MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-v2 Chapter 730 The retreat of the cut religion! (1)

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Journey to the Heavens from Jiang Ye Chapter 730: The Retreat of Jiejiao! (one)


Fighting is constantly going on day and night, even if you are the Taiyi immortal family, you have to obey orders obediently. In this vast world, there is almost no immortal family that does not obey the decree of Jiejiao.

But all the immortals who don't obey the decree of the Jujiao, are already perishing in the land of reincarnation in the world where the true spirits don't know where.

On the other side of the front line, in the vast world, there is only one voice, and that is the Jujiao Fazhi.

Even the few immortals who have always had their eyes above the top on weekdays were pushed to the forefront, even the saint sect.

The saint sect has Hunyuan saints, so don't they have Hunyuan saints if they stop teaching?

In the hands of Tongtian Shengren, the leader of their Jiejiao, there is still an immortal sword array that cannot be broken by the four saints. He dared to stab them in front of them.

For the sake of their own lives, the immortal families of the interpretation, the immortal families of the human religion, and the immortal families of the Lich clan had no choice but to shake off their trump cards one by one.

There is an army under the command of the next Pan Gu Era's Son of Destiny, and behind him is the formation of Jiejiao. The Jiejiao, who has gone crazy, has obviously used them as cannon fodder to fill up the so-called Destiny of Pan Gu Era. The pit of the son.

Even a fool now knows that once this hole is filled, they will have no good fruit to eat. The benefits can only be taken away by the current disciple of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, but they will get nothing.

"Withdraw, quickly withdraw from this Great Thousand World."

A certain fairy family who had retreated and was stranded here for some reason took out the Hongjun decree.

"Everyone, this is Hongjun's decree, since this Great Thousand World has long belonged to Jiejiao, why are we still being cannon fodder here!

I don't believe it, they really dare to kill us! "

This cultivator of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, who was born in the demon clan, could no longer take care of so much at this moment.

Even if there were many formations behind him, this one directly deployed Hongjun's decree and stood in front of him.

Afterwards, several immortal families directly preserved this scene by means of cloud mirrors. They would like to see if the immortal family taught by this section dared to smash this grand decree.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Some disciples of explaining teachings are naturally unwilling to contribute to the Hunyuan path of the former disciples of Jiejiao. After all, Duobao is not their senior brother of explaining teachings, and moreover, they still use such despicable methods.

For a while, the immortals who failed to catch up with the last retreat in this middle thousand world all withdrew regardless, letting the line of defense open.

Dozens of practitioners in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, and hundreds of practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm, directly exposed this Zhongqian World to the army under the command of the Son of Destiny in the next Pangu Era.

And Zhao Gongming, who was sitting in the middle of the thousand worlds behind, was caught in a dilemma at this moment. It was easy to punish these troublesome immortal families, but what happened after the action?

Although Zhao Gongming did not agree with some of the methods used to cut off the teaching, but the matter has come to this point, what can he do as a big disciple of the outer sect?

"Junior Brother Zhao, do you want to do it? If we drag it on, they will face the Zhuxian Sword Formation. We can still stop them now. Capital crimes are easier, but living crimes are inevitable, but they can still be reincarnated in the end. If these people really If you encounter the Zhuxian Sword Formation, I'm afraid even the real spirits won't be able to stop it."

Feather Wing Fairy asked helplessly.

He is very clear that there are some things that cannot be done. Once the Lich and Demon Clans, Chanjiao, Renjiao, and many Taoist sects and sects are ruthless, their situation may be the same as that of the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era. The army is in the same position.

It is better to do less things that are enemies of the heavens and the world.

Zhao Gongming looked at the many immortal families who were about to approach the formation, and the so-called Son of Destiny's army who had followed up, he said: "Senior Brother Yuyi, I can't control so much. These people want to run, but they can't be stopped. Stay, let's block these martial arts practitioners first."

The most important thing for them to teach now is to win the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era, but the situation is getting more and more stalemate now.

But I don't know why?

Their teacher is indeed still indifferent, I really don't know what their teacher is thinking.

Feather Wing Fairy said: "That's the only way!"

Not long after, many Jiejiao disciples went up against the current and bumped into the army of those martial arts practitioners.

The brutal fight started, and in just a moment, this Zhongqian world was destroyed countless times, and more than how many times, it was restored under the magical power of the practitioners in the Jinxian realm of Jiejiao Daluo.

And those other fairy families who have crossed this middle thousand world, ran all the way, went straight to escape outside this great thousand world, thousands of rainbow lights, unknowingly approached the Zhuxian sword formation.

But what is unexpected is that a dragon and tiger jade Ruyi suddenly appeared in front of this group of fairy families.

Yu Ruyi hangs above the blue sky!

When the lift is turned around, the brilliance is myriad.

Thousands of immortal families were directly shrouded in it, and the brilliance disappeared in an instant. When the brilliance reappeared, these thousands of immortal families had already come outside this great world.

This moment.

Many immortal families always understood why the immortal family who explained the teachings had to choose to escape under the control of Jiejiao today. It turned out that it was the Yuanshi sage who had already planned it!

It has to be said that the protection of the Yuanshi sage is quite admirable.

Many fairy families who managed to escape could be said to celebrate with the snap of their fingers, congratulating themselves for escaping from this place of death that must be buried.

As Taoist immortals, they are naturally not afraid of death, and dare to die, but they don't want to die for the Hunyuan Dao of the current leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect.

And the Wudang Holy Mother who was far away in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, looked at the thousands of immortals who appeared outside this great world, and said: "Master Yuanshi's Dragon Tiger Jade Ruyi, it turned out that Master Yuanshi took action."

The Master Tongtian, who was sitting on the futon, snorted coldly and said, "My second elder brother is protecting the calf, but he is just a direct disciple of the younger generation, so is it worth such a big fight?

No matter when you tell Zhao Gongming to let them wipe out all the non-Jiejiao immortals in this great world, I want to see which one dares to stab at this time. "

In his opinion, if these fairy families could not work together, the so-called son of destiny in the next ancient era would have been wiped out long ago, and each one is better than the other.

In the end, isn't it all for that son of destiny in the next ancient era, the one who escaped with him?

Hunyuan Dao, how can you retreat!

It was time for his big apprentice to play, and perhaps only his big apprentice could stop the so-called Son of Destiny.

The Holy Mother of Wudang bowed and said: "Disciple, please obey the teacher's decree!"

After saying this sentence, the Holy Mother of Wudang left here without even looking at it. Now she can be said to be without an official and a light body. Without the burden of the leader of the Jiejiao, she can see many things more clearly.

After all, the position of the leader of this sect is still not destined for her. She couldn't understand why she, the teacher, didn't send her when there was a Taoist temple preparing for it.

If she was allowed to go, why would she still have to think about the coming catastrophe now.

It is not as simple as talking about the combination of the three religions and not accepting the disaster.

And Mount Sumeru, which is far away in the west, is also experiencing frequent changes. Whether it is the original disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, or the disciples who later joined the Jie Sect, they all sink into the big cake painted by Duobao.

As long as you get to the front line, there is everything in the great world. Zhunti was on the top of Mount Sumeru, watching Duobao quietly, and fooled away the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect.

Bao Guang asked at the side: "Master, why don't we stop it?"

It can be seen that many of the original eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect have changed their minds under the wooing of the rich and powerful Duobao regardless of loss.

Zhunti looked at this scene calmly, and he said with a half-smile: "How should we stop it? Can it be stopped? Wutian is not an Ansheng Xianjia, and the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect are already within reach." Dangerous, can't stand the slightest toss."

Not only that, it will take some time for Maitreya and the others to re-establish the Western religion in a barren land, so during this period of time, even if Duobao makes a big mess, they must endure it, otherwise the Western religion will The plan to teach eight hundred sects will be completely ruined.

So if you don't fight, you will fight!

Baoguang said, "But I still don't quite understand the current situation in the heavens and myriad worlds. Although I can see three or two points in the current situation, I still can't see seven or eight points clearly. If Duobao achieves the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian , then how can my Western religion reach its peak again?"

He understands the truth, but he just can't understand it. Even if Duobao has assumed the karma of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect for the realm of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, the Western Sect has also added a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm opponent.

Zhunti smiled and said: "Baoguang! It is better to travel hundreds of millions of miles than to read thousands of volumes of scriptures. You really shouldn't stay on Mount Sumeru any longer. You should really take a good look at them. The landscape of mountains and rivers in the world of heaven and earth, the avenue is free in it."

He knows exactly what Baoguang is thinking in his heart now, after all, he is also guilty of the current situation.

Standing on the cusp of this storm, even if he is a sage of Hunyuan, he is still walking on thin ice, and if he is not careful, he will ruin the entire eight hundred sects of Western religion.

Naturally, a seed for a comeback should be left for the eight hundred sects of Western religion.

Baoguang saluted respectfully and said, "Disciple accepts the decree!"

Baoguang knew in his heart that this elder was driving him away?

It's just that I don't know when I will be able to return to Mount Sumeru after this walk.

Seeing Baoguang leaving, Zhunti couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The change of the Pangu era is so simple, it's not that whoever enters the game first will have the last laugh. Brother Tongtian is the enemy of the immortals in the world. Only you dare to do it."

He admired his senior brother Tongtian very much. Faced with such a desperate situation, he could still get along with him in such a hot way, which was used to turn things around. But in this way, Jiejiao would definitely be in a messy situation.


The line of defense formed by the Great Thousand Worlds in seven directions has already advanced beyond the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The demon master Kunpeng looked at the fairy family of the Taiyi Jinxian realm of the monster clan who came back from the Great Thousand World, and said: "Muqu! Tell me! If you have any important news, you can't say it in person, you have to say it in private. "

If it weren't for the kid's grandfather, who used to be his minister in the same hall, he would have wanted to see this kid, but how many years have passed, this kid is still walking around.

Mu Qu trembled slightly and said: "Master Demon Master, I found that those martial arts practitioners seem to be invincible. They could be killed in the past, but they suddenly couldn't be killed a few days ago. Even if the true spirit is wiped out, they will die." I can't drop it, this disciple is worried that there is something wrong with it, so I came here to report to Lord Demon Master."

This is not a trivial matter. If this matter is said in front of those immortals, how much trouble might it cause?

Furthermore, the fairy families who knew the news had discussed it long ago, and only the few of them knew the news. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com If other sects know about it, how can they benefit from it?


The demon master Kunpeng's face also changed, and he said: "I know about this matter, and who else knows about this matter except you."

He is well aware of the danger in this matter, and it is not an easy thing to revive the obliterated true spirit on a large scale, except for the list of gods in the hands of Jiang Ziya who is still wandering in the long river of time and space. , and only the good luck jade plate in the hands of their teacher Hongjun Ancestor has such effects.

Now that Jiang Ziya's whereabouts are right under their noses, it is impossible for their veteran ancestor Hongjun to let go, so what is the treasure in the hands of the son of destiny in the next ancient era?

Mu Qu said with a smile: "Except for the disciples of Chanjiao and Renjiao, the other immortals have never known these things. The disciples were able to find out about this matter because they talked back to the disciples of Jiejiao. Then they were sent to the front line."

It was really dangerous at that time, and he almost died there.

The demon master Kunpeng smiled calmly, and he said: "Things are done well, the front line is dangerous, I and your grandfather were ministers in the same palace in the past, now you can go back to the demon world and rest for a while!

You are not needed on the front line yet, remember that after you go back, this news will be publicized to this seat with great fanfare, and I will also tell you how you escaped. "

Intercepting this matter has caused public outrage!

Although he can understand why his senior brother Tongtian is so eager, but there are some things that should be done, so why don't things be done because of the brother's affection?

Mu Qu bowed and saluted, "Disciple accepts the decree!"



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