MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 268 Plan Konoha Crash Begins

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"Uchiha's kid has come out, it seems that the interesting game is about to start."

In the side stands, Onoki and Kirabi stood on the viewing stand and watched the game quietly, and there were only a few ninjas protecting them beside them.

In fact, for them, it doesn't make any difference to them whether these ninjas protect them or not. After all, these ninjas don't matter to those who can really endanger them.

But as a film, there must be certain configuration and form, even Zilai is no exception to this point.

In fact, the two of them had already arrived in Konoha, even earlier than Luosha in Shayin Village.

It's just that the relationship between their two villages and Konoha is really bad. Even though they are in a peaceful state now, they are not easy to deal with each other.

Therefore, Konoha did not give any welcome ceremony for their arrival, which made both of them somewhat dissatisfied.

But such satisfaction has now largely disappeared.

Because Konoha and Sand Yin are still an alliance at least on the surface, but didn't Konoha still not give them a decent welcome ceremony, even Zirai didn't go.

Then their relationship is obviously not easy to deal with, and it seems normal to welcome them or not.

"Yeah, the Uchiha clan is really a sighing family."

Kirabi nodded slightly, but soon shook his head again.

"There are already countless scary guys in their family. It's Uchiha Habara and Uchiha Shisui. God really loves them."

"You missed someone."

Onogi turned his head slightly to look at Kirabi, and then said flatly.

"And the strongest one of their clan, Uchiha Madara, don't forget him."

Uchiha Madara is really a nightmare existence for Onogi, the strength of that guy is really unimaginable for Onogi.

It's just that Kirabi obviously doesn't have that strong perception of Uchiha Madara. After all, he is not from that era, and he really doesn't know the fear in Onogi's heart.

But Uchiha Habara is scary enough. Perhaps for Kirabi, Uchiha Habara is to some extent equal to Uchiha Madara in Ohnoki's heart.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, did you come here this time as I thought?" Kirabi shook his head, he looked at Onoki calmly and asked in a low voice.

"Oh, do you have any other ideas when you come here this time?"

Onoki raised his eyebrows, and he suddenly laughed.

"I don't have any ideas, I just came to watch the battle, that's all."

"Really, that Orochimaru, that Akatsuki organization has a similar relationship with you."

Kirabi said meaningfully, but now he also looked back at the two people in the field.

"I've read the report. You and Konoha went to war three years ago. They helped you a lot."

"Yeah, this is something that cannot be denied, and I don't intend to deny it."

Onogi nodded lightly, and his gaze also looked at the two teenagers in the martial arts arena.

"But that's a thing of the past, no matter what they think or do this time, the old man doesn't plan to participate.

Whether it is Sha Yin or Konoha, it has nothing to do with the old man, but I am more curious about you, what do you think? "

"Maybe we are the same."

Kirabi smiled and glanced at Onogi, and then his eyes locked on the two people in the field again, but this time his eyes were more on Gaara.

"Tell you something very interesting, old man."

"Speak, I'm listening."

"That little red-haired guy, if I'm not mistaken, is Ichijuriki from Sand Hidden Village."



"The second game, start now!"

After confirming the situation of both sides, Senju Nawaki directly announced the start of the game.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

And at the moment when the match started, Zuo Zhu jumped up high, a huge fireball was ejected immediately, and the surrounding temperature rose at the same time.

Fire escape is Uchiha's specialty, even though Zuo Zhu is very good at lightning escape now, he definitely doesn't have any partiality.

In particular, he knew exactly how strong Habara's Fire Dungeon was. As Habara's disciple, he would never lose his teacher!


Gaara stood below without any expression, but countless yellow sand rushed out of the gourd behind him.

The gravel is viscous and obviously specially treated by Chakra. It instantly turned into a shield in front of him, and the huge fireball was completely blocked by it.

"Sand, is it a variation of magnetic escape?"

Seeing this scene, Zuo Zhu immediately began to think in his heart, and Gaara also moved at this moment.

He lightly raised one hand upwards, and the yellow sand covered with chakra changed again, they condensed together and turned into a giant palm to grab at the left assistant.

And Zuo Zhu's eyes instantly turned into Sharingan, and his figure quickly retreated, but the giant palm kept chasing him under Gaara's control.

Such a direct ninjutsu fight is fine for the ninjas, but the surrounding civilian audience burst into loud cheers.

Didn't they come to watch the Chunin exam this time because of the battle in front of them?

Compared with the performance of Naruto and Neji in the previous battle, they only felt that the speed of these two people was very fast, and the avatar technique was also very cool.

Apart from that, there is no other feeling, because they don't understand these things at all.

And the battle between Gaara and Zuosuke is undoubtedly closer to their cognition of ninjas. This kind of ninjutsu confrontation is what they want to see.

Especially the Panda Eye in Sand Hidden Village, when he makes a move, there will be a wide range of sand and dust, and the control of the sand will cause a huge sense of oppression.

Not to mention other things in such a scene, the momentum alone is enough to shock a large number of people.

"Ninja: Sashigure!"

Seeing Zuosuke dodging non-stop, Gaara snorted coldly, and waved the other arm again.

More gravel suddenly appeared in the gourd behind him, which was condensed into fine particles under the condensing of Chakra, and shot out at the same time, intending to block Zuosuke's escape route.

"It's really troublesome, but all your attacks can't escape my eyes!"

Zuo Zhu frowned, the chakra in his body moved slightly, and then his figure stopped instantly.


The moment his figure stopped, a huge hand of yellow sand suddenly appeared under his feet, and then grabbed Zuo Zhu tightly.

"It's over, you are much weaker than I thought."

Gaara said with cold eyes, and at this moment, the raindrops condensed from the gravel pierced through Zuosuke's body fiercely!

In an instant, Zuo Zhu's whole body was splashed with blood, and then he fell on his back.

"You can declare me victorious."

Gaara waved his hand, and the blood-stained gravel was quickly taken back. He turned his head and looked indifferently at Senju Naoki and asked.

"Boy, you are very good, but are you too confident?"

Senju Nawaki gave Gaara a specious smile, and at the same time he shrugged slightly.

"Magnetic escape is very good, but what ninjas need is not only powerful escape, but also sufficient observation skills, which is obviously unqualified."

Senju Nawaki's expression suddenly made Gaara's face become serious, but at this moment he felt the terrifying Chakra coming from behind!

He turned his head immediately, and saw Zuo Zhu's figure had appeared, he was standing there unscathed, and the place where Zuo Zhu's body was not far away turned into a block of wood!


Gaara murmured, and at this moment Zuosuke's scarlet Sharingan eyes were only cold, because he found that this guy really wanted to kill him.

"Since you have such thoughts, don't blame me!"

A thousand birds chirped suddenly, and a strong thunder condensed in the palm of his hand, Zuo Zhu didn't hold back at this moment.

"Chidori, Zuosuke looks angry."

Naruto couldn't help shaking his head seeing this scene, while Xiang Rin looked at Gaara with cold eyes.

"This guy really deserves to be damned, the game is actually murderous. Although this time it is true that there is no limit to the killer, but this guy took the initiative to do this, no wonder Zuo Zhuo!"

This Chunin exam was full of blood and blood, but the ninjas on Konoha's side have always maintained restraint and have never taken the initiative to kill.

But now that someone else is taking the initiative to kill, they naturally cannot remain indifferent. They are not fledglings, they have long been qualified ninjas with blood on their hands!


At the moment Chidori's condensing was completed, Zuo Zhuo's figure instantly turned into lightning, and he rushed towards Gaara's without hesitation.


Gaara looked at the technique in the left assistant and the state he was showing at this time, and he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

His chakra also surged rapidly, and countless yellow sands emerged from the gourd behind him. These yellow sands formed a series of barriers to stop Zuo Zhuo.

But now Zuo Zhu's speed is unbelievably fast, and with the help of Sharingan, the yellow sand can't form any hindrance to Zuo Zhu at all.


Gaara also knows that his own yellow sand can't block Zuo Zhu at all, but he is not helpless in such a situation.

A large amount of yellow sand once again appeared on the gourd behind him, and this time the yellow sand completely enveloped him.

The yellow sand continued to expand, and finally turned into an absolutely defensive ball to envelop him.


Also at this moment, a violent roar suddenly sounded, and countless sand and gravel splashed all around along with blood!

Chidori's penetrating power is unparalleled, and the so-called absolute defense formed by the magnetic escape cannot defend Chidori's attack at all.

In just an instant, this so-called absolute defense was directly penetrated!

Bright red blood overflowed Zuosuke's arm, and Gaara's shrill screams followed.

Even if it is impossible to see the appearance of it because it is covered with sand, it can be inferred that Gaara is definitely injured at this time!

"I love Luo!"

"I love Luo!"

In the rest area, Kankuro and Temari shouted at the same time, with obvious concern in their eyes.

"Left Assistant!"

At this moment, Naruto's face also changed slightly. He was keenly aware that a terrifying Chakra was awakening within the gravel defense.

This power was very similar to the power in his body, which gave him an ominous premonition.

The next moment, after Gaara's scream, an inhuman growling sound suddenly came out.

The circular defense of gravel suddenly shattered, the terrifying Chakra erupted, and there were explosions in all directions, and thick smoke covered Gaara and Zuosuke.

"Hmph, I know you're not in the right situation, and you've hidden a lot of things."

Zuozhu snorted coldly, and saw that Gaara was bloated all over, as if some kind of monster was attached to him.

His eyes have no emotion other than madness, and chakra full of destruction is constantly emanating from his body.

"that is?"

On the stands, many ninjas exclaimed, and Hatake Sakumo gradually frowned.

"Yiwei, this hidden sand village is really crazy."

"Get ready to fight, Father."

Kakashi stood up, looking at all this calmly, he knew that it might be time now.

Sure enough, a loud explosion sounded from the entire martial arts arena, and the ground shook violently under the explosion, causing chaos to spread rapidly.

In the audience, many figures suddenly stood up and quickly attacked the Konoha ninja next to them.

The phantom ninja who had been prepared for a long time started, most of the audience couldn't even react, and they had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"Illusion? What happened?"

In the auditorium, countless Konoha ninjas exclaimed, they didn't realize what happened at all.

However, the ninjas wearing Anbu costumes appeared at this moment, and attacked them without giving them any chance to speak.

"Enemy attack, counterattack!"

However, Konoha's ninjas are much stronger than those in the original work in the involution that has undergone Habara's reform.

Even if they didn't react, they probably knew what happened, and they reacted almost immediately.

Such a scene happened everywhere in the martial arts field, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

On the other hand, countless people who looked like businessmen also suddenly rioted, as if it had been agreed in advance, all of them rushed out at the same time and launched a crazy attack on Konoha Ninja.

Even in the village outside the martial arts arena, pictures of psychic circles rose on all sides at the same time, and big snakes like monsters appeared at the same time, destroying the village wantonly.

"Jiraiya, it's time for us to move around."

In the main stand, Luo Sha, who was controlled by Orochimaru, stood up, and the chakra in his body began to surge rapidly.

"It's time to move around, but are you going to fight me like this?"

Jiraiya also stood up, he looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, but soon he frowned again.

"However, are you going to fight me like this?"

"Of course it's impossible. I just want you to move around first. After all, I have to be on guard against other people."

Orochimaru quickly replied with a smile, and a lot of golden sand appeared around Luosha!

"After all, which one hasn't made a move yet, that one is the scariest one."


Outside Muye Village, on a certain high ground, several figures in red cloud suits with a black background appeared.

These figures are male and female, with different appearances, but they have two common characteristics, that is, they don't look like living people at all.

And their eyes are exactly the same, they are both those strange lavender eyes like annual rings!

"Is this Muye Village? It really looks different from those small villages."

Tiandao Payne looked at the towering wall of Muye Village not far away, and there was no emotion in Samsara's eyes.

If they want to fight in Konoha, they must first install Nagato's body. After all, Nagato's body does not have much substantial fighting ability.

That's why they arrived a little late, but I have to say that they arrived at the right time, after all, all this has been planned long ago!

"However, Konoha's defense is still strong, and this enchantment still makes people a little irritated, but it's okay."

Tiandao Payne continued to speak indifferently, and the next moment he raised his hand, suddenly vast Chakra rushed out of his body.

Under his extremely terrifying Chakra, Konoha's barrier shook violently!


The vibration of the enchantment actually made the space seem to be deformed, and the transparent enchantment was constantly twisting and rolling, and began to squeeze each other continuously.

Finally, when this distortion reached its extreme, the barrier shattered!

The barrier is definitely the most important barrier in every village, and it is also the last means of defense in every village. This kind of defense is definitely the most tenacious and terrifying.

But at this moment, such a defense is like a toy in the hands of Nagato, one can only imagine how terrifying Payne is!

"It's time to act."

Tiandao Payne murmured, and the five Paynes behind him immediately followed him and ran towards the village.

It's just that not long after they set off, they found a person walking towards him, and the moment they saw this figure, all of them frowned.

Because he has already recognized who the person coming towards him is, this is Uchiha Habara who almost made everyone in their Akatsuki organization helpless three years ago!

"It's you?" Tiandao Payne said indifferently, but he and the clone behind him were already ready to fight.

"Yes, it's me." Habara also nodded resolutely, staring at Nagato in front of him, and suddenly sighed slightly: "It seems that you haven't made any progress."

"You are really as arrogant as ever." Tiandao Payne's face was a little gloomy: "Three years ago, I was the only one who dispatched, but now, I am in a complete state!"

"Do you really understand your samsara eyes, or do you really know the power of samsara eyes, or even how do you know how samsara eyes come from?"

When Habara heard Nagato's words, he shook his head in disdain, that contemptuous attitude made Nagato's face in the distance ugly.

"You don't know your eyes at all, not at all."

Seeing their silence, Habara chuckled and continued.

"The power of the eye of reincarnation is one, and it is absolutely impossible to fully release its power after it is disassembled.

However, there is no way to disassemble it, because you are not the master of the reincarnation eye at all, so it is impossible for you to master this power.

I think, your main body is dying, maybe you are relying on something special to maintain your life? "

Habara's words suddenly changed Nagato's face, he never expected that this Uchiha could guess his situation!

But why is this, why does he know this, why is he so clear?

"I think you must be surprised now."

Just when Nagato was silent, Habara spoke again, his eyes had turned scarlet, and a strange power radiated from him.

However, at this moment, Nagato really felt like seeing a ghost. This power gave him such a familiar feeling. This power seemed to be the power of the reincarnation eye!

"Feel it?"

Habara looked at Nagato with a smile, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Do you feel that this power is very familiar, are you wondering why I have such power?

Because Samsarayan is the final evolution of Sharingan, and Sharingan is the result of degeneration after losing part of the power belonging to the Sages of the Six Paths.

In essence, as long as the power of the Sages of the Six Paths is gathered, then the natural Sharingan will have the potential to return to the Samsarayan.

It's just that it's too difficult, and there are very few in the entire ninja world who can do it. The real owner of your eyes is one, and I will be the next one! "

At this moment, the three-curved jade in Yu Yuan's eyes spun rapidly, and finally froze into a strange state that seemed to be composed of two patterns.

The terrifying chakra on his body continued to erupt, and that powerful aura caused the ground to crack!

In the past three years, he has already reached the apex of the final eruption of blood step by step.

It's just that it's not so easy to take this step, but now he does have some unique aura that only the eyes of reincarnation can have.

It may take a few years to cross this step, or it may only be in the next second, but it is definitely enough for him.

After all, he still has the power of nature, and he has the confidence to face any enemy in the current environment!

That's why he told Nagato the secret of Reincarnation Eye without any taboo. In his opinion, so what if he told Nagato?

It's not his thing, no matter how it is said, it will never become his, and he is doomed to never display the power of reincarnation eye until death!


Nagato couldn't help falling silent when he heard Habara's words, but soon he roared ferociously, and Tendo Payne's state became extremely strange.

"You're lying, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!

The eyes of reincarnation belong to me, I am the person who was born with these eyes, I am the sage of the Six Paths who is destined to walk in the world, and I am the one who wants to bring peace to the ninja world!

You can't lie to me, and don't even try to lie to me! "

"It's really sad."

Habara sighed slightly, then he looked at Nagato playfully and asked.

"The eyes that I can't control, the eyes that almost **** me dry, do you really think it's yours?

I guess, you are probably a member of the Uzumaki clan, after all, only the Uzumaki clan has a suitable physique and enough Chakra to support it.

Of course, it doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not.

With the power of being regarded as my own, people like you are not worthy of my serious attention.

Because, you are not worthy. "


Just when Habara was outputting mentally to Nagato and preparing to output physically, Konoha had already started its own actions.

"Everyone, keep up, keep order and don't mess up!"

Almost immediately after Sha Yin Village launched an attack, all members of the security department reacted, and they began to evacuate the villagers almost reflexively.

You must know that not long ago, they were still bemoaning why they were on duty today, otherwise they would also want to go to the scene to see the Chunin exam held by this mighty Konoha.

But now they are very fortunate, fortunately they are in the position, fortunately they have received rigorous training during this time, otherwise it would be really bad!

They are now dispatched from all posts, and the configuration of each post is basically that two teams cooperate with each other and take turns to rest.

And now there are two teams in each sentry box, one is responsible for guiding and evacuating the residents into the underground shelter, and the other is responsible for vigilance and fighting.

They cooperated perfectly, and although the residents of Konoha were really scared, they also trusted the people in the security department.

So everything went fast and well organized without any major issues.

"Captain, are the people in Hidden Sand Village crazy?"

After the guard and defense team worked together to kill a sand ninja who was trying to attack, a team member couldn't help asking.

"I don't know if they are crazy or not, but I only know that we must protect our Konoha residents."

That captain is a member of the Uchiha. Although he has not opened Sharingan and is not considered an elite in the family, his strength is still recognized by everyone.

He stared ahead and spoke in a low voice.

"Everyone stay vigilant, the residents of Konoha do not have any accidents, this is my duty and responsibility.

And now everyone, don't think about whether Sa Yin is crazy, this has nothing to do with us, at least it has nothing to do with us now.

But everyone, after we have escorted everyone to safety, we must fight back.

At that time, we will surely retaliate with an eye for an eye! "


All over Konoha, fierce battles are constantly unfolding, and the fighters are all ninjas in uniform black ninja uniforms with special logos embroidered on their backs.

And a large group of people wearing masks and Anbu uniforms, obviously they are the security governors of Anbu and Security Department!

As the first line of defense inside Konoha, they had already started fighting with the people of Hidden Sand Village almost as soon as the war started.

Although the people in Hidden Sand Village launched the attack very suddenly, and they appeared in every corner of Konoha, and consciously attacked some important positions.

But the governor of security and the Anbu people have already made preparations. They don't need to communicate at all, and they don't need to know who their teammates are.

Regardless of whether the person next to them is a member of the Security Governor or Anbu, they can cooperate immediately and attack the enemy immediately!

This is the benefit brought by the special training at the beginning. Although this kind of training almost made them take off a layer of skin, it also honed their fighting qualities and fighting will.

When the Konoha ninja army assembled, even though they were at a disadvantage in number, they still suppressed the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village without a temper.

At least in the area they were holding on to, they didn't give Hidden Sand Village any chance!

"Damn, what kind of monsters are these guys, what kind of monsters is this security department?"

Those ninjas of Sand Hidden Village who kept attacking the important areas and streets of Konoha were stunned at this moment, and they found that they had nothing to do with these Konoha ninjas.

It's not that they don't have intelligence work, so they naturally know who these people are, but they didn't expect these people to be so troublesome and difficult to deal with!

What makes them even more anxious is that Konoha's large army has not joined the battle yet, which means that those people are gathering.

These people are obviously dragging their feet to let the large forces have time to assemble. Can they imagine that once these people complete the assembly, will they still have a chance?

At this moment, the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village became even more anxious. They really didn't expect that they would fall into the quagmire from the very beginning of the battle...


"Master Tsunade, when are we going to attack!"

In the square below the Naruto building, most of the ninjas in the village gathered here. After all, some people were working with the security department to evacuate the residents and prevent the sand from intruding.

There are also some people in the martial arts arena at this time, so it is impossible to find everyone here.

But now there are enough people gathered here, such a huge team can definitely launch a fatal blow to Sha Yin!

Especially the ninjas of the major families, they are all gathered here now, these are the elites of the major families, and it will definitely not be a problem if they counterattack.

"I know everyone is in a hurry, but why am I not in a hurry?"

Tsunade expanded her voice with chakra, and she spoke loudly to everyone.

"But now our most important thing is to complete the assembly, only in this way can we clear all the ninjas who are coming to attack better and faster!

Now everyone integrates into the team, move quickly, people from the major families come out, and you lead the team as the captain.

Uchiha led the team to be responsible for the enemies in the east, Nara was in charge of the west, Akimichi and Yamanaka were in charge of the south, and Inuzuka and Yume were in charge of the north.

The Hyuga clan broke up and entered each brigade, serving as the deputy brigade captain, responsible for monitoring, searching for enemies, and defense tasks.

Are you clear? "

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!"

In the square, there was a loud answer in an instant...


The battle in Konoha started completely with the order of Maki and the assistance of Orochimaru.

And at the very center where the incident happened, the venue of the entire Chunin Exam was also extremely chaotic.

After the signal was transmitted, Markey came to Gaara's side to observe the situation immediately.

At this time, Gaara let out a loud growl, and he covered his head in great pain. This situation made Maki's expression uneasy.

A shrill voice came from Gaara's mouth, and he immediately fell to the ground with his head in his arms, and his body mutated even faster.

In the original work, Gaara's mutation stopped, and Maki also discovered that his Kazekage was actually Orochimaru.

This gave him a sense of foreboding, so he asked Temari and Kankuro to take Gaara away.

But this time Orochimaru directly replaced himself with Luo Sha's dirty soil reincarnation, so naturally he had no intention of letting Gaara leave.

He knows what it means to release a tail inside Konoha, but he knows better that this is the best way to defeat Konoha!

"Is this a tail?"

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away from Ma Ji, and he immediately turned his head to find that it was a person wrapped in black clothing.


He snorted coldly, and in an instant he had rushed in front of this mysterious person, and the ninja knife in his hand looked at this person fiercely.


However, to Maji's astonishment, his ninja knife was blocked, and the next moment he was kicked flying!

"It's better not to play such a trick."

The mysterious man shook his head, UU reading www. His eyes also became dangerous.

"You want Kazuo to transform into Konoha, have you considered the consequences?"

"The consequences, the consequences are also borne by you Konoha!"

Ma Ke quickly got up and looked at this person with solemn eyes, and then he asked indifferently.

"Say your name, I don't want to kill the unknown."

"I'm sorry you couldn't, but it's okay to let you know who I am before you die."

The mysterious man slowly took off his hood, the chakra in his body surged wildly at this moment, and he also slowly said his name.

"My name is Hatake Sakumo!"


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