me in a fairy tale?"

Three spirit beasts, you say a word, saying that the wolf's head is shrinking into the mound.

The second squat was next to it, and the lively Xiang Yu saw the wolf being slain, giggling, and let the wolf blush and white, white and red.

The fire phoenix is ​​only poisonous to the mouth, and the golden eagle can be ignored. The palm of the hand will take the wooden wolf back to its original shape and drag its tail to leave.

"Ah - this king and you fight!" Lost face in front of Xiaoxiang Erhao, the wooden wolf screamed to bite the golden eagle, but its height is inferior to others, and it is not comparable to others. The golden vulture was held down with another wing and dragged away without mercy.

The phoenix and the silverfish bid farewell to the second scorpion and followed it up.

The ventilated black shrimp and the golden crab hide in the bottom of the lake, they are the Dongting Lake, the owner of the Dragon Palace is not good, why should we wait for the wolf, and decisively sell no pears.

At this point, the wolf’s plan to leave home was ended in one day.

The three beasts agree that the card is indispensable to the card at the Shangcheng City. Otherwise, who are they going to abuse in the boring days?

In another compartment, Liu’s two sisters rode on the lake and played enough to go ashore. The little one said to her sister: "A sister, have you heard any sounds, like the big wolf dog of the second uncle is hungry for a few days? ?"

"Yes, on the island, we have to go home early to know, Aci?" The sister calmly nodded, did not correct the off-line sister, called the wolf, the voice is completely inconsistent with the uncle's public wolf dog.

After being embarrassed by my sister, Aci looked up and smirked: "Well, my sister hurts me the most, and I like A sister most!"

It was said that the face of my sister’s young boy was softened, and the corner of his mouth showed a slight smile.

Before the second squatting, Yan and Xiang Yu looked at each other and smiled. Sisters, there may be only one in a lifetime. Who can not cherish it.

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