MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 152 House arrest

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Ning Ning was placed under house arrest.

"No, no, how can we put you under house arrest?" The village chief refused to admit it, smiling. "We are afraid you will lose again, so you have to look at you for your mother before she comes back to pick you up."

"Where has my mother gone?" Ningning asked.

"She received a call temporarily, it seemed like a big movie was about to start shooting, and the director appointed her to play, so she rushed through the night." The village chief looked back, "I don't know the specifics, you ask him ... Come in!"

A familiar figure walked in from the outside.

Li Boyue is her mother ’s former agent and her current agent.

"It's" China's Hundred Years of China "by Chen Dao." Li Boyue walked over and said, "Investing hundreds of millions, and it's an Olympic movie. Many big stars are reducing their prices and asking for roles. It's impossible for your mother to go to the next level. Missed this opportunity. "

lie. Ning Ning looked at him.

This year there is a "Hundred Years of China", but the heroine is not her mother, because her mother will suffer from her illness this summer, and she has been sick since then, and has never participated in any filming.

Speaking of it ... the time when my mother was sick seemed to be after the ancestor worship returned.

"She arranged for me to stay with you." Li Boyue opened the briefcase and took something out of it and handed it to her. "Here."

Ning Ning looked at it, speechless, a game console.

"I still have work in my hand and can't be with you every moment, so I prepared these for you." Li Boyue holding a briefcase and constantly pulling things out, boxes of game cassettes spread on Ningning's bed, "should be enough Have you played a summer vacation? "

More than one summer vacation will be enough for her to play next summer.

It's strange ... Why Li Boyue, who is so dedicated, why did she miss the opportunity to accompany her mother to compete for the heroine of "Hundred Years of China" and stay in the countryside to watch her play games?

"Why are you staying here?" Ning Ning turned on the handheld. "Mom is doing everything you do at work, isn't she going to leave you? You can just call anyone to play games with me." "

"Maybe your mother values ​​you more than work." Li Boyue laughed, and then raised Yang's mobile phone. "Again, you can call if you have any questions."

Ningning blinked: "Let me call it, my phone has dropped."

Since she woke up, she never saw her cell phone again, and asked others, others said that she hadn't seen it, and the village chief asked if she had fallen into the well.

"Okay." Li Boyue passed the cell phone, "Hit."

Ningning took the cell phone, dialed a number, and the next time, the cell phone rang ... She and Li Boyue looked at the village chief.

A hip-hop style that is totally inconsistent with the village's style, a pop song called "The Orc" came out of the village chief's pocket. Facing the questioning eyes of Ning Ning, he smiled and put his hand in his pocket: " Someone came to me and I went out to answer the phone. "

Ning Ning hung up the phone with no expression, and the ringtone in the village's pocket immediately stopped, but he went out unmoved, and when his back disappeared at the door, Ning Ning immediately lowered his voice and said to Li Boyue: This person, no, this village has problems. "

Li Boyue's eyes flashed: "What's the problem?"

"I don't know," Ningning said. "But my mother really went back to film? Did you see it with your own eyes? Forget it, I'll call and ask."

She called Ning Yuren.

"Hey." Ning Yuren quickly answered the phone.

"Mom." Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief. "Where are you now?"

"I'm at the director's house, and I'm about to audition soon." Ning Yuren laughed.

"Who else is there?" Ningning asked.

"There are many, Liu Xiao, Zhao Lingzhi, Liu Tiantian ..." Ning Yuren said the names of several famous actors and actresses.

Strange, what's wrong?

The village chief said that something had happened to her mother. Does this really mean she is going back to film?

"So coincidentally, since Teacher Liu is also here, help me ask her about the last time." Ningning said suddenly.

Ning Yuren was silent for a while. She just mentioned two people with the last name Liu. Which one is Ning Ning said?

"... Okay, I'll ask him back." Ning Yuren answered.

"Don't you forget something?" Ningning wondered.

"Well ... things have been a little bit lately, you remind me."

"Oh, apprentice!"

"Oh! I remember!" Ning Yuren suddenly realized, and laughed, "Guid Chen called me. I asked Teacher Liu back, and I'll call you back."

She hung up Ning Ning's phone for this reason.

Ning Ning looked at the mobile phone in his hand and said, "You are not my mother."

What happened last time? Nothing at all. Ning Ning has never mentioned the worship of the teacher to the Ning Yuren. He has to worship and will not worship anyone other than the Ning Yuren. As for the Ning Yuren himself, if he must choose a master for his daughter, he will not choose either. The popular actress Liu, who will be named Liu, will choose from those unknown opera bones.

Who is she then?

Speaking of which, when she went to the village chief's house for a meeting that night, she seemed to see a celebrity among the people who returned home in a pile of clothes. On the Spring Festival Gala this year, she performed a wonderful skill-oral skills.

"Okay." Li Boyue reached out and grabbed the cell phone, said to Ningning, "This is the case, your mother is busy recently, you should not bother her casually, bother me or play games."

Ning Ning nodded cleverly and lowered his head to play the game.

The village chief and Li Boyue are not credible, she is still waiting to meet Wen Yu.

Three days later.

Strange ... what about smelling rain?

Ning Ning lowered his head and played the game. The characters inside were rushing around and quickly surrounded by the monsters in the game-gameover, the big red characters floating on the screen.

She was furious and left the handheld device aside, and a few children gathered around with a smile: "The landlord, you're dead again." "Play another round of cricket." "Will you be online with me, I Come to take you. "

"Forget it." Ning Ning had no intention of playing the game, her grandmother was gone, her mother was gone, and now she didn't even see the rain, and asked the people in the village where he had gone. The people in the village said they didn't know. Not only do adults not know, children also ask three questions, Ningning groans for a moment, and changes the question, "I am tired of playing this every day. What do you usually play?"

The child said with a smile: "Do you want to play with us?"

"First talk about what you are playing recently." Ningning said.

Even if it is a small child, a child who can wear a mask will never be an ordinary child, or has a status in the village, or is particularly clever, so he was arranged to play with her and watch her by the way.

"Spinning top," a child laughed.

"Gyro?" Ningning said, "Come, draw it together."

"Can't get it, it's too big."

"How big can a gyro be? It's bigger than anyone?"

The little child laughed, and the other children followed, and one of them said with a smile: "It's a person."

He closed his mouth immediately after speaking, but Ning Ning had cast his gaze over and asked, "The spinning top you smoke ... is it a person?"

The child who said the leaky bowed his head, the other children turned to look at him.

"Take me there." Ningning said, after a while, seeing all the children still in place, he got up and walked outside, halfway, the footsteps behind him were chaotic, looking back, those The masked ghost has followed her all together.

Just followed, no one showed her the way.

It was almost lunch time, and every family smoked smoke. Ningning came along all the way, and the villagers met along the way greeted her warmly. The child laughed behind her and laughed. The sun was warm in the afternoon and the dog was snoring at the door of the house. The dog sneezed, opened his black eyes, and ran after the dandelion.

Ning Ning came to A Tie's house, which taught Wen Yu to dance 傩.

A Tie's family also raised dogs, and when they saw strangers, they barked wildly.

"What's it called, what's it called." A Tie rushed out of the house, kicked his own dog, and the dog whimpered away. He took a bottle of wine and filled it with a sip, Spraying the gas, "What are you doing?"

"I want to ask you about Li Xuan." Ningning said.

"He?" Ah Tie didn't seem to want to mention the name, waved his hand, and said impatiently, "I can't take it anymore, I'm gone."

"He was injured when he fell in the well. How could he leave?" Ningning asked.

"How do I know this?" A railway said, "Maybe I think the medical level in a small village like ours is too poor, so I went to the big city to find a doctor."

The words of these people are all seamless, and there are no flaws in it.

"But he's gone. What about the ancestor worship ceremony?" Ningning asked, "Who will play the role of a ghost killer? Or you?"

Rather than smelling rain, Tie seems to not want to discuss this topic. He drank another drink and snorted, "Not me."

At that moment, Ning Ning thought that wine was really a good thing, and wine was a good partner of his own. He kept asking him: "Who is that?"

A Tie opened his mouth and was about to talk, but his eyes looked behind Ningning.

Ningning quickly looked back.


All the children behind him raised a finger, silently not on the lips.

She turned her head again, and A Tie had awoke from the drink, and left the sentence coolly: "On that day, you won't know."

After finishing speaking, he left Ning Ning and others, holding the bottle of wine in his hand, shaking it back to the house, with a slam, the door closed.

Ning Ning turned and was about to leave, but stopped when passing by the kennel, saying that it was a kennel, which was actually an old TV case. The screen was gone, and a piece of torn paper was draped in it. A piece of rag with a little blood on it. Why is the color of this rag a bit like ... smelling the clothes on Yu Yu?

"Lord, dirty." The children gathered around, "throw it away."

"Oh." Ningning said with a whistle, shoved his cloth into his pocket, and walked across the street, stopping a stylishly dressed couple. "Can you borrow a cell phone? I'll make a call."

The couple looked at each other, the woman hesitated a moment, but the man said, "I'm sorry, we didn't bring our mobile phone ... There is something, we'll go first."

After they left, Ningning stopped several people, but the result was the same every time. Why? The last time, Ning Ning turned back abruptly, as expected, the group of children stood with a finger upright and stood behind her silently, booing.

Ning Ning slowly turned around and walked forward.

"Can't go any further," said the child behind him.

Ning Ning ignored him and went on.

"Leave it out of the village again."

This is exactly what Ning Ning wanted. Since she couldn't make the call, she went out.

"Lou mainly ran!"

With the shouts of a few children, the old man sitting on the rocking chair jumped up, the woman washing vegetables in front of the house put down the vegetables in her hand, and many more ran over from a distance, and would have laughed on the road The person who greeted her now holds a twine in her hand and greets her with a smile: "Lord, where are you going?"

"... I'm not going anywhere." Ningning said.

Over this group of people, she buried her head and walked back.

The villagers encountered along the way greeted her with a smile, and the child laughed and made noises behind her. In the afternoon, the sun drew on the house dog. The house dog sneezed and chased the dandelion.

Everything is so peaceful and peaceful, on the surface it is peaceful and peaceful.


When passing by A Tie's house again, Ning Ning stepped and looked at his dog kennel.

The old dog kicked by him came back again, squatted in the kennel again, took a bite of white teeth on her, got some bloodshot on it, and didn't know what he had just caught outside to eat.

It's night, the village chief's house.

"I heard that you want to come out of the village today?" The village chief asked.

Ning Ning turned his head and looked at him strangely.

What is she looking at? The head of the village looked back behind him. No one was there. In the morning, the children returned home at this time. Only the candle was shaking behind him, and the shadow on the wall followed. At first glance, it looked like There were more people in the room.

"... Yeah." Ning Ning's voice sounded at this moment. "I'm going to school soon. Why doesn't my mother come to pick me up, she won't come again, I will go back by myself."

"It's coming, it's coming." The head of the village turned back and smiled and said to her, "Tomorrow is the ancestor worship ceremony. After tomorrow, you can go back."

"So tonight, you must learn the dance of the landlord." Brother Tsing Yi stood behind the village chief and said with a smile, "I'll teach you the correct jump."

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