MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 992 old and new

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A few days later, Du Yu and his party found nothing in Yuran Mountain, and returned to their respective sects to collect the spirit stones.

It only took one day to go back and forth, and the five sects filled nearly 400,000 high-grade spirit stones into the extremely spiritual place, and the massive amount of spiritual energy was equivalent to an entire high-grade spirit vein.

At the same time, with the issuance of invitations in the name of the five sects, the Nanzhou Zhenjun Grand Meeting will be held as scheduled three years later. Except for a few Yuanying monks who have already gone out before that, or happen to be in an emergency, all other monks are invited to come.

It's just that after many investigations, the matter of the demon body was finally settled.

And Zhang Shiping took advantage of this event to tell other Taoists that he would go to the frontier of the Barbarian Region to guard in advance on behalf of Xuanyuanzong. Of course, he had to wait for Master Zhan Xuan sent by Qingxia to return from the border of the Barbarian Territory before he went.

Naturally, no one objected to such a trivial matter.

Not long after the meeting ended, news came from the Red Moon Tower that Xuan Yu was sitting down and Feng Xuan was taking over.

After hearing this news, Du Yu secretly went to the quiet valley of Hongyue Tower for a walk alone. I don't know if the two of them fought or discussed something?

In short, after this time, Hongyue Tower began to withdraw from the style of the commander-in-chief of Nanzhou when Venerable Hongyue was alive, and began to act more low-key, just like the ordinary Nascent Soul forces.

In addition, Jiang Ruoliu, who was originally the elder of Jindan of Mingxinzong, suddenly transformed into the master of Wanjianmen, and Gu Zhang abdicated.

All of a sudden, in the entire Nanzhou cultivation world, although those low-level monks were still fighting for their own cultivation, at the level of Yuanying monks, it seemed calm and nothing major happened.

Zhang Shiping taught his apprentices for a year or two, and then he went to Bihu Island, and continued to practice "Liujia True Strategies" and the "Wan Jian Sheng" method.

Time flies, and the years pass by.

Before I knew it, more than ten years had passed!

During this period, Qiu Cong sat in the Xuanyuan Secret Realm in the early morning of a certain day, and two months later, Zhongli's already extremely weak aura also dissipated.

In the ancestral hall of the sect, the life lights of the two went out one after another.

Zhang Shiping, who heard the news, left the customs twice in a row, sending the two of them the last journey.

According to Qiu Cong's request before his death, he deliberately separated a trace of his soul and hid it in the body of his apprentice Li Jiantong to protect him, so as not to encounter accidents before he matured.

At the same time, it also inherited the natal spirit treasure and many spiritual objects of cultivation left by Zhong Li before his death.

It's just that these things are not of much help to him who has already touched the bottleneck of practice, it is nothing more than a few more fighting methods.

In the years since Xuanyuan Zong Qiucong and Zhongli passed away, among the other four sects, the old Nascent Soul monks who were of the same generation as Qinghe, such as Wenshui Zhenjun of Misty Valley, etc., also died one after another.

There is also Xu Yuanhui of Ming Xinzong, who also exhausted his life energy before Bi Yunquan.

As for Zhiyi and the Hongyi couple from the Hongyue Tower, they went to Cangguyang hand in hand before their own magical powers and mana had not weakened with only a short lifespan left.

Several months later, the two returned with serious injuries, carrying the corpse of a mysterious tortoise in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

However, they did not retreat to heal their injuries, but walked hand in hand, and finally sat on a certain unnamed green hill and watched the sunrise. They looked at each other with smiles, and as the golden light fell, both of them slowly dissipated into pure aura , without leaving a trace, completely feeding back the small world.

Its sitting time was fully advanced by decades.

This is the case in Nanzhou, and the same is true for the older generation of Nascent Soul cultivators in Northern Xinjiang, Western Desert, or overseas. The almost elusive hope of longevity is just a hope after all.

However, after the veteran Zhenjun left among the five sects, apart from Misty Valley, the other four sects each produced a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Although Yi Xuedan was unwilling, under the insistence of Du Yu and other four masters, the five sects opened the land of Yinming and Huangquan again after three hundred years. There is a name on it, and there is a drop of blood with a little soul.

Speaking of which, even a Nascent Soul cultivator with a lifespan of more than two thousand years cannot escape the day of his death. A person who is expected to live forever, but it is like a flower in the mirror of the moon in the water. In the end, all the efforts have been in vain.

The longevity of high-level monks is so elusive, no wonder those ordinary low-level monks, once they have reached a similar level of cultivation, they consciously cannot go any further, so they no longer continue to practice boring retreats, or start touring mountains and rivers , Like the literati who visited famous mountains and great rivers, or returned to the secular world, married wives, took concubines and had children, and enjoyed the prosperity of the rest of his life.

After all, who doesn't want to sit and lie on a high bed, and live a mediocre life with unrestrained fragrance and blinding eyes? This is human nature.

Perhaps their lives are more colorful than these Nascent Soul cultivators who practice non-stop.

Of course, these monks who have returned to the secular world are almost all under the supervision of monks from various sects to prevent them from causing harm.

Whether it is an ordinary Nascent Soul Sect like Mingxin Sect, or a long-standing sect like the Five Sects, the reason why they stick to the rule that monks are not allowed to kill is not to hold on to that mortal There is benevolence, but it is out of the responsibility to maintain a relatively stable state of the world.

A certain day between the old and the new.

Xu Su, who had devoted himself to Zhang Shiping's seat for more than three hundred years, flew from Yuanxiao City to Bihu Island in his Dunguang, and sent a sound transmission jade slip into the formation.

After half an hour, the stone gate of the cave that had been closed for several years opened suddenly, and Zhang Shiping, who was wearing a green shirt, walked out slowly, and appeared in front of Xu Su in a flash.

"Meet the ancestor."

"Get up."

Zhang Shiping glanced at this person again, nodded his head lightly, and said with satisfaction: "The medium-term cultivation is not bad."

"Thank you ancestor for cultivating it." Xu Su said respectfully.

"This is the result of your hard work, and I just gave you a push." ​​Zhang Shiping said calmly.

Ever since Zhongli sat down, his fourth-order spiritual mountain in Xuanyuan's secret realm fell into his hands, and at the same time it became Jiang Si's place of practice.

After Xu Su practiced for hundreds of years, his mana has reached a bottleneck.

With Zhang Shiping's permission, he practiced in this mountain for nearly ten years, and broke through to the middle stage of Jindan with the help of the pure spiritual energy.

"Jiang seems to be still in the secret realm?" Zhang Shiping asked.

"Senior Jiang went out three months ago, and his whereabouts are unknown." Xu Su replied in a respectful voice.

Hearing this, Zhang Shiping nodded, then closed his eyes and focused his attention. He sensed through the soul seals of the blood contract between them, and realized that there was a vague connection in the north.

"Have you been to Northern Xinjiang?" He thought to himself.

Then he soared into the sky and headed towards the border of the barbarian domain.

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