MTL - Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality-Chapter 539 Xiao Mu these years (2)

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To understand the relationship between this matter and Mu Tiannan, it is inevitable to talk about what happened in Mu Tiannan these years.

It was the eighth year of the old calendar, which disappeared after Lin Luoran went from the Jiaodong Peninsula to Penglai Xianyu. Mu Tiannan was angry and left the country, and the idea slowly turned around. He was not so much a “negative runaway”, probably more in the face of a feeling of timidity that was doomed to no result.

Although he was very indifferent to Liu Zheng’s previous engagement with Qin Baojia and provoked Lin Luoran, he could not deny that Liu Zheng was even worse than his singer who was short in life. If he could be with Lin Luoran, After she did not let her try for a few decades, the long life of the monk was used to be sentimental.

To his surprise, Lin Luoran did not come with Liu Zheng after he left the country.

At that time, he and Mu Jia had broken contact. The only thing that was in the news was Xuanyuan Chen.

Mu Lao is certainly half-dead by this filial piety, Mu also has a small six, Mu old knows that the Ming Mu family specializes in infatuation seeds, Mu Muqing is holding the Mu family in the future, Mu old will not pay attention to Mu Tiannan is a non-filial grandson who escaped from home.

No one is in charge, and Mu Tiannan’s life has been very degraded. The bar was drunk, and the casino gambled. For a while he even tried drugs. A variety of new drugs did not anesthetize his spirit, but almost destroyed his body.

In the 2025 year of the old calendar, the three brothers who had been in the middle of the flowers, the leaves and the leaves were not the age of knowing the fate. The body destroyed by drugs showed the old age. Although the face did not change much, the eyes were gray.

This year, Lin Luoran still has no news, I do not know where she reported that she lost in Penglai Xianyu, there is a small scope of judgment in the Chinese comprehension: Lin Shishu may have fallen to the overseas fairyland!

Foreign practitioners are eager to move, and they are clap their hands for the fall of the Chinese practitioners.

When he met Roddick in an underground bar, the blood group was discussing with Lin Luoran. It seems that because Lin Luoran killed his sister, Roddick hated Lin Luoran, and heard the rumors of her fall, and regretted it.

Mu Tiannan couldn't help but get closer. Some news Xuanyuan Chen also talked with him vaguely, but Roddick said that he was less scrupulous. Mu Tiannan thought that he was secret, but he did not know that the **** keen senses had already noticed him.

When he got out of the underground bar, Roddick followed. Although the latter is fascinating, although Huaxia was in a campaign, he and Crystal did not listen to family advice, illegal ancestors ban, privately started to the Chinese monk, and brought irreparable losses to the family, and Roddick, who managed to escape, was already unacceptable to the family. It is forbidden to set foot on the land of Europe.

Those who can accept him are only small and poor countries, or a certain strong country with mixed resources.

In the dark alley, Roddick couldn't absorb the blood of Mu Tiannan, but Mu Tiannan took the line with the old bats hiding in the ring.

There is no road base, and it is impossible to practice the air. The old bat is very optimistic about his waste.

The old bat asked him to collect twelve jade cards for it, and it passed on his method of refining the demon.

Mu Tiannan does not think that an old monster will be taken advantage of by him. It is true that collecting twelve jade cards, it must not have a picture. But what is the relationship? This is the last life-saving straw. In any case, Mu Tiannan can only choose to hold it tight.

The old bat allowed Roddick to contribute a drop of blood. The heart is one of the most important organs of the blood family. As long as the heart is still there, the high blood group can successfully survive. The blood of the blood family is more precious than the blood of the monk.

Roddick was naturally unwilling, and he didn't know what the old bat had been with him. The blood clan youth finally agreed with a sneer.

Many years later, when Mu Tiannan was bothered by the dual control of Roddick and the old bat, he understood what the **** smile at that time represented.

In the same way, many years later, Mu Tiannan’s success in cultivating the speed of a thousand miles, combining the merits of the blood family to abandon the flaws, made Roddick somewhat faintly understand why there are laws in the blood family that prohibit the development of descendants of the Chinese people. The kindness, but the talent hidden in the blood of the Chinese people, can easily lead them to develop the Chinese descendants, which in turn is controlled by the descendants.

In this way, although Mu Tiannan, the old bat, and Roddick each have different minds, they get along with each other in a wonderful balance.

Mu Tiannan absorbed the blood of the blood family, and did not become a complete blood family. In essence, he is half-human and half-devil, but the chill in the blood makes people have the urge to bloodthirsty.

Of course, he is not willing to rely on human blood for a living. Old bats and other people have sharpened his anger, and taught him to absorb the moonlight to resist the chills in the blood of the body.

The Yaozu also likes the aura of the earth, but before the transformation, they are more like the various kinds of spirits in the aura-rich environment. These things can improve the body and can cure the hidden dangers caused by the body.

Their cultivation before the transformation is to absorb the moon.

After the transformation, Yuehua is very important, and the aura is also indispensable.

The special situation of Mu Tiannan is that he is a personal demon, and there is no problem of metamorphosis. This road has no ancestors to try.

Suddenly along the way, Mu Tiannan's strength soared. In the early stage of the invasion of the Alpha Alliance, he practiced and used various soft and hard means to play the Chinese 36th. He had collected seven jade cards.

The remaining five jade cards, three of which are very clear, one in the hands of the Chinese writers, and one in the hands of the island country Asada, and one, in the hands of Roddick's former family.

The old bat urged him to make a bang, but Mu Tiannan was unmoved. What is the benefit of collecting jade cards as soon as possible? He really didn't see it, but it was to let the old bats get rid of the killings.

Of course, his excuse is that the recent movement is too big. He has collected the jade card in any version of the practice in the world. The remaining five jade owners have stepped up their defenses. In his current hands, I am not sure that all of them are obtained before, or the old saying of Huaxia, don't be easy to beat the snake.

For his delay in the old bat, I know that the next time I opened the secret of Bermuda, there are still decades. The old bat doesn’t want to be too stiff with Mu Tiannan. It has many ways to strengthen the gods. Roddick, a foreigner, has to rely on Mu Tiannan who asks for it.

I know that the Alpha Alliance invaded the Earth, the peace was broken, and the Earth was in full swing. When the Moon Star negotiated, Mu Jiaxiao, who represented Huaxia, was killed... Mu Tiannan could not imagine the feelings of Mu Lao at this time.

He was quietly returning to the country and went to the Xiangshan Villa, but he did not see Mu Lao.

The old man rushed to the realm of comprehension, and wanted to unite the monks and other foreign enemies. If possible, the monks of various countries temporarily abandoned the former suspicion and cooperated better.

Lin Family, one of the six monks, all on the front line, the youngest Cui Wanlu has already become a young girl, even she did not choose to avoid the war.

The war continued, and Mu Tiannan knew that even the old bats began to smash. Although it does not like the Chinese monk, it does not look at the ordinary Terran, but the planet under its feet is ruined, and it is afraid to be involved in the lost land.

Mu Tiannan also used the pseudonym to vote for the army. He did not take his life to look at it. Although he made a lot of military achievements, he did not lose the face of the old Mu family, but the general situation, the defense of the earth paper, how to resist the alien civilization attack?

Whether in China or in other countries, the level of monks is far worse than the glory days of the past. The front line is too long. Even the monks cannot protect every compatriot.

The Alpha Alliance has made it hard to win the earth. The firepower is even worse every day. The sacrifice of ordinary people spreads to the range of monks. The south of the country is trembled, and it is afraid of the accidents of family members and the safety of the Lin family.

He has not been able to catch up. Since the human body has been practicing the demon, in addition to the pursuit of Shouyuan, he is so eager for the growth of power for the first time.

The old bat tempted him, and the blood of the foreigners waited for him to harvest. The hatred of destroying the country and destroying the country naturally needs to be repaid with blood. Mu Tiannan remembered what kind of mood he had at that time and sucked up the blood of a soldier of the Alpha Allied Forces.

The boiling blood flows and tumbling in the body, which is faster and more purely accumulated than Yuehua. In the blood of the human body, the kind of fragrance, and the taste of different vitality, make Mu Tiannan addicted.

The blood disintegrated the will of Mu Tiannan with a more rapid attitude than drugs.

He was enchanted by the speed of practice, and he was also immersed in **** cultivation. He fights on the battlefield and wins the respect of his comrades, but in private, Mu Tiannan often runs out of his will to control himself. When his buddies are tired and sleep, they quietly **** their blood - such as Roddick It is said that the blood of the Huaxia people is the most attractive blood in this world.

Oh, when it comes to Roddick, this unfortunate blood group is unfortunately hit by a quantum cannon. Only consciousness is saved by the bat ring. In the years that followed, it can only hide into the bat ring and accompany an old bat.

The old bat let Mu Tiannan wear a bat ring, which will bring him unprecedented power.

The Alpha coalition's front line stepped down to the center of China, and countless civilians lost their lives. The monks also suffered heavy casualties. Mu Tiannan had no choice. He eventually put on a bat ring. From then on, in the deal with the old bat, there was a beginning of equality. Status has become subject to people.

However, he can borrow the power of several generations of blood in the bat ring. The Chinese monk is on the way to the Tongtian Tower. He is one of the forces that secretly contributes. Another force is the mysterious turtle, but he did not know it that year.

In the Huaxia practice circle, five monarchic monks set up the five elements, and they also turned to the power of the monks of the country to open the last line of defense of the Tongtian Tower to protect the earth: the sanctuary of God.

The sanctuary of God was launched, and the Alpha coalition was defeated. All the people present must enter the Tongtian Tower within three days and transmit to the unknown. This is the aftereffect of "the sanctuary of the gods". Perhaps the mysterious power can lay down this defense. It is expected that when the "protection of the gods" is launched, the earth must go to a dead end, and then it is required to participate in the sanctuary of God to open all the earth monks, and must transmit go away.

Mu Tiannan saw many strangers and many acquaintances in the transmission crowd. The monks can take away the immediate family members, and the Lin family is a six-member monk. Naturally, there is no restriction.

Mu Mu originally had many objects in the transfer quota, but Mu Tiannan did not see it. I wanted to come to them because of the war, and I could never leave.

He saw an old man who was a few years old, but he could not see Guo’s grandfather who had been riding his horse on his neck since childhood.

Mu Tiannan did not dare to think about what this represents. He wanted to leave, but he was discovered by Mu Lao.

Mu Lao felt the **** smell on his body and understood that this grandson lived on the present. However, the youngest people most loved by the elderly, one is Mu Tianqing, the other is Mu Tiannan. If the state of Mu Tiannan was discovered before the war, Mu Lao might also personally clean up the portal. However, the war has already caused the old man to lose too much. It is not easy to work hard. He finally opened his face to him.

Only one point, when Mu’s family asked Mu Tiannan to leave together, Mu Tiannan refused, and Mu Lao did not agree.

Mu Tiannan stunned something that he could say. He planned to stay on the earth early. Mu is not worried about the action of the Alpha Alliance after being defeated. He believes that Mu Tiannan may have changed his mind. But I will never do something that is sorry for the righteousness. After all, it is the younger generation that he has carefully cultivated!

Mu Lao agreed that Mu Tiannan stayed on the earth, and he personally wanted to come to the jade card kept by the writer.

So far, Mu Tiannan has collected eight jade cards, and the remaining four jade cards are scattered in the flames of war.

I heard that Mu Tiannan had personally watched the earth monk leave, and Lin Luoran held his breath and asked: "Before the Tongtian Tower, Lin family..."

Mu Tiannan nodded: "Don't worry, Lin family is at the time. Although your mother is 100 years old, but his face is ruddy, he was still healthy. They have always believed that you are still alive in the world, waiting for you to go. Look for them."

Lin Luoran heard, sorrows and joys add up, I don’t know what to say.

Mu Tiannan went on to say that although Mu Lao did not personally slapped him at the time, he forced him to swear a poisonous oath before he left. He could not use all evil means on the compatriots of the earth. He must not forget that he is a descendant of Mu, and he cannot Standing on the forces that are contrary to the interests of the earth.

Mu Tiannan swears with tears.

When the monks left, the Alpha League was also scared by this big move. Although the league has many members and good strength, it takes such a heavy price to win an indigenous planet, only for some people who don’t know whether they can use it. "The secret of longevity," the top is very dissatisfied with such results.

Eventually the Earth Federation was established, and the war was ended with the Earth being included in the Alpha Alliance as a first-class member.

The road to earth reconstruction is very difficult. Not only lack of people lacks resources and lack of materials, but also the trade blockade of the Alpha Alliance. There are mutated beasts that have sprung up after the war.

Mu Tiannan also had a long time ago.

He wants to change all of this, but he doesn't know where to start.

Between the Alpha stars, one day he ate a base of the Alpha Union who enslaved the Earth, accidentally backtracking a drop of his blood, and Mu Tiannan found that the situation changed.

The nobleman became his slave.

It is impossible to inherit his power at all, but he can't resist the characteristics of his master with blood. Mu Tiannan felt that there was a flash of light, which opened his mind.

He relied on this ability to make breakthroughs. For hundreds of years, he was interwoven into a large network called "Blood Club", which infiltrated into various fields of the Alpha League. He carefully operated, and he has been unknowingly in the past 100 years. Other alliance expansion.

There is only one person in the center of this net, which is Mu Tiannan.

The people who weaving the net have aristocrats, elite members, interstellar businessmen, and hooligans. Mu Tiannan's management is cautious, the Alpha Alliance is not unaware, but it never catches the source.

It is well known that the monks of the earth disappear together. They also think that there will be a half-devil automatically stagnate.

He was aware of his actions by the Alliance, Mu Tiannan changed his strategy, and changed from developing “Members” to Guangming Zhengda’s funding.

He does not trust the Alliance, and the recipients are mostly limited to the Earth Alliance. It is not necessarily political, and the object of his funding, whether it is to study in the future, or as a businessman, Mu Tiannan will support.

Until Lin Luoran returned to Earth.

The remaining four jade cards scattered in the war were also found in turn, and the farthest one, already out of the Alpha League, became a private collection of a senior member of the Stars.

Mu Tiannan felt that it was almost the time to let the earth out of the crush of the Alpha League. Of course, he could live to see the dawn of victory, provided that he was free from the ban of old bats and blood. In these years, he did not do anything for them to violate their own principles. The more they understand the Yaozu, the more they guessed, the more the old bats are not just the twelve jade cards. It teaches him how to cultivate the demon, I am afraid It is to see him as a stove.

I just didn't expect Lin Luoran to be involved in the secret world. He was too late to cut off the "disgraceful past." His whole person was completely exposed to the broad daylight, and there was nowhere to be seen.

In addition to the hidden obsession in his heart, Mu Tiannan will make all the things that have happened clearly. Although calm, he has actually removed the biggest burden. As he said, he was contaminated with black that could not be washed away. If Lin Luo couldn’t accept it, wouldn’t they even be able to do it with friends?

Mu Tiannan’s remarks are not suitable for everyone. Others have already left their eyes with great enthusiasm. Two teas have been brewed in the yard. The tea is already cold. The gourd fruit on the top of the head has already been picked. Several cucumber vines in the corner of the yard. During the high-yield period, the fragrance of tea and fruits is floating in the small courtyard of Majia.

Lin Luoran did not have the expectation of Mu Tiannan. She listened quietly and continued to drink tea for Mu Tiannan. He asked: "You promised to be old, can you violate it?"

Mu Tiannan shook his head again and again. The **** episode was so powerful that he did not dare to forget the words of Mu Lao, and did not deal with the compatriots of the earth. He dared to swear.

Lin Luoran shrugged his shoulders: "That won't be closed, you can't hide it. Everything you do is much better than me. What qualifications do I have to look down on you?"

What is the relationship between the so-called righteousness in the realm of comprehension? What Mu Tiannan did to the Alliance is nothing but the return of the Alliance’s killings caused by the invasion of the Earth. If they are innocent, what about the earth people who have fallen from the sky?

How did the blue planet of the original six billion people have geometry?

Lin Luoran turned to think of the subsidy that Mu Tiannan said. He asked: "Is there someone I know who you are sponsoring? Just relying on a blood club, you will be involved in the war by the Alpha Alliance. Is it so sure to let the earth take the opportunity to be independent?"

Mu Tiannan nodded: "The ancestors of the ancestors summed up the vertical and horizontal links. I don't need to exert too much power. I just need to be the pivot point of the lever. You certainly know someone, Pang Xianzhong counts one, and the Han family also has a club. The impact is only the generation of Han Kuisheng, the club has let the Han family develop freely.

In addition, there is another institution that you should be interested in. ”

The heart fell to the real place, Mu Tiannan finally had a heart of fun, and Lin Luoran sold off.

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