MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 254 choking thoughts

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"Master Patriarch, are you actually interested in this Chunin exam?"

Habara was thinking about the details of the Chunin exam, but Uchiha Fugaku asked in surprise.

In his opinion, this is indeed a bit unexpected, because the Chunin exam is really meaningless and necessary for them.

The Chunin Exam is actually not that simple, especially this large-scale joint unified examination. On the surface, it is just an exam, but in essence it is the epitome of the confrontation between ninja villages in various countries.

After all, although the ninja world is peaceful now, no one knows what will happen in the future. It is necessary to pass such an exam to show one's own deterrence.

It's just that this kind of thing is really not necessary and meaningful to the current Konoha, because no one would dare to trouble them because of Konoha's strength.

Such a deterrent action is really just an ordinary, but slightly troublesome Chunin exam for them.

After all, this matter really doesn't mean much to Konoha, so Uchiha Fugaku wonders why Habara is interested in this matter.

"There is a little bit of interest, but the interest is not in the exam, but in the fact that people from other villages and ninjas can enter Konoha in a fair manner."

Habara tapped lightly on the table, a smile appeared on his face, he already had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

But if this idea is to be implemented, it needs to convince other people to agree, and at the same time, some people need to cooperate well.

Strength is Habara's capital, but people's rebellious spirit will also be aroused by your strength.

The stronger Habara is now, the more gentle he behaves, and the more he acts within the rules in many things, because he knows very well that only by doing so can he get more people's support.

Blind power can only bring resistance, gentle when it should be gentle, and strong when it should be strong, and grasping a certain degree is the most critical thing.

"Master Patriarch, what do you mean..."

Uchiha Zong and Uchiha Tomotake were taken aback when they heard Habara's words, but they reacted quickly.

"Want to take the opportunity to do something to others?"

"Someone else did it to us, and we were just forced to fight back."

Habara smiled lightly and shook his head, then he stood up before speaking.

"Please inform the other six families, as well as Minister Tsunade and Hokage-sama, that I have something important to meet with them.

As for the meeting place, it's in Uchiha, please trouble them to go there. "

"Yes, Lord Patriarch."

Uchiha Fugaku and others looked at each other, then stood up at the same time and bowed slightly to Habara, and they walked out soon.

And Habara also returned to his residence alone, he has a lot of things to think about now.

At the same time, he also needs to make some preparations. After all, his idea is actually a little dangerous, and there is also a hint of radicalism in it.

It didn't take long for people from the major families to come to Habara's house one after another.

They are very puzzled now why Habara didn't say anything during the day and insisted on coming to them now.

But they also knew that Habara definitely had something important to say to them, after all, Habara never joked.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I called you here so late."

After everyone arrived, Habara stood up first and bowed slightly to everyone in apology.

He himself knew that what he did was really not kind, so it was absolutely fine to apologize first.

"Minister Habara, it's fine. After all, I believe that Minister Yubara is definitely looking for us when he has something important to do."

Nara Shikahisa spoke directly, and the others couldn't help but nodded, although Habara sometimes seemed out of tune in doing things.

But the things he made are extremely correct, and no one can refute this.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say, Naruto is going to perform a mission tomorrow, and I want to chat with him and give him some experience."

Jilai also spread his hands and said, but his words may not be believed by many people, because the ghost knows where he will go.

This Hokage-sama has been discovered countless times in the past three years, and he used his foresight to spy on some not-so-good things in the office.

So over time, he said that he was going to do something serious, and unless the matter was really important, no one would dare to believe his words easily.

"Everyone, you all know what I think, especially for the entire ninja world."

Habara nodded slightly, and he spoke directly.

"That is integration. I want to integrate the entire ninja world to achieve true peace. I have never concealed this, and everyone knows it well.

The Country of Grass and the Country of Tang have proved that my idea is correct, and you can see how much benefits these two places have provided us.

And now that three years have passed, Konoha has rested for so long, I think I should move a bit, especially now that the Chunin exam is about to start.

This is a rare opportunity, a chance for people from other villages to enter our Konoha! "

Habara's words made everyone present frown. They are all human beings, and they understood the meaning of Habara's words in an instant.

Habara was telling them that he was going to do something again!

In fact, they didn't think there was any problem with the matter of doing it, after all, it was the same as what Habara said.

In recent years, they have really gained huge benefits from the merger of those two lands, not only them, but the entire Fire Kingdom and the entire Konoha!

If it is possible to come to Boda and annex other small countries or even a big country, it will follow Habara's plan in the country of grass and the country of soup.

Then it won't be long before they will get huge returns again.

It's just that there is a very embarrassing question now, that is, who are they doing it to and how are they going to do it?

Take the initiative to attack? It won't gain any advantage in name, and it may even turn into an all-out war!

Although Konoha is strong and Habara is strong, but it broke out into an all-out war. Others attack in multiple lines, can Habara defend alone?

Moreover, Konoha only has such a small number of people. If the others are united and all the border guards are drawn, then Konoha will be in trouble.

If you can't take the initiative to attack, you can only attack passively. It's just that Konoha is so strong now, who would think of troubles for them?

Others will not trouble them, so if they are put into Konoha, will they really dare to do it?

Habara's intention is obvious, that is to let some caring people let him do it after entering Konoha, but they really can't figure out who would be so stupid.

What's more, if someone really did it, how much damage would it do to Konoha?

"Minister Habara, if you have any thoughts, please say them all at once, so that we can better understand your thoughts."

Kaiichi Yamanaka thought for a long time, but he still didn't understand what Habara was thinking, and finally he couldn't help but speak.

"I seem to understand what you mean."

At this moment, Tsunade didn't wait for Habara to explain, she suddenly thought of something and said.

She stared fixedly at Yu Yuan, and then asked quietly.

"Are you going to ask Orochimaru to find a guy with a ulterior motive, so as to cooperate with each other to launch an attack on Konoha?"

"What? Are you crazy?"

Jiraiya was shocked when he heard Tsunade's words, he stood up incredulously and looked at Habara, while the expressions of the others were also extremely incredulous.

There is no need to repeat how dangerous that guy Orochimaru is, and how could Orochimaru act alone, there is a suffocating Akatsuki organization behind him!

Let these guys act together, and at the same time, add a ninja village with a dark heart, and put them into Konoha, this is simply driving Konoha to death.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Habara's outstanding achievements in Konoha, they would have doubted whether Habara was a traitor.

This pit Konoha was so soul-stirring, you must know that Konoha had never been beaten in by an enemy ninja except for the time of Kyuubi.

Not to mention entering Konoha, there is no such thing as entering the Land of Fire!

"Very accurate, as expected of Minister Tsunade."

Facing everyone's doubts, Habara didn't panic at all, he just looked at Tsunade with a smile and asked.

"It's just the appearance, what about the core I want?"

"You are such a lunatic, but I have to say that even my heart is moved."

Tsunade sighed faintly, and then spoke slowly.

"I'm afraid your idea is not just an excuse to do something, but you want to make some big moves after this matter?

If I think about it from the perspective of a minister, then I think you are crazy, but if I look at it from the perspective of a shadow, I can understand.

On the first aspect, you want those young people to feel the taste of war, right?

After so many years of peace, today's young people have forgotten the taste of war, and your thoughts may not stop for a while.

Whether it is to let young people adapt in advance, to get exercise, or to let other ninjas regain their senses, this choice is the most in line with your ideas.

In the second aspect, by doing this, Konoha can get an excuse to do something, which is in the interests of Konoha and also in the interest of the Nation of Fire.

After all, we can't do anything casually, but if someone attacks us, then everything will be different, and the ninjas participating in the battle will be more active.

As for the third aspect, I think you want to knock on Orochimaru, because the current situation of Orochimaru is very delicate.

"The First Clan"

He has less and less contact with us, and he is acting more and more mysterious now, so I think you should take this opportunity to knock him.

In other words, take a good look at his bottom and find out what he thinks, right? "

It can only be said that Tsunade really deserves to be Tsunade, a person who has been educated by the elite of the Senshou clan.

Habara concluded very early on that the Senshou Clan's education for her was definitely based on shadows, and the facts also proved that Habara's guess was correct.

What's more, her performance in the original book, although it looks terrible, she doesn't care about the shit, and doesn't read the documents or anything and just stamps them randomly.

But in fact, Konoha is the most secure with her. The decisions she makes are basically correct, and she is very good at listening to other people's opinions.

After all, as a movie star, it doesn't mean that you are the best if you do everything yourself.

Having quick thinking, knowing how to make choices, and knowing how to give power to subordinates is what a qualified filmmaker should do.

Now Tsunade showed her keen thinking, she looked at all this from the perspective of the shadow and the village, and she naturally got a different result.

"Is that right?"

Jiraiya was also stunned when he heard Tsunade's words, and then he fell into deep thought.

The same is true for the patriarchs of other families. They also fell into deep thought to consider the pros and cons of this matter.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if you look at Habara's thinking, they will definitely get huge benefits from Konoha, and they will also benefit from various aspects.

However, the terrible thing about this incident is that it is going to erupt in the village, and if you are not careful, it will be fatal!

It takes a lot of courage to make a decision on this matter, because this is also a decision with as much benefit as risk!

"Minister Tsunade is right, that's what I think."

Habara nodded slightly, then he shook his head and said helplessly.

"I also know that this matter is really troublesome, and it is really difficult to make a decision, so I called everyone here so late.

After all, before that, I was always in a state of conception, and I didn't have a perfect and precise idea at all.

Now I think it through completely, but the Chunin exam is less than half a year, or even a few months away.

There is not much time left for us, and for those ambitious guys.

Tell everyone this concept earlier, and UU Reading give you a space to make decisions earlier, I think we can have more time to think about it.

Sorry to trouble everyone, but I think everyone understands what I mean. "

Having said this, Habara paused for a moment, and then he continued to speak with a particularly serious expression.

"How many wars we ninjas have experienced, I'm afraid we can't even tell.

And I have always believed that if you want to completely solve the hidden dangers of war, then you have to integrate all the places.

Facts have proved that my ideas and my approach are correct. Our success in the country of grass and the country of soup has pointed out the way for us.

We all have the confidence, experience, and ability to do all of this well, so naturally we can't stop ourselves.

As long as we are prepared and take all factors into consideration, I think we can do our best!

The future is peaceful, although there may still be battles, after all, there will always be people who will not accept our ideas, and there are other enemies outside the mainland.

But at least we can avoid most of the battles, at least we can avoid the battles in the Ninja Continent and achieve peace in the Ninja World.

Isn't this what we have been pursuing and longing for? "


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