MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 275 Transformation and declaration of war

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【Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again】【】

Habara's thoughts and ideas completely follow what he saw from the original work. Although the battle between Indra and Asura is very terrifying, in the eyes of the Sages of the Six Paths, this kind of intensity is probably nothing more than children's play. The strength of this pioneer of the ninja world is unimaginable, but he did not stop it but let it go, allowing it to continue for thousands of years. There is definitely his own idea and purpose in it, and there is definitely something in it that others can't imagine. Based on the original work, I am afraid that the Sage of the Six Paths knew about the so-called Otsutsuki clan, and guessed that he could even 'see' the future invasion of the Otsutsuki clan! Otsutsuki will definitely not be one or two, in fact, it is the same in the original work, Habara remembers watching the non-combustible before crossing. The big tubes inside are of all kinds, and their strength is absolutely terrifying. Although they overturn their cars every day, considering the aura of the protagonist, it is not impossible to consider whether it is their lack of actual combat experience. After all, they are as strong as they are, and fighting is basically a matter of thought. Suddenly meeting a group of people who are inferior to them but can resist and play tactics with them. It seems that it is not difficult for them to overturn. And they were able to overturn the car, in fact, it was the result of this Sage of the Six Paths letting Indra and Asura fight against each other in the ninja world for thousands of years! For thousands of years, the ninja world can be described as devastated. War has almost become the main theme of the ninja world, whether it is an individual or a family, or the development of today's village-based battle sequence. This time, after the terrible battles, the ground has long been covered in blood, and it is unknown how many people lost their lives in such battles. But what I have to say is that it was such an extremely cruel battle that allowed the beings in the ninja world to completely master Chakra in just a thousand years. Not only mastering, but also developing a series of usage methods, a series of expansion methods, and pushing the use and improvement of Chakra to a new peak! To put it bluntly, if there is no **** war for thousands of years as a basis, it is a question of whether humans can quickly tame such a terrible thing as Chakra. Whether human beings can obtain such a powerful force, and even be able to resist the invasion of Otsutsuki in the future, is also a huge question. Of course, heroes are still needed here, and these heroes are the descendants of the Sages of the Six Paths. But at least other people can really do something, and other people can really help these heroes. As for whether this help is helping when facing the enemy, or 'helping' these 'heroes' on their growth path, it is not known. But no matter what kind, their existence is very meaningful and necessary! "Do you know what you're talking about?" After hearing what Habara said, Uchiha Madara's face became even more unbelievable and unnatural. He really wanted to look at Habara like a fool. But he found that it seemed impossible for him to do this, even if he was extremely resistant to such an answer, the problem was that he couldn't find a reason to refute it! The most important point is that the Sage of the Six Paths is so powerful, why didn't he stop him, instead leaving such a message? Moreover, the development of the ninja world and even the ninjas has been brought about by thousands of years. They are indeed people who have already stood at the top of the ninja world. Without the thousands of years of accumulation and **** battles, it would have been impossible for them to develop to where they are today! "Of course I know what I'm talking about, and I know even more what I'm thinking." Habara said flatly. Although the two of them were still fighting, their movements had slowed down. The terrifying chakra is still vibrating towards the surroundings, but this kind of vibration is nothing more than a play for the two of them. It is impossible for them to be harmed, and it is even more impossible for them to be interrupted by such an offensive. Their communication is also extremely secretive. "Think about whether what I said is true, and don't forget what I said before, I learned about it through the records of the Hyuga clan. Then, this shows that the moon is probably not what we imagined. If you want to understand this It’s not that we have no chance.” “You mean, go to the moon?” Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows, and then said something that made Uchiha Habara feel a little heartbroken. Going to the moon or something, if you can go with a girl with white hair who looks a little crazy but has a lonely heart, that would be a wonderful thing. But that's all fantasy, there's no need for Habara to make things difficult for him, he nodded slightly to Uchiha Madara, and then whispered. "Yes, Moon, although I don't know how the Hyuga clan came to the ninja world, but I think there must be a certain back door. Not to mention anything else, you know that I have space ninjutsu, Uchiha Obito Also, even Thousand Hands has space ninjutsu. And I know that Yunyin Village also has the ability to throw ninjas thousands of miles away, which is also a kind of space ninjutsu. Tell me, if my guess is right, then Is it possible that the Hyuga clan came to the ninja world through teleportation?" Habara's words made Uchiha Madara silent again, although space ninjutsu is a kind of helplessness for 99% of the entire ninja world. something touched. But for Uchiha Madara, it is not so mysterious. Even if he has not learned space ninjutsu, he has also experienced it, experienced it, and even fought against it! If what Uchiha Habara said is true, then the moon is indeed not an unreachable place! It's just that Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Habara quietly, he is not a person who can easily trust others. Habara took the initiative to propose the concept of the moon, so there may be other meanings in it, or Habara wants to enter the moon! "What's in the moon, except for Hinata?" Uchiha Madara pondered for a moment, then he looked at Habara indifferently and asked. "You must have your own purpose, I am a little curious now." "Of course there is a purpose, that is, I want to witness my guess, and I have a hunch that the place where my reincarnation eyes will open is on the moon!" Habara said softly, Of course, what is said here is not entirely correct, and he himself does not know when his samsara eye will open. But for the huge Tenseiyan on the moon, Habara still had some thoughts in his heart. If he doesn't know, that's fine, but he knows all of this and clearly understands all of this, so how can he resist the power of Tenseiken's Star Destroyer. "Also, don't you want to make sure that everything I said is true. Would you really like to be lied to yourself, to do all this like an idiot, only to turn around and find that you are just someone else's pawn. And you Is everything you have done completely helping some people with a heart to achieve their inner goals? Do you really hope that the so-called peace is actually the destruction of the entire ninja world? I think whether it is Senju Zhuma or your brother Uchiha Izumi Nai, you don’t even agree with your idea, do you?”… “It seems to have stopped over there?” Within Konoha, the entire enchantment class lay on the ground like dead dogs, and among them Many people can still move, but more people have passed out. The medical ninjas are quickly treating them by their side. Although their condition is not serious, they are basically suffering from serious loss of strength. But if you really want to leave it alone, there may be more serious consequences, and they are in this situation entirely to protect Konoha. The energy spread caused by the battle between Habara and Uchiha Madara is so wide that it is really unimaginable. Even though they were already very far away from Konoha, without the ninjas from the enchantment class trying their best to rebuild the enchantment, Konoha's situation would definitely not be so optimistic now. Not only the ninjas in the enchantment class were desperately fighting, but those ninjas who knew how to escape also ran to the front and used earth escape to buffer them. Even the three generations of Tukage Onoki are the same, they built a series of towering earthen walls in front of the Konoha Barrier. But the result was that these earthen walls were destroyed almost instantly, but these earthen walls also weakened the power of the aftermath, allowing the barrier to successfully block the impact in the end. It's just that this kind of impact is also the result of these ninjas' hard work. Fortunately, everything has stopped now, and they can finally breathe a sigh of relief. "Is it finally over?" Jilai also sat on the ground a little tiredly. The enchantment technique is actually a kind of sealing technique, and Jilai is also relatively good at these powers. In addition, he is Hokage, so he will naturally participate in it to cooperate. His consumption is actually the biggest, but because his own strength is strong enough, he didn't have the unlucky situation of these enchantment class people. But he is also very tired now, and he is a little scared now. This is just the aftermath. If such a force really appears in the village, will the whole village be wiped out? And now he also has some self-doubt, when has the power of human beings reached this point. With such power, is there really any point in large-scale ninja wars? With such power, the number of people is probably nothing more than a number. Those who have mastered such power can easily eliminate all enemies! Three years ago, Habara showed that he could do it all. It's just that at that time he still looked a little difficult, after all, he didn't seem to have reached his peak at that time. But now, his performance completely tells the world that not only can he do it, but he can do it with ease, and his strength has already stood at an unimaginable peak. "Hokage, congratulations." Onoki looked at everything in the distance, saw that the originally lush forest had completely turned into scorched earth at this moment, and looked at the cracks on the ground. He shook his head involuntarily and said with a sigh in his heart, but there was a very special emotion in his tone. He seemed to be struggling and thinking, and he seemed to be making a choice at the same time. He was completely frightened by everything in front of him. And Kirabi beside him was watching all this silently at this time, Kirabi was already considered a strong enough person, especially he was a perfect Renzhuriki. He can communicate with Eight Weiss, play with Eight Weiss in the consciousness space, and he can also get a lot of information from Eight Weiss. "Xiaoba, is this guy really a human?" "Yes, but he can't be completely human. He may have evolved towards the direction of the old man, and I even felt a faint feeling belonging to the old man in his body." Power." Eight tails' words made Kirabi's heart feel even heavier, this answer was not what he wanted to hear, and probably not what the entire ninja world wanted to hear. A person's strength is nothing, isn't every shadow in the ninja world a powerful existence that makes people fear. But when a person's strength exceeds the limit and completely surpasses everyone, then this will only bring endless fear. Because you know that no matter what you do, you can't resist the pressure and fear brought by this person, even if you unite with other people, it may not help. Well, no one really can bear such pressure and oppression, and no one is willing to face it. "Thank you for your help, Tukage and Raikage." Jiraiya stood up, maintaining the posture that a shadow should have, and nodded to Onoki and Kirabi with a smile. "Without you, Konoha might not be able to withstand such a contagion. Sand Hidden Village is really too much this time!" "It's really too much, Hokage, if you have any ideas, I think I will support you." Ohnoki raised his head seriously He looked at Jiraiya carefully, and then he asked some tentatively. "I just don't know, what is Hokage-sama going to do?" "We haven't figured out how to do it yet, but I don't think we will make it easy for those who invade us like this, even if they are our allies on the surface." Zilai also turned around Glancing at Onoki, he spoke in a slightly formulaic manner. "Sha Yin Village doesn't treat us as allies in essence, and even colludes with the Akatsuki organization to invade our Konoha. In this case, we will definitely retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!" Jiraiya's voice was not loud, but it was exceptional His firmness also stopped the great battle, and his voice could be heard clearly in the surroundings that seemed extremely quiet. When the ninjas around Konoha heard these words, they immediately felt their blood surging, and hatred and anger were also intertwined in their hearts. Almost without any fanning, they repeated Jiraiya's words in an extremely high voice at this moment, and the resonant voice swept over Konoha like overwhelming. "We will give a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!" "We will give a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!" "..." In the loud voice, Onogi knew Konoha's answer, and Kira Bi also understands that Hidden Sand Village and Land of Wind are going to be finished this time. But at this moment, a figure in the sky quickly flew over, and then slowly landed in front of them... "This time, let's talk about the number of Konoha's casualties first." Let's go." In the meeting room of the Hokage Building, Jilai also spoke first, while Yuanyuan sat down and listened calmly. It's just that Habara found himself sitting in this place, and other people would involuntarily look towards him. This meeting is not an ordinary meeting, but a meeting attended by all the jonin who stayed in Konoha, one can imagine how many people there are in the whole venue. But with so many people looking at him, this situation really made Habara feel so embarrassed. Of course Habara knew what was going on, and it probably had something to do with the battle he had with Uchiha Madara just now. After all, when Habara came back, he also saw how much damage the collision between himself and Uchiha Madara had caused! At that time, he was really worried about what Konoha would look like if such large-scale and large-scale damage was caused. But when he saw that Konoha was safe and sound, he was completely relieved. If Konoha was destroyed because of such a battle, then he would have a big head. It’s just that Habara is also a little curious, why did the battle between Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhuru also take place in the Valley of the End, and why was there nothing wrong with Konoha at that time? After thinking about it, Habara thought of a possibility. That's the so-called Valley of the End now, and it's very likely that they were blown out by the two of them! After all, in the original book, the two hit the beach, but the two of them didn't run towards the beach, which made Konoha almost suffer this time. "I still neglected the details, or underestimated the destructive power of myself and Uchiha Madara." Konoha has no problem, so naturally everything is fine, and Habara can rest assured to cooperate with Konoha in the follow-up A series of actions. As for his communication with Uchiha Madara, to be precise, the effect is still very good. After all, Habara himself is a Uchiha, and he is quite familiar with the character performance of the kid Zuosuke and Uchiha Madara in the original book. This group of people is basically you want to stand in the same position as him, show the same strength as him or even surpass them, or do things that they can't do. Then they will communicate with you honestly and calmly, and will listen to everything you say seriously. Habara has not only reached the peak of Uchiha Madara's strength when he did not open the eyes of reincarnation, but even surpassed it by a lot. After all, Uchiha Madara at that time did not have the cells of Senjujuma, nor the power of Xianju, nor the yin and yang escape against Xianju. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been taken care of by the Immortal Law, Dingshanghua Buddha, but at this stage, Habara knows all these things, which is a huge transcendence. And Uchiha Madara can also be sure that in time Habara can definitely open the eyes of reincarnation, and Habara has done what he has not done. With the superposition of these buffs, Uchiha Madara will naturally listen to Habara's words, and their subsequent communication has become easier. After confirming a series of things, they naturally stopped fighting and returned to their respective places. After all, the battle has reached this point, and their performance is obviously that no one can do anything to anyone, and there is obviously no point in continuing to fight. Therefore, it is the most sensible choice to stop decisively—at least for Habara, there is really no need for him to continue fighting. As for how Uchiha Madara is going to explain how to say it, this is not related to Habara. He himself has returned to Konoha and has begun to deal with follow-up work. "Let me tell you, everyone, are you looking at me like this, do you not respect Hokage-sama?" Seeing the gazes of these people, Habara shook his head helplessly, then he tapped on the table lightly and said. "And if you look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed. Also, I'm a Konoha ninja, everyone." Habara's words made everyone present laugh, because they also felt that their Not doing too well. Habara's strength has always been recognized by Konoha. Although he has kept a low profile for the past three years, many people present have experienced the war three years ago. Habara was already strong to this point three years ago, so it doesn't seem incomprehensible that he will become even stronger three years later. And Hokage is here, and it doesn't seem appropriate for them to do so no matter how you look at it. Even though everyone knows that Konoha's actual controllers are actually the seven families headed by Habara, Hokage seems to be cooperating with them. Of course, Hokage also has a high right to speak, but as long as the seven major families are in sync, it is not unusual for Hokage to listen to them. So far, the Seven Great Families have no intention of dispersing, and they cooperate very well with Master Hokage. The harmony in the village now is the result of no fight between them and Hokage. This situation is really much better than when the three Hokages were at the beginning. "Let me talk about the casualties, everyone." Nara Shikahisa immediately stood up, he smiled and nodded to Jiraiya and others, and then said very seriously. "Also, everyone should be prepared today, because we have a lot of things to discuss today." "Yes, there are indeed many things that we need to solve." Thinking of Habara's terrifying power, he felt that all this was no big deal. If he had met such a powerful person, he would definitely not be able to help but look at him a few more times, and even wait for this person's order. So he wasn't angry, he was just a little depressed. This depressed atmosphere quickly disappeared, and they still had a lot of things to do today. He raised his head and looked at everyone very seriously, but he spoke seriously and seriously. "In addition to the things in the village, we also need to solve the things outside the village, especially the problem of Shayin Village. We must fight back. At the same time, we must also formulate my war plan and how to properly deal with it after the war. Everything that follows." At this point, Jilai also paused slightly, and then he continued to speak. "After all, we have experience in dealing with the Country of Grass and the Country of Tang. Then why don't we bring a series of places such as the Country of Wind and the Country of Rivers into a state of peace?"... .. In the ruins of the Konoha Fire Country, Madara Uchiha sat on the spot thinking about something seriously. The surrounding flames and strong wind didn't bother him at all, he just sat there quietly without any movement. "Huh?" But at this moment, he suddenly frowned slightly, and then his eyes slightly turned to look in another direction. I saw Orochimaru and Heijue emerging from the ground at the same time, and the appearance of these two people also made him shake his head slightly, and stopped thinking about those things. It's just that he himself is very clear that he has already made some decisions in his heart. When you recognize a person, and he asks you something about yourself that is confusing in your heart, then you will naturally want to verify it. Uchiha Madara is like this at this time, and Uchiha Habara has already obtained his approval. This young junior told him completely with his strength and experience that this junior can do what he failed to do! Therefore, Uchiha Madara attaches great importance to this young man's thoughts, and he really intends to find the so-called road to the moon. He asked to prove something, and at the same time he also wanted to see what Uchiha Habara wanted. "Are you here? It's really slow enough." Uchiha Madara said indifferently, his eyes stayed on Heijue for a while, and then looked at Orochimaru as if nothing had happened. Uchiha Habara reminded him that the communication between them must not be known by anyone, even the person he trusts the most at present. What Habara said made Uchiha Madara very inexplicable, and Habara told him calmly that the black guy had a big problem. Although Habara did not specify where the problem was, Uchiha Madara had to be able to trust a little. It's just that I can't say more about some simple things. This doesn't have much impact on Uchiha Madara. After all, he didn't give this guy strength when he created Hei Ze. If you don't have strength, you won't have too much trouble. It doesn't matter whether you say something or not. After all, he is the real Uchiha Madara! "Such a dangerous battle, we dare not approach." Orochimaru licked his tongue lightly, he still looked so calm, but the frenzy in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what. "The strength of the two is really shocking. I think anyone who gets close to the two will die in an instant, and this time your strength should not be weaker than Uchiha Habara. I just don't understand why your battles are so frustrating. That's it, I believe that you who have been reincarnated from the soil should be able to solve Uchiha Habara, right?" "Fix him?" Uchiha Madara couldn't help laughing when he heard Orochimaru, he slightly raised his head and looked at Orochimaru, with that kind of indifference His smiling face and that disdainful gesture were vividly displayed. "His strength has surpassed the level at which I left Konoha, and now he has almost complete power belonging to Hashirama. Whether it is Yang Dun or Xianju Chakra, he has mastered it very well, and as Uchiha His natural Yin Dun is extremely powerful. A person like you can't understand or imagine what kind of place he is standing in. He is looking down at the whole world, and he can unscrupulously control the whole world. Desire, because there is no Senshou Bashirama in this world to stop him. Fighting him, I can indeed use the dirt reincarnation to consume him continuously, but doing so has no meaning other than smashing the whole world. I kill him, he It can't seal me, and I can't enjoy the joy of fighting, so why should I fight?" Uchiha Madara's words were very calm, but in this calmness, Hei Ze and Dashemaru's hearts were already flooded. There was a stormy sea. It is a fact that Habara is very strong, but they can't understand how strong it is, but now Uchiha Madara's words let them know how big the gap is. "Is it so strong already?" Both Heijue and Orochimaru couldn't help but have this idea in their hearts, but Orochimaru is still calm, because he knows that he still has a way to choose. But Hei Jue's current black heart is really extremely remorseful, he regrets that he did not discover Uchiha Habara earlier, regrets that he did not kill this guy earlier. By the time he reacted, it was too late when he discovered Habara's difficulty and growth, and this kid has grown to a jaw-dropping level. He is very worried now, worried that this guy will become the one who destroys his plan, but he can't do anything, because he really can't do anything. "Okay, let's end this trial." Uchiha Madara didn't care what they were thinking, he stood up and patted the smoke on his body lightly, and then he said slowly. "I advise you not to think about provoking him, at least until I completely return to my heyday. Uchiha Habara is not easy to deal with, but he has not stepped into the state I was in the past, and he has not returned to Samsarayan, which means It means that he has not yet obtained the power of the six realms. But I am different. Once I return to my prime, then I will definitely solve my troubles. So, let’s keep a low profile now, and UU Reading also speed up research. "After saying this, Madara Uchiha left the place without looking back, and now he plans to find the place where he once stored the historical documents of the Uchiha clan. He wants to take a good look at the family's records of the Hyuga clan back then, only in this way can he confirm more things. ...... "How is the front line now?" In Shayin Village, in the Fengying office, everyone was in panic, and they were all anxiously waiting for the news. Hidden Sand Village's surprise attack on Konoha, if they succeed, Hidden Sand Village will definitely get fertile land and more resources for them to develop. But once they fail, they will face Konoha's crazy revenge, which will further squeeze their living environment, and will completely plunge them into the abyss. They are all looking forward to the victory of the battle in their hearts, but they all know that there is no worthless man under the fame. Konoha is really too strong and too exaggerated, facing such a behemoth really makes them feel uneasy. This time, they have bet everything, even if they have sent out one tail, it will be really bad if they lose. "Winter, winter, winter..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office, and they couldn't wait to get someone to open the door. Soon, a person in Anbu's costume walked in with heavy steps. The appearance of Anbu instantly made everyone in the venue extremely dignified. And when Anbu took out the blood-stained letter in his hand and read the contents, the whole office fell silent for an instant. The breath of despair kept echoing in it, and now they kept thinking about the news they heard just now in their minds. "The operation has failed. Except for Jinchuriki, everyone including Kazekage-sama has been killed. And, Konoha has declared war on us..."....

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