MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 975 Thank you behind closed doors

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Zhang Shiping originally thought that he had no chance to fight this spirit fire battle.

However, when Kunkui made a sudden move and snatched the Gu Niaozhu from Ming Lin's hands, various thoughts flashed through his mind at that moment.

However, after weighing the pros and cons of the danger, he still made a decisive move to intercept the bead, but in this way, he was also trapped in the flood formation.

And in the short time in the formation, he used the golden light mirror to protect himself, temporarily isolated the red water formation, and took the opportunity to use the "Spiritualization Yuanjutsu" to cooperate with the silver chain of the Yanyun Myriad Spirit Pagoda to capture A small part of the false spiritual fire was fired.

In fact, after so many years of dealing with each other, no matter which side it is, it has already understood the inheritance spirit treasures owned by other forces.

What is the magical function of the red water bottle of the giant kun clan, or how powerful the red water array is? As the Yuanying elder of Xuanyuan Sect for more than three hundred years, he naturally knew something from the sect's classics.

Although there is a golden mirror to protect him, if Kunkui really wants to put him to death, it is not difficult, but it will take more time.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Kun and Peng tribes had asked Xuanyuanzong for something because of the Nine Birds Secret Realm, and Bai Yuheng and Minglin were nearby, otherwise he definitely wouldn't have taken such a risk.

Of course, in normal times, whether Ming Lin or Bai Yuheng, the two of them would stand by and watch, or deliberately delay some time so that Kunkui could trap Zhang Shiping in the formation.

He concluded that these two people would definitely not see Kunkui **** the bird bead so easily.

Sure enough, before they could make a move, Kunkui had intentionally dissipated nearly half of the flood formation's power, revealing a flaw.

But no matter what the process is, he is already extremely satisfied to have these three strands of false spirit fire in his hand, and he has not suffered any injuries.

After thinking about it, Zhang Shiping had a thought, and a crimson jade array plate fell in front of him, and the array flags more than ten inches long flew out, and suddenly grew to three feet long, scattered in the stillness Around the room, streaks of red light were shot out and turned into spirit shields, enveloping itself.

Afterwards, while waving his sleeves, he took out more than a hundred high-grade fire-attribute spirit stones shining with red light, and wrapped them in his spiritual sense. In just one breath, these spirit stones were completely turned into powder, and the fire-spiritual energy filled the air. The whole quiet room.

After doing this, he immediately made a tactic with one hand, opened his lips slightly, and uttered a word: "Get up."

As soon as the words fell, there was a hazy spiritual energy on the surface of the blue spirit pool deep in the cave, like a fog tide.

This is formed by the condensed spiritual energy that usually escapes from the wood attribute spiritual vein in Bihu Island.

He had waited for two or three years in the Valley of Resentment and Fire in Zhang State, and then traveled to the ancient ocean in order to fight for the spiritual fire. It took almost half a year to go back and forth, so the spiritual energy accumulated in this Lingtan was quite considerable. !

When the green mist approached the red light in the quiet room, it suddenly ignited, and the wood aura passed through the profound fire formation and poured into the quiet room, and it all turned into the extremely violent fire aura.

Forcibly transforming the five elements in this way will consume at least 30% of the aura.

Originally, in normal times, Zhang Shiping would never waste it like this. It's just that right now he doesn't have extra time to refine it slowly, so he can only borrow the power of the formation for convenience.

But Jiang Si, who had just sat down cross-legged, suddenly noticed something, and his expression suddenly became serious.

It turned its head and looked back, only to see that the aura in the large formation with a radius of more than ten miles seemed to be attracted by something, gathered together, turned into a vortex, and poured into the stone gate of the cave.

Time passed slowly, seven or eight days passed in a flash, and the vision in the formation still did not stop.

The next day, early morning.

Jiang Ruo opened his eyes and looked into the distance, with a thoughtful look on his face. After a while, it slowly got up, walked out of the formation, flew away, and flew seven or eight miles away.

Not far away, a pale blue ray of light was galloping towards. After flying close, the brilliance disappeared, and a person appeared.

"I've seen the master." Jiang Ru said, cupping his hands.

"Shiheng has already returned home, please go and inform him that I have something to look for him." Du Yu asked slowly.

"Master has been retreating for many days since he came back. He told me before that he must not disturb you. I don't know why the master is here. Why don't you tell me first, and I will go after the master is out of the seclusion later. Report." Jiang seemed to respond.

"In such a hurry, has he ever been injured?" Du Yu asked in a deep voice.

Jiang Ru shook his head, and said unhurriedly: "I can't see it, it should be safe!"

"That's good. Then when Shiheng leaves the customs, you can tell him to come to Xuanyuan Secret Realm Liyun Valley to discuss important matters. I will be there for the next three months." Du Yu nodded and said.

"Okay, I will report this matter immediately after the master leaves the customs." Jiang Si said.

"Then I'll leave first, there's no need to see you off, you'll stay here to protect the Dharma for Shiheng."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he turned and left, flying towards the distance.

Jiang Si watched it off, until its figure turned into a black spot, and when it disappeared into the clouds and could no longer be seen, it returned to the formation with a blank expression.

As soon as it entered the battle, it saw Zhang Shiping standing under the shadow of the tree, with his left hand behind his back, slightly looking up into the distance, the morning light shone through the leaves, and the light and shadow reflected on his face, making people unable to see clearly what his mood was .

"When did the master leave the customs? Just now Du Yu has come, and he invited the master to go..." Jiang Ru showed a hint of puzzlement.

Hearing this, Zhang Shiping lightly raised his right hand, signaling to stop its words.

Then he said in a light tone: "I already But it's not the time yet, we still have to wait for some time."

"Master, who are you?" Jiang Ru suddenly came over, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Since some people are willing to see some things, let them see them. Although it may not be useful, sometimes it may have a miraculous effect." Zhang Shiping said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and turned into a flame, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Jiang Sian was the same as before, as if he didn't know that Zhang Shiping had left the customs, he still sat cross-legged in the formation, closed his eyes and meditated.

Another two or three months passed in a blink of an eye, during which Du Yu came three more times, the first two times he was alone, and the last time was with Qingyu.

But this time, Zhang Shiping still didn't show up, the two returned without success, so they had to return to Yuanxiao City.

On the way, when the two saw several spirit boats of the White Ape Company passing through a strait, Du Yu suddenly stopped, and a blue light suddenly appeared, and the natal spirit fan appeared in his hand.

With a cold face, he waved his fan angrily, rolled up the surging sea water, turned into hundreds of water blades, and shot towards a stone mountain more than a hundred feet high. Messy.

A wave of more than ten feet high rolled back, and the spirit boats were bobbing and sinking in the waves.

The Qi Refining Cultivator and the mortals on the boat tossed and turned, looking extremely embarrassed, while the Foundation Establishment Cultivator was in a better situation.

One of the black-faced Foundation Establishment cultivators who looked about forty-five looked at the two leaving figures, and a gleam of light could not help but flash in his eyes.

In the distance, Qingyu said slowly to Du Yu: "It's fine."