MTL - Ivory Moonlight-Chapter 139

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Although Ye Sangsang felt that Lin Jiafeng was annoying, but he could just be a labor force, so when he went out, Ye Sangsang politely threw his schoolbag to Lin Jiafeng, who asked him to just degrade her and take care of Su Li.

In fact, the schoolbag is not too heavy, but the mountain road is bumpy. After a while, after walking for a long time, I will feel that the textbooks in the schoolbag are like sinking stones.

Lin Jiafeng hated to lose the other two schoolbags on his back, but because Su Li was in front of him, not only could he not throw it away, but he could not show a tired expression, or in case Su Li felt that he couldn't, he didn't look at him.

I didn't know what Ye Sangsang thought about Lin Jiafeng's heart, because without the burden of a schoolbag, I felt a lot easier.

However, walking in the mountains at night, even though this road has been counted many times, Ye Sangsang has not yet learned the ability to remember the road, and when he accidentally stepped on a recessed pit, he almost fell to the ground.

Su Li hugged Ye Sangsang in time: "Be careful."

Ye Sangsang showed a big smile on Su Li, and by the way he gave her a heart: "Why do you love me?"

Lin Jiafeng, who was walking in front, heard the movement in the back. When he turned around, he saw the two people hugging each other intimately. Then by the way, thinking of the scene he saw in the kitchen last night, Lin Jiafeng was furious.

In fact, Ye Sangsang in the moonlight is very beautiful, her face is as white as jade, her facial features are small and exquisite, she looks like a doll, and she looks more than a pear with colorful hair like a pheasant.

But in Lin Jiafeng's eyes, Su Li represents money, so even if he likes Ye Sangsang's value again, if Ye Sangsang blocks his way of getting rich, he still has to be eliminated by Lin Jiafeng.

Unfortunately, neither of them ignored Lin Jiafeng.

Although Su Li wanted to hold Ye Sangsang's thin and thin waist all the time, she also knew that it was not the time to just loosen, then squatted down, picked up Ye Sangsang's trouser legs, and looked at her ankles carefully.

However, under the moonlight, it was really difficult to see. Su Li could only touch it tentatively: "Does it hurt?"

Ye Sangsang shook his head and accepted the low attitude of Su Li calmly.

Su Li was still not assured: "You move your feet and see if it hurts."

Ye Sangsang obediently pointed to the ground and moved her ankle. She didn't feel any pain. She shook her small head: "No pain."

"Let's hurry up if it doesn't hurt, or we will be late." Lin Jiafeng interjected anxiously, not wanting to give the two people time to continue communicating, nonsense.

Su Li ignored it, stood up, reached out and held Ye Sangsang's soft hand, and saw it closed in the palm of her hand, then said gently: "I'll pull you, I won't fall."

Su Li's hands are slightly cold, like her own, cold and arrogant, and her clear phalanges are strong. Every time Ye Sangsang is about to fall, she is pulled by Su Li in time. The distance between the two Come closer.

Lin Jiafeng, who was walking nearby, was angry, but he was a boy, and he could not ask for Su Li to give Ye Sangsang himself.

After all, the village is quite conservative.

Lin Jiafeng secretly stared at Ye Sangsang. He said very clearly last night that Ye Sangsang also kept his attitude away from Su Li, how did the time change overnight? !!

Lin Jiafeng decided to find another opportunity to speak with Ye Sangsang, however, he didn't find a chance all day, because whether it was during class or after class, whether it was lunch at noon or occasionally going to the toilet, Ye Sangsang and Su Li were close and intimate Like a conjoined baby.

Others because these two people are close friends, after all, girls and girls are used to being close and doing everything together, so everyone has no doubt.

Only Lin Jiafeng, who knew the inside story, was angry and anxious.

Seeing that the day was about to pass, Lin Jiafeng decided to take the initiative.

He went out during school hours, and when he came back, he went to Ye Sangsang and said to him, "Sang Sang, the teacher told you to go to the office."

Although Ye Sangsang didn't know why the teacher called her, she still followed Lin Jiafeng very well.

Su Li originally wanted to go, but was blocked by Ye Sangsang.

It's not a fight, it's weird to go together.

As a result, before walking to the teacher's office, Lin Jiafeng turned in a direction. Ye Sangsang looked puzzled: "Don't you say you want to go to the teacher's office?"

Lin Jiafeng was not guilty at all: "I have something to say to you."

Ye Sangsang always has a kind of original match, Lin Jiafeng is a junior, and the junior wants to challenge his feeling.

It's so exciting.

Ye Sangsang was excited: "What's the matter?"

Lin Jiafeng blocked the jealousy in his eyes and straightened his face: "Sang Sang, didn't you promise me yesterday?"

"Promise you" is not Ye Sangsang pretending not to know, mainly because she promised too much last night.

Ye Sangsang was ashamed, and she always felt that she was a scum girl.

Lin Jiafeng's face was dark, this time no longer euphemistic, very sharp: "You and Su Li are both women. How can girls and girls be together? This is counterintuitive. Besides, even if no one stops, you think you Deserve her? "

"She is the daughter of a rich man in a big city. What about you? My mother works outside the house. My father is a murderer. You are a murderer's daughter. If you do n’t say it, the family is so poor.

Ye Sangsang nodded in agreement, so she is Bai Yueguang in the heart of the heroine, not the heroine's official match, and will not experience hardships and heroines.

Seeing Ye Sangsang agree with his words, Lin Jiafeng was relieved. While scorning Ye Sangsang for being deceived, he was happy that he could quickly separate Ye Sangsang and Su Pear. The voice softened a lot instantly: "Sangsang, I know These words I say are not good, but I am all for your good, and I will not harm you. "

Ye Sangsang blinked, and the oil and salt did not enter. "But we are just good friends duck!"

I thought that Ye Sangsang would be explained by himself very soon, but he did not expect that his words were dry and dry, and he got the furious answer.

Lin Jiafeng sneered: "I've kissed, but are they just good friends?"

Ye Sangsang had some grievances. Why didn't she believe her? She was really just a good friend who was in love with her own lips.

Lin Jiafeng was impatient, too lazy to waste time with Ye Sangsang, and took out the killer directly: "I don't care what relationship you have with her, anyway, stay away from her, otherwise I will tell everyone in the school village what you have done, And mother. "

Ye Sangsang's face turned pale, even if Lin Jiafeng didn't show any evidence, just casually said that the honest villagers and school teachers would reject her, which would ruin her life.

Really scum! !!

The little girl was already white-faced, so threatened, her face was even white, and her blood was not covered. The sun shrouded her little face, and the white seemed to glow.

The slender curled eyelashes were trembling for fear, the eyes were red, the body was trembling, a pitiful gesture that was bullied but didn't know what to do, was pitiful and pitiful.

Lin Jiafeng suddenly felt dry and dry, and the first two steps wanted to eat some tofu by soothing, but in the next second, Ye Sangsang was already wrapped around his shoulders and protected by his arms.

Su Li looked at Lin Jiafeng indifferently, his voice was cold and full of carelessness: "Oh, first tell me, what do you want to say to the people in the village and the school teachers and classmates?"

Lin Jiafeng's face was white and blue: "You misunderstood me, I didn't mean that."

Su Li raised the corners of her lips, and in her eyes was Hongguo's taunt: "I don't think there is any problem with my ears."

Lin Jiafeng's face was hard to see. He knew that he should find a more hidden place, and seeing Su Li like this, he had a chance to climb.

As soon as Lin Jiafeng gritted his teeth, he broke the jar and broke: "I'm telling the truth. Even you, if you are known by the family and the whole society, I'm afraid I can't afford it."

Su Li looked dull and cold.

Very good, and finally met someone who dared to threaten her.

The first person who dared to threaten her didn't know her parents.

Ye Sangsang felt the dangerous breath of Su Li for a second, and instantly understood that Lin Jiafeng was annoying Su Li.

Although before the visit, both Lin Jiafeng and Ye Sangsang were told, how bad Su Li's temper was, etc. However, in the past few days, despite the fire, Su Pear was eventually suppressed and there was no outbreak. Too.

So Lin Jiafeng didn't know Su Li's terribleness at all.

Because Ye Sangsang has seen all kinds of heroines and felt that Lin Jiafeng was really unclean, she first released Su Li to prevent her from affecting her performance.

"Are you threatening me?" Su Lihan faced.

Lin Jiafeng originally thought that even if a little girl was reborn, there would be no big deal. It would be impossible for him to be afraid of a girl as a boy. In short, he could eat the pears by holding the handle.

But at this time, Su Li's cold face, and the anger in his dark eyes, made Lin Jiafeng feel like he was cold from head to feet in the snow and ice in winter.

Lin Jiafeng, who has only seen a bit of the market, is difficult to admit his mistake: "I'm talking about facts."

Su Li was about to be ridiculed. In fact, she did smile, but there were no smiles or a bit of temperature in those dark, gem-like eyes.

"You're fine. If it weren't for Sang Sang today, I think you should be lying in the hospital." Su Li looked very cold, took a step forward, choked Lin Jiafeng's throat, and Lin Jiafeng pressed against the wall looked The suicide intention on Su Li's face shivered.

In particular, Su Li has so much strength in his hands that Lin Jiafeng has the feeling that his neck will be choked to death at any time. Although a boy, he has not been involved in any fights since childhood, and he is scared to pee.

The feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, Lin Jiafeng's struggling hands wanted to open Su Li's hand, but Su Li's other hand held his wrist, and then pressed hard with a dull click.

Like the sound of a broken human bone.

Lin Jiafeng's body was stiff, her eyes were slightly protruding outward, as if unbelievable.

Then, the pain more painful than suffocation spread from his wrist, Lin Jiafeng, who was about to be scared, immediately urinate.

A stench came from the middle of his trouser legs.

Ye Sangsang took a step back. He really didn't expect Lin Jiafeng to be so useless.

Su Li also disgustedly loosened her hands and stepped back, leaving Lin Jiafeng to hold her arm curled to the ground in pain.

"Just break your fingers this time. If you dare to say that, I will let you know what to shut up!"

Speaking, Su Li took out a lot of 100 pieces from the bag, and it was still Lin Jiafeng indifferent: "These are compensation."

Lin Jiafeng's face was pale and weaving, and his body was still shaking. Looking at Su Li's appearance, his face was terrified, as if he saw a devil.

Su Li ignored him and turned to pull Ye Sangsang to leave here. Ye Sangsang looked at the way back to the classroom, and curiously looked at his head: "Don't you go back to the classroom?"

Su Li stopped abruptly, and her dark, jewel-like eyes stared at Ye Sangsang: "Don't you think I was scary?"

What she said just now is true. If it wasn't for Ye Sangsang's growing up, Lin Jiafeng would have been half-dead by him. This is just the beginning. She would make their family stay in this place.

Ye Sangsang shook his head, not afraid or afraid, but also cool and hee hee.

Su Li saw Ye Sangsang's clear apricot eyes, knowing that she was really unaffected, her lips slightly raised, and she continued to pull Ye Sangsang forward.

"Where are we going?" Ye Sangsang asked like a curious baby.

"Wash your hands." Su Li has taken Ye Sangsang to the faucet outside the bathroom. After opening, he leaves Ye Sangsang's hands under water for washing.

Ye Sangsang: "..."

What Su Li slammed on Lin Jiafeng's wrist was finally known to everyone. The main reason is that the Lin family only has such a baby son and has always been very fond of it. Even if he knew that Su Li came from a wealthy man in the city, he still came to the door.

Of course, the people in the show group couldn't let it go. They could only go forward to negotiate. The Lin family didn't stick to it. If they wanted to get more compensation, they would like to go forward and do it.

The people in the program group stopped, but they didn't call anyone, but they were not reconciled. The people in the program group could only give the phone to Su Li and let her call the family. After all, the incident was a bit big. There is really no way to deal with it.

Su Li's family came soon and didn't know what method was used. After Lin Jiafeng's family, there was no news.

As for this program, naturally did not continue to accept, and took Su Li directly to the city, of course, when Su Li left, did not forget to bring Ye Sangsang also.

Su Li wanted the family to adopt Ye Sangsang and her brother. There was no objection to Su and Su mothers. After all, their family was very wealthy and Su mother had a foundation, so raising two children was nothing. .

Since then, Ye Sangsang and his brother have fallen into flour bowls and lived happily ever after.

Ye Sangsang and his brother transferred directly to Su Li's student, and they thoughtfully put Ye Sangsang and Su Li in the same class.

In fact, Ye Sangsang, who is smaller than Su Li, was forced to skip the grade, but Ye Sangsang doesn't matter. Anyway, she just eats and waits to die. Although Su Li can let her parents put Ye Sangsang back to her age, she I wanted to be in the same class as Ye Sangsang, so I didn't tell my parents, I just asked my parents to hire a tutor and go home to tutor after school.

I ’m very happy about Su Liken ’s study. Su ’s father, mother, and Su Li ’s grandfather were very happy. I felt that it was right to send Su Li to Dahengshan to participate in this program. I think that most of Su Li ’s changes were due to Ye Sang. Sang Sang's sake is even better for Ye Sang Sang.

Ye Sangsang: "..."

After having breakfast in the morning, Ye Sangsang carried his schoolbag and took his brother and Su Li in their own car to school.

The school is an aristocratic school, and all the students who come to class are rich and have rights to the people. Of course, in order to improve the quality of the school, the school also collects some top students who have learned well, but the number is less.

However, the students in the school are not as polarized as in the real idol dramas. Even if these high-profile students with no background will only work in their own companies, these future may be the boss ’s heirs who also know that they can really support one. The company still needs other talents.

Most of the top students who can come to this school will not think so clearly that the children of these wealthy people are maggots. After all, maybe they will work in the hands of these people in the future, and the relationship will definitely have an advantage.

Moreover, most of the heirs are not unskilled, embroidered pillows are packed with grass. These people not only learn well, but because of money, they have seen more children since childhood, and they are many times better than those who simply study.

So everyone gets along well.

Just like Ye Sangsang sent his younger brother to the classroom where he was attending the program. Although Ye Sangsang is not as delicate and cute as Ye Sangsang, he is also a handsome little group.

In addition, brother Ye is more talented and hard-working than Ye Sangsang. Therefore, it didn't take long for me to come to school. He ranked among the best in an exam and was accepted by everyone.

After learning that Brother Ye had been adopted by the Su family and would continue to attend school here, everyone seemed very happy.

Seeing that his brother lived well in school, Ye Sangsang was relieved, so he went to the class where she wanted to go with Su Li.

Su Li's desk is in the last row of the back door of the classroom. Although she has n’t come to class for more than ten days, she has a good relationship to clean her desk and chair every day. For this reason, even if she did n’t come for so many days, The tables and chairs are still clean.

As soon as the two entered the classroom, a group of fox friends and dog friends who had a good relationship with Su Li sat and smiled and clapped their hands and welcomed them.

"Welcome welcome, our sister Su is finally back."

"I can continue to wave in the future. Without Sister Su, I am very lonely."

"Yeah, yeah, the Su family is not there, it's not fun for everyone to play."

Ye Sangsang, who was walking next to Su Li, was suddenly scattered outside the crowd by Su Li's fox friends and dog friends. The group crowded over and surrounded Su Li, and you talked warmly.

Su Li frowned and turned to look at the helpless and poor Ye Sangsang outside the crowd, waved his hand, and roared viciously: "Come on, keep me away."

These **** squeezed her cute little Sang Sang out.

What a pity!

"Wow, Sister Su, I haven't seen you for so long, but the first sentence is to let us go." Someone shouted in conviction.

Everyone didn't take any notice, and continued joking with a smile.

Su Li rolled her eyes and waved away these exaggerated friends. She spoke extremely softly to Ye Sangsang outside the crowd, as if she had changed herself: "Sangsang, come here."

The noisy person calmed down instantly, followed Su Li's sight and looked at it, and saw that Wu Fa was softly scattered behind him, his skin was white, his facial features were delicate, and his cute and beautiful Ye Sangsang.

Everyone looked at each other. The little girl was a well-behaved and quiet at first glance, and they were obviously not a world. Their elder sister knew this.

Right or wrong, the key is that the elder sister said so softly that she seemed to be coming out of the water.

Everyone didn't believe their ears.

Ye Sangsang calmly walked to Su Li and praised cheerfully: "You are so popular!"

"All former playmates." Su Li asked Ye Sangsang to sit on her clean bench, and then waved the book on the desk next to her to a place where no one was sitting on the other side, regardless of, and She had friendships with her friends who had been in bed for several years, and said, "You sit here."

The book was thrown out, that is, Su Li's eyes widened at the same table, his tone of grief and indignation: "By leaning on, sister Su, you are too embarrassed and ambiguous, don't I just look beautiful without this girl? Don't let me do the same thing. "

"Yeah, yeah, Sister Su, where are you from here?"

"Sister Su, aren't you talking about seeing life in the mountain village? The feeling is that you have kidnapped children!"

Everyone you say a word to me, inquiring about the news.

Ye Sangsang greeted this group of people very generously, and was not afraid of other students seeing their fancy dresses and flamboyant colorful non-mainstream hair, and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Su Li going to the mountain to experience The family that lives, I live in Su Li's house now, and will also take classes in this class. "

This group of people did not expect that Ye Sangsang, who seemed quiet and well-behaved, not only did not fear or disapprove them, and immediately happily responded.

Seeing that Ye Sangsang got along so well with everyone, Su Li pursed her lips, put the schoolbag on the desk, and impatiently driven others away.

"Okay, okay, the air blocked here is not fresh."

The author has something to say: the third and second more are combined, so don't wait for the third more.

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