MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-v2 Chapter 710 Compromise, it's over

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Remember [New] in a second! Outside the Conferred God Realm, in the vast chaotic void, the battle between the two Hunyuan Saints can be said to have disturbed the energy of the heavens and the world.

Among them, the Realm of Conferred Gods was even more turbulent, but it was obvious that many practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian couldn't do anything, and dared not do anything, except keep their ears shut.

You must know that in the battle between the two Hunyuan, practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm will either be exiled to the long river of time and space, and will not be allowed to step into the present world, or they will be sealed to pass through the world, and they will not be freed from reincarnation for countless thousands of years.

Within Juntian Realm.

Fly to the mountains.

Su Xuan also felt the shock, the saint of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm is really terrifying!

At the same time, Su Xuan also admired the saint who received and guided him very much. Knowing that his uncle Nuwa was plotting behind his back, he was still so bold, and dared to fight in the chaos.

In this realm of conferred gods, even a practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian is enough to collapse the entire Jiuzhong heaven, so practitioners in the realm of Daluojinxian are not allowed to do anything in this realm In wanton shot.

This is true for practitioners in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, let alone practitioners in the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

And this time, his nuwa teacher uncle is determined to report the old story of being tricked by eight hundred sects of the western sect during the catastrophe of conferring gods.

And the saint who received and led was also planning to stand up, so this time, the two saints of Hunyuan fought against each other in the chaotic void, but all practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can pass through Yunjing. Means, watching such a shocking fight.

Mo Shanshan looked at the fight on the cloud mirror and said, "It's obvious that our nuwa master has the absolute upper hand this time, and it seems that he is hiding something when he guides the saint."

Obviously, this guiding saint is not so simple, and the cultivation level of their nuwa master uncle is not enough to easily suppress this guiding saint.

At this moment, Su Xuan has seen the way, he said: "Judging from the current situation, our nuwa master is really fighting, but the saint who guides me probably doesn't want to really fight. Get up, don't forget that according to the temperament of our Uncle Nuwa, this guiding sage probably wants to give our Uncle Nuwa a step down."

A master once said that among the heavens and all worlds, only villains and women are hard to raise. Although many times, this sentence seems to be quite wrong, but it is quite appropriate to use here.

Obviously, what their Nuwa Martial Uncle wanted to do, their Martial Master Hongjun Patriarch came and couldn't stop him.

Mo Shanshan also nodded in admiration and said: "Although that's what you say, but the uncle Nuwa, who has already played a real fire, may not stop!"

The Qiankun Ding, the Red Hydrangea, the Map of Mountains and Rivers, and even borrowed the Pangu Banner, who has already suppressed the Nuwa Empress who is guiding the saint, may not easily let go of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. An existence that cannot be met.

Su Xuan said indifferently: "Don't worry, although our nuwa master is acting emotionally, when her anger subsides, he will always negotiate some conditions with this guiding sage."

In the past, the sorcerer Kunpeng offended his Uncle Nuwa, and wanted to negotiate some terms with him, but at that time, the Uncle Nuwa, who was very fond of him at the time, did not directly Let this teacher of the monster clan try what it means to go through fire and water.

Mo Shanshan looked at Uncle Nuwa, who was pressing down on the cloud mirror, and said, "Then this saint is really unlucky."

Once she, the nuwa master, gets really popular, she probably won't be able to dissipate her anger within a few years of the fairy family.

Two flowers bloomed, each representing a branch. When Su Xuan and his wife were still in the Great Heaven Realm, feeling that the sage who received the guide had suffered a great misfortune, the battle far away in the chaos and void had reached the most critical moment. .

In the void of chaos.

Nuwa holds a Pangu banner, and hangs a tripod of heaven and earth by her side. The map of mountains, rivers and villages is ostentatious, and the scene of thousands of immortals is directly manifested in the chaotic void.

However, Jieyin is not a person who is easy to deal with. I saw that Jieyin directly used the way of dreaming to weave a big dream, which turned into a golden lotus pond, directly blocking the constant attack of red hydrangeas.

But even if it is a big dream woven by a Hunyuan sage, how can it block the innate spiritual treasure red hydrangea at the extreme of the innate spiritual treasure?

Seeing the golden lotus pond being annihilated continuously, Jieyin couldn't do it anymore, he said: "Senior Nuwa, you are also a Hunyuan Saint after all, and you are also a Hunyuan Saint who has become old through merit and virtue. Why do you have to be so hard-pressed?"

Now at this moment, it is absolutely impossible to record one's own cultivation realm. Once one's hole cards are revealed, then when the next set of Ancient Dao Ji comes, then the Western Sect's eight hundred sects will lose All head start.

So no matter how excessive the request of his senior sister Nuwa was, he had to bite the bullet and agree.

far away.

Nuwa looked at Jieyin with a frowning face, and said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Jieying, I, a little girl, really can't bear the call of senior sister. You must know that Brother Jieying back then betrayed the Taoist sect and established himself as a Western religion. When I was in the eight hundred sects, I didn't give it at all. My senior sister, it's too late to think about it now. At this time of the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods, your Western Sect has calculated this palace so much, one thing after another , how can it be so simple to exist."

She is very clear about the thoughts of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion. She thought that her majestic Hunyuan saint was actually molested by the Emperor in her own temple, and it was all because of the schemes of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

Now the Shang Dynasty has long disappeared in the long river of time and space in the heavens and worlds, but the eight hundred sects of the Western religion are still stirring up the wind and rain all the time.

The pain on Jieyin's face became deeper and deeper, and he said helplessly: "Then according to what Senior Sister Nuwa wants, how do you, old man, want to put an end to what happened back then?"

The eight hundred sects of Western religion can't afford it, and the constant calculations of this Nuwa sage should not be called finding fault.

Now he sincerely hopes that his Junior Brother Zhunti can come back, let this Empress Nuwa beat him up, and calm down the anger of Empress Nuwa.

Nuwa said indifferently: "How to solve the cause and effect of the past, I'm afraid that if I tell you, the leading Taoist will not agree to this embarrassing thing."

What happened to her back then, under the control of the eight hundred sects of the Western Church, she became a big laughing stock of the heavens and the world.

Now Jieyin wants to settle this karma, how can it be so simple.

Jieyin resolutely said: "I also ask Senior Sister Nuwa to tell you the conditions, and I will naturally not refuse, Junior Brother."

Can't delay!

If this drags on, I'm afraid things will get worse. One must know that the Pangu Banner is already in Nuwa's hands, and no one knows whether Su Xuan, who has a Daoist temple, has also borrowed the Innate Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram in his hand. go out.

Under the threat of several innate treasures, isn't this just bullying the poor of the eight hundred sects of Western religion?

Nuwa smiled indifferently, and she said: "I want the coalition forces of this sect and Lingxiao Heaven to have a real fight with the eight hundred sects of the Western sect!"

The atmosphere has been heightened. Since both the Eight Hundred Apostles of the Western Sect and the coalition forces of the Jiejiao and Lingxiao Heavenly Realm want to establish their prestige through this battle, how could she refuse?

In the words of her elder brother, letting nature take its course is the way to do nothing!

She did nothing.

After hearing the words, his face was also stunned. He once thought that when he settled the cause and effect with this Nuwa Senior Sister, he, the Nuwa Empress who has always been very thoughtful, would put forward some unimaginable conditions.

But when he, Nuwa Senior Sister, raised this matter, it made him very helpless. It is indeed a bit serious to end this karma with this big battle.

Jieyin said helplessly: "Senior Sister Nuwa, the conditions you raised are indeed too much. I wonder if Senior Sister Nuwa can be accommodating?"

Using the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect as a bargaining chip to end this karma, the price is indeed a bit high.

Nuwa said calmly: "This palace has only one condition. If the guides and friends can agree, then the karma between the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect and this palace will be cancelled."

She is very clear about Jieyin's intentions, so she is not worried at all that Jieying will reject this condition. After all, for the Western Sect's eight hundred apostles, the matter of the next set of Ancient Daoji is the most important thing for this Daoist. .

after a long time.

Standing in the chaotic void, Jieyin said calmly: "Yes!"

Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "Good, great good!"

Calculated in this way, this is also the best result. Whether it is the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, the Jiejiao or the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, they all got what they wanted, but I am afraid that only the guiding saint feels that he has lost money.

Sometimes, even the guiding sage who is one of the founders of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion will inevitably be coerced by the disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

And in the mountain gate of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, within the boundary of Mount Sumeru, which is a million miles away.

Duobao, who was always with the old god, looked at the gradually dissipating formation, and suddenly shouted: "The formation has dissipated, prepare for battle!"

In an instant, dozens of innate spiritual treasures illuminated the entire mountain gate of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

And the allied forces of Lingxiao Tianjie and Jiejiao, who were constantly attacking the mountain protection formation in the Sumeru Mountain boundary, were also caught off guard by this sudden innate spirit treasure.

The other eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect also consciously kept up with Duobao's speed, and temporarily pushed the battle line out of the Mount Sumeru area.

After all, the enemy is outside the mountain gate!

Feather Wing Immortal, who has been paying attention to the battlefield, also went directly to greet him, and it was at this moment, at this moment, that the suspicion on him was cleared up!

"Cutting off the teaching, raising us for countless thousands of years, the festival of righteousness and death, is now!"

The Jiejiao disciples who wanted to wash away their suspicions rushed forward.

And in the army formation of the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, the immortals who had been driven off the shelves also reluctantly rushed out.

On weekdays, they listen to the announcement but don't listen to the tune, and they are obedient and obedient, that's all, but at this time, they can't allow them to think too much!

The battle is imminent!

Looking at the battle situation that has already begun to fight against each other, the Holy Mother of Wudang also ordered: "Pass down the order, don't hold back, just give that disciple a chance to reincarnate."

He caused such a lot of trouble for Jiejiao, and now he still wants to fish in troubled waters and escape. In the heavens and worlds, how can there be such a simple thing.

And Immortal Hanzhi at the side also understood and said: "Receive the decree!"

Although their elder sister has issued a decree, sometimes, if the decree is not issued, the people below will carry it out to the letter.

This decree is for the people of Lingxiao Heavenly Realm. After all, Lingxiao Heavenly Realm has suffered a lot in this battle, and it's like trying to make up for it from their Jiejiao.

Immortal Hanzhi went straight to the battlefield and conveyed the decree of the Holy Mother of Wudang, so a strange scene appeared on the huge battlefield.

On the battlefield in some places, practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian have already made a real fire, and if there is a big disagreement, they will let the western realm experience a shattering.

But in some places, it seems that they are all fishing in troubled waters, and whenever they have the opportunity, they will slip away and run towards the heavens and worlds.

The point is that the war is tight now, and there is no manpower to go there for a while, so I can only watch those Jiejiao disciples who have taken refuge in the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect leave secretly.

After all, in the current battle situation, if you don't run away at this time, then even if you want to run away in the future, you will have no chance to do so.

The Emperor of Heaven, who has been commanding the army of the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, naturally knows what is going on, but now even if he is the Emperor of Heaven, it is impossible to stop this matter.

After all, in the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, there are still a large number of Jiejiao disciples who hold priesthoods, so he can only turn a blind eye to this matter.

If it really goes on like this, the unlucky one is probably him, the puppet-like Heavenly Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven said indifferently: "Lingguang Shenjun, UU read the book to pass on the decree of this emperor, and the 800 sages of the western sect have been restrained by my Xuanmen sages. Take down Mount Sumeru as soon as possible, and show off my majesty in the heavenly realm."

Even though he said so, it was quite difficult to actually do it, so it was already his greatest wish to be able to enter the realm of Mount Sumeru in this battle.

Lord Lingguang didn't doubt that he was there, so he went straight to the battlefield to kill him.

And Duobao, who had been rushing to the front, naturally found out that a large number of disciples were fleeing, but what could he do at this moment?

"Qiu Shou, Ling Ya, you two must block the opening in front, and don't let them go."

Duobao ordered.

But even after a long time, there was still no response. Duobao didn't know what happened at this moment, the two idiots Qiushou and Lingya ran away again.

"Damn it!"

Faced with such a situation, Duobao had no choice but to rush forward himself, blocking the opening that was torn apart by the Lingxiao Heaven Realm and the Jiejiao Allied Forces.

(end of this chapter)

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