MTL - Ivory Moonlight-Chapter 119

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Jiang Mingxi hugged her violently, and the cold clothes made Ye Sangsang, who was already shivering, chill, as if a large block of cold ice wrapped her.

Ye Sangsang exhausted his milk to push people away, and said impatiently, "Are you sick?"

Jiang Mingxi opened her mouth slowly. There was a drop of crystal water on the curled eyelashes. I don't know if it was tears or rain.

"Do you like Chu Yanzhi?" His voice was hoarse, like a torn piece of paper, and Ye Sangsang was distressed for a while.

Ye Sangsang looked surprised: "Did you see?"

Although I didn't answer directly, the meaning of this statement was clearly affirmative.

Jiang Mingxi looked down slightly, her curled and long eyelashes covered her beautiful eyes with light brown glazing. Most of her face was obscured by the obstruction of the night, showing only a beautiful white curved jaw and thin lips. Alas, the cold and distant temperament in weekdays was replaced by gloom.

Ye Sangsang looked up at the eyes that were dark and dark like the abyss in the night, and gave a rude shiver.

very scary.

Ye Sangsang stepped back involuntarily.

I always feel that I will be choked to death by Jiang Mingxi the next second.

Ye Sangsang swallowed nervously, struggling to hold himself, don't panic, the current heroine is not the rich man who will **** the whole country in the future.

She is still an ordinary ordinary little poor.

Thinking about it that way, Ye Sangsang calmed a lot. She clenched the umbrella handle and looked at Jiang Mingxi casually with a smile: "You found it."

Jiang Mingxi's face became paler and paler. She whispered, her voice hoarse: "Why, so many years ..."

Ye Sangsang quickly interrupted her, and her eyebrows were filled with impatience and disgust: "Don't mention that, if you hadn't forced me to associate with you, you thought I would be with you?"

"I just want to use you to help me get into college. I thought I could get rid of you after going to college, but I didn't expect that you would come with me to A University."

"Actually, it ’s nothing to be with you. Anyway, as a woman, you can only kiss me and kiss me. You can't do anything else, and you can help me a lot, but it ’s a pity that there are so many talents in this university, especially Yan In short, he is handsome and golden, as long as he is not a fool, he knows how to choose. "

Looking at Jiang Mingxi's pale face, Ye Sangsang could hardly say anything more disturbing in the back, so he closed his mouth and stopped there.

Jiang Mingxi stared tightly at Ye Sangsang, with a knife in his dark eyes: "So you have been using me?"

"Um." Ye Sangsang avoided Jiang Mingxi's sharp eyes and shook his hand holding the handle of the umbrella.

Alas, why the female swollen suddenly became so terrible, before it was so spicy, gentle, so scared! !!

"He gave it to me, and I can give it to you in the future." Jiang Mingxi still looked at Ye Sangsang with a hint of hope.

Ye Sangsang is almost going to be embarrassed. She has shaped herself into a sinister and cunning woman who admires vanity. Why should the female lead persist?

Thinking of the destiny gears of the first few worlds, Ye Sangsang collapsed a little.

"It's up to you?" Ye Sangsang tried to control his trembling legs because of fear, sneered, raised his jaw, and said arrogantly, "In school, it's really learning to speak, but it's out of society. It ’s family background, connections, and so on. What about you, you want money but no money, you need background but no background, and you want to be someone like Yanzhi, dream. "

Jiang Mingxi's eyes were red and staring at Ye Sangsang's slightly pale pink lips. She remembered how soft the soft lips were, but now, the lips that make her linger, but said With such humiliating and ruthless words.

As if she was mud in the ground, she was stepped on hardly without saying a word, but she also pressed it hard to mix her with the mud.

The anger in Jiang Mingxi's chest was rumbling, his ears were rumbling, and I just felt that every word that was cold and ruthless was cut on her like a knife.

Ye Sangsang couldn't continue, and felt that it was enough, and turned away with an umbrella.

Jiang Mingxi was left with a ruthless back.

After walking to the place where Jiang Mingxi couldn't see, Ye Sangsang quickly stopped, and then the cat leaned on the waist, quietly turned around from the other side, and came back just now, hiding quietly under a big tree With Jiang Mingxi.

In the ice and rain, Jiang Mingxi, who was like a falling chicken standing in the heavens and the earth, looked extremely small and lonely and sad, but even then, she didn't leave.

Ye Sangsang watched for a while, sorrowful, longevity, such a good hostess, she was so tortured.

Especially after a while watching the heroine in a car accident, thinking of this, Ye Sangsang was anxious to pull the heroine away in advance.

But she knew she couldn't do it.

This car accident was the biggest turning point in the fate of the heroine.

After the accident, she will be taken to the hospital, and then admitted to the ancestors. Since then, she has reached the pinnacle of her life, and by the way, holding hands with her official staff and walking on the road of happiness.

Hey, it ’s a female lead again. Why did n’t she dress directly as a female lead at the beginning, how good it is to get rid of these crossing or reborn female partners to help the female lead to reach the pinnacle of life, so that she can still be with her beautiful female The master slaps.

Ye Sangsang, who was thinking wildly, had no idea that he had been exposed.

She is wearing a white dress because of her date today, and in order to ensure that she is not wet, she has a large umbrella, which can accommodate three people.

So she hid behind this thin trunk and couldn't hide her, but Ye Sangsang felt that at night, no one would notice her behind the roadside, and the heroine would be hurt again. How could she notice her.

However, he did not expect that Jiang Mingxi would notice the skirt and the umbrella that appeared behind the tree. Jiang Mingxi's eyes lit up, and he was about to go in the direction of Ye Sangsang's hiding tree.

"Bang-", a severe impact directly threw Jiang Mingxi a few meters away. The five internal organs seemed to be moved. Jiang Mingxi was lying in the cold rainwater with a breath, and the red blood was running down her body toward Flowing around, staining the rain around.

Jiang Mingxi's eyes were heavy, she knew that if she closed her eyes, she might never be able to open them again.

She was unwilling to close her eyes so unwilling to give up her Sansang to others, not to be reconciled, her Sansang lingered with others.

Jiang Mingxi tried to widen his eyes and stretched out his right hand toward Ye Sangsang behind the tree.

Ye Sangsang looked at the taxi driver who escaped, and his expression was aggressive.

Why did you run away?

Didn't you say that the driver was rushing to the hospital? Is it not the driver?

The system urged in her sea of ​​consciousness: "Quickly save people."

Ye Sangsang, who was hiding behind the tree, had been anxious for a long time. When he heard the system talking, he did not hesitate to run out.

Blood bleeds all over the ground. Even if washed by rain, you can still see large swaths of red and smell acrid **** smell, as if you want to bleed all the blood out of your body.

After all, Ye Sangsang embraced Jiang Mingxi, who closed his eyes and had no consciousness, and took a well-intentioned passing private car to send people to the hospital in time.

The fish belly on the horizon has long faded, the first rays of the rising sun pierce the dark and heavy night, and cast the first rays of light on the earth.

Ye Sangsang was sitting in a drowsy chair on the cold corridor. When he saw the doctor coming out of the operating room, he stood up from the chair like a rocket and rushed over.

"How about, what about the operation?" Although she knew that the heroine would be aura and would not easily get into trouble, Ye Sangsang was still worried.

When the doctor said that his hand was a success, Ye Sangsang was relieved, and then his body fell to the ground softly.


Waking up from the darkness, Jiang Mingxi stared blankly at the ceiling, the smell of disinfection water floating in the air, and her drowsy head made her unable to judge the situation now.

The room door was suddenly opened, and Jiang Mingxi tilted his head subconsciously. This movement immediately affected the injury and made her face pale.

The nurse came in and stopped quickly: "Girl, you are awake, but you must not move. You have just finished the operation and have not recovered."

Jiang Mingxi's consciousness gradually became clear. She remembered the last moment of falling into the black line, and saw Ye Sangsang hiding behind the big tree, and ran towards her with a look of panic.

Jiang Mingxi said with a pale face and a weak voice: "What about the girl sent here?"

The nurse helped her change the bit, and by the way, she rang the bell on the bedside and called the attending doctor to come in. After a series of things last night, she replied: "Coma, in another ward."

As soon as Jiang Mingxi heard it, he was about to get up from the bed with both hands. The wound on her body was sore that Jiang Mingxi was shaking because of her movements, and her forehead was covered with a fine layer of sweat. It hurts.

The nurse was startled. She quickly held the person down and reprimanded her, "What you are doing says that you have just finished the operation, you can't move around!"

"I'm going to see the girl who sent me over." Jiang Mingxi insisted.

"Wait for the doctor to come and check you. If you're okay, I'll take you there." The nurse gasped, and hasn't seen this kind of patient. But I was also afraid that she would prevent this. For a while, the patient secretly passed by by herself.

Jiang Mingxi nodded, and after the physical examination said that the doctor was okay, he was put on a wheelchair and pushed to Ye Sangsang's ward.

On the white single bed, the petite girl curled up into a shrimp-like shape, and the white quilt covered her body, and the whole portrait rolled into a ball.

The girl's face turned slightly red, and the nurse said it was a fever.

A needle was stuck on the back of the pale and thin hands, and the needle was covered with transparent medical tape, and the cold medicine was slowly kept in the thin hose.

The **** the bed seemed to be a thin piece of paper, her breath was almost undetectable, and her long, curled eyelashes fluttered because of discomfort, making her look very thin and pitiful.

Jiang Mingxi remembered that the girl in front of him ran up with anxiety and anxiety, her lips slowly rising upwards.

Jiang Mingxi stroked his white arm outside the quilt, and the temperature on his body was very high, like a stove.

I don't know if it was because of the temperature in her cold right hand, while sleeping, Ye Sangsang involuntarily pinched his arms on the palm of Jiang Mingxi's palm, and his tight brows also stretched out.

The nurse on the side thought she was getting blind. What did she see?

She even saw the affection on the face of a young girl.


During the period when Jiang Mingxi was recovering, there were a lot of people who came to see her in the hospital, including Ye Sangsang and Jiang Mingxi's two other roommates.

However, Ye Sangsang, who made Jiang Mingxi look forward to, did not show up from beginning to end.

The nurse who took care of her was very considerate to her. Every meal was very delicate and nutritious. It seemed to be made by her own, instead of being bought randomly in the hospital cafeteria, and she brought her boiled chicken soup from time to time. .

But this flower-like meal can't save Jiang Mingxi's irritable heart at all. She regrets it. She didn't wait for Ye Sangsang to wake up that day and returned to her ward with the insistence of the nurse. Ye Sangsang.

The injuries on his body were almost the same. After Jiang Mingxi put down his book in annoyance, he got out of bed and put on clothes to leave the ward, intending to ventilate outside.

As soon as I reached the end of the corridor, I heard two familiar voices.

"Is this lunch?" This was the voice of the nurse who took care of her.

"Um." Although the voice was low, Jiang Mingxi knew Ye Sangsang at the first hearing.

"Miss Ye, why don't you give it to the patient yourself, I feel that she has been waiting for you to appear." The nurse's voice was full of curiosity.

Jiang Mingxi, who wanted to go out, stopped and stood quietly behind the corner wall waiting for Ye Sangsang's answer.

He nodded slightly, and saw Ye Sangsang facing her. Unfortunately, he was blocked by the nurse who was behind her, covering most of his body. He couldn't see Ye Sangsang's expression at this time. Ye Sangsang dangled his head slightly, exposing the soft and dark hair behind his head.

Cute and well behaved like a little **** cat.

"I don't have time." She saw Ye Sangsang push the insulated lunch box in her hand into the nurse's hand, and turned to run away.

Jiang Mingxi couldn't hide anymore, and appeared in front of Ye Sangsang two steps forward, reaching out to catch someone.

The nurse exclaimed quietly: "Miss Jiang."

Jiang Mingxi ignored her, but Ye Sangsang who turned around and left to take a look at her again, and quickly ran away.

Jiang Mingxi did not catch up with someone because he met an old man halfway through the road. Jiang Mingxi subconsciously supported the old man. He wanted to continue to chase people, but the old man was weak and could not stand.

After all, it was a relationship that hit people. Jiang Mingxi dared to put people down and run away, so after the nurse ran over to take over the old man, Ye Sangsang's figure had disappeared.

After running back out of the hospital, Ye Sangsang looked back at Jiang Mingxi, who had not caught up, and was relieved.

"Fortunately, I didn't catch up." Ye Sangsang Qingxing said to himself.

System: "I encountered a little tail that turned her fate."

Ye Sangsang instantly understood that it was the heroine ’s grandfather that turned the heroine ’s fate. The heroine grandfather found that the heroine was exactly the same as her daughter-in-law, and after doing DnA, he found that his daughter-in-law was indeed his daughter. Inform the family that the ancestor of the ancestor will be ancestor.

Ye Sangsang was not only happy for Jiang Mingxi's Kangzhuang Avenue, but he was lost and he would never see the hostess again.

Hey, her drama is about to end.

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