MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 7 bronze lamp

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Fengxing's white shadow boat landed on the top of a mountain in Jiaozuo Zong, and everyone came down.

Zhang Shiping was looking down from the flying boat first, and in the clouds and mist he only saw the eaves of the palace towers faintly protruding, feeling like the hazy feeling of the towers in the mist and rain.

Everyone was in a square, surrounded by continuous houses and towers. He saw servants passing by from time to time, and some of them flew back and forth between the buildings with their feet on different shapes of magic weapons.

The square is paved with blue stones, and in the middle is a small river that is ten feet wide. The water in the river is so clear that you can see small fish swimming around above the pebbles. There is an exquisite stone pavilion by the river, the pavilion is covered with precious gourds, and the white stone is the base. There are two people sitting in the pavilion. One is a middle-aged man with obvious wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and the other is a woman with a pair of red phoenix eyes, which is astonishingly delicate.

Chen Wenguang, who came down from the flying boat, and the five foundation-building monks walked over, and the two also got up, and the older monk surnamed Li said to the two of them in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Lin, Junior Sister Feng, next time the new disciples will hand over to you." It's for the two of you, make arrangements as soon as possible."

"Yes." The two said to Senior Brother Li.

Zhang Shiping, led by the two of them and other qi-training monks of the sect, turned left and right, and came to a large hall. Everyone received jade cards representing their Jiaozuo sect identities and black clothes in turn.

He walked along the mountain road, walked across a chain bridge, and lived in the courtyard of a hill next door. There are many courtyards built on this hill, all of which are small courtyards surrounded by three or four houses.

Each set of small courtyards is separated by tens or hundreds of meters, so you are not afraid of disturbing others. Zhang Shiping was allocated a small yard numbered A34. The environment of the house was good. There was a clump of green bamboos growing well, and the bamboo leaves rustled. It took him a while to get familiar with the whole yard.

For the next six months, the Zongmen will not force their new disciples to accept miscellaneous or dangerous tasks. Zhang Shiping is naturally happy. He came to his room, meditated with his legs crossed, and started the "Qingxuan Yuhuojue". As expected, the inner aura is no better than his own Lingshan, and the mana he refined during one run of the Great Circle is three points more than before, and the mana is more refined in the long run. It is indeed a good choice to join the sect, and he is happy in his heart.

As for Chen Wenguang has already returned to his cave, it is enough to roughly arrange things for his nephew, he does not need to cover everything, and he is not taking care of children. He had already left Zhang Shiping a sound transmission talisman, let Zhang Shiping figure out which sect mission he was going to accept in half a year, and then send a message to him.

Chen Wenguang really didn't want Zhang Shiping to go to the ground fire room. The fire poison was not so easy to clean up. In the past, the disciples who guarded the ground fire were changed every year. It was because of the time, and the low-level monks couldn't stand the fire poison.

Fortunately, there is still half a year left, maybe Zhang Shiping will not go after he figured it out, he will go to the Zhang family in a few months to see his sworn brother Zhang Tongan, otherwise he will feel uneasy, the road to cultivating immortals is getting worse The fewer friends you leave, Chen Wenguang sighed.

Because it was the first time to practice in an environment with abundant aura, when Zhang Shiping opened his eyes, it was already dark, and he couldn't see his fingers in the whole room. To the extent that you can't see your fingers.

He rubbed his right hand, and a ray of yellow flame emerged from the tip of his index finger. The flame jumped, and the room became bright. He scanned the whole room. There was an oil lamp on the table, but the wick had burned out, and the remaining section was soaked in Inside lamp oil.

He thought that there was a bronze lamp in his storage bag, but it was broken. He didn't know if the wick was still there, so he took out the bronze lamp from the storage bag.

"Hey!" The lampstand where the bronze lamp was split from the lady's hands is now intact. If he didn't remember clearly, he would have thought the lamp was like this.

He picked up the lamp, and he could no longer see the original broken trace. It's really miraculous, could it be that this bronze lamp with no aura fluctuations is still a treasure?

The bronze lamp was placed on the table, he poured in kerosene, lit the bronze lamp, the flame was the same as ordinary lamps, Zhang Shiping swept the bronze lamp with his consciousness again, wanting to see if he could imprint his consciousness, but there was no response at all .

He frowned, bit his finger, and forced a drop of blood onto the bronze lamp, but the blood didn't melt into it. Neither of the two most conventional methods of refining magical artifacts was available, so there were only two possibilities left.

One is that this bronze lamp is a vulgar thing, worthless.

Another possibility is that it is not a magic weapon, but a treasure that needs formulas to sacrifice.

No matter which one, it is useless to Zhang Shiping now.

Lost in his heart, Zhang Shiping let out a deep breath, fetched a bucket of water from the well in the garden, and washed himself hastily.

Back in the bedroom, he continued to meditate and practice. On the surface, the immortal cultivators are beautiful, but in fact, which one of the monks who want to achieve all the achievements has not spent a lot of effort. He has to endure loneliness, otherwise it is better to go down the mountain early and become a master in the secular world. The family's worship, eat and drink spicy food for a lifetime, sleep when you want to sleep, and play when you want to play.

Zhang Shiping calmed down his heart, and continued to practice, and only then did he run the "Qing Xuan Yu Huo Jue", the spiritual energy he absorbed was still in his meridians, he had already opened his eyes, and he found that the spiritual energy he had absorbed was four or five times what he had before , This speed of absorbing spiritual energy is almost the same as that of Tianlinggen.

He was afraid that it was an illusion, so he practiced again, and he still absorbed so much spiritual energy. He circulated the great circle and refined mana. Zhang Shiping was immersed in this feeling.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and it gradually goes west, leaving only the outline of the faint moon.

The mountains in the east are still groggy, the west is still blue, and the whole world is boundless.

The green bamboo outside the house rustled in the mountain wind, and the bronze lamp inside the house burned all night. After the lamp oil dried up, the light became smaller and smaller, from the height of a finger to the size of a soybean, and finally a few wisps of green smoke were extinguished.

Zhang Shiping suddenly opened his eyes, he found that the speed of his cultivation had returned to the original state, he opened his eyes just in time to see the lights go out, UU reading www. uukanshu. com suddenly thought of a possibility.

He got up and poured the remaining lamp oil into the bronze lamp again, and lit it.

He went back to the bed to practice, and as expected, the speed of practicing "Qingxuan Yuhuo Jue" was the same as last night, and he didn't want to get up until the sun was three poles.

Zhang Shiping blew out the lamp, took out a jade box, put the bronze lamp in it, and put it in the storage bag. This kind of treasure cannot be mentioned to outsiders.

The treasure is touching, Zhang Shiping thought that if the Jindan cultivator found out, he would not be able to help but do it.

Pretending that nothing happened, he went down the mountain to buy some basic necessities, which were bought by secular disciples of Jiaozuo Zong, forming a small town. Zhang Shiping saw many disciples in the town wearing black sect clothes like him.

Of course, there is lamp oil for these basic necessities, and he bought a big barrel, which is enough for half a year. Of course, there are many other things to buy.

In order to prevent others from entering his yard by mistake and discover the secret of the bronze lamp, Zhang Shiping set up formations outside the room every time he practiced, so the days passed day by day, and three months passed in a blink of an eye, and he finally broke through the " "Qing Xuan Yu Huo Jue" fifth level, reached the fifth level of Qi training.

After a night of practice, Zhang Shiping got up, put away the bronze lamp, went out and sat in the courtyard, thinking that he was only the aptitude of the three spiritual roots, and if he improved his cultivation faster and faster in the later stage, someone would definitely notice , it seems that I have to prepare early.

It is extremely necessary to have a cultivation method that can hide the cultivation level and prevent others from seeing it, and it is best to hide it from the foundation-building monks. Zhang Shiping didn't even dare to think about whether he could hide the truth from the Golden Core cultivator. Anyway, there are only a few Golden Core cultivators, as long as they don't miss them, my luck shouldn't be that bad.

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