MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-v2 Chapter 720 1 massive strangle

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Journey to the Heavens from the Evernight Chapter 720 A Massive Strangling

The front line, within the world.

The storm has already been raging, and many practitioners have started a large-scale search. The news of the Son of Destiny's appearance in the next era has not been hidden for long.

In the heavens and worlds, there are no eternal secrets, or that Nuwa Empress has no intention at all to hide the news of the appearance of the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era.

Sometimes when it is difficult for the Hunyuan Saint to make a move, it is natural that practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian Realm are needed to try it out.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Xing Tian, ​​the great witch of the witch tribe, looked at the former prime minister of the demon tribe Bai Ze in the distance, and asked coldly: "Have all the creatures around have gone away? You must know that Zhou Tianxing, plus Du Tianshen Sha, in one thousand worlds, even practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian will have to be turned into fly ash."

Just like the previous battle between the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan, this trial was also initiated by the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan first.

After all, there are some things that must be said on the scene.

But things have to be done and have to be done, and what you say does not prevent you from doing things.

How shrewd Bai Ze is, he naturally knows the meaning of Xingtian's words, so he said directly: "Don't bother the great witch Xingtian to worry about it. That His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, I believe that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has almost transferred that Zhongqian World."

There is no doubt that this is a black pot.

And Wuzu wanted to throw this blame on Yaozu's head, he naturally couldn't recognize it, and Xing Tian was standing here, so he couldn't throw this blame on Wuzu's head.

This pot can only be thrown at the head of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor who commands the heavens and worlds. Who told that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is not a practitioner of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm, and he is not here?

Xing Tian blushed a little and said: "It's the best, my mother doesn't want it, the business volume of the nether world has increased sharply, after all, how miserable is it for all living beings!"

He knew very well that Bai Ze was just talking nonsense. There were as many creatures in a thousand worlds as there were stars in the Ganges. How could they be transferred?

This is something that has to be done. The creatures in this middle thousand worlds are indeed a little light compared to the creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds.

"Of course!"

Bai Ze cupped his hands and said, "In that case, let's start! Let me wait and see how good this man of destiny in the next ancient era will be."

This time the temptation must come from them. After all, in the current heavens and worlds, many immortals will criticize the blatant destruction of one middle thousand world.

This is not the past. In the past, no one dared to say anything about destroying a whole world at every turn.

Then Bai Ze turned into a rainbow light and went straight to the outside of the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation in the Great Thousand World.

Xing Tian looked at Bai Ze who was going away, and said calmly: "The big battle is coming!"

The Wu Clan has never been afraid of war. In the past, the Wu Clan fought against the ancient gods, monsters, and humans, and now they are fighting against the fate of the next ancient era.

And within the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array.

Following the news from Bai Ze, many immortal families guarding the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation also started at this moment.

The starlight flickered outside Zhou Tian Xingdou's formation, and the ancient Xingdou who had been silent for an unknown number of years revived again at this moment.

The demon master Kunpeng held the star flag and said: "Everyone, the battle is imminent, and the years of the immortal family will pass in a blink of an eye. For the sake of the heavens and the world, we are obliged to wait."

Then the demon master Kunpeng Xingdoufan pointed directly at the Zhongqian World hidden in this Great Thousand World.

Countless starlight swayed and went straight to the middle thousand world.

Xing Tian, ​​who had already been pushed into the Great Thousand World, also ordered many great witches of the witch clan to form a formation.

Xing Tian is very clear that Bai Ze is worried about the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. After all, the Zhoutian Star Dou formation is different from the past. There are a lot of resources in the Star Dou formation, and the Destiny's Son of the next Pangu Era.

If it really counts, he is just like the ancestor Hongjun back then. According to historical records, the ancestor Hongjun dared to face His Majesty the **** emperor of the ancient **** clan when he was in the golden fairy realm.

In the end, he retreated calmly.

Therefore, the gods and gods of their witch clan are the second line of defense, and after that, dozens of innate spiritual treasures will be exposed.

Of course, it would be the best if the dozens of innate spirit treasures could be saved. After all, once the innate spirit treasures exploded, the Great Thousand World would be over.

Xing Tian looked at the bull head and horse face who were whispering in the distance, and said: "The next thing about bull head and horse face is up to you. Try to gather the three souls and seven souls of those creatures so that they can be reincarnated."

Some things still have to be done in the end, after all, this is also the responsibility of the Underworld.

Niutou nodded and said, "Don't worry! Lord Xingtian, this matter rests with the two of us."

Ma Mian also said: "Master Xing Tian, ​​leave this matter to the two of us, so you can rest assured!"

However, from Niutau Mamian's point of view, under the joint attack of Zhou Tianxingdou and Du Tianshensha, it is impossible for the three souls and seven souls of the living beings to survive.

At most, they are practitioners, if there is a little soul left, they don't need to worry about it if it is not enough. Practitioners have already made sufficient preparations before entering this great world, and they are not afraid of dying in this great world.

After Xing Tian hummed, he went straight to Yun Jing and watched the picture on Yun Jing.

In that middle thousand world, many practitioners also sensed endless murderous intent.

So the Xuanmen practitioners unanimously crushed the jade talisman in their hands, which was also their first means of saving their lives.

In the next moment, countless streams of light rose up from this middle thousand world, and went straight to the sky.

Somewhere in a small town.

In an elegant courtyard.

A beautiful maid looked at the still unmoving young man and said, "Mr. Chen, those who searched us are gone, why don't we go?"

Although she is practicing martial arts, she can also perceive what kind of murderous intent is contained in the streamer across the sky.

The young man called Mr. Chen by the maid, holding a scroll in his hand, shook his head helplessly and said: "Where should we go? The Taoism of Taoism is as stable as Mount Tai now. If we leave, what will happen to all living beings?"

It is very simple to leave, even in the face of such a dangerous situation, it is very simple to leave.

But he has lived here for many years, how can he watch his neighbors die tragically?

The maid continued to ask, "Then shall we die?"

Mr. Chen put down the scroll in his hand, and said: "Maybe it will, maybe it won't, who can say for sure? For the next ancient era, this must be done."

In his opinion, the Taoism of Taoism is already behind!

Although Xuanmen Xiandao is also getting rid of the disadvantages, it is changing the soup without changing the medicine. The victory of the heavens and the world, whether the life is good or not, all depends on the lower limit of the morality of the fairy family.

Sometimes a little waywardness of a fairy family is enough to bring unimaginable disasters to a whole world.

The maid cried bitterly.

Mr. Chen looked at the maid and said calmly: "Don't worry, they just want me to die. If I die, I will be whole. There are thousands of worlds in this side, so why should I be afraid of death!"

In the past, the Confucianism and Taoism he followed first, and the martial arts later, are no longer weaker than the Celestial Immortal Realm in the Immortal Family Realm, but it still seems a little powerless to block the swaying starlight.

The weeping of the maid grew louder.

Mr. Chen said as if explaining the funeral: "After I die, just give me a three-foot thin coffin and a wooden tablet, and bury it on a barren hill outside the town. If it's the anniversary of my death in the coming year, it's natural to be able to collect some yellow paper." it is good."

Then Mr. Chen wiped away the tears from the maid's face, turned and left, and walked out of the courtyard step by step.

The north wind howled.

Starlight swayed down the world.

All the villagers in the small town fell to their knees, begging for forgiveness from God.

Mr. Chen watched this scene and lamented: "Build a heart for the world, build a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations!"

next moment!

Mr. Chen bumped into the swaying and falling starlight head-on, and countless starlights gathered into one starlight and fell.

Mr. Chen's whole body has been refined like gold and jade, and under the starlight, it is as thin as a piece of rice paper.

On the barren hills.

Mr. Chen kept coughing up blood, even if he used the treasure bestowed by him, it could barely block the starlight, but how could the killing intent of the Xuanmen immortal family be a starlight.

He can't live anymore, I hope his wife can live on!


The great witch of the witch clan who was far away in the vast world also came to the barren mountain in an instant.

The great formation of gods and gods has already appeared.

Xing Tian looked at Mr. Chen who was vomiting blood, and said solemnly: "This kind of cultivation is a bit weak. If you are the son of destiny in the next ancient era, your cultivation should not be so weak."

He knew very well that the cultivation realm of the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era would never be so weak, but why the Son of Destiny in their news was so weak, there must be some kind of plan in it.

Mr. Chen struggled to get up, looked at Xing Tian and said calmly: "Haha, I am not the son of destiny in the next ancient era. I was originally a fool in the mountains and villages. I lived for two years and could die under the great witch of the witch clan." , how lucky."

Xing Tian said calmly: "Can you die before my mother makes you die?"

"Come on! Take him back to the Netherland Mansion for safekeeping. I want to see what Mr. Chen is planning behind his back."

After the Wu Clan retreated slowly, many immortal families from the Yao Clan dared to come here to investigate, and after knowing that people had been taken away by the Wu Clan, they had already extinguished their desire to ask for it.

After all, he is just an ordinary martial arts practitioner. Although he has a certain level of cultivation, he is not the son of destiny in the next ancient era they are looking for.

After many years in the world, there is a short tomb on the barren hills of the town. The inscription is very simple, the tomb of Mr. Chen.

Perhaps the creatures in this middle thousand world will never know that they almost experienced a catastrophe not long ago.

However, the impact of this matter still makes many immortals puzzled.

Within Juntian Realm.

Fly to the mountains.

Su Xuan looked at Master Xuandu who had not been seen by the Xian family for thousands of years and said: "Senior brother, I haven't seen you for many years, and now the return of senior brother is a blessing for the current situation."

He knew very well what tricks this Mr. Chen was playing, and it was easy to figure it out.

However, many immortal families don't pay attention to these small things. After all, the power of mundane creatures is too small even in today's dharma-ending world.

Xuan Du looked at his junior brother, and said: "Time and space flow, the great battle is imminent, how fortunate it is, and the matter of Mr. Chen is now widely circulated in the heavens and worlds, the demon master Kunpeng and Witch Clan Xing Tian and other immortal families have received a lot of criticism."

The heavens and worlds have been stable for a long time, and there will always be some immortals who will forget the killings of the past, and actually give birth to sympathy for the son of destiny in the next Pangu era.

Su Xuan said: "Eldest brother, this matter has to be guarded against. If those immortal families are allowed to sympathize with the son of destiny who will be in the next Pangu Era, I am afraid that one day they will gather together and force us to take over the front line. The formation was withdrawn, after all, we can't keep suppressing by killing. UU Reading"

Some things are not that simple at all, maybe those immortals who sympathize with the son of destiny in the next ancient era are the pawns of some Da Luo immortal family.

But this is playing with fire, and playing with fire will eventually lead to fire.

Xuandu said: "This is indeed a big problem. When I was in the long river of time and space, I also saw many such situations. After all, the immortal family of the next generation still lacks some iron-blooded killing hearts. Not as good as those disciples in the Xuanmen Dharma."

He is very clear about the situation that Xuanmen must face. Their human education is better, after all, there are few disciples in human education, and they all adopt the free-range method.

But among the sects led by Chanjiao and Jiejiao, this situation is the worst. The disciples of the subordinate sects of Chanjiao rely on the benefits of the magic weapon, and the disciples of the subordinate sects of Jiejiao have always been gathered by hundreds of people. act together.

Su Xuan said calmly: "In this case, we should let go of the front line and let the practitioners under the golden fairy go in. It is time for them to experience some slaughter. How can we get to the bottom without going through the slaughter A Pangu Era."

This is a real Daoist struggle, and perhaps Taoist disciples will suffer heavy casualties, but as long as the true spirit is not dead, there is still a chance to start again.

If Taoism has never reached the next ancient era, then it would naturally become nonsense whether to start over again.

Whatever you say is meaningless.

Xuandu said with a smile: "It should have been like this a long time ago. After all, there will be nuwa masters sitting in the town, and there will be no practitioners who are golden immortals or above golden immortals. However, it is said that the temptations of the two clans of liches are not very ideal. The Heavenly Star Dou Formation must also be strengthened."

In his opinion, the temptations of the Liches and Demon Clans were very flawed. Not only did they fail to find anything, but they were actually a warning.



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