MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 10 blue-eyed golden monkey

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After Zhang Shiping flew into the sky, he did not go far away, but circled half a circle. After getting out of the sight of the two monkeys, he came back secretly, restrained his spiritual pressure as much as possible, and hid on a big tree not far away. Ye Shengmao completely covered his figure.

After Zhang Shiping left, the two blue-eyed golden-haired male monkeys, who were eight feet tall and looked like burly men, immediately fought together again, stirring up a large cloud of flying dust. Zhang Shiping saw that the two male monkeys became angry among the leaves. Gradually, as time passed, the old male monkey was exhausted and could not block the opponent's head-on claws. His left eye was scratched, and the old male monkey howled. A sound of wanting to escape.

Seeing her husband monkey's left eye burst, Zhang Shiping thought inwardly that it's a pity, the blue-eyed golden monkey is a first-order herd monster, the most valuable thing on its body is its pair of blue eyes. The Monkey King is a first-tier high-grade monster, which is equivalent to the cultivation level in the late stage of Qi training, and it is much more expensive than ordinary blue-eyed golden monkeys.

Although the golden fur on the young male monkey's body was already stained red by blood from his own wounds, when he saw the old monkey retreating, he became more aggressive and chased after him, leaving seven or eight wounds on his body. The old monkey didn't dare to resist any more, tightened his tail, and begged for mercy.

The young male monkey let out a long howl, jumped into the dozens of blue-eyed golden monkeys that had been watching earlier, and disappeared into the dense forest surrounded by stars. Then the old monkey got up and dragged his scarred body step by step. Footprints left.

The Jiaozuo Sect has a radius of hundreds of miles, and there are countless monsters living in it. Even the high-ranking monks of the Jiaozuo Sect cannot kill all the monsters. What's more, monsters have reached the third level, that is, the cultivation base of the Jindan period, their spiritual intelligence is no worse than normal people, and they know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Infant monsters don't have enough materials?

There are many first-class monsters like blue-eyed golden monkeys in the mountains. Zhang Shiping saw that the monkeys' playfulness had gradually faded away. The old monkey climbed to the riverside and scooped water with one hand while turning his head to be vigilant. Zhang Shiping was still a little far away and dared not Come out directly, the opponent is after all a monster that is equivalent to the late stage of Qi training of an immortal cultivator, if it is not seriously injured at this moment, he will not pay attention to it.

After drinking the water, the old monkey king walked towards the bushes and weeds for a while, stopped, and kept pushing the weeds away with both hands. The hot crimson fireball condensed in front of him, and he pointed forward, and whispered: "Go."

The fireball hit the back of the old monkey king directly, but the old monkey king rolled over and dodged it. The fireball hit the weeds and ignited the surrounding area, and the flames rose.

Zhang Shiping did not stop, and he was not surprised when the fireball was dodged. When the fireball was still in the air, he had already taken out two wind blade talismans from the storage bag. He fired left and right, drawing two crescent-shaped tracks in the air.

The cyan wind blade slashed the old monkey king's thigh, and slashed across his waist together, almost cutting the old monkey king in half, leaving the red, green, and black spots all over the place.

But Zhang Shiping did not have much joy on his face. Just when the old monkey king rolled to avoid the fireball, Zhang Shiping saw a plant of herbs in the weeds, and the others were still green, except for three purple patches growing at the bottom. The leaves, thick as purple jade, have the effect of healing.

This 30-year-old purple jade-leaved grass is worth as much as this blue-eyed golden monkey king, but he was burned to ashes by a fireball.

How can Zhang Shiping be happy. The blue-eyed golden monkey king struggled a few times on the ground before dying. He went over and dug out the only remaining blue eye of the monkey king and put it in a jade bottle, sealing it with a magic talisman.

Zhang Shiping put the rest of the monkey king's body directly into the storage bag. He extinguished the fire caused by the fireball just now. Just as he was about to take out the flying magic weapon and leave, Zhang Shiping suddenly threw a gust of wind towards his left rear. Blade, a figure dodged in embarrassment.

"Senior brother, please stop, misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding." That person was also an outer sect disciple who was wearing the same black clothes as Zhang Shiping.

Zhang Shiping didn't like to wait for others to strike first before being forced to fight back, and he was not a gentleman, so why did he need to fight back legitimately. It is the last word to strike first.

Zhang Shiping watched the opponent's every move, and his heart sank slightly. The man's body was agile, and he seemed to be embarrassed to avoid the wind blade, but his flustered footsteps were faked.

The cultivation levels of both sides were similar, Zhang Shiping was not sure to leave him head-on, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, brother, I'm too nervous, please forgive me." corner.

The man also said loudly: "Brother, I saw thick smoke rising from a distance just now, and thought it was a mountain fire, so I came here to take a look. It turns out that brother is here. Since I'm fine, I'll leave first. "The man took a few steps back after speaking, quickly stepped on a brown shuttle-shaped magic weapon, and flew away without stopping at all.

Zhang Shiping stared at the man flying away, and then put the yellow talisman in his hand into the storage bag. Since the thick smoke here has attracted others, it is not good for him to stay here any longer, so he can only hurry back to the small room where he lives. courtyard.

Not long after the death of the blue-eyed golden monkey, the blood on his body was not dry, so he wanted to take blood to refine cinnabar.

An important part of the talisman is to use the blood of various monsters. UU Reading adds different auxiliary materials according to the formula, and makes the cinnabar into the cinnabar that is finally used to draw the talisman. These auxiliary materials can be medicinal materials or minerals. Each family has its own formula, which is the bottom of every talisman maker's box.

Putting these in the secular world, it is a craft that is passed on from male to female, and from inside to outside. If you want to learn this job, you have to be your own son.

After nearly an hour, Zhang Shiping rushed back to the small courtyard. Like other monks, he did not recruit a few mortals to do some chores of fetching water and cooking. He didn't care about eating and drinking, as long as he could eat enough.

In the small courtyard, Zhang Shiping took out the body of the blue-eyed golden monkey king. Part of the spiritual energy in his body had been lost, and the blood was the same, not so fresh. He took out several large jade bottles, put the blood of the monkey king in, and sealed each bottle with a magic talisman. , I was relieved.

Use a magic talisman to seal the spirituality in the blood. After all, he still lacks a few medicinal materials on hand, so he has to go to the market to buy some raw materials. In the past, there were naturally secular members of the Zhang family in the family to help process medicinal materials, so there was no need to go to the market to buy them.

After Zhang Shiping finished processing the blue-eyed golden monkey, the sun had already set in the west. He washed the pear-patterned boning knife, put it back into the storage bag, dried his hands with a handkerchief, and cooked something casually to satisfy his hunger. Go to the room to practice.

Zhang Shiping was sitting cross-legged on a bamboo-yellow futon on the ground. On the left was a small wooden counter with a bronze lamp.

He let out a long breath, the bluish-red aura flashed on his body, he let out a long breath of foul breath, and restrained the aura on his body. Since he had the help of this bronze lamp, his practice was not as hard as water dripping on stones in the past, which saved him a lot of hard work.