MTL - Ivory Moonlight-Chapter 144

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The author has something to say: one change today, three change tomorrow, why not

Until the afternoon of school, Ye Sangsang didn't feel better. The mother who came to pick her up from school took her little hand to put her in the child seat of the front passenger seat. The situation in school.

Because of the distracted thinking, Ye Sangsang talked back and forth, but in the eyes of Mother Ye, she was uncomfortable and unhappy on the first day of school.

So Cimu Yemu parked her car in the garage of a shopping mall and planned to coax Ye Sangsang: "Let's go shopping and let mom buy toys for you."

Ye Sangsang thought, I'm not a child anymore, especially when I think that every time Mother Ye leaves her bed and buys all kinds of dolls on her bed, she puts her princess bedroom full of pink lace everywhere. It's all this kind of thing, almost makes people unable to step forward, Ye Sangsang is full of black lines.

But unfortunately, who made her still a kid now can't defeat the tough means of her parents, and can only accept it with tears.

But Tucao returned to Tucao. As soon as he entered the mall's children's toy car, Ye Sangsang rushed in.

"Baby, look at this, it doesn't look like you." Ye Mu sounded softly like water in her ears.

As soon as Ye Sangsang turned her head, she was seen by a doll about the same size as her, with long black hair braided, a straw hat on her head, and an imitated skirt on her body. And dignified. The doll's eyes are round and big, and the eyelashes are thick and curled, and the cute heart is about to melt.

However, Ye Sangsang said that she did not look like this naive doll.

"I don't want this." As a five-year-old Ye Sangsang, she refused with a firm voice.

Unfortunately, she obeyed her leaf mother very much in other things. She was very stubborn in this regard. She was ashamed of Ye Sangsang's words and was embarrassed to refuse it. Then she gave the doll to the salesperson who was next to her "Help me put this in front of the cashier."

Ye Sangsang sighed deeply, really didn't understand whether she wanted to sell it to her or Ye Mu himself liked it, but she was embarrassed to show it, so use her as an excuse! !!

After that, Ye Sangsang, who was regarded as a naive little pot friend, was dragged by Ye mother to visit the toy city for more than half a circle, and all kinds of toys were wiped out.

When checkout, Ye mother swiped the card there, Ye Sangsang looked around boringly, fixed some toys in the storage box next to the cashier.

Cockroaches, caterpillars, scorpions, mice, and other slender simulation toys like fingers only seem to make goose bumps.

But Ye Sangsang's eyes brightened.

Most girls are most afraid of these bugs, including hers, but she is so excited for a reason.

She rang the girl she yelled at Lin Xia today, with a face indifferent at any time, as if there were no emotional ups and downs.

Hee hee, if you put this on her schoolbag textbook toys and so on, you will definitely change your face! !!

As soon as this idea came out, Ye Sangsang couldn't restrain herself. She pulled the corner of the mother's clothes, don't hesitate to say, "Mom, I want this one."

Ye Sangsang pointed at a simulated spider in the storage box. The sound of milk and milk was soft and soft, and anyone who listened could not bear to refuse her request.

In fact, it is true. Not only Ye Ye, but also Ye Ye, she is almost spoiled to heaven.

Ye Sangsang often lamented that if she hadn't lived for a few lives, she would have been raised and fled.

However, as soon as Ye mother saw the artificial bug that Ye Sangsang was pointing at, she was frightened and pale, her voice trembling slightly: "Good girl, what do you want to do, how terrible, let's play with this doll."

Although Ye Mu's opposition was fierce, she bought a spider she wanted under the coquettishness of Ye Sangsang.

The spider is worth a few hundred dollars, which is obviously different from a few dollars in the ten yuan store.

The former is so delicate that if you don't get it to study it, you will think it is true, while the latter is naturally rough enough to look at it from a distance.

Ye Sangsang asked the cashier to help with the parcel number. When he went to school the next day, he would use a pen to provoke the toy spider secretly while Lin Xia went to the bathroom and put on her desk.

After putting it in place, Ye Sangsang happily waited for Lin Xia to return.

She deliberately did next to Lin Xia, and was at the same table with Lin Xia. When she saw the other party approaching her, her eyes were smiling like a crescent moon, but in order not to let Lin Xia know that she was a prank, Ye Sangsang tried to pinch her thigh. The flesh does not make him smile.

But I did n’t know that I did n’t work hard at home. The little face that worked hard, the corner of my mouth was slightly raised, and the beautiful eyes like cat eyes with a smile that could not be masked. .

After Lin Xia approached, he saw Ye Sangsang different from usual, and he could feel the excitement and joy as long as he was closer.

Lin Xia felt a little weird, but she sat back in her seat, but at a glance, she saw something dark on her desk.

There were several dark red dots on the black stuff, and the scalp was numb with numbness, and there were a few fine things on both sides.


Lin Xia frowned slightly, but she didn't scream as scared as the other girls. When she wanted to sweep away the spider who didn't know the truth, she suddenly noticed her gaze.

Lin Xia turned her head slightly, and Ye Sangsang, who was watching her nervously, looked at her. In those big, round eyes, she wrote expectantly and gloatingly.

A little thought, you know that this spider is Ye Sangsang's hands and feet.

Lin Xia, who wanted to sweep the spider away, raised a small arc at the corner of her mouth, which dispelled the thought.

When Ye Sangsang watched Lin Xia notice the spider, she was not scared. She was a little surprised, and felt that Lin Xia was not afraid of being impossible.

Everyone is a girl and a little pot friend, how can you not be afraid of this kind of thing?

It must be pretending to be calm, or not seeing it.

After Ye Sangsang gave himself a good reason, he pretended to blink his big eyes calmly: "What's wrong, something?"

Her voice was soft and glutinous, sweet like brushed sugar, but it was about a guilty conscience, her voice was a little trembling, like a pretend calm rabbit.

Those big blinking eyes, sparkling under the sunlight through the glass window, are beautiful like gems, thick eyelashes are like a fan, and feathers are gently scraped on the heart.

What a lovely girl, like the doll that her mother gave her when she was just a governor, and a little white rabbit that was given to her when she was a little younger.

Lin Xia always had a slight smile on her dull face; "Nothing."

Her voice was cold, even if she was a child, and her milk was so cold, she was suppressed by her cold, making people feel that she is not like a child, but an adult.

At this moment, there was a smile, just like the winter snow melting, flowers blooming and fascinating.

Ye Sangsang froze for a moment, then, while she was in a daze, a dark thing passed by her eyes, and finally landed on her arm.

Ye Sangsang looked down, then saw the spider that he had bought to scare Lin Xia suddenly appeared on her arm.

It's still summer, even if there is air-conditioning in the classroom, but Ye Sangsang still wears a thin, short-sleeved skirt that just exposes his arms.

The spider, who didn't know what the material was, was cool, cold and greasy. Ye Sangsang jumped out of the chair at once, screaming while shaking the spider on his arm.

She jumped right next to Lin Xia. At this jump, she bumped into Lin Xia's arms. Her body was soft and fleshy. After the small body bumped over, Lin Xia hugged it subconsciously, only feeling very good. It's much more comfortable than the doll before.

It was a pity that for a few seconds, Lin Xia crooked her body and hit the wall next to her, her head stunned, and a big bag came out.

Ye Sangsang heard the muffled sound of his head and the wall, and came out of Lin Xia's arms in a fright, and stomped to look at Lin Xia's head, but the position was not related, "What's wrong with you, does it hurt?"

Lin Xia's face turned white, but she didn't hum, and just shook her white lips with her white lips.

Where Ye Sangsang was convinced, she quickly opened the chair and ran to the side, pulled Lin Xia's body, and looked at the position where her head hit the wall, and saw a bag with a big thumb.

Ye Sangsang ran to the teacher in anxiety and the teacher was scared when she saw it.

The students in this kindergarten are either rich or have rights, especially Lin Xia, a child, and under her eyelids, the child scratched out a bag, and the teacher had a murderous heart.

I can't hide this, I can only call my parents.

Ye Sangsang dropped her head, and stood pitifully in the corner of the hospital. She didn't expect a prank and it was really big.

Anxious teacher Kun long neck wanted to know the situation of Lin Xia being examined in the room. As for Ye Sangsang, he didn't have time to bother.

Ye Sangsang prayed that her mother would come first. If Lin Xia's parents came first, it would be a terrible one. Her small body could not resist it.

In the midst of wild thoughts, Ye Sangsang heard hurried footsteps in the corridor, and then he heard the teacher shouting.

Ye Sangsang turned around and was stunned, because the person who came was her father who was suspected to be the mother of Ye.

However, this dad is currently regarded by the teacher as Lin Xia's father.

Oh my god, there is such a coincidence in the world.

She and Lin Xia are actually half-sisters? ? ?

"what happened?"

Don't look at the teacher's anger at Ye Sangsang's actions, but in the end, people are not bad. Fearing that Lin Xia's father was furious and beat Ye Sangsang, he blocked Ye Sangsang behind him, so Ye's father couldn't see it.

Ye Sangsang listened to Ye's harsh voice and couldn't help getting hair. Although Ye Ye really loves her on weekdays, but after all, she is the daughter of Xiaosan, and it must be the daughter of the main room. Hey, she thinks she will take pills sooner or later.

"Mr. Ye, you see, this little girl isn't intentional, it's just that the little girl is playing around, too happy to lose her position ..." After explaining what happened between Ye Sangsang and Lin Xia, the teacher was careful Courting for Ye Sangsang.

But Father Ye obviously didn't plan to give the teacher face, took a big step towards the side, and looked at the person who was behind him by the teacher.

However, Ye Sangsang and Ye Fu are opposite.

Ye Sangsang looked up at his face and looked at his cheap dad pitifully: "I didn't mean it, Dad."

Then the teacher was shocked.

Ye Father was also shocked.

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read My Space-Time System