MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 996 rush to the rescue

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"It seems that we have to go further south to the Palace of Falun Gong or the Nine Birds Secret Realm. This lamp may be related to it."

Just as he was thinking about it in his heart, he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Manyu, disappeared in the same place in a flash, and then stood on the dragon's head floatingly.

Heijiao, whose eyes were originally closed like stones, opened his eyes, and the blue vertical boy under the eyelids glowed coldly, and the black wind condensed by Yin Qi surged around him, and flew into Qingming in an instant.

With a wave of Zhang Shiping's sleeve, the aura of wind and spirit gathered between the heaven and the earth in an instant, which made the speed of escape suddenly increase a lot.

One person, one dragon, instantly turned into a black light.

In the Barbarian Domain, there are eight Golden Core cultivators standing in different directions, separated by a distance of one or two miles, all holding a formation flag in their hands.

This flag has the same specifications, about Zhang Xu high, and the whole body is shining with dark yellow aura, intersecting with each other to form a huge formation.

Among them, the mountains and rivers are like earth dragons, diving or jumping, tightly entwining a monster with a body of twenty feet, like a hill.

With a pig's head and a dog's body, his eyes were red, and his body was covered in black hair like a spear, glowing coldly.

There are also three mid-Golden Core cultivators in the formation. They are a burly man, a middle-aged monk in Confucian shirts, and a gray-haired old man.

I saw that when the earth dragon bit the monster, the three of them moved together.

The big man immediately pointed a little farther away, and he had already sacrificed a stone seal in the mid-air, which rose against the wind and turned into a giant several feet long, crashing down.

The stone seal the size of a hut landed heavily on its head, but the monster just shook its head and didn't seem to be injured at all.

And the middle-aged monk pinched his fingers and recited the formula, and the three flying swords around his body swallowed golden light, turned into brilliant lights, and pierced the monster's eyes.

The opponent shot two red rays of light from his eyes, and he directly set the flying sword in mid-air, unable to move.

As for the old man throwing the cane stick in his hand, and then raised his hands, the stick sank into the ground instantly, and then more than a hundred green vines several feet thick rushed out, biting the monster's limbs like a giant python, and using the ground to face Dragging down the ground, the ground instantly sank to a depth of Zhang Xu.

However, I only heard this monster growl, and black light radiated from the whole body, and his body and aura rose a lot at the same time, reaching a height of more than thirty feet in an instant, and his aura suddenly reached Yuan Infant stage.

In a flash, the earth dragon and wooden vines on his body were broken.

But fortunately, the soaring aura of this monster is only for a moment.

The old man's face changed, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, the breath of this damned pig demon has skyrocketed again. When will Zhenjun Shiheng arrive, why don't we retreat first." The old man recalled the cracked cane and asked anxiously.

The burly man bit the tip of his tongue, and spewed out a mouthful of blood again, towards the stone seal.

For a while, the seal was in full bloom, and with great force, it was smashed for more than ten times.

And the middle-aged Confucian shirt monk took this opportunity to take back the three natal flying swords that were greatly damaged in spirituality.

Only then did he have enough energy to speak to the two of them through voice transmission:

"No, once this demon is out of trouble, we will definitely be killed or injured. The three of us are fine, but the remaining eight friends will be hard to say. After we go back, it will be difficult to explain! We are only three thousand miles away from the border. According to Zhenjun's escaping speed, it won't take an hour, just persevere. I have crushed the sect's communication token more than half an hour ago, it should be soon."

"This wild pig has thick skin and thick flesh, and its aura has already broken through. I'm afraid it's not weaker than the initial stage of the Nascent Soul. But it should only be a temporary supernatural power of blood. This is the end of the matter, taking advantage of its brute strength and not knowing how to adapt, We can still trap them in the formation and cannot retreat. Once the formation is broken, not only a few of them, but also us will be in danger." The big man said panting.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

"Then hold on for another half an hour, but if this monster really shows signs of breaking the formation, then the old man would rather be punished by the sect than perish here." The old man replied in a deep voice through voice transmission.

"Zhang Tianming is still here. If something happens to him, even if we can save our lives this time, it will not be easy afterwards. Li Daoyou, you should stop thinking about it and think about other monks in your family." Yan Zhao secretly Another sentence was passed to the old man.

Then he blessed it with mana, and the sound spread to the ears of the eight Golden Core monks.

"Everyone, continue to cast spells, don't let this wild monster rush out. After a while, Patriarch Shiheng will arrive."

It's just that these eight people have heard these words several times, but they also understand the consequences of letting go of the formation.

The three middle-stage Golden Core Taoist friends in the formation are still unwilling to leave first, which is good news for them.

Without saying a word, the eight people turned their hands and took out the elixir and took it to replenish their already depleted mana.

Then he activated the formation again, changing the terrain in the formation to use the trapped method, and no longer wanted to kill this beast.

And when the old man heard Yan Zhao's voice transmission, his face was already gloomy, but in the end he had no choice but to spray another mouthful of blood on the cane in his hand, ready to go and guard against the monsters.

However, the pig demon was still rushing left and right, and the aura of the entire formation was shaking for a while, and it was on the verge of falling, as if it was about to be broken in the next moment.

It's time for another cup of tea.

At this time, a black light came galloping from a distance. There was only a small black spot at first, but it could be seen clearly in a moment.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys are so brave that you want to hunt monsters like wild blood pigs." Zhang Shiping flew to Zhang Tianming's side with his feet on the dragon's head. Look at the color.

"Old Ancestor, this monster was originally only at the late stage of the golden core, but for some reason, its fur is as hard as black iron. No matter it is a formation or various magic weapons, it is difficult to hurt at all. Moreover, the previous aura has soared by several times. It is really amazing. It was beyond my expectation." Zhang Tianming gave a wry smile.

"Remove the formation." Zhang Shiping ordered.

When the eight people heard the words, they immediately dispersed their mana.

And the dragon swooped down, biting the **** pig's neck with its mouth The yin energy all over its body soared, submerging it in.

But after a while, when the black air dissipated, the pig demon no longer had the slightest intention of struggling, and the originally huge body of more than thirty feet, without the blessing of the demon power, revealed its original size of eighteen or ninety feet.

And the flood dragon soared to Zhang Shiping's feet again, looking coldly at the eleven golden core monks of Xuanyuanzong.

"How long have you been out this time?"

Zhang Tianming bowed and replied: "It has been three months since I returned to my ancestors."

"It's almost there. Right now, your mana is seriously depleted, and your body is soaked with some ancient aura. It's not suitable to stay any longer. Go back to the sect." Zhang Shiping said calmly.

"Follow the will of the ancestors." Everyone bowed and said in unison.

"This brute was taken back and divided, so as not to make this trip in vain." Zhang Shiping said, but his eyes fell on a hill in the distance.

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