MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-v2 Chapter 761 end

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Journey to the Heavens from Jiangye Chapter 761 is the final chapter!

That side is beyond the world.

Ancestor Hongjun stood in the void of chaos, trying to combine all kinds of avenues to weave a new avenue.

However, this new long river of avenues has not completely covered the long river of great avenues of Pan Gu.

It's just that a tributary has been opened up outside the long river of Pangu Great God.

The long river of time and space is empty, and it was able to break down in the past, and the turbulent water of the long river of time and space is now gone.

Those Da Luo immortals who liked to dig holes in the long river of time and space to find people in the past have also disappeared.

Either it became the background of this great world, or it didn't know where it hid.

There is no trace of it at all!


A sound appeared in the chaotic void that had been silent for tens of thousands of years.

Under the watchful eyes of many great Luo immortal families, the ancestor Hongjun, who had been silent for 30,000 years in the immortal family and nearly 360 million years in the ordinary world, opened his eyes.

The good fortune jade plate hangs high, except for the Nine Layers of Heaven, and many dojos of the Daluo Xianjia.

The heavens and worlds have merged with the Great Thousand World where Patriarch Hongjun lived. The heavens and worlds will unite for a long time, and they will divide for a long time. Now the heavens and worlds are united again.

The next ancient era has come.

The creatures bred by the great avenues and long rivers were born in the new world ignorantly.

At this time, there was the Da Luo Xian family who wanted to break into this world, but they turned into a congenital spirit treasure before they got close.

Don't say it's unexpected!

At this time, many immortals just remembered something, so they suppressed their thoughts one after another.

Quietly waiting for the evolution of that world, and Hongjun Patriarch is also going to accumulate a family fortune for tens of thousands of years.

All are integrated into this world, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this world has great flaws.

The way of immortality has been cut several times.

The way of longevity will only appear at the beginning of the world's creation and before the world's demise.

The next Pangu Era has flaws, and it has big flaws.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of these defects that the world of mountains and seas can be in the prosperous world of humanity in the future.

The ancestor Hongjun has always seen clearly the birth of an existence that can compete with the Hunyuan Xian family.

Practitioners in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian have already jumped out of the chessboard of the mountain and sea realm.

But if you want to get the opportunity of Hunyuan in the mountain and sea world, you must re-enter the game and start a practitioner from the beginning.

It is really difficult for the Da Luo Xian family who jumped out of the mountain and sea world chessboard to enter the game again.

In this way, another 17,600 kalpas have passed, and each kalpa is equivalent to 129,600 years of the immortal family.

The vast time flies by.

I saw that under the watchful eyes of many immortals, Patriarch Hongjun had already dissipated into the void of chaos.

But even so, there is still no Da Luo Xianjia who dares to cross the Thunder Pond and enter the world named Mountain and Sea.

Nine layers of heaven!

Within Juntian Realm.

There is a Taoist temple.

Su Xuan, who watched the evolution of the world for countless thousands of years, suddenly saw a spark ignited in a certain area in the mountain and sea world in the mirror of the cloud.

Su Xuan smiled calmly and said: "The flint is never extinguished, and the human race is never extinguished. The human race, a small group born when the ancient gods ruled the world, will take root in the world of mountains and seas!"

In this change of the era of the human race, the sages of the human race have made great sacrifices.

Many ancestors of the human race reincarnated in the mountains and seas, and they will lead the human race to start over.

So the ancestor is still the ancestor after all, at least he dare not make such a choice under the same circumstances.

Mo Shanshan looked at the Book of Mountains and Seas in his hand, and said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Bai Ze, in the Book of Mountains and Seas, we both spent a lot of pen and ink, why don't we go to the world of mountains and seas to have a look?"

There are classics of mountains and seas, classics of mountains and seas!

There is a boundary between mountains and seas, and there is a boundary between mountains and seas!

Now she finally understands what is the biggest backer of the Yaozu.

Don't fight for the present, only fight for the future, none of these seniors is a simple person.

Su Xuan looked at the rainbow light faintly appearing above the cloud mirror, and said calmly: "Don't worry, now is not the time, the long river of time in the mountains and seas is not straight, but twists and turns, quite twists and turns. meaning.

In this chaotic world of mountains and seas, the heroic spirits of the last ancient era will start a new battle. Our teacher will truly reincarnate the human race and practice great enlightenment! "

It is the sage who is behind his body and goes first, and who is outside his body to survive. Isn't it because of its selflessness? Therefore, it can be selfish.

Obviously, the world of mountains and seas is divided into inner mountains and seas and mountains and seas. The outer mountains and seas are thousands of years old, and the inner mountains and seas are only a short year.

His master Hongjun Patriarch, even if he was proving the Dao Pangu, he did not forget to dig holes for the disciples and grandchildren of the Taoist sect!

It's just that when the internal and external mountains and seas collide, who can become the master of the mountains and seas?

Mo Shanshan put down the Book of Mountains and Seas in his hand, and asked, "Then when shall we enter this mountain-sea realm?"

Su Xuan said calmly: "Seven kingdoms are in conflict in the mountains and seas, and the emperor of Zhou is no longer able to maintain it. When the teacher and his old man leave Hangu Pass to the west, it will be the day we enter the mountains and seas."

The sage travels west out of Hangu, and the purple air travels 30,000 miles east!

Within the 30,000 miles of the mountain and sea boundary, countless great worlds have been bred and hidden in it.

In the last Pangu Era, even if his teacher traveled westward out of Hangu, it is the same now.

His teacher's countless years of accumulation in the immortal family will eventually bloom in the world of mountains and seas.

The sage traveled westward out of Hangu, morally enlightening the mountains and seas.

The plan of Renjiao finally came to fruition!

Mo Shanshan looked at the continuous disputes on the cloud mirror, and said: "It should be soon, but the timing is out of order. After the unification of the Great Qin Dynasty, it is time for the Emperor Zhou to attack merchants."

The timing disorder directly led to the fact that every once in a while, there would be great terrors in the mountains and seas.

All traces of practice will be erased directly, this is the way set by their master Hongjun Patriarch.

The long river of time and space tilts down, and everything will start again.

In the world of mountains and seas, one mountain and one sea are all mountains and seas, and there are thousands of them.

Su Xuan said calmly: "It's really coming soon, maybe this time, we can hope to see the appearance of Xianqin."

In this era when Yun Dynasty ruled the mountains and seas, after Xianqin appeared, it would be directly moved to other regions.

The battle between Yunchao and Yunchao will eventually happen again, and one disaster after another will be disliked.

It's just that this time it's a truly great world of humanity, a world of great struggle with the way of humanity as the mainstay, and the way of heaven and the tunnel as auxiliary.

Under the timing disorder, some incredible scenes will also appear!

At this time, Cihang came outside Youjian Daoist Temple. She looked at the high-hanging cloud mirror and said calmly: "The new Pangu Era has arrived. Senior Brother Su, Junior Sister Mo, don't you want to go for a walk?"

As far as she knew, many immortal families in the Taoist sect were insane this time.

On the vast land of inner mountains and seas, there are countless Taoist immortal families who have moved mountains and filled the sea to find the legacy of ancestor Hongjun.

It's a pity that under the restriction of the ancestor's avenue, practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can't exert their full strength in the current mountain and sea realm.

It really is one dynasty Pangu, one dynasty Dao law!

Su Xuan said calmly: "No, Longji has already proved Daluo, led Youjian Taoist disciples, and supported Yunchao. Qingluan Douque will definitely scare many immortals by then."

Speaking of which, her cheap apprentice also has a great reputation in the world of mountains and seas.

Of course, the most famous is the elixir of life, in this mountain and sea world where there is no longevity.

Even the first batch of gods who were born could not achieve immortality. After countless years of catastrophe, they could rely on their authority to sleep and wait for the next awakening.

However, the innate spiritual roots of West Kunlun Mountain, Qingluan Douque, Bajing Palace, Tanggu, Overseas Immortal Island, and many immortal ashrams can solve this problem.

As a result, the Shinto fortune, the **** system also developed naturally.

Cihang smiled and said: "That's true. As the direct successor of the human religion, the master of Youjian Dao Temple naturally has special luck, but did Junior Brother Su hear that the Heavenly Court appeared, and the first Heavenly Emperor was officially the Human Emperor?" His Majesty Fuxi."

Humanity Dachang has appeared, can the catastrophe be far behind?

Su Xuan asked: "Where did you find the pillars supporting the heavens? Ordinary spirit treasures can't support the heavens!"

The current mountains and seas are really round places. If the heavens want to be on top of the mountains and seas without anything to support them, that would be a joke.

Cihang said calmly: "Buzhou Mountain, my senior brother, please use the Qiankun Cauldron to return the Fantian Seal to its original origin and re-practice it into Buzhou Mountain. Now Buzhou Mountain is about to appear."

Then Cihang waved one hand, and the picture above the cloud mirror changed again.

The huge body of Buzhou Mountain appeared on the cloud mirror.

Even through the cloud mirror, you can still feel the vastness and ancientness of Buzhou Mountain, which carries countless worlds.

Appeared in the mountain and sea realm for the first time, and the Huanghuang Heavenly Court once again stood in the heaven realm.

Su Xuanfan looked at the Book of Mountains and Seas in his hand, and said: "With the appearance of Buzhou Mountain, the era of the coexistence of gods and humans should soon come to an end. It is indeed going a little too fast."

Regardless of the chaotic time sequence in the outer mountains and seas, in the inner mountains and seas, the separation of gods and man is about to appear.

Even he can only say one thing silently, Master is cheating!

Mo Shanshan said: "After the separation of God and man, humanity will truly flourish. We will usher in a great world of humanity, and then there will be a catastrophe."

It can be expected that in the great world of humanity, there will be brilliant stars.

It will not lose to the Dao Dao of the previous ancient era, but practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian will be suppressed more and more.

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian will eventually be exiled slowly by the realm of mountains and seas.

After all, they are the remnants of the last ancient era. If they want to wait peacefully in the world of mountains and seas until the arrival of the world of great controversy, they can only sit in the nine layers of heaven for a long time.

Su Xuan saw his family's worries, so he said calmly: "Don't worry, what will happen to the future? That's the future, and the present is the most important thing."

After all, the future can only be determined by the future, and the important thing is the present.

Whether it is catastrophe or a world of great controversy, they have finally jumped out of the world of mountains and seas to look at everything.

Sitting high in the clouds, watching the clouds rolling and relaxing all over the sky, it's nothing more than that.

Cihang smiled and said: "Then I will take my leave first. As Cihang, I should be Miao Shan, Junior Brother Su and Junior Sister Mo, see you in the mountains and seas!"

Su Xuan said with a smile: "Then see you in the world of mountains and seas!"

Mo Shanshan also said: "Senior Sister Cihang, see you in the world of mountains and seas."

Afterwards, the rainbow light swept up, and when I looked again, except for the osmanthus flowers falling all over the sky.

No one else.

From the moment the morning bell and evening drum sounded, the entire Juntian Realm was plunged into darkness.

Mountain and sea world!

Among the mountains and seas outside.

In Zhou Tianzi's treasury room, there was a sudden replacement of a trespasser.

A knowledgeable old man served as the treasurer of Zhou Tianzi at an octogenarian age.

There are also immortals accompanying them, and the mythical green bull pulls a cart for it.

Song country!

A young Taoist named Zhuang Zhou lived in the Northern Netherland in Neishan.

I saw Kunpeng, who is a bird in the sky with a wingspan of thousands of miles, like a cloud hanging from the sky, and a Kun in the water, which can reach thousands of miles in water.

I wrote an article about a getaway in the mountains and seas!

Yunmeng Mountain also welcomed a gentleman named Guiguzi.

Because a mountain **** was born in Yunmeng Mountain, he enjoys the position of innate god.

And in the state of Lu, there was a master named Qiu, who was driving a chariot and wielding a spear!

Leading the disciples to start a long journey of study tour, the master drives a chariot, fights with swords, and is good at reasoning!

Therefore, people outside the mountains and seas have all heard the principles of the Master.

And in Xianyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty, a gentleman named Bai Ze became the prince's guest and paid homage to the doctor!

The Eastern Emperor of the Yin Yang family has become the real Eastern Emperor.

The outer mountains and seas are changing, and the inner mountains and seas are also changing.

Gong Gong, the **** of water, raged against the mountain of Buzhou because of a dispute with the emperor.

The mountain **** of Buzhou Mountain, the spirit of the heaven-shaking seal, attacked him in anger, and Gonggong was sealed in the outer mountains and seas on the coast of the East China Sea.

It is guarded by human Qi practitioners.

The sky pillar is broken, and the sky is cracked!

Nuwa Empress mended the sky, and then Dayu cast Jiuding to suppress the luck of the human race. UU Reading

God and man are divided and ruled, the inner and outer mountains and seas are cut off, the connection between heaven and earth is cut off, and the connection between inner and outer mountains and seas is cut off.

Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, and Bai Ze followed

Appearing outside Xianyang, the emperor regarded it as auspicious, recorded in the annals of history, and passed down forever.

Carve stones in Lishan Mountain, remember them in Heibingtai!

And in a certain place called Hangu, after the Zhou Dynasty disappeared, the storage room where the work was lost.

Sitting on the cart pulled by the miraculous green ox, he slowly marched to Hangu Pass.

The guard of Hangu Pass above Chengtou stopped the old man.

Outside Hangu Pass.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan were both dressed in green clothes.

Calmly looking in the direction of Hangu Pass, waiting for his teacher to appear.

Su Xuan said with a smile: "This is Hangu Pass, our world. There is a moon here, and the blue sky is still there."

Mo Shanshan said calmly: "A place of peace of mind is a home!"

Then the two looked at each other and smiled, Su Xuan's heart was very peaceful, he knew very well even if it was a disordered timing.

The homeland will finally appear!

People today don't see the moon in ancient times, but this month once illuminated the ancients.

A few days later, outside Hangu Pass, a mighty purple air came from the east.

The inner and outer mountains and seas were shaken, and the moral scriptures appeared in the mountains and seas.

Morality, morality, if you are not virtuous at the top, you have virtue, and if you do not lose virtue at the bottom, you have no virtue.

This day Zi Qi stayed at Hangu Pass, but the closed gate of Hangu Pass was raised by a certain master with one hand.

The Qin army stopped him, and the master drove the chariot himself, led three thousand disciples, took three hundred chariots, and left Hangu Pass.

Go to the inner mountains and seas.

Then I saw the ox cart slowly walking out of Hangu Pass.

Outside and inside the mountains and seas and Hangu Road, how many palaces in the Qin and Han Dynasties have been made of earth.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan greeted him leisurely!

At your service!



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