MTL - Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality-Chapter 558 Westbound

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Zhixiu has decided to manage the mess of the Poetry Star, which is related to the accumulation of his life in the Buddha. Lin Luoran is also not good at expressing opinions. Although the rich flavor of the Luojing River is reminiscent of the Rat and its mother-in-law. Miao and heart discomfort, she and Mu Tiannan have decided to leave through the interstellar transmission.

Thousands of grievances are trapped in the top of the tree, which is not only the guardian of the interstellar transmission array, but also the protection of another meaning. Zhixiu opened up a channel for Lin Luoran in the spirit of grievances, and checked that the law was not damaged but it was fortunate in the unfortunate.

Lin Luoran knew nothing about the spiritual world. Zhixiu was also chased and killed by Yin Shanzong all the way to the mother-in-law. The transmission position was free and there was no coordinate.

After entering the transmission array, she was reminded by Mu Tiannan that she still had a "star map" of jade steps.

Take it out and look at it. There is a "red dot" on the back of the second step. Is it the star of the two?

I remembered that Zhixiu said that after leaving the mother-in-law, she had been rewarding with the West. Lin Luoran’s heart moved, trying to use God’s knowledge to connect the star of the star in the star map with the nearest star of the west, and the thin white line was connected. The interstellar transmission of the Lingshi has been placed, and it has run on its own!

It’s too late to be different from Zhi’s, Lin Luoran and Mu Tiannan disappeared into the transmission array.

This transmission is two adjacent planets, and the time is much shorter than that of Xin Yuanping from Tiankui Star to Boss.

The uncomfortable transmission process quickly passed. Lin Luoran and Mu Tiannan walked out of the transmission array and found that the transmission array at this end was built in a quiet stone temple. It was a very lively square to open the door and go out.

The same kind of human skin, row upon row of buildings, the ground is covered with blue bricks, men and women dressed in Chinese costumes walked between them, and they disappeared from the two people who walked out of the stone house.

The peddling of the qigong method, the scent of the qigong method, the exotic restaurants, all kinds of industries, giving people a sense of time and space.

If it is the only difference between the market and the ordinary market, it is the pedestrians on the street and the roadside stores are monks!

Among them, the practice of Qi and the base period monks are the most common. Occasionally, the monks and monks in the knots are rushing in a hurry. As for the Yuan Ying monks, they are traces. Lin Luoran is very sensitive to detect that the low-ranking monks are not turning a blind eye to the two people who walked out of the transmission array. They are more secretly looking at them. Some people are eager to try. They seem to be coming forward to talk, but they are cold-faced. They all noticed that the physical shape of the body was as real as it was, and it was awkward.

I have lived a few hundred years old and have never seen it. I want to know the local situation as soon as possible. Mu Tiannan proposed to go to the restaurant.

Looking at the two people side by side with the nearest restaurant, several people who were eager to try were annoyed.

The grievances of selling the charms are timid, and the latter are not convinced: "Who knows that this is a rich man or a temperate predecessor, Zhu Qi, are you afraid to go to the restaurant to try?"

Zhu Qiyu, who sells the charms, screams and squats back to the stalls, still selling a bunch of messy symbols.

There are many monks in the city that sell things very little. It is really difficult to do business. When Zhu Qi looks up, he can see Lin Luoran sitting on the third floor by the window. He does not avoid people, and does not want to involve privacy. He can try it.

I also had my son’s time. The monks who wanted to grab business with him had spread. Zhu’s eyes turned two laps, only to Mu Tiannan’s work:

“The predecessor’s interstellar journey is boring, can you listen to the younger generation’s new things about this family star?”

Mu Tiannan and Lin Luoran have long noticed the attention of the small monks downstairs to them. They chose the window position not to try the local food. Mu Tiannan saw this person’s eyes, but did not go to Lin Luoran. Looking at the direction, he was still acting, and he nodded and gestured to him.

Like Zhu Qi, who is a long-time person in the city, he has to give him a chance to make a speech. Maybe he will make two big businesses. See Mu Tiannan agree that his booth is not put up, and pack up the good things. Drill in the restaurant.

Seeing that the previous few monks who want to take business have a slap in the face, Bai let Zhu Qi smashed this cheap.

I ordered the spirits to go to the table, and the taste of the throat was a thousand times and it was reminiscent of the aftertaste. The calculation of the aura was not as good as that of Lin Luoran’s own wine, and the two people now cultivated the spirits and vegetables of the various roads of the restaurant. Look in the eyes, but Zhu Qi is different.

The mellow taste of the wine and the delicate scent of the fruit on the table linger around the nose, so that Zhu Qiyi entered the third floor of the room and the spirit was shocked.

Zhu Qi’s face was ridiculously smiling, and his appearance was more than 30 years old. He was not awkward and looked like a piece of life in the city. In fact, Mu Tiannan had asked about the general situation of the restaurant buddy, and the high-level collection of the panoramic view of the city, or Lin Luoran said that the middle-aged people downstairs have been squinting and keeping their eyes open, even the monks are divided. Level, the city's small people in order to live in the camp, probably know about the situation of the star.

Zhu Qi and the two revisited the ceremony, Mu Tiannan signaled him to sit down and talk.

The restaurant guy added a glass of wine to Zhu Qi, and he went out with his eyes. There were only three people left in the box, and Lin Luoran’s eyes were swept away. Zhu Qi, who was well-informed, suddenly couldn’t help but be nervous.

Lin Luoran slowed down the tone. "We first came to know that there is very little understanding of the Seto Star, but it is to find you to talk about customs, you don't have to be nervous."

Zhu Qixiao laughed twice. Lin and Mu came out from the transmission array. There was no trace of the door sign on the body. The monks who were eager to try to sell it were thought that the two were the Yuan Ying predecessors who could rely on their own efforts to conduct interstellar travel alone. Dare to make it easy. But look closely at the look of the two, there is no high-ranking monk used to have the pride of the eyeballs on the top of the head, Zhu Qi thought maybe two of the two children who do not want to reveal their identity - to know that the Yuan Ying period is below the interstellar transmission In addition to the need to have a bodyguard, the high-cost Lingshi consumed by the interplanetary transmission array does not say that they are born and raised, that is, the non-core disciples of the Seto-Star Warlord cannot afford to pay, and the transmission of white light flashes. , burnt can be a stone!

"I don't know what the two seniors want to know, and the younger generation must know everything." He was very uncomfortable sitting in the chair, and the opposite attitude was very harmonious. Zhu Qi had an intuition that he really walked this time. At first glance, the high-ranking monk is regarded as the "fat sheep" who travels to the interstellar space by the teacher.

"For example, there are Zongmen forces in Seto." Mu Tiannan's slender knuckles swayed the tabletop, looking elegant and cozy, letting Zhu Qi relax his heart and sorting out the known situation in his mind. Seven or eight points are grasped.

The "Seto Star", which was originally adjacent to the Boss Star, is a famous planet in the second spirit world.

About 75 percent of the surface of the star is land, and it is home to sinister terrain. The mortal habitat is not easy. The poor environment of the poor mountains is very suitable for hiding all kinds of monsters. The beast is a trouble, and it also represents "wealth" in the eyes of the monks. For thousands of years ago, the Seto Star was included in the map of the realm of comprehension, and the mainland was divided by many big factions.

The transmission team was built in such a low-ranking monk, because the kings of the big factions did not see the king, and they did not trust each other. They deliberately chose such a three-legged zone in the Seto mortal world. The interstellar transmission array was built, and it was agreed that the factions must not reach out to the transmission array. Seto Star is a special kind of comprehension resource. The refiner enters the Dan character. Many places in the comprehension are inseparable from the material of the monster. The set-up of the Seto Star is established, and there are many monks who come and go. It is very lively for some years, so the interstellar transmission array originally built in the desolate place has gathered and slowly formed a big city.

"Listen to some predecessors that the former Seto Star is very famous in the whole repairing world, but the name of the rich beast is also the old yellow calendar. After thousands of years, the monsters will not kill more, now it is dangerously left. The monsters are not the low-level little monsters that the big ones can’t see. It’s the big demon that even the sects don’t dare to move.”

The beast is not the amaranth in the ground. It will soon be able to grow again after the cut, and there is no other mineral deposit in the Seto Star. The enthusiasm will soon pass.

The influence of the comprehension on this star is not limited to this. This planet has already seen the wonders of practice. How can we regain our ignorance, such as Zhu Qi’s native retreat, dreaming of entering the big school, with a view to finally leaving It’s getting worse and better to mix the Seto Star.

In other words, the Seto Star is the same as the Tiankui Star, and it is a semi-abandoned planet in terms of the standard of comprehension.

Do you still have to go west to the next star?

Lin Luoran thought for a while or not, and asked: "Do you know the detailed division of the Seto Star?"

The Zongmen divides the Seto Star and does not involve secrets. Zhu Qi is divided into the southeast and northwest, and the sects that have been thrown on the Seto Star today have been sorted out. Lin and Mu are extremely scarce about the cultivation of the real world. In contact with an Yin Shanzong, the names of the Zongmen in Zhu Qikou are very strange to them.

Zhu Qi is indeed a good guide, and his speech is clear, so that after he finished his narrative, Lin Luoran grabbed the missing light in his mind.

"The West, is the West actually a blank?"

Zhu Qiyi, turned to smile: "The predecessors did not know, the Seto star rivers converge to the west, the west of the land, is the sea area that has a very large area of ​​Seto."

Mu Tiannan took back the right hand that had been placed on the table. "There is always a water-based monster in the sea. Such a big piece of cake will never be let go of it."

Zhu Qi shook his head: "It is said that there is an island on the west coast of the sea. It is the sphere of influence of the Tianji Zong. However, the Tianji Zong never competes with other Zongmen. The West Sea is assigned to the Tianji Zong, but they have not seen them killing the water system. The beast, so the Seto Star monk rarely mentioned this... But when the seniors asked, the younger generation remembered that a group of people had come out from the transmission line half a month ago, and went out to the west when they left the city."

Lin Luoran’s eyes are bright, “But the person of the celestial plane?”

Zhu Qixiao laughed, "The Tianji Zong is very mysterious in the realm of comprehension, and the younger generation is too shallow to be sure."

Zhu Qi did not know much about the Tianji sect. It should be said that the entire cultivating world is holding a far-reaching attitude towards this sect, which is said to be able to measure the secrets. The news of the celestial patriarchs is naturally rare.

Only one sentence "can measure the secret", let Lin Luoran very moving.

She faintly identified the gift before Zhixiu’s departure, which should be here. Mu Tiannan and her views are the same. A group of people went west half a month ago, and the time was too coincidental.

Zhu Qi was fainted in the restaurant. The monk who had previously sold the medicinal herbs came up to find out if he had made a small fortune and was fooled by him.

But when I think of the stone in the storage bag, Zhu Qi’s heart is hot.

As for the low-key Lin Luoran and Mu Tiannan, they have quietly left to go west.


After January, the moon is on the edge of the West Sea.

The three-armed Mu Sange and Lin Luoran stood side by side with the sea, the blue tide of the sea chased a wave, the sea breeze blowing the new left hand of the broken arm made him feel a little weird.

All the way west, I have encountered several unopened Yaos, but this is not the reason why Mu Tiannan decided to use the dragon's arms.

The beauty of the comprehension is very common. The monks who cut the jujubes are hard to find. Even if they are physically disabled, the monks will try their best to solve them. The situation that he can cure but he does not care is really contrary to the mainstream aesthetic. Walking side by side with Lin Luoran, Mu Tiannan, who lacked his left arm, didn’t have much to look at. The three brothers couldn’t stand the kind of hidden eyes, and they simply managed the broken arm on the way to the west.

To cross the sea, Luo Ran is a bone boat, but the sea is awkward, the water system in the deep sea is more swallowing elephants, and Lin Luoran can be emptied with the monsters.

Lin Luoran and Mu Tiannan standing on the beach is certainly not for a romantic walk. The magical "listening" is used at this time. She is trying to communicate with the water monsters!

The demon senses are keen, Lin Luoran neither kills them, and there is a "big demon" standing next to them. Generally, the little demon does not dare to make a second, but she really got the information she wanted under communication.

According to the monsters, there are indeed four islands facing the water in the central part of the West Sea. The star-studded night islands will emerge and trace the activities of the ethnic monks on the island.

On weekdays, the island is covered by the law. It looks like it is a plain sea. The water monsters that have entered the fascinating range have suffered more or less. More importantly, just before, there was a group of monks crossing the sea to the island. Is it the "celestial machine" in Lin Luoran's mouth? It is not in the scope of the beasts' care, and they don't know.

When Lin Luoran and Mu Tiannan Yufeng flew far away, the little demon who was questioned was so confused. It actually said the truth to the Terran monks. Lin Luoran’s true **** in the waters of one side, with natural affinity for the aquatic people. However, the water system is not known to the little monsters.

Star-studded night islands will appear. There are many examples of astrological divinations in Chinese legends. Lin Luoran has witnessed the unique image of the opening of Bermuda’s secrets, and the ancient Babylonian priest alone relies on Starpower. Can make a false virgin woman, she can not dare to be arrogant because of her own strength, the small 瞧 瞧 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Compared with the various kinds of difficult monsters encountered in the middle of the road in January, the water-based monsters in the West Sea are really gentle. When Lin Luoran has no chance to determine the location of the island, there is still something in his heart. I am sure.

"It’s a natural life, things are too smooth, but they don’t adapt.” Lin Luoran whispered, and the smirk of Mu’s mouth was obvious.

The star map has fallen into her hands for so many years. Lin Luoran still has a small experience. She can deceive the mystery of the water monster, but she can't fool her.

"Can we always stop in the air and wait for a good night?"

Lin Luoran took a look at Mu Tiannan. He took out a piece of paper and quickly folded a small paper crane. After collecting the breath, he released it.

Seeing the small paper crane tremble flies to the half and suddenly disappeared, Lin Luoran some regret: "If it is not too big for the next spiritual world, it is not impossible to find someone with a paper crane."

Mu Tiannan didn't pick up the mouth. The second spiritual world was not the earth that only a few of them could control. The paper cranes searched for people. As long as the other person and the origami crane were repaired, it was too easy to be stopped halfway.

Lin Luoran used the paper crane to act as a "bead". In two quarters of an hour, he got a response: first, the wave of the sea in front was undulating and the sea was foggy again. After the wind and the whistling sound, the water mist dispersed, and a beautiful island appeared. in front of.

A few beautiful women dressed in Chinese costumes appeared in the air in the air, and they laughed and laughed:

"Master brothers yesterday said that there are customers waiting for the door, they blame our sisters for a few people to act and drag the two seniors for a long time."

Meilan Zhuju, a few women have their own style, more importantly, they are all Yuanying monks. Zhangkou is called "predecessor" to Lin and Mu, and there is no place to ruin the place. Yesterday, I said that there are customers coming to the door. They still lock the island to avoid the house, and Lin Luoran can only hear the inconsistency.

Tianji Zong is in the Seto Star base that has already gone downhill. Actually, there are also a few Yuan Ying women who have been arbitrarily sent to fill the "welcome". Lin Luoran’s thoughts flow, and the mouth only "takes the trouble", the action does not show up. Italian, and Mu Tiannan look at the island.

Under the magical effect of the array, the four seasons of the island are like the spring breeze. The cobblestone road has been squatting deep into the island, and the grass is infiltrated. If a Taoist temple is in the depths of the jungle, Lin Luoran has a strange familiarity.

Not a long way, a few female repairs have not stopped, Zhangkou mouth is a master how to fight, noisy Mu Tiannan really want to grab one, throw all three into the sea.

Lin Luoran sees that they are not like falsification. They are curious about the "masters" in several populations, and they are more curious about raising a group of innocent and unrecognizable women.

Finally, the cobblestone path came to an end. The rest is the bluestone steps that climbed up. Several women repaired their mouths and smiled: "We will send two seniors to this point, and the master will wait in the view."

After talking about pushing and pushing, a gust of wind ran away, leaving Lin Luoran and Mu Tiannan face each other.

The two are not timid generations, seeing each other to play mysterious, they also follow the stone steps slowly climb.

The terrain is not high, and the stone steps hovering over the hills are more like an embellishment that allows people to better appreciate the beauty. Walking in the woods, you can relax.

Not long after the trip to the highest point, a large neck pine tree covered the majority of the Zhu paint gate, a large open space in front of the tree, a stone bench stone table under the shade, a small road boy in the sweeping leaves, saw the stranger came, with Some embarrassed, one-handed etiquette on the chest.

Lin Luoran followed the little boy to go inside, the footsteps went slower and slower, Mu Tiannan saw her look and whispered, "What's wrong," her face looks like a smile: "Here is the green-"

"Don't come to Lin Shijie?"

In front of the vertical arch, a Tsing Yi Taoist made a sound inquiry. At that moment, Lin Luoran only felt a blast and something exploded in his mind.

The same, exactly the same, whether it is Taoist or people - here is the Qingcheng view!

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