MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 256 1st task

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Jilai is also sitting in the office, he doesn't even have the mind to look at those documents now, he doesn't even have the mind to use some foresight to peep.

He has been thinking about a question now, a question that is so distressing but can't get an accurate answer at all-that is, how the **** should he choose!

This kind of problem is really terrible, even if he wants to break his head, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

If it was before, he probably didn't need to think about these things at all, at least Habara didn't give him such a difficult decision.

But now as a Hokage, he knows why so many things become so troublesome, because the choices to be made are really suffocating.

Now Zilai really has a headache, and this kind of headache also makes him not interested in doing other things at all, because he is not interested at all.

"How do you choose? It's really disgusting. If you ask such a question, you don't even go to the security department today, and you even have a closed door to thank guests?"

Jilai is also very helpless, Habara really can't find anyone now, because this guy just went missing after playing.

From Jiraiya's point of view, this approach is completely unwilling to express his position and wait for them to make a decision.

As a shadow, Zilaiye really didn't blame him face to face, which made Zilaiye feel at ease.

On weekdays, you make decisions, you make decisions, and I am responsible for agreeing with you. Everyone cooperates tacitly and Konoha is thriving.

Now that you have encountered such a troublesome thing, you actually gave up the pick?

Although Habara and the others make decisions on weekdays, the good reputation basically falls on Jiraiya's head, but this time it is really different.

He feels that the only thing he can be thankful for now is that there is still some time left for the Chunin exam, and he can at least have half a month to a month to make a decision.

"However, the sooner a decision is made on this kind of thing, the better it will be implemented.

Damn Habara, why can't you help me make a decision at this time, who would disagree with you? "

Ji Lai also rubbed his brows helplessly, but at this moment there was a knock on the office door, and he couldn't help but raise his head to take a look.

He guessed that it might be that Nara Shika had come for a long time, but it was useless for this guy to come, anyway, he couldn't get any answer from this guy.

Because this guy is still thinking about it, he probably won't give a positive answer to whatever he asks.

Thinking of this, Zilai said angrily, "Come in."

"Hokage-sama..." What Jirai didn't expect was that the person who came in was not Nara Shikahisa, but Kakashi.

Kakashi's appearance made Jiraiya stunned for a moment, but soon he recovered his expression and said.

"Kakashi, why are you here?"

"It's actually like this. I want to take on some tasks, some more valuable tasks."

Kakashi said in embarrassment that he didn't sleep well last night because he found that none of his students were simple.

Although fighting with them will definitely let them know why he is a Jonin, but he dare not mess around with such things.

The identities of each of these three little ghosts are simple, and they will definitely be completely passive when they do it themselves, and then they may only be used as targets.

He is not willing to do this kind of thing, and he is also thinking about how to lead this team.

After thinking about it, this team is already very mature, and they have already performed many tasks before they are fully formed.

If this is the case, then simply follow the previous model.

The difference is that this time he led them alone, instead of a large group of them following behind Jiaodu.


Jiraiya still had those troubles in his mind, so he opened his mouth almost without thinking about it.

"I have to lead them to perform tasks in the substitute class, isn't it a little... um..."

It's just that he stopped in the middle of his words, because he reacted now.

Naruto and his team really don't need to take it slowly, they can completely carry out some more interesting or difficult tasks.

Just like before, they didn't miss these tasks anyway, it's no big deal.

"Well, I understand what you mean. They really don't need to continue some unnecessary running-in."

Ji Lai also sighed slightly, and then he said in embarrassment.

"I didn't sleep well all night because of something, well I get it, if that's the case..."

Jiraiya picked up the documents on the table and looked left and right, and finally he thought for a moment and threw a task list to Kakashi.

"Look at this, I think this is a task worth considering."

"this is?"

Kakashi took over the task and looked at it, and his face turned dark immediately. This task was issued by the bridge-builder of the wave country.

But as long as there is no problem with this task, it is impossible to take it, because this problem is problematic at first sight.

What is the current situation in the land of Nami, perhaps the average jonin still needs to inquire about the information, but Kakashi who came out as Anbu is clear.

Now the Kingdom of Waves is in the hands of a guy named Kado. That guy has hired a lot of people, and some of them are traitors.

And that master bridge builder called Dazna didn't write this information at all.

Apparently, he was here to deceive some people, and Konoha was not the only place where he posted the mission, but the problem was that no one would accept this mission at all.

"Master Ziraiya, isn't this a little..."

Kakashi considered his words for a while before continuing.

"Something is not suitable, this task obviously has a lot of problems, I think...

And this task, it seems that it is unnecessary for the seventh class to take action, right? "

"This task is indeed not too difficult, but for now, there are really not many tasks worth performing."

Zilai spread his hands indifferently, he sighed and said.

"Of course, this mission also has a lot of problems, I think you can see it, but this mission involves the country of Bo.

And the Kingdom of Waves is currently considered a land of no owner, only one businessman controls it, I think you should understand the meaning? "

Jiraiya is now also deeply influenced by Habara, not to mention that the land of waves is really a land without an owner, he really can't think of any reason not to take such a place.

There was no excuse before, so they had no chance to move at all. How could he miss it now that the target came to his door?

Originally, according to Jiraiya's idea, let the guy named Dazna take a cold bench for a month, but now that Kakashi has proposed it, it is naturally him.

Anyway, whoever goes is going. After all, there will be troops following. After all, to perform such a task, we must prevent all kinds of accidents.

"Is that so?"

Kakashi suddenly realized that the task he received was not easy, but he didn't take it too seriously, but nodded seriously.

"Then I understand. I would like to ask Hokage-sama to let me use Anbu's intelligence system. I want to know the specific situation of the land of waves."

"I agree, you choose someone to go to Anbu with you."

Jiraiya nodded directly, he didn't mean to object at all, but he couldn't help but sighed slightly after Kakashi left.

Because he was about to start thinking again, the ultimate multiple-choice question Habara gave him...


At the gate of Muye Village, Class 7's first mission to leave the village began. Dazna looked at the three little ghosts in front of him, and his hand holding the wine bottle tightened, feeling a little uncertain.

As for Naruto and the others, looking at Dazna, they also felt that their faces were a little dark. They heard Kakashi say yesterday that they were going to perform a mission today, so they were also ready.

Speaking of which, they were really looking forward to it. After all, this was their first mission as an official ninja, and they all thought it would be something above B-level.

After all, they have done many dangerous missions before, especially cleaning up the bandit dens, and even fought against ninjas from other villages several times.

It can be said that they are truly experienced in many battles, but they never thought that their first mission as a ninja would be a simple **** mission?

Who does this look down on!

What made them even more upset was that the old man actually looked at them like this, which made them even more unhappy to the extreme.

"Kakashi-sensei, what happened?"

Naruto was the first to lose his hold. He pointed directly at Dazna and asked.

"Is our first mission as a ninja a simple **** mission?"

When Dazna heard Naruto's words, his heart felt even more desolate. Konoha actually sent a team of newly-behaved ninjas to help him?

It's not about to end, it's a dead end!

"Okay, it's good to have a mission, what else do you want?"

Kakashi gave Naruto a dissatisfied look, but he didn't criticize Naruto either, because he is also very upset with Dazna now.

This old man concealed the details of the mission so deeply that he didn't say anything at all. If an uninformed team took over, something big might happen!

Because this task actually involves the peach land in Wuyin Village, no longer beheaded, and there are not many people who can bear such a dangerous guy appearing in the task.

But the old man didn't say anything at all, it was completely harmful, so how could Kakashi feel good about such a person?

If it wasn't for the country of waves, it would be a ghost if Konoha could take on this task—of course, there is also a situation, and that is to train young people.

It is also very meaningful to let young people know the cruelty of the ninja world and know that even the client must not believe it all.

After all, it is rare to see a client as bad as Dazna in the entire ninja world, so this kind of mission really has a certain value in it.

"Once everything is ready, let's go."

Kakashi glanced at the three little guys, and then he spoke directly, and the three little guys could only sigh and follow behind.

Dazna hesitated for a long time, but finally he followed after gritting his teeth. He had a ghost in his heart, and if someone found out at this time, the mission might be interrupted.

"Green Gourd Sword Fairy"

In that case, he may still be held accountable by Konoha, which is not something he is willing to face.

He has no good solution now, unless there is a serious problem with this mission, such as a large casualty that has attracted Konoha's attention.

If this is the case, Konoha will come over to investigate the situation clearly, and if this is the case, the land of waves will be rescued!

If that's the case, Dazna himself is doomed, but he is willing to exchange his life for the lives of everyone in the Kingdom of Waves, after all, it is worth it.

Kakashi has Kakashi's thoughts, Naruto and the others have their own thoughts, and Dazna also has his own thoughts, so the group of them set off like this.

They traveled all the way east, Naruto and Zuosuke chatted quietly, Kakashi listened to their words and gave some answers casually.

But they are all people who have carried out countless missions, so they don't need to be reminded at all, and Xianglin has always maintained vigilance.

And when they came all the way to the country of vortex, when they were about to enter the country of waves by boat, Xianglin suddenly made a gesture, and the eyes of the three of them immediately looked at the water moor on the side of the road.

"What a poor disguise."

At this moment, even Naruto has already seen the situation.

"But is there something wrong with this? A C-level mission shouldn't encounter ninjas."

Zuo Zhu, who hadn't spoken like this before, asked directly at this moment, obviously he had already sensed that something was wrong.

"Let's see who the target is first, so that we can make a better judgment."

Xianglin thought for a while before speaking, obviously she was going to see who these guys were going to attack.

There was no need for Kakashi to say anything at all, Naruto and the three of them arranged things properly.

This made Kakashi feel a little bit emotional, it's really so worry-free to lead such a mature team!

It's just a pity that he knew what the answer was. Originally, he thought about just taking the shot himself, but now he wanted to see the performance of these young people.

Therefore, when those two black shadows rushed out suddenly, he didn't move at all—at least on the surface.

The fog hidden sickle entangled, directly trapped Kakashi, and Kakashi was completely broken in two by the blood splash.

"What! How is it possible?" Dazna saw this scene, and his blood froze for the most part. The only thing he was counting on was the Jonin who led the team.

But he didn't expect this guy to die like this, so what should he do?

Then after the two attackers dealt with Kakashi, they didn't stop at all. They both bypassed Naruto and the others and rushed towards Dazna.

"Old man, die!"

Their speed was fast, but the moment they were about to hit Dazna, the movements of the two of them stopped abruptly, and they flew out backwards in the next second.

Zuosuke and Naruto were already standing in front of the stunned Dazna at this time, and Xiang Rin even spoke from the side.

"It's confirmed. Their target is this old man. It seems that this old man has a big problem..."


Please pay attention to the latest chapter of Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again ()

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